Forget Me Not

By wisedec4u

336 24 4

After Bill's true motives for pursuing Sookie are revealed, he is cut completely out of her life. He goes to... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 - Naughty Bill (Alternative Chapter)

Part 3 - Noble Bill

57 4 2
By wisedec4u


I was very conflicted on how I wanted this story to end, so I decided to leave it up to you, the reader. If you think Bill should be noble and not give in to temptation than continue reading this chapter. If you think, Bill should throw caution to the wind and get his naughty freak on with Tara than skip this chapter and go on to the next. Whatever your preference, I hope you enjoy!

Bill closed his eyes. It would be so easy to give in to temptation and get lost in her softness, the sweet taste of her lips, and the alluring smell of her blood.

No, I will not make the same mistake.

He pulled back to stare at her. "Thank you, Tara."

"You don't have to thank me," She said, placing a hand over his. "We're friends remember?"

How he wished that was really true. Aside from Jessica, he had no real friends to speak of. He searched her face for any hint of the old Tara and saw only a sweet, gentle woman staring back at him.

A warm sensation filled his chest.

"Tara, do you mind if we just sit here and talk for a while longer."

Tara smiled, pulling her feet underneath her on the sofa. "Sure. I'd like that."

They spent most of the night, learning more about each other than they had in the past three years. Surprisingly, Bill did most of the talking, sharing memories about his life as a young boy growing on the Compton farm. Tara listened intently, hanging on to each word. Her quiet demeanor made it easy for him to open up. He spoke of his wife and children, a subject he rarely discussed even with Sookie.

"Caroline was a natural beauty, a wonderful wife and mother." His eyes watered with red-tinted tears. "Until Sookie, I never thought I could love another so deeply. And now..."

Bill lowered his head, overwhelmed by all he had lost.

"Things will work out, Bill. Don't give up so easily."

"What is the use? I'll never be the man Sookie wants me to be. Not with this wretched curse.

Tara brows furrowed. Her lips turned down slightly at the ends. "You call being a vampire a curse?"

"That is what it is to me, a horrible disease that cannot be cured." He raised an eyebrow at her. "And if I recall, there are some of you who believe we are all evil, soulless creatures and wish to be rid of us."

Tara shook her head. "I don't think people would feel that way if they met more vampires like you. I actually envy you."

He wondered if that was Tara or the glamour talking. "What is there to envy?"

"How 'bout your super-human strength? You're not afraid of anybody or anything. You've been everywhere. Seen and done everything. And know about stuff I can't even imagine."

"Or should ever want to imagine," he said mournfully.

"True, but at least you have all the time in the world to live out your dreams."

She leaned back against the sofa, staring at the burning firewood. "I wish I did."

"And if you did?"

"I'd travel. Maybe start my own business."

"What sort of business?"

She chuckled. "When Sookie and I were kids, we used to pretend we ran our own clothing store. We'd dress up in Gran's fancy shoes and hats and I'd pretend to be the shop owner."

The thought of Tara and Sookie as small children, playing make-believe brought a smile to Bill's face.

"Sometimes we even got Jason to play with us. It was fun, but..." Her expression turned wistful. " was just a poor girl's fantasy."

Her mouth stretched into a yawn which she tried to cover halfheartedly with the back of her hand.

"Sleepy?" he asked.

She shivered, hugging herself. "A little."

Bill's body, which was always tepid, barely registered temperature change, but he knew that humans were very sensitive to it. He reached behind him, grabbing the quilted blanket off the back of the sofa and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Lay down." He instructed. They stretched out on the sofa in a spooning position. Her head rested on the crook of his shoulder.

"Tara, you are a young, beautiful, and intelligent woman. I think you are very capable of accomplishing any goal you set for yourself. I have no doubt one day you will have your heart's desire."

"Maybe," she said dreamily before drifting off to sleep.

Bill's gaze landed on the envelope filled with money, setting on his coffee table. He knew what he must do.


