Golden Boy

By Serenity4Lifee

45K 1.1K 299

Lance is a popular football player. Practically the schools golden boy. His friends Hunk and Pidge add to it... More

Chapter 1!
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Authors Note (IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

The End (but with lots of parts)

2.4K 39 51
By Serenity4Lifee

(It's been awhile and I've just come to apologize and say that I've lost inspiration for this story and that I appreciate everyone who followed it.

For those of you who are interested I will post everything I have left for this and it goes pretty far into the future. I'm sorry again!)

 After the bell rings I gather my stuff but before I go Hunk coughs beside me. I look over at him and he points with his eyes towards the doorway. When I look up I spot Nyma. I groan as she smiles and waves.

"Good luck."

Hunk whispers before leaving. I grab my last thing and slowly make my way towards her. She steps up beside me as I walk to my next class. One she unfortunately has with me.

"So, I heard you weren't going to prom."


I warn.

"I was just curious. I'm open to staying home."

"No. I like someone else."

At that she freezes. I immediately realize my mistake and my eyes snap to her.


She almost growls.

"It's not important."

"Is it that Shelby bitch? I know she likes you."

"Drop it Nyma."

I walk ahead of her but she yanks me back.

"Who. Is. It?"

I pull away and frown.

"You don't need to know."

I reply before walking away.

"Hey Keith."

"Hi Allura."

"You helping out here for your free period?"


I sit down beside her and she speaks up.

"How's your day been?"


She sighs before reaching behind her and grabbing something. She holds it out to me and I give her a blank look.


"Fruit snacks. Just take them."

I do and she turns to the computer.

"The library is extremely boring when no one is here."

"Pretty much."

"Is that why you come here? To brood by yourself."

"I don't brood."

"You do. I've known you for quite awhile so you can't deny it."

I roll my eyes and she grins.

"Or... maybe it's because your mind's stuck on something. Correction. Someone."

I shoot her a glare and her grin only grows.

"Aw. I've never seen you so stuck over someone."

"That's because I haven't been stuck on someone."

"Until now."

She finishes. I lay my head on the table and groan.

"Just kill me now."

"It's okay to like someone. The first step is accepting the feelings."

"Then what? Cause I kinda want to jump off a building and just end everything now."

"Step two is deciding what you're gonna do."

"I don't want to think about that."

"You can't just push your feelings aside."

"There's no chance in hell they'll be returned. You were there after the game. You've seen how good he is. He's got grades, football, popularity, everything."

"I was also there when you were in the nurse's office. Don't put yourself down. You've got good grades, art, a plan, and you're quite attractive."

A sarcastic laugh escapes at her words.

"Yeah, okay."

"I'm not joking."

She kicks my leg and I look over at her to see she's frowning.

"I have no doubt that that boy feels something for you. You two dance around each other and I've barely seen you two together to know that something's going on."

I look at her with wide eyes as she rants.

"I'm sick and tired of everything! You two are perfect for each other and you shouldn't think anything less!"


"No! Next time I hear you say a damn thing about not being good enough I will smack some sense into you! That boy would be lucky to have you!"

After she finishes yelling she lets out an angry huff.


"I know. We're in the library so we have to be quiet."

"Actually, I was going to say thank you."

She looks over at me in surprise.

"Thank you?"

"Shiro would never yell at me like that. I need someone who will push me like you do. Also, you can stomp all over Shiro so... that's nice too."

She grins and ruffles my hair.

"Aw. I was just accepted into the family. Thank you Keith."

I roll my eyes and push her away.

"Still not going to say anything to him yet."

She nods.

"That's understandable. Took me and Shiro awhile."

"No, it took you two an eternity."

"And... this conversation is over."

As soon as the bell rings I'm out of my seat and stalking towards the science room. I get there in record time and slam my stuff down causing Pidge to jump.

"Geez. Who pissed you off?"

"I'm a good person. I don't know why me of all people has to deal with Nyma. I've done nothing wrong."

