Blood Thirst

By BreezyTheeCreator

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This story follows behind a family bloodline of powerful beings; a bloodline of hybrids; a bloodline of secre... More



402 22 64
By BreezyTheeCreator

~Mareo Antonio Brown~

"You pushing yo luck, Jodeci." Mareo said as he lowly growled at her.

"I don't give a fuck what I'm pushing. I do what I want whenever I want. After all, we're not dating anymore."

He stood up and walked behind her, "Oh, really? Remember the last time you did what you wanted?" He said as he walked up and went behind her, "And yo punishment was me sucking the blood out of your beautiful neck with your screams filling my ears. Would you want that to happen again?" He said as he whispered into her ear, rubbing his face in her hair. She shook in head, swallowing the lump in her throat.


"Good girl. Now do me a favor and get outta my sight." He said dismissing her from his office. As she was heading out, Alex was coming in. Jodeci decided to be petty and bumped her shoulder on the way out.

"Um, excuse you, bitch." Alex snapped.

Jodeci looked back at her and smirked, "Yea, I know, you two dollar trick."

"Oh, right, you're the one that's mad cause I'm riding his dick every night and you're not doing that anymore. I would be too sweetheart."

"Both of you bitches need to chill out. 'Cause I don't want neither one of you hood rats. Matter fact, both of y'all get the fuck out." He said waving them off. He was growing tired of having females fighting over him.

"Glad to. I was leaving anyways." Jodeci scoffed as she left the office, leaving just Alex and Mareo in the room. Mareo looked up and arched his brow, "That means yo ass too. BOUNCE!"

"But she started with me first."

"And you gave her ass the attention she wanted. I ain't gonna repeat myself again Alex."

"Can't fucking stand you." She raised her voice before leaving the office.

"Girl, fuck you! Fuck outta my office!" Alex stomped out of his office, making sure to slam his door hard bending her. His jaw twitched as he tried to keep himself from going after her.

He sat at his desk just thinking of whatever came to mind. His thoughts wondered to Ashleigh and he grew the urge to call her. Taking out his phone and called her and put the phone up to his ear, listening to the rings. The line picked up followed with shuffling in the background then an angelic voice.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello, gorgeous." His deep smooth voice sounded off through the phone's speakers.

"Oh, hi! How are you?"

"I'm doing well. I was just calling you to hear your voice, if that's okay with you."

She giggled, "That's fine."

"Do you have any plans this weekend by any chance?"

"Umm, I don't think I do. Let me check."

As Ashleigh went to check her calendar, Mareo waited. He hummed to himself until he heard the sound of glass breaking. Snapping his head towards the door, he frowned his face and went to take a look outside of his office.

"Aye, aye! Stop breaking shit before he come out here, you klutzy bitch!" A voice yelled from out front.

Mareo huffed to himself and went back to his desk, deciding to take care of it when you got off the phone.

"I'm back. My schedule just so happens to be clear for this weekend. Why'd you ask?"

"I was thinking we could have dinner and maybe go to an art gallery. My treat."

"Hm. Sounds like a plan so why not?" She accepted his offer. Mareo did a celebration dance and forgot he was in the phone.

"Great! 6:00 Saturday?"

"That's fine."

"Bet, bet. Wear something elegant. I'll see you then, my love."

"Alright. Bye-bye, now."

"Bye, gorgeous."

The call ended and Mareo sat with a smile on his face. His good mood was short lived when he heard more glasses breaking.

With a mean mug upon his face, he left his office and went to the front of the building. The closer he got, the louder the voices got. he heard loud voices.

He put a pep in his step and encountered Jodeci and Alex going at it.

"Bitch, don't make me beat yo ass with this glass bottle in front of everybody!" Alex threatened Jodeci.

"So beat my ass!" Jodeci challenged Alex as she stood in spot. Alex fumed and then threw the bottle before charging at her. Catching Alex by surprise, she grabbed her arms and slammed her on the ground, hitting her in the nose.

