Bend or Break

By Sprinting_Ginger

22.8K 778 433

REUPLOADED STORY!!! Accidents can lead to heartbreak, but they may also lead to something better... but how m... More



599 23 10
By Sprinting_Ginger

Ashton's POV

"CALUM!" I yell running into his house.

"Ash? What's wrong?" Calum comes bounding down the hall very quickly, his face set with concern.

"I fucked up, Cal! So bad!" I pant, feeling myself starting to hyperventilate.

"Whoa, Ash, breathe, man. Breathe." He grabs me, helping me stay up right. "Come on, to the couch."

'How the fuck did that even happen?" I say harshly, dropping my head into my hands.

"What happened, Ash? I can't help unless I know."

"I cheated on KayKay..."

~One Hour Earlier~

"Well here we are, LAX. Have a good trip, Iz." I smile, pulling into the drop off lane.

"Thanks for the ride, and for just today. It was nice to spend time with a friend." She sighs.

"I had fun too." I chuckle, leaning over to pull her into a hug.

"I hope things are alright for you when you tell KayKay about our morning." She sighs, relaxing into my hug.

"You worry too much, I'll be fine." I chuckle, pulling away.

"See you Monday morning."

"Bright and early Monday morning." I nod, pulling her in one more time for a quick hug.

"Thank you, again." She sighs, cupping my cheek softly.

"No problem, again." I chuckle, my eyes lazily fluttering towards her lips.

I don't even flinch as those perfect pink lips press themselves to mine. Moving in sync for a few moments, almost long enough to get lost in the feeling, but she jerks back just before I really can.

"Holy fuck!" Shit, I'm so sorry, Ashton! I shouldn't have done that!" She panics, her eyes wide as she scrambles out of the car. Before realization dawns on my fuzzy brain, she is running into the airport with her carry on dragging behind her.

"Fuck!" I gasp, my own eyes going wide as what happened just now clicks in my brain.

Kay was right... I kissed Izzy, and I definitely liked it.


"You what now?" Calum pulls me back from my thoughts as my tongue glides over my upper lip, trying to find any trace of her still there.

"I kissed Izzy. Or she kissed me? But I definitely didn't stop it." I sigh, "I'm an asshole. The biggest asshole. KayKay was right about everything."

"Izzy is yoga buddy girl that Kay has been nervous about for weeks now?"


"Doesn't she have a boyfriend too? So she also cheated?"

"No. They broke up yesterday. She told him she needed some time to be away from their constant fighting. He told her they were together or not, no breaks. So they broke up. That's why I was with her after class, she looked a wreck. I felt bad. I wanted to cheer her up, the same way I want to cheer anyone up who's feeling down."

"Okay, so maybe she was just sad, and you were there for her so her crazy mix of emotions got out of hand."

"Does it matter? I liked the kiss. She pulled away, not me. She was twenty meters away before any realization dawning on me about what had just happened. I kissed a girl who is not my girlfriend and I liked it. I'm the worst human alive."

"Ashton, it matters."


"If she only kissed you because she was vulnerable, then maybe she doesn't feel anything like that for you. Maybe it was just a mistake to her. Don't ruin something great with KayKay by telling her until you know for sure. If Izzy doesn't feel the same about the kiss, if it wasn't great for her, then you'll get over this little crush and realize you truly love Kay. Just, don't tell KayKay or anyone about it until you've had time to talk in out with Izzy. In person. So you know how to word it."

"I can't lie to KayKay about this, Calum."

"If you don't, you lose her forever. Is one mistake worth that? Worth the entire relationship you two have built together."

"I don't know. I need to talk to Izzy before I will know that..."

"Exactly. So wait until you can talk to her. For the sake of yourself and the woman who is madly in love with you still. Don't hurt KayKay until it's the only option. Because even if you like this Izzy girl, you're still going to feel the pain when you break KayKay's heart."

"I don't want to break her heart. I still love her, I'm just confused."