Now for all the parts and pieces from later on in the story. It's the least I can offer and it does have what's basically the ending. They're not in order of events either so I'm sorry if it's confusing.

Not Over

I look up at the bleachers and freeze. He said he's forced to come with Shiro. But I'm still not prepared. Thank god the game is over. I see them both stand up and Shiro dashes down to where I am. Keith following slowly behind. Shiro stops in front of me with Keith behind him. I'm assuming he doesn't know yet.

"That was a great game! You played really well!"


He lifts his head to where Allura is talking to Alfor and he waves before heading that way. Now I'm left with Keith. We stand there awkwardly before he speaks up.

"So, how are you?"

Horrible. I can already feel the tears coming. Why did this have to happen to me? To us?

"I'm fine."

He nods and looks away,
"Well, I should go."


He turns and walks towards where Shiro and Allura are. I watch after before turning and walking towards the locker room. Before I enter the locker room Hunk calls out.


I turn and he jogs the rest of the way towards me.

"I saw you guys. You holding up?"

I shake my head.

"I hate this. I don't understand."

"Nobody does."

"I don't know what to do."

"Honestly, me neither. We were all surprised when you two broke up. Everyone thought you were a solid couple."

"I did too."

"What happened? I've only heard stories."

"It was at school after practice. He came up and wanted to talk. We started walking towards the parking lot and he stopped me. Then he started rambling about us and how he didn't want to ruin my life more than he already had. When I tried to comfort him he blurted out that we should break up."

"What'd you say?"

"I didn't get the chance to. He left. The next day it was like we weren't even friends."

"Ouch. It sounds like someone said something to him."

"That or he realized there's really nothing special about me."


Hunk warned.

"I'm just saying."

"Stop. I'm not letting you think that."

"I can't. All I ever think about is how I'm not good enough. You guys are great friends and my family is great but, the one person I actually saw a future with left."

"Maybe you just need to explain that to him."

"I know Keith. That would just freak him out."

"Maybe it's worth it. We're all almost graduated. This is our last year of high school before college. Maybe you should tell him."

"I'm not trying to scare him further away."

"I know! But you need to try. I'm not letting you break down because of this. You're grades are already going down and if you keep it up so will football."

"At least I still have money and looks. Maybe I'll have to take Nyma up on her offer."

Hunk shook his head.

"I'm disappointed. I thought you were better than this."

"I'm nothing. I don't know why I try."


"You know what? I think this conversation is over. I've made my point and you've made yours."

I turned and stormed into the locker room. Fuck. He's right. My life is slowly breaking down because I'm giving up. I still don't understand why though. I shower and change before packing up my stuff and leaving. They're probably gone. I made it very clear I wanted to be alone. I walk to the nearest coffee shop and go up to the counter. A woman smiles at me.

"Hi, what can I getcha?"

"Can I have an Iced Coconut Milk Mocha Macchiato?"


She gets to work on it and I throw my bag into one of the booths. When she's done she puts it on the counter.

"There you go."

I nod and take it to my booth. It's a small one meant for two people. I sip my drink and scroll through my phone. I look through Instagram. There's pictures of people at the game with #Lions! Or #BigWins! In their descriptions. Some are pictures of people with their girlfriends or boyfriends. At those I feel my heart sting. I hate people. I shut my phone off and slam it face down on the table. I hate it. There's a shuffle off to the side and I look over to see a girl enter the shop. She glances at me and I immediately recognize her.


My sister walks over to me and scoots into the booth across from me.

"Lance, we need to talk."

"Why are you here?"

"I'm worried about you."

I look off to the side ignoring her gaze.

"You're not the first or the last."

She snatches my drink from me and takes a sip.


I glare at her but she ignores me.

"I think I know what happend."

I perk up at that.


"Nyma Collins."

I raise an eyebrow at her.


"Yeah. She's jealous of Keith right?"

"I think so..."

"I did some research. Turns out her parents are both big business people and, they got divorced."


