Darkest Hour

By mimidemily

2.7K 51 32

Discover what happens after Midnight killed Alyssa. [Disclaimer] I do not own any of the characters. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 4

286 8 5
By mimidemily

"You don't have the power nor the capacity to invoke such an incantation Mr Morton" said Vera struggling to establish her authority in front of a rebellious Jack who was definitely urging her.

"Try me" replied Jack standing up to Vera's gaze.

"You don't get to say no" he then added seeing Vera sighed and realizing how pissed she was.

"And yet, here's my answer".

She didn't have to say "no" one more time that both Jack and Hamish knew she will not be changing her mind on the subject.

"I'll find support in the Gnostic Council to use that book" said Jack decided not to let Alyssa go.

This remark made Vera lost her temper and as she was about to reply to him her phone started ringing.

"What now Kepler?" she answered the phone.

"Wha—How?" she then replied to the voice at the other end of the phone. "Where are you?"

Her facial expression has changed a bit replacing anger by confusion. Hamish glanced at Jack wanting to know if he was aware of what was going on, but he could tell he was as clueless as him at the moment.

"I'll sent someone to pick you up, okay? Just don't move" Vera said before hanging up the phone and putting on her desk.

"Why are you still here?" she blunted out looking at both Jack and Hamish.

"Because we obviously haven't finished our conversation" Jack responded mentioning the book he was now holding under his left arm.

"I told you no a hundred times! Isn't it clear enough for you?" the brunette said being quite indignant.

"I have more urgent matters to deal with" she added texting rapidly on her phone.

"What's more urgent than bringing back two of your most powerful and faithful practionners?" wanted to know Jack. He was being more than calm and compliant to Vera Stone, but this would surely not last forever if she keeps being such a pain in the ass.

"Faithful?! I'm sorry Mr Morton but you don't really know what you're talking about, are you?

- Oh, I am Magus

- In that case what makes you think that Miss Drake and Miss Bathory were that great for The Order?" asked Vera getting annoyed by the tone of her acolyte.

"You said yourself that Alyssa was one of your best students and that she reminded you of yourself. I also think Lilith was one of your brightest elements before you decided to wipe out her memories years ago

- That's enough!" she raised her voice. The discussion was slipping out of her hands and God only knows how Vera Stone needed to control everything.

Hamish, who was staying silent since the beginning of the talk, was about to intervene, but he was shortly cut off when the door of the Temple burst open.

"Magus, as demanded" said Selena entering the office, a young boy walking next to her. "No sign of Councilor Kepler when we arrived, her burse and phone were lying on the ground" she, then, added, handing the items to Vera.

"Thank you Magistratus, you can leave" Vera replied while putting away Kepler's bag.

"Is that Edward's son?" whispered Hamish into Jack's ear. Morton nodded but remained silent observing every move of his step-brother from where he was standing.

"What happened?" Hamish and Jack heard Vera asking Maddox.

"Dunno, I was sitting at the front, aunt Bitsy was closing the trunk. Next second I called her and when she didn't reply that's when I realized she was gone" the boy explained still a little bit shocked by what has just happened.

Vera turned and sighed. Like she needed something like that to happen, now that she was powerless and mad at her werewolves.

"Did somebody kidnap her?" asked Hamish approaching Vera and Maddox.

"They better kill her while they can" whispered Jack to himself - but loud enough for the others to hear - thinking of all the problems Kepler has caused to the Order for the last couple of weeks.

"Mr Morton! Shall I remind you not to open your big mouth to say something that stupid in front of a little boy?" replied Vera between her teeth. She was now right in front of him, somehow making sure Maddox was not able to hear what she was saying.

"Yeah, sorry" replied Jack.

"Why don't you get yourself a glass of water and go sit in the main room?" suggested the Grand Magus to Maddox, escorting him outside of her office.

"Here" she says handing a glass of water to the boy. "You can sit there; I won't be long" she added walking back to her office. But she was stopped by a little voice.

"Where will I go if something's happened to aunt Bitsy?". Hearing those words, she felt bad for the child she has known since he was born.

"We'll get her back. But for now, you will go home with me" she replied unsure of what she was proposing. "If that's ok with you of course".

To her surprise, the little boy gave her a faint smile and answered a small "Okay" before taking a sip of water.

"Good". Vera was not really fantasizing about having to babysit Edward's kid, but she couldn't let him by himself until they find Kepler. That was the least she could do for the poor kid. She kept her eyes on him for a minute or two, making sure he was doing okay and she returned to her office, closing the door behind her.

"What are you gonna do with him?" asked Hamish.

"For now? Nothing" she replied quickly.

"I need you to find Elizabeth Kepler" she then said raising her gaze to look at both Hamish and Jack.


"Excuse me?" she said offended by Jack's answer.

"You wouldn't help us, why should we do it?

- Because I am still the one giving the orders" argued Vera like she was being threatened.

"Plus, why should we help Kepler, the one that made your life turn into a living Hell for the past few months?" wanted to know Hamish.

"You too?!" sighed Vera, hurt by the fact Hamish would defintely not support her on this one. 

"You don't get me correctly. If we don't find out what happened to Kepler, that's my head on the stick you'll have in a couple of days. No matter who did this, all councilors will hold me responsible for her disappearance or death" explained Vera quite annoyed but also sounding scared.

"Promise me you'll help us if we fiund out what happened to her" demanded Jack.

"Are you blackmailing me?!

- Sounds more like a negotiation than blackmail Magus" told Hamish, hoping to calm her down a little bit. 

"Call it whatever you want, those are my terms" replied Jack locking his eyes to Vera's.

His attitude was driving her to despair, but what could she do? She was powerless and actually being almost ridiculous in front of two werewolves decided to obtain what they were looking for. No, Vera Stone was not the kind to give up on fights, but here she was, finding no other solutions out of this mess.

"You won Mr Morton. But I want Kepler back before we start any incantations. And no incantations or magic experiences outside of these doors and without telling me. Do I make myself clear?".

Both werewolves nodded.

"Thank you" said Jack. "What are you going to do with Maddox?" he then asked, obviously because he was caring about the boy.

"I don't know yet" replied Vera.

"Okay, let me know if he needs anything". After pronouncing those words, Jack left the office leaving Hamish and Vera alone.

"You're gonna take him home with you, aren't you?" asked Hamish seeing Vera's concerned look.

"Do I have any other choice?" she sighed.

"Thank you for accepting to help us" he said meaning every word of it.

"Well, you werewolves kind of forced me into accepting this deal, didn't you?

- Look I know that you feel hurt right now because I didn't take your side on this one, but you don't have to live it as a betrayal. I told you I shouldn't have to choose between my friend and my integrity

- Well, it looks like you've made your choice" she cut him off giving him a look.

"You get the right to be mad at me Vera but don't push me away because you're scared

- I don't need your pity" she replied diving her blue eyes into his. He could see how hurt she was, but yet he couldn't do anything because he was the reason of she was in that position. Plus, she was not the kind of woman to just admit her fears and weaknesses, not even to him.

"I'm sorry". That's all he said before leaving the Temple in search for Kepler.  

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