Alex felt the wind being knocked out of her as she coughed. She sent her leg into Jodeci's stomach and got up. Just as Jodeci tried to lunges at her neck, was about to lunge at Jodeci, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

"I thought I told you to fucking leave?" Mareo growled at her. He turned to look at Alex who had a smirk on her face, but it soon dropped.

"And yo ass," He also gripped her by the neck, "I told you to leave as well? Next time I have to repeat myself, it ain't gonna be pretty. Now both of you hardheaded bitches get outta my sight."

Letting the go aggressively, he left and went to Romeo's house to crash for the night. Arriving at his twin house, he seen Romeo's car indicating that he was inside.

"AYE, BITCH ASS NIGGA!" He yelled inside of the house. When he walked in, all the lights were off, it was pitch black dark.

"Ummmm, ok then." He mumbled to himself. He wasn't expecting him to go to bed so early, because it was only 9:30 at night.

Feeling around for the light switch, he stumbled into the nightstand, knocking it over making even more noise.

"Shit! I hope I ain't break nothing." Just as he reached the light switch, he heard a gun being cocked.

"Announce yoself or get yo fuckin' head blown off, son." Mareo cut the light on and put his hands up, "Aye, chill out, bruh."

"Nigga, you comin' in hea' yellin' and shit, almost got a cap bust in ya ass." He said putting his gun in his shorts.

"I thought you was sleep 'cause the house pitch black."

"I was 'bout to until yo ghetto ass started yellin'." Romeo said mugging him.

"Well." He shrugged his shoulders at him and looked towards the staircase, "Where she at?"

"She went ta go get some from the sto' and some to eat. She'll be back." Romeo said looking at his phone doing whatever.

"You think she can bring me some back?"

"Bruh, why didn't yo ass eat when you was out?" Romeo asked looking at him. "If I get cussed out for yo bullshit, I'm cussin' and beatin' yo ass." He fussed at his twin before dialing his sister's number. After 3 rings, she picked up the phone.


"Wassup. Whea' you at?"

"About 10 minutes from the house. Why, wassup?"

Romeo looked at his brother who was looking at back at him. He bucked his eyes at Mareo signaling for him to speak up.

"Uh, hello?" Shayla asked on the other end of the phone as she noticed it was quiet.

"Speak up, dumb ass boy!"

"Bitch, shut up!" He retorted at Romeo. "Aye, Shayla."

"Who is that?"

"The other dumb ass."

She went silent on the phone scaring both of them, but more so Romeo.

"The fuck you want?" She responded blankly. Romeo snickered at her response, earning a mug from Mareo.

"Can you bring me back some to eat? Please?" He said nervously over the phone.

"Why you ain't do that when you was already out?"

"Nigga, I told yo ass!"

"Mane, bitch, shut up! Hell! Always running yo fucking mouth!"

"Awe. I thought a hungry mothafucka' said some." Romeo laughed loudly. Shayla was trying finding it hard not to laugh, but she kept her composure.

"Like I was saying! I'ma pay you back, I swear."

"Just text me what you want." She responded flatly.

"I got you. Appreciate it."

"Yea, yea." She said brushing him off, hurting his feelings a bit. "Now give the phone back to Romeo so I can talk to him privately.

Mareo gave Romeo his phone back and walked off, feeling some type of way. Romeo noticed his shift change in behavior and took note of that. He took the phone off speaker and spoke to Shayla in a low tone.

"You still gettin' the same thing?"

"Yea, just gimme my usual. But, aye, yeen have to sound like that ova' the phone just then. I think you hurt his feelin's a lil bit." He looked behind him to check if Mareo was out of earshot.

"You serious right now?"

"What it sounds like, Dior?"

She smacked her teeth and huffed loudly, Look, I ain't got time for this shit, and I definitely don't got time for you to be takin' up for his-"

He cut her off, "I ain't takin' up for nobody. The way you sounded was kinda rude."

"After all them years you saw how he did my ass and you wanna talk about being 'rude'?! Bye, cause you really pissin' me off, Anthony."