"Nyma lives alone with her mom who provides for her. She hasn't seen her father in a while and it's because he left. Apparently he started pulling away and her parents started fighting. There was a case filed about some sort of domestic abuse. I think he would hit her mother and sometimes her."

"Veronica you can't be looking into other people's lives!"

"But, I looked at some of her life and school work files. When she was younger she wrote she wanted a big happy family."

"Okay. Doesn't anyone?"

"Lance. We are a big happy family. You're the star football player. A straight A student. Everybody loves you and you're a great person. You're attractive and everything any girl could want. Then you have the one thing Nyma's always wanted. A big family who's happy. You have all us siblings, happy parents who love each other, aunts, uncles, cousins. Everything. Plus you're family welcomes everyone. They love people and we never fight."

She makes a point.

"So, out of all these things, you have everything. She was always bothering you because you had what she wanted. She wanted to be a part of it. Then you went off and got with Keith. She was probably upset that out of the times she's tried one boy who you barely knew could take it all. He was welcomed into that family instead of her. She was jealous. So, she took it and used it. She talked to him and convinced him to break up with you so she could have it all instead."

"Oh my god. She did this didn't she."

Veronica nods.

"It makes a lot of sense."

"How do I fix this?"

"You talk to her."

"Talk to her. What? You want me to go up and be like, Hey. It's Lance. So I heard that you tried to ruin my life to get with me. How about you fuck off."

Veronica rolls her eyes and hands my drink back.

"No. I mean go up to her and confront her. Tell her that whatever she does you'll never be with her. And maybe you should tell her to fuck off."

"I literally tell her I'm never going to be with her all the time."

"Make sure you mean it."

"What, you want me to bring up Cora?"

"Lance, you don't need to tell her about Cora. Just make sure she knows you don't love her."

"So how do I get Keith back?"

"Open up. Tell him what's going on. Cry if you have to. Let him know that you don't want to or even can't live without him. He needs to know what it's done to you. A guy like him can't just toss away feelings."

"How do you know all this?"

She shrugs.

"I hang out with Pidge a lot."

"Maybe you shouldn't."

"Shut up. Now, you're gonna go buy me a tall Strawberry Acai and go get your boy back."

"Or I'm gonna give you the money and go now."


She extends her hand and I give her the money.

"Thanks sis!"

Nyma's Story

I just want to be happy. I mean really happy. I don't want to be the girl who hides everything she feels because she thinks people won't love her back. I don't want to hide because it hurts. I wouldn't really say I love Lance. I love his life. He's happy. His family is happy. I long for that more than anything. When I was around the age of four my parents started fighting. At first I didn't understand and would hide in my room and cry. As time went by my dad started ignoring me. He wouldn't talk to me and acted as if I wasn't there. Mainly because he didn't want me there. When him and my mom would talk it would usually end in fights. He'd storm out of the house on many occasions. Soon he started acting violent towards my mother and sometimes me. After awhile I came to understand that he didn't love me. I wasn't his baby girl anymore. Not that I ever was.