Tara woke with a start. It was morning. She sat up in her bed, glancing around the room. Nothing looked changed, but somehow everything seemed different. She tried to recall the dream she had but only could recapture small glimpses of pale, white skin, dark hair, and intense brown eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders and got out of the bed. This was the start of a brand new day and she wasn't going to waste it. She went into her adjoining shower and stopped in front of the mirror, staring at her reflection with a critical eye.

"Tara, you need a new look."

She opened the medicine cabinet and took out a pair of shearing scissors.

An hour later, Tara was standing in the kitchen with her new short, natural bob and wearing a colorful sundress. Sookie had left a note on the refrigerator door, saying she had to run some errands this morning, but would call later. As she sat down to eat a stack of hoecakes cooked in bacon grease and covered in maple syrup, she glanced through the real estate section of the Bon Temps Tribune. She noticed the address of a retail shop for rent was circled in red ink. That was strange. She didn't remember circling anything in the paper. Tara read the description with more interest. It was located inside a newly renovated strip mall, the perfect locale for customers, and was about 1500 square feet. The best part was that the owner was selling his inventory and the rental space at a steal. Tara couldn't help smiling as a plan formed in her head.


Sam and Sookie were in his pickup truck heading towards the strip mall on Westside of town. Tara had called Sookie on her cell, asking them to meet her there.

"What do you think she's up to?" asked Sam, a wary look on his face.

Sookie shrugged her shoulders. "You never know when it comes to Tara. I've been really worried about her lately."

They parked on the east side of the parking lot, across from a vacant retail shop.

"Is that her?" Sam said.

Sookie eyes narrowed, taking a better look at the woman standing near the entrance. Her hair was in a short, curly bob and she was wearing a pretty floral sundress that accentuated her slender curves. The woman waved towards them, a bright smile on her face.

"I think it is."

They exited the truck and walked towards Tara.

She was grinning from ear to ear and greeted them both with big hugs.

"What took y'all so long? Where's Jason?"

"Uh, I ain't sure," Sookie said, a little thrown off by Tara cheerfulness. Just a day ago she'd been a total mess. And she thought Jason should be the last person Tara wanted to see. "He said he had something important to do, but wouldn't say what it was."

Tara smiled. "Well, that's okay. We both know how Jason is when gets on one of his crusades."

Sookie said nothing, just stared at her friend, puzzled by her new look and attitude.

As if reading her thoughts, Sam said, "Wow, Tara. You cut your hair."

Tara giggled, actually giggled. She ran a hand over her curly tresses. "I know. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it looks real nice, but why'd you do it?"

"I don't know. I guess I just felt like trying something new."

Sookie finally recovered and said, "So what's the big surprise?"

Tara gave her a conspiring grin. "I'll let you know as soon as Lafayette and my mama get here."

"What?" Sookie and Sam said in unison.

The last time Sookie checked, Tara couldn't stand being in the same room with her mother and had sworn never to have anything else to do with the abusive alcoholic turned religious zealot.

"You asked Lettie Mae to come too?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I? She is my mama. Oh, and there they are now."

Lafayette and Lettie Mae exited Lafayette's red Corvette.

"Hookah, what you call us down here for?" said Lafayette.

"Yeah, I'm 'spose to be meetin' with the ladies from my church for bible study."

Lafayette shot Lettie Mae a sideways glance then rolled his eyes heavenward.

Tara hugged her mother and kissed her on the cheek.

"I wanted you all here for this, especially you, Mama."

Lettie Mae's eyes widened. "Child what's gotten into you?"

"Some good fuckin' drugs," Lafayette mumbled.

"Nothin', I'm just really happy that you're here."

Sookie shot a glance towards Sam who was thinking the same thing she was. Since when?

"Well don't leave us in suspense," Sam said. "Tell us why we're here."