~Shayla Dior Brown~

She hung up the phone and threw it in the passenger seat. The fact that he was trying to throw some sympathy Mareo's way was mind blowing in her eyes. She sighed and relaxed her tensed face and drove to a nearby Papa John's.

Arriving at the place, she got out and walked inside. Going up to the counter, she placed her order.

"Hi, what can I get you tonight?" The worker said to her nicely. After the worker took down the order and completed the transaction, she thanked her and turned to leave out of the store until she bumped into someone.

"Excuse- Shayla?"

She looked up at the person and felt her face heat up at who is turned out to be. It was her ex, Malakai. "What? Cat got yo damn tongue or somethin'?" She pushed back them and went back to her car.

"I don't want any problems." He followed behind her. "How've you been?"

She stopped walking and turned around, "Better now that I dropped yo ass in high school." She unlocked her car and got in and waited until her food was ready.

Scrolling through social media, she heard a knock on her window. Looking up, she saw the person standing outside and sighed very loudly before rolling down her window.

"Bruh, can you leave me alone?"


She scoffed, "You got some damn nerve."

"I ain't on that shit was on back then. I'm not the same person I was in high school, Shayla." She looked Malakai dead in his eyes to see if he was lying or not. He returned the favor doing the same thing she was doing.

"I really ain't got shit to say to you, Malakai." She shook her head. He chuckled lowly to himself, "I see you still mean as fuck."

"Yea, that I am. Forever will be." Sarcasm laced in her voice. Her mind went blank for a minute as it wondered somewhere else. Noticing that she gotten too quiet, she broke the silence.

"I thought you moved back to Tennessee?"

"I did, but it wasn't a good idea and shit was bad so I came back out here. Get a fresh start."

"Oh." By the time they were finished talking, her food was ready.

"I have to go get my order." She said to him. He bother to move from her car, so she mugged him.

"Do you not hear what I said?"

"My bad." He said nervously backing away from her car door. She got out and walked in picking up her order. When she came back out, Malakai was still at her car.

Niggas. She mentally said. Placing the food in the backseat, she started her car up. Feeling his presence still near the window, she rolled it down again.

"You still here? Why?"

"Well, since you asked, can you gimme a ride back home?"

"You didn't drive because?"

"Maybe cause I don't have a car. Asking me all these questions." He said laughing. She gave him a blank stare, making him cease his laughter. She didn't find nothing amusing at the moment.

"Get in, nigga." She decided to be nice after all and gave him a ride back home. He gave her the address and she headed to the correct location.

The car ride was silent but comfortable to Shayla, but awkward to Malakai. Stopping in front of an apartment complex, she parked the car and waited for him to exit.

"We're here."

"Yea, I know.. Can we hang out some other time? Please?"

"I'll think about it." She said as she rested her elbow on the console. It was quiet for a second until she felt him staring at her.


"Nothing. I'm just admiring the beautiful girl that I fell in love with, that's all." He admitted to her. She looked down and then back up, starting into his brown orbs with her hazel ones. Her body melted as she found herself getting lost in his eyes.

He inched closer to her face and kissed her softly. Taken by surprise at his advance, she found herself kissing him back. Deepening the kiss, she stuck her tongue in his mouth, engaging in a full blown make out session.

Continuing to make out with him, she climbed into his lap. Next she went from his lips to his neck, leaving marks of her own. Going to his Adam's apple, she sucked and kissed it, receiving moans from him. Trailing her tongue back up to his lips, she kissed him again and pulled back.

"Shay.. I.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. it was-" She placed her finger in his lips to stop him.

"It's okay. It's getting late, you should get inside.

"Aight." He sighed, "Will I see you again?"

"I can't make any promises."

"I guessed that's better than being led on. Drive safe."

"I will." He tapped the top of her car and she drove off and headed home. Thinking about what had just took place, she exhaled and stopped putting too much thought into it.

Shayla walked into the house and let the door close behind her. She went into the kitchen to sit the food down and heard heavy footsteps come running down the stairs.