I enter through the back door. His car is home for a change and I'm expecting it now. I open the door and my ears are filled with the sounds of their yelling. The tears come to my eyes as I sneak past the kitchen and run up the stairs. I enter my room and shut the door quietly. I don't know why I'm sneaking. They won't stop for me. It's like they don't even know I exist. It's all fighting. Yelling. Hitting. She hides it. Acts like it doesn't hurt her. Dinner isn't even normal. No more family dinners. He doesn't want me. I'm not his baby girl anymore. I throw my stuff to the ground and collapse onto my bed. Silent crying. I'm used to it. I wish I could just have a happy family. I wish everything was normal. I wish... I wish my father loved me. But sometimes, you don't get what you want. No amount of clothes or makeup can cover up what I feel. That's just for everyone else. After I get myself cleaned up I hear a chime come from my phone. I go over and glance at it. Hm? A get together at someones house? It's one of the boys. I search for the address. The house is huge. I see the list of people coming. Some of my friends will be there. Not that they're my real friend though. I type a quick, 'I'll be there' and look for something to wear. I grab a skimpy dress and a pair of high heels. I put on new bracelets and earrings before fixing my makeup. I look at myself in the mirror. I hate myself. I hate how I look. I hate how I dress. I pull out my ponytail and shake my hair. It flies around my face before settling. Screw it. I just want a day where I won't be judged. I want to let people in but I know there's no one I can really do that to. Maybe that's why I broke up Lance and Keith. I'm just an angry broken girl. I turn and go out my rooms door. I ignore my parents fight which has moved to another part of the house and grab the key to my car. I go out the front door with my purse and get in my car. I turn it on and pull out of the driveway. Screw the world. I drive as fast as I want to the address. There's already cars in the driveway and I pull up and get out. I go to the front door and ignore knocking. I fling the door open and walk in. Girls and boys alike look towards me. Guys whisper to each other as I walk past. I find the kitchen and grab a cup. I need alcohol. I fill my cup to the rim when someone over to my side whistles.

"Woah there. That's a little much don't you think?"

I turn and come face to face with an attractive guy. He has shaggy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He's well built but he's dressed in dark clothes and ripped jeans. He's holding a skateboard and it's obvious that he likes to skate. I glare at him.

"I don't need you watching over how much I drink. I do what I want."

He laughs.

"Bossy much."

He tilts his head and looks me over.

"Did you dad really let you leave in that?"

"My dad was busy yelling at my mom and they didn't really know I left. Not like they even care."

I say the words before I can stop myself.


He gives me a serious look.

"That's rough. Sorry."

"I don't need your apologies. You didn't do shit."

"Oo, she's got a mouth on her."

I roll my eyes.

"How about you shut up and go mess with someone else who's actually willing to deal with your shit."

He laughs again and this time it makes my heart stutter.

"I'd rather stay here."

"You know your a pain in the ass?"

"I've heard it before."

"Great. Keep it in thought."

"I like you. What's your name?"

"Nyma Collins. Not that it matters to you."

"Wow. Your parents are the big business people."

"I don't need your input on anything."

"My name's Rolo."

I laugh at the name.

"Rolo? Seriously?"

"It's not so bad."

"Okay sure."

I say sarcastically. He inspects my face and I back away.

"What the hell?"

"You were crying."

"No I wasn't. You don't even know who I am."

"Now that I know your name I do know who you are. You just don't know who I am. Plus you've already said a little to much about your family life. I think you need someone to talk to."

"No thanks. I'm fine."

"That's what they all say."

"Well they all are wrong."

"How about this. You don't know me and nobody else really does either. So, you tell me all your dark secrets and I tell everybody I know. Which is no one but you."

"Your new here?"


"Makes sense."

"I can already tell your the big girl around school. I'm guessing on the cheer team and a major diva. Probably got a totally hot boyfriend who flirts with everyone but your hiding your big family secret that your parents are always fighting."

"One thing wrong there."

He raises an eyebrow.

"No dark secret?"

I shake my head.

"No totally hot boyfriend."

"Huh. Interesting."

"Okay, I'll talk to you. But only in private."

He smiles.

"Deal. Follow me."

He grabs my hand and drags me after him, forcing me to put my cup down. We go outside and stop when we reach a corner of the deck where nobody is. He turns and let's my hand go and I feel almost disappointed from the loss of contact.

"So, tell me anything you want. I won't tell anyone else. I promise."

The look in his eyes is so trusting that I find myself letting go and letting my wall of insecurities drop.