"Until you aren't confused, you should stay quiet."

"Ya. But the guilt is going to eat me alive. How do I make sure Kay doesn't notice that?"

"Have an excuse ready." He shrugs. "Now, we should probably head to rehearsals. Tour is only a couple weeks away."

"Tour sounds like a welcome disconnect from life right now." I nod.

"Don't worry, I won't be saying anything to KayKay or anyone either. That's your choice to do when and how you see fit."

"Thanks, Cal." I sigh, pulling him into a hug as we stand.

"You're my best mate, Ash, I know you. You wouldn't purposefully cheat or hurt someone. You're just a little lost in the brain right now. But I know you'll figure it out."

"I hope you're right."

Izzy's POV

"Who is that messy hair, blue eyed beauty walking my way?" Mom grins as we make eye contact. I can't help but feel complete relief, I need her right now.

"Mom." I sigh, falling into her hug like it's the only thing that can keep me together.

"I've missed you, Izzy." She hums letting me hug her for as long as I need.

"I have missed you too. Life has been insane lately, so I definitely need a day with you." I sigh, stepping back and grabbing the handle to my suitcase again.

"Let's do it then. Dad can meet us for dinner when he's done with his meetings tonight."

"Thank you." I nod, wrapping an arm over her much shorter frame as she leads me out to where she is parked.

"So, are you going to tell me what has been going on out in LA?" Mom asks as I sit down at the counter in their nice midtown apartment, having changed out of my travel clothes.

"It's a lot. And I sort of feel emotionally drained. And also like the worst human being on the planet." I sigh, leaning my head forward against the cold marble.

"So talk. Or would you rather go get a tea and walk and talk?"

"Tea would be great." I smile softly.

"Retail therapy seems like something you might need too." She grins. "Find your shoes and let's go."


"Okay," I sigh, linking my right arm through moms before we head out of the shop into the busy street. Wanting to keep a hold of her and prevent myself from making a scene by running into something or someone.

"What happened, Iz, you're making it seem huge."

"I mean, it sort of is huge." I sigh, "Tyler and I broke up. So that alone complicates things. He and Emree are part of this family, but now... it might be awkward as hell."

"What? Why did that end. I thought you two were doing better than ever after everything he helped you through with the accident."

"I'm not totally sure I have all those answers, but partially it's because I started falling for someone else. I denied it for a long time, but Ty and I were fighting constantly because he felt the threat of this new friend. And then he yelled at Ashton, the friend, at the grocery store, and I decided that was it. I needed space to figure out what I was going to do. He didn't want a break or a separation, he said it was over or it wasn't. So then, it was over."

"When did that happen?"

"The fighting for like the last month and a half. The actual break up? Yesterday. That's why I called to tell you I was coming for the weekend. I needed a break, and to talk through everything with you."

"You know as much as we love Ty and Emree, you are our daughter, Isabella, we will always be on your side."

"I know. I think there may have been more to Ty wanting to break up than just my friendship with Ashton. He gave in so easily yesterday, didn't fight for us for a second hardly. I may never know for sure though. But I hurt, Tyler was amazing, he was the greatest boyfriend I could have had while going through everything with the accident. And I was with him for two year, that's a decent amount of time. He just changed towards the end... and now I have to decide what I'm doing for me. What I want in my next relationship, who I am without Ty. All of that."

"You are still you, Iz, just because you are no longer with Tyler doesn't change that. You'll be fine. You're strong and independent. Now who is this Ashton guy?" I don't have to be able to see her to know she's smirking.

"He's a friend, mom. He's in the yoga class I started taking to help myself work through things after the accident. He was out of town all summer I guess. Work stuff. But we became friends when he came back at the end of July. He actually became my friend because a couple of guys were setting up for class behind me just to look at me. So he started setting up there so they couldn't."

"Sounds like a nice guy. Or a complete pervert like the other guys in the class."