"You knock my shit ova' and I'ma knock my foot of in yo ass!" Romeo yelled after his twin brother after seeing him dart out of his room like a dummy.

"Nigga, fuck you my food here!" He yelled back at him. "How much do I owe you?"

"$30." Mareo pulled out a small wad of cash and gave her 2 $20 bills.

"Preciate it, sis." He went in to kiss her forehead but she held out her finger to stop him. She walked off, making him sigh quietly. He went upstairs and was about to walk to his room, but heard Romeo call him out.

"Yo, why yaeyes green?" Romeo asked pointing out the change of his eye color. Not being aware of it, Mareo switched them back to its natural color.

"No reason."

"Nigga, yo eyes turn green when you in yo feelin's."

"I'm not in my feelings. I'm straight."

"You ain't. Shay!"

"Rome! Bruh, I said, I'm straight." He gritted but it was already too late because, Shayla was coming up the stairs.

"You called me?" She then looked at Mareo and caught wind of his eyes. "Why his eyes green?"

When she came back into his presence for the second time tonight, his eye color randomly switched to green.

"I don't know. You tell me. You the cause of it from what I'm takin' in."

"One, I ain't the cause of shit. And two, whatever he got goin' on ain't got shit to do wit me." She said to Romeo going back downstairs.

She mumbled to herself and went back to what she was doing. Meanwhile upstairs, Mareo was giving Romeo dirty looks.

"I told you I was aight. I didn't want her to see that. You don't fucking listen." Mareo nudged Romeo with his finger. He scoffed and went into his room to eat his pizza and turn in for the night. Romeo just rolled his eyes and went into his own room as well, going to sleep.

Downstairs, Shayla was up doing schoolwork, listening to music and studying for her classes. It was going on 3:45 in the morning on a Saturday. She was getting sleepy and was looking forward to sleeping in until later on until nighttime. She didn't notice the individual walking into the kitchen. Feeling somebody staring at her, she looked into the kitchen and saw Mareo.

"What you lookin' at?" She asked him as he continued to stare.

"We need to talk."

"Don't you see me studying? If it's about that shit you asked me the other day, don't even waste yo breath." She closed her notebook. She knew she wouldn't concentrate with him around so she stop studying for the time being.

"No, it's not about that. It's about something else actually." Shayla snatched her glasses off her face and leaned back into the couch. "Talk."

Mareo sighed and ran his hand down his face and got to talking. "Aight. So there's no easy easy way to say this, I spoke to Pops today and he mentioned about possibly doing another heist."

She was about to say something before he continued. "But I told him that it would be risky to take on another job because the authorities would be on our ass." He assured her. He knew that she was about to rebut so he stopped her.

He using his brain for once. She mentally said to herself. "And I saw Ma at the meeting too."

Shayla gazed at him as her nostrils flared. Every time anybody mention their mother, she developed a bad taste in mouth.

"Didn't I tell you not to mention that lady's name around me?" She pointed her finger.

"Shay, come on. Just hear the lady out." He tried to reason with her but she wasn't listening. There was nothing to be said to change her mind.

She'd went no contact on her for the past 5 years Every since she started developing into a teenager, she had to live off survival, physically, mentally, and emotionally. She grew resentment towards her each day and even though she loved her mother, hell would freeze over by the time she found forgiveness in her heart.

"You just keep going against the fuckin' grain." She stood up and shook her head. "You really pushin' it cause I still don't appreciate yo presence around me, and you know that."

"You don't even want to hear about the heist blueprints?" He nagged on. Shayla clinched her jaw at him because of his obnoxiousness ways.

He kept nagging her until she had enough. She turned around and pushed him. "Look!" She boomed out, "I don't give a fuck about you, this damn family, the business, or anything else! Especially you! You think you can just pop up and think shit sweet after all the fuckery behavior you've shown towards me? You only care about yo damn self. After all, you just some nigga I share a bloodline and a nut particle wit." She unapologetically stated.