"I fucked up. So, to start with the totally hot boyfriend part, I don't have one. I'm single because no matter how hard I try he doesn't pay any mind to me. He was single until he met someone else. They make a really cute couple and everybody loves them. I don't love them. I honestly don't think I love at all. I think I'll be too clingy because of what happened with my father. When I was young him and my mom started fighting. There was soon hitting involved. No matter what was going on they were fighting. My father doesn't love me. That parts clear enough. So, I want a happy family. A family that will take me in as theirs and then maybe I can finally be happy. I want someone who will love me for me to though. The guy I wanted to be withs name is Lance. He's a quarterback for our football team. He's got everything. The looks, grades, friends, popularity, and family. His family is huge and full of love. I wanted nothing more than to be apart of that. I don't love him though. I love his family and his life. He would've been perfect. But no matter how hard I tried he would always reject me. Saying practically that I was to much of a bitch. Not that he would ever actually call me that. He was raised to well. So I kept trying. Then he met Keith. Or at least they started talking. This kid who always sat in the back of the class and hated everyone started hanging out with Lance and his friends. Then I found out that he had been introduced to Lance's family. Not long after it was known to the school they were dating. I was pissed. Still am. So, I wanted to make sure I could win. I know it's bad. I don't like what's happening now but it is. I talked to Keith. He was always so forward but at the same time still so held back. He was easy to persuade. He'd never been in a relationship before. So, I told him that I was worried Lance was being held back. After that I just sat back and watched. The next day they didn't even talk. No matter how hard Lance tried Keith always rejected him. It was obvious my plan had worked. They were over. Then something changed. Lance got weird. He always had missing assignments in class and was always zoning out and never taking notes. It was unusual for a straight A student. Then he started failing. He didn't try to hide it. Didn't even pay mind to the tests being placed on his desk. Then he started doing bad in football. Never catching the ball and his throws were weak. He didn't run and just kind of stopped. The Coach started talking to him but he didn't react. He did start trying with football after one talk though. But he still wasn't the same. He had bags under his eyes and he always looked tired. The whole school was in shock and freaking out. I knew it wouldn't be good for me to try anything. It was clear how badly I had fucked up. I ruined everything."

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt a warm hand on my cheek.

"It may have been your fault but you can't blame it all on yourself. What happened with your parents caused this longing to. Don't blame it all on yourself.

"What do I do!"

I cried out. He grabbed my arms and lightly pulled me to him.

"You have to try and fix it."

"Like hell you do."

A voice come from off to the side.


I looked over to see him. He's standing tall and glaring down at me. I pull away from Rolo and try to walk towards him.

"I'm sorry."

"I don't care Nyma! You think your life sucks? My family isn't always happy!"

"Wh- what?"

"My little sister commited suicide at the end of last year! She was 15!"

Oh no.

"Do you know how long that took us to get over! None of us even realized until she was laying on the floor of her bedroom with a open bottle of pills next to her!"

He was crying now.

"And the only person who could remotely understand that was the one person you made go away!"

"I didn't-"

"Of course you didn't! Because you only care about yourself!"

He wiped away the tears and glared at me.

"I don't want to be with you because you are exactly like the girls that brought my little sister to the conclusion to kill herself!"

He said venomously. Then his eyes softened.

"I love Keith and he's someone I know I can be with in the future."

He glances behind me at Rolo.

"And like I say every time. I hope you find the right person for you. Because we all need someone who will understand and be there for us."

He finished before walking away. The party was silent then erupted into applause, because, he was right.

Lance Wakes Up

"Keith! I just got a call from the hospital!"

At that I throw myself down the stairs.



He confirms. Without asking why they called I grab my shoes and run out the door.


Shiro shouts behind me. I don't stop and keep running. I must live at least two miles from the hospital but the only thing on my mind is Lance.

I don't know how long it takes to get there but when I do my heart is beating erratically and I'm about ready to pass out. I race into the hospital nevertheless and a nurse stops concerned.

"Sir? Are you okay?"

I can't respond and run past her to the desk.

"How can I he-"

The man stops when he sees me.

"Hey. Are you- Hey! Get back here!"

I run down the hall to where I know his room is. I slow down and step into the open doorway. I find it hard to stand and my legs are starting to throb.


Lance looks at me with wide eyes.

"Are you crying?"