Tara's smile widened as if she could no longer contain her excitement. "Tomorrow's going to be my grand opening. This here's my new clothing store. I gave the seller my down payment this morning. I'm gonna call it Tara's Togs."

Sookie's mouth dropped and for a moment she forgot to put up her mental shield. Everyone's thoughts flooded her brain at once.

Has this hookah lost her mind?

Lord, Jesus, this child can't run no shop on her own. White folks ain't buying nothing from a po' black girl.

Is she doing this because of me? Why didn't she tell me she wanted to open her own store? I would've given her the money.

Sookie forced a smile. "This is great Tara, but how did you get the money?"

Tara looked thoughtful for a moment. "I got it from a distant relative."

Lafayette raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "What distant relative?"

"I know it might sound strange, but I don't remember. I just know he wanted me to use the money to do something I've always wanted to do. Something that could change my life."

They all stared at each other, not sure what to say or do next.

"So, y'all wanna come inside. I've got the key." She held it out for them all to see.

Sookie had to admit she was very impressed. The shop was spacious and there were already racks and shelves set up for shoes and clothing, as well as four dressing rooms, a cash register, and several boxes of inventory.

While the others were walking around exploring, Tara walked up and placed an arm around Sookie's shoulder. "So Sook, what do ya really think of the place?"

Sookie smiled. "I'm proud of you Tara. It was just so unexpected, especially after everything that's happened."

Tara gave her a puzzled look, but it quickly disappeared. "There's something I wanna give you." She dug in her purse and pulled out an envelope and handed it to Sookie.

Sookie peeked inside and was shocked to see it was filled with hundred dollar bills.

"Tara? I can't accept this."

"Why not? You let me live in your house rent-free. It's the least I could do. Maybe now you can get that driveway fixed and do some other things 'round the house."

"It's too much, Tara."

"You're my best friend, Sook. And I'm gonna get really pissed if you don't take it."

Sookie definitely didn't want to be the recipient of Tara's infamous wrath, besides it was nice seeing her best friend in such good spirits for a change.

"Okay. I guess I could use the money." Especially since that asshole, Eric stiffed me. She did some quick calculations in her head. After she did some repairs and paid off a few bills, she'd actually have a decent chunk of change to put in the bank.

"Thanks, Tara."

"There's one more thing. I'm making you a partner in my shop."

"What? No, I'm a waitress, Tara. I don't know anything about running a store!"

"Neither do I, but I ain't lettin' that stop me. "

Sookie sighed. She really had no desire to run her own business."That's sweet, but I'm happy doing what I'm doing. This here's your dream, not mine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, but just promise me you'll give me a discount."

Tara hugged her tight. "On anything you want."

"Hey, you two. Don't start that shit up in here." Lafayette said from across the room. "It's getting dark outside and we gotta get this store ready for Tara's grand opening tomorrow."

Sam walked over then. "Anything you want me to do, Tara?" Tara gave him a bashful smile. "Sure, Sam. There are some more boxes in the back."

Sookie couldn't help smiling as she watched the two of them exchanging a meaningful look.

When everything was in its proper place, they all stood back to examine their handy-work.

"Not bad," Tara said smiling.

"I think it looks great," Sookie said. And it did.

Tara sighed. "Too bad Bill couldn't be here to see this."

Sookie's jaw dropped, wondering if she had heard her friend right.

Tara turned away, seemingly oblivious to the looks of shock on everyone's faces.


Bill stood across the street from the vacant retail shop, far enough away that the others wouldn't see him peeking from the shadows. He felt the edges of his lips curving upward into a smile. Tara was busy directing Sam and Sookie on where to put the last of the inventory while Lettie Mae and Lafayette were arguing over a scarf.

Seeing Tara so happy with the people she loved most was a gratifying feeling. He knew she would never remember the night they shared together, but Bill was content to keep the memory close to his heart. Satisfied, he turned and walked back the way he came. Maybe a new start was just around the corner for him as well. At least he could dream...

The End.

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