Looking him up and down with a disgusted look on her face, she glared in his eyes and said, "They should've aborted yo ass when they had-"


Shayla felt a stinging sensation rushing throughout her cheek. The force was so powerful that it knocked her to the floor. She held a mug on her face as she rubbed her tongue on the inside of her mouth.

"Don't you ever let no dumb ass shit like that come out of your mouth again." He warned her.

"That'll never be guaranteed." She looked back at him with piercing green eyes. When he saw her eyes, it startled him a bit. Giving her one last glance, he left her there on the floor.

~The next morning~

~Romeo Anthony Brown~

Waking up to the sun shining into his room, he woke up and looked at the time, it read 6:45am.

"Ahh, shit," He yawned as he stretched his limbs. Getting out of bed, he exited his room and went towards Mareo's room first. He cracked open his door open and saw him still sleeping. Hearing his door creak, Mareo opened his eyes and saw him at his door.

"Get yo peeping Tom ass out of here!" He threw his pillow at the door, making him slammed the door shut to avoid being hit. Romeo snickered to himself and then went to his sister's room next. He knocked on it but received no answer.

"Angel?" He knocked again and went inside not being aware of what he was about to see.

"Shay, I'm 'bout to- woah, what the hell?" He stopped mid sentence at what he saw His sister was asleep but while she was sleeping, she was also floating.

Her room was glowing and it felt like he was in a fantasy world. Walking around her room, he analyzed the glow that possessed onto belongings. They were all glowing but no danger to him as he touched it. He went towards her bed and touch her leg softly, but snatched his hand back when he felt himself being zapped.

Acknowledging his touch, she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. As she was waking up, her body was lowering itself back to the bed. Breathing slowly she looked at Romeo and her eyes got big.

"It's ok. Nothin' to be scared of." Romeo said as an alarmed Shayla looked off into the open. She didn't want anybody to know of what had just taken place, but she didn't stress about that matter, at least not yet. She put her head in between her legs, "Did you want something?"

"I was 'bout to say did you wanna go out to Waffle House? But if you're still sleepy, I'll bring you back somethin'."

"No, no." She let out a heavy sigh. "I'm up now. Lemme get dressed and I'll be down in a minute."

"Aight." He left her room to let her get ready while he did the same. Putting on a simple outfit, he walked downstairs with his car keys in hand.

Waiting for Shayla, he got a phone call from an unknown number. He answer it and put it to his ear.


"Heyyy, baby." The voice giggled on the other end.

"Who dis?" His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to pinpoint who the voice belonged to.

"Forgot about me so soon, Rome?"

He smacked his teeth, "Really, Y'vona?"

"You don't miss me? I miss you," She cooed out sounding like a little girl.

"Hell nah, I don't fuckin' miss you!" He barked. "Bitch, don't call my mothafuckin' phone again! Aight?!" He hung up the phone and put it in his pocket. Shayla came down the steps and saw his face in a frown.

"Why yo face so tensed?"

"Y'vona stupid ass called my phone."

She puckered her lips out and tilted her head. "Ain't that the same hoe I beat numerous of times cause of her smart ass mouth?"

"Yea, ha ass." He replied and then looked at Shayla, "Nah, I don't need you to beat ha ass again."

Her mouth flew opened at his response. "What? I ain't even say nothin'!"

"Yea but I know what you thinkin'."

She rolled her eyes and walked past him. "Mane, whatever." She laughed. Just as she was about to open the door, Romeo stopped her.

"Hold on befo' we leave.. the hell you got on?" He asked arching his eyebrow at what she had on.

"Um, clothes."

"Clothes my ass!" He exclaimed. "It's chilly outside and you talkin' 'bout some 'clothes'.

"Nigga, it's hot as hell outside. We live in Cali! I'm barely showing any skin!" She said as she looked at her own outfit that consisted of a white sleeveless strapped crop top and jeans. "Ain't shit wrong wit I'm wearing. You're being dramatic."

"I don't give a shit. Go change." Romeo said to her. She just stood there and crossed her arms against her chest.