His face turns to one of concern. I reach up and when I pull my hand back I notice that I am in fact crying.

"Keith, what's wrong?"

It feels like I've forgotten how to move and my breath hitches. Suddenly I can't take it anymore and my legs finally work again. I throw myself at the bed and Lance let's out a surprised yelp as I tackle him. My lips immediately find his and I'm not ashamed of how desperately I'm clinging to him. He's frozen under me for a second before he kisses back. I shift and he hisses in pain. I pull back and look over him as he winces.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?!"

He laughs and motions to his leg.



He smiles and for a second all our problems are gone. Then it hits me. Our problems. He seems to sense my sudden hesitance and grabs my wrist.


His voice is stern and I look at him in surprise.

"I don't care how many times I have to say it but I'm in fucking love with you. Okay? I love you so much that it hurts."

My arm goes slack and he let's go, resting his hand over my arm.


He lets out a shaky sigh.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

He looks down and avoids my gaze.

"I know we're young and everyone thinks we don't know anything about love or relationships but I do. I know that I've never felt this way about someone. I know that what I feel for you is true. It's real and it's not going anywhere."

He looks up at me through his eyelashes.

"I know that you're the only one meant for me and I won't let you go. You can try but it's not going to be easy. I'll follow you to the ends of the world. So- Just know that."

His eyes flick back down to our hands and I can see the faint coat of pink covering his cheekbones.

"Good. Because I wasn't planning on going anywhere."

His head snaps up and now a full blush has taken over.

"Wait. You do realize I just kind of proposed. Right?"

I smile.

"Yes Lance. I know."


"Lance. Don't ruin this."

He smiles.

"Wow. Who would have thought. We went from ex's to engaged in the span of what? Three minutes?"

I roll my eyes.

"Come here."

I pull him towards me and press our lips together in a gentle kiss.

"You! Back away from the patient!"

At the sound of a gruff voice Lance and I both jump. When we turn there's a tall security guard standing in the doorway. That along with some nurses and people out in the halls. I roll my eyes. Great. Just what I needed.

"I'm not gonna say it again! Back away from the patient!"

Lance looks from him to me in confusion before his gaze rests on me. His expression is disappointed.

"Keith, did you break in?"

I shrug.

"Sir! If you don't move I will be forced to remove you myself!"

I let out a heavy sigh and crawl off the bed. I walk to stand a few feet away from the guard.

"I'd say I'm sorry but I'm really not."


Lance whisper shouts.

"Just saying."

The guard looks about ready to implode.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to come with me."

"And I'm going to have to say no. I'm staying here."

"Oh my god."

Lance sighs in defeat.

"Why me."


The guard warns.

"If you don't come with me I will have to arrest you."

"Just take him."

Lance calls from behind me.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion."

The guard says glancing quickly at Lance then back to me.

"It's fine. You could probably beat him up anyways."

"Are you betting on him?"

I turn an accusing glare towards Lance. He shrugs.

"Do you two know each other?"

The guard asks slightly confused. I turn to him eyebrows raised.

"You walked in on us kissing."

"Oh. I thought you were choking him."

Lance bursts out laughing and the guard looks like he'd rather be anywhere but here.

"We're engaged."

The guard looks at both of us before speaking.

"You guys seem a little young for that."

"18 is never to young. You only get older from here. Might as well live life while you can."

I gesture behind me at Lance.

"Never know when you could die."

Lance snorts.

"I don't even know what's happening anymore."

I shrug.

"Love is love."

The guard doesn't say anything and it's suddenly quiet.

"You know- I got in that crash when I was coming to find you."

Lance's voice rings out quietly. I turn to him confused.


"I was looking for you. Hunk practically told me to propose to you to make you understand that I couldn't live without you. Then my sister had explained what probably happened to us so I confronted Nyma. After I told her off I went to go look for you. I was in to big of a rush and ended up running off the road."

"You were coming to propose to me?"

He looks at me sheepishly.