"No, he's nice. One of the nicest people I know. He saw me in class this morning, looking like a sight I'm sure, and he took me to breakfast and cheered me up before driving me clear down to the airport so I didn't have to take an Uber."

"And you're falling for him?"

"I think so. I didn't realize it at first, because I was with Ty. But Ashton is different. He drinks coffee not tea, he is a musician, he has a whole different outlook on life than I do. He is interesting, and I like that. He lives so differently than I do, it's new. I've known Tyler for ten years, we were comfortable, and mostly it was easy. I like the way Ashton challenges my thoughts on life, and the way he is very openly himself constantly."

"You seem quite intrigued by this Ashton guy, but I have a couple of things I want you to hear me out on. First, you broke up with Tyler yesterday, you need some time for yourself before you start seeing someone else seriously. And second, it's fine to chase your dreams, but musicians rarely make it, so make sure his dreams are sustainable before you end up supporting him for life on your salary."

"I'm not going to start dating him, mom. This is the I'm the worst person in the world part." I sigh, "He has a girlfriend, and she is very, very nice. But this morning, when he dropped me at the airport, I accidentally kissed him. I mean it wasn't an accident, I fully meant to at the time, but I shouldn't have. I know he's happy in his relationship, and it isn't like I want them to break up. I just can't get the kiss out of my head. I feel awful, and I don't know what to say to him, or her if I see her, or how to move forward or if I even should. Like, do i just find a new yoga class and remove myself from his life so I'm not a problem for them anymore? I kissed someone else's boyfriend, mom. That's not me, I don't do that..."

"You were confused and hurting. You aren't going to do it again are you?"

"NO! Absolutely not. But that doesn't make me feel any less bad about it."

"No, and it shouldn't. You made a mistake, but maybe see how it goes Monday at yoga before you completely cut him out of your life. You could learn a lot from a friendship with someone so different from you. Don't run just because it got hard."

"It sounds so much easier to run than to face the fact that I made someone cheat on their girlfriend."

"You didn't make him kiss you back, if he even did."

"He did. In fact, I was the one who realized what was happening and pulled away. I think that scares me the most. He might have liked it, and I don't want to be blamed if they break up, and I definitely don't want to be with him if all his friends are going to secretly be judging me for being the reason."

"Sounds like you need to have a little talk with Ashton then. And for the record, you kissing him was bad, but him kissing back was cheating. He could have pushed you off, pulled away, been angry, and it wouldn't have been cheating then. You made a stupid pass at him, he cheated by accepting it and kissing you back. You only gave him the opportunity, he took it. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Izzy?"

"Ya..." I sigh, "I still feel stupid, and really awful about it."

"That's okay but this is his mess too. Not just yours."

"Ya, I just know it's going to blow up if they break up. And even if nothing is said, I'm sure I'll be dragged into it."

"What do you mean?"

"His fans will make it my fault. We got caught getting coffee together a few weeks ago, by some paparazzi, and they made it a whole scandal. If suddenly he breaks up with his long term girlfriend at least some of his fans will try and make it my fault."

"Whoa. Now when you said he was a musician you did not mention he is a famous musician." She stops me, turning so she knows I can see her face, it's laced with concern.

"He's in a band. They are pretty famous I guess? I honestly don't really know I haven't looked them up, the only time I've ever googled him was after I heard about the cheating rumor and looked that up. But even that article I didn't read, just needed to confirm it was real."

"You be so careful, Isabella Fey. If he is famous that brings so much more into the mess. Into a relationship, into everything. Be smart, okay?"

"I will. Besides, I don't think it will turn into much if anything. He is happy with KayKay."

"He kissed you back, Izzy, that says something. You need to talk to him. And we have to talk about all of this with your dad. We have all got to be on the same page. Okay?"

"Ya, okay." I sigh, talking to mom was supposed to help, but I only feel more confused.

There is a lot to unpack here! I wanna know what you're thinking.

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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