"If I tell yo ass to go change again, it's gone be a problem." He told her sternly, making her roll her eyes extremely hard. She muttered under her breath and went upstairs to change into something more appropriate. When she was finished, she came back down with in a different attire.

"Take it or leave it. I ain't changin' no more."

He smacked his lips, "Come on, bruh. I still don't like that lil ass shirt you wearin'."

"Cuh, shut up."

The both of them left the house and got into his car. Driving to the restaurant, he started a conversation to pass time.

"So whatchu gonna do after you graduate college?"

"Why you askin' me that and I just started college? That's 3 years from now." She pointed out. Even though she had a plan after she graduated, she knew she would have to change some things as time passed.

"I was just askin'. That's all."

She looked out the window before responding. "I was gonna move somewhere else. Ain't shit here for me anymore."

"I understand but it ain't safe outchea or nowhea' else. You ain't stable enough to be out thea' by yoself."

She scrunched up face at his comment, "Fuck that's suppose to be mean, Rome?"

"It ain't what you think. I'm just sayin'."

"Rome, I know that. I wanna move away from here just as much as you do, but I got unfinished business."

"Unfinished business??"

"Did I stutter?"

"Nah, but who you got beef wit?" He was now concerned. He knew deep down his sister could stand her own, but the thought of her getting into trouble didn't sit too well with him

"Some bad. Some good. It's 50/50 and don't worry about it. You'll know eventually." By the time she finished talking, they arrived at Waffle House.

Romeo parked the car and turned it off. The pair walked inside and got seated right away. A waiter then came over to take their orders.

"Hello, my name is Jackson, and I'll be your waiter for the morning. What can I start you off for drinks?"

"I'll have a lemonade." Romeo told him his selection of choice.

"And for you, beautiful?" He asked Shayla waiting for her response, also earning a hard glare from Romeo.

"I'll have a sweet tea please."

"Anything for you love. I'll be back with y'all drinks." He walked away from the table leaving them alone.

"Nigga gettin' a lil too flirty fa me."

"You need to chill. If he get outta line I'll check him." She warned him making him smack his teeth.

"Aight." He leaned back into his side of the booth. The waiter came back and placed their drinks on the table. He then went ahead and asked the for their food orders.

"Alright, are y'all ready to order?"

"I'll have the all star breakfast. Gimme the city ham, scrambled eggs. And I want blueberry waffles." Romeo said as he gave him his order.

"And for the fine lady?"

"Watch it, lil nigga." Romeo warned, never removing his eyes the menu. Shayla poker faced him out of embarrassment and kicked him in his shin, making him hiss and bump his knee against the table.

"Excuse my remedial brother." She glared at him before turning her attention to the waiter. "I'll have the same thing he's having, but wit chocolate chip waffles." She smile at him and gave him the menu.

"Your food will be out shortly." He scurried away from the table. Once he was at a fair enough distance, Shayla snatched his phone from his hands.

"You hardheaded! I told you to chill out!" She spoke in a low tone but sternly at him.

"He should've chose his words differently. Young nigga gettin' too flirty for me."

"Do it again and I'ma snatch yo damn tongue outta yo mouth." She chastised at him before giving his phone back.

Romeo grumbled and slouched in his seat. After 15 minutes, their food arrived at the table. They ate and made small talk while doing so. Finishing her food first, she waited until Rome finished.

"Gahdamn, fat ass lil girl." He joked as he looked her plate that was now empty.

"Told you I was hungry." She laughed and drunk the rest of her drink. Her phone went off making her look at it confusedly not recognizing the caller ID. She answered it and put it to her ear.


"Shayla?" The voice spoke.

"Who is this?" She asked with an arched brow.

"Um.. this- this is-"

"Look don't play on my damn phone." Shayla irritably spoke.

The voice sighed, "It's Jodeci."

"Why you callin' me?"

"To talk out our differences. Can we meet up sometime?"

"You know we ain't cool like that, so why would i do that." She said blankly. "That punk ass brother of mine put you up this bullshit?"