"I didn't do to well when you ended things. My grades went to crap and I did horrible in football. I just kind of gave up."

"I know it's not my place and I'm sorry for ruining the moment but did you guys break up?"

The guard asks from the doorway. I look over at him realizing he's still there.

"Uh- yeah. We were dating then someone broke us up over something stupid."

"It wasn't stupid."

I turn back to Lance and he looks over confused.

"Nyma was right. I'm not good enough for you. I always bring you down."

The second the words leave my lips Lance shakes his head.

"Never say that. You're more than good enough for me. If anything you bring me higher than ever before. I was practically dying without you. Just ask the entire school."

"I...didn't know that."

"Of course you didn't. You're Keith."

He ushers me over and when I stop next to him he pulls me to him.

"And I love you for it."

There's a muffled sound off to the side and we both look over to see the guard wiping away tears. He waves a hand at us.

"Don't worry about me."

He sniffs.

"I'm fine. Just keep doing what you're doing. Pretend I'm not even here."

The Break Up Idea

Instead of just automatically breaking up with Lance after talking to Nyma, Keith is going to think about it. He's more held back and cautious around Lance. This confuses Lance and he tries to figure it out and make things better while Keith has his own inner battle. Eventually, Keith's thoughts win over his heart. He confronts Lance and tells him that they should break up. He says things are over and before Lance can get anything in Keith is walking away. Lance breaks down into tears as a numb feeling takes place in his chest. He stays there until eventually Pidge finds him. It's safe to say that she's livid.

The Fight

Lance becomes tired of Roman and Drake. After seeing Keith constantly bruised he's done. He stumbles upon them and that's it. He punches Roman and Drake runs away before Lance can get to him. Lance proceeds to help Keith and they become closer. This is before the whole prom thing.

Unrelated Valentines Day Special

Involves a sleepover at Pidge's house. Hunk brings cookies. They try to watch a romantic movie. It goes horribly wrong. They play the wii. They talk. Matt constantly bothers them. Food is thrown at Matt. Ends with Pidge sprawled over Hunk. Lance is using Hunk as a pillow. Keith is curled up next to Lance. Matt for some reason is using Hunk's leg as a pillow. Nobody knows when he got there and neither does he.

A Golden Valentine Sleepover

"You're here!"

Pidge cheers as the door opens.


"Sorry. My mama was running around trying to prepare for Maria's school party. I had to help her before she totally lost it."

"Of course. Because Rachel can't bake. Not even if her life depended on it."

She pulls me in.

"Anyways. Everyone is already here."

I follow her into the living room and my eyes land on Keith. His arms are wrapped around his legs and he's holding himself in a tight ball with his chin resting on his knees. His eyes are trained on the TV but he looks guarded.

"Our last guest has arrived!"

Pidge declares. Hunk jumps and Keith looks over nonchalantly. When his eyes meet mine we both freeze.

After the breakup and Lance passes out

Due to lack of sleep and not eating, Lance collapses in class. It happens in gym because exercise with lack of self care = death.

Everyone freaks. One second the star football player in standing and the next he's on the ground. Alfor calls down the nurse and she brings a wheelchair.

Nyma is fussing over him and she wants to go with him. Alfor decides Keith will go because he knows. The nurse calls Lance's mom to pick him up.

Lance is asleep in Keith's lap as Keith plays with his hair. Lance's mom comes and she knows as well. (At this point Shiro is literally the only one who doesn't know, lol.) She watches sadly from the doorway at the two. She can tell how Keith feels and she doesn't know why he doesn't think he's enough. Looking at her son it should be obvious.

She'll come in and suggest Keith come home with them. He declines and says he should really go back to class. Lance's mom agrees sadly and Keith leaves. Instead of going back to class he runs to the library and cries to Allura because life is so unfair and he loves Lance. It doesn't matter what she says. He won't listen and his thoughts mixed with Nyma's words are too much for him to think otherwise.

(I know it's kind of everywhere but it gives an idea of what happens.

I'm sorry again!)

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