"No, he ain't put me up to nothing." Jodeci said smartly. "Believe me, he the last person that I wanna speak about."

Shayla rolled her eyes. Even though the two weren't close, she knew Jodeci like the back of her hand. Anything she desired, she'd sucker up like a dummy to get it, even if it meant getting it for somebody else and risking her life.

Luckily for Jodeci, she were beginning to drift away and cut ties from those ways.

"How I know you ain't tryna set me up or somethin'?"

"I'm not like that hoe Alex. I ain't that desperate."

She scoffed, "You ain't desperate but here you are callin' me?" Jodeci went silent before speaking again. "Calling a truce and being desperate are two different things.

"Whatever. I'll think about it." And with that, she ended the call.

"Who was dat?"


"She called you forrrr?"

"To 'talk out our differences'. I'm not buyin' it until I know she for real. Seems kinda suspicious to me."

"I still don't see why she didn't like you and yeen do shit to the damn girl." Romeo said as the waiter came back with the tab. He paid and they left the restaurant and got in the car.

"Yea, you know why. Cause ha lil stupid delusional ass thought that me and Mareo weren't actually siblings, and assumed we had some going on, and I had to put ha ass in check by beating ha to the pulp."

"Uh, we most definitely all look alike." He chuckled. " But you look mo' like me than him tho." He drove off and went into the main streets. "She might got a lil crush on ya." Romeo laughed as he thought about it.

"Aight, you can chill. Can you take me to the mall while we out?"

"Nigga you already got enough clothes and shoes as it is." He groaned.

"Is you paying tho?" She asked him.

"Nah, but still-"

"Bruh just take me to the mall while we still out this way." She rolled her eyes and looked out the window. Nonetheless, he took his little sister to the mall. Arriving at the place, he parked the car and got out.

"I'm not finna be long. Just need some more stuff."

"Well while you doin' that, I'll be at the food court." They parted ways to do whatever they wanted to do.

~Shayla Dior Brown~

Shayla went inside the first store she usually shopped at for a particular piece or outfit for the night. Picking up items to try on, she bobbed her head to the store's trap music. Once she had a full sleeve covered with clothes, she went to the dressing room to try them on.

On her way to the dressing room, she saw something out in the open that caught her eye. Or a person of that matter. It was Makaveli Garza, the rival's leader. She looked observed him to see what he was up to.

"What his ass got goin' on?" She questioned as she watched him walk into a servers masked room.

Figuring that he would be in there for a while, she went ahead and tried on her clothes. Liking all of the items she picked, she put back on her clothes and went to the check out.

As she was in the middle of the transaction, she looked over to the door to see Makaveli come out with briefcases, a Desert Eagle gun in hand, and 3 bodyguards. She paid for her items and walked out of the store.

Placing her hoodie over her head to keep a low profile, she took out her phone and sent Romeo a a quick text.


i thought you was in foot locker. Delivered 10:46am

"Really nigga?" She was about to cuss him out through text but saw him walking her way. "Damn, nut. Where the hell was you?"

"I was getting some food when you texted me that shit." He took his hat off and scratched his head, "Now whea' that nigga at?" he questioned.

"He gone now, mothafucka'," she slapped the back of his head. " If you wasn't on the other side of the mall fuckin' off, we would've had some."

"Well why you just ain't tail em?"

She gave him a look and said, "Did you really just ask me that- oh so you want my brains splattered against the walls?"

"What?" Romeo spoke cluelessly with his hands out. "I'm just sayin' that coul-"

"Awe, shut the hell up, Rome." She cut him off and walked past him. They left the mall and drove off, headed towards the house.

"You remedial as hell."

"Remedial? What dat mean?"

"Retarded." She said as she went on her Instagram and went through her timeline.

"I just know damn well-" Realizing she had bluntly insulted him, Romeo glanced at and mugged her. She just shrugged her shoulders and keep her eyes in her phone.

The car was filled with comfortable silence as they bobbed their head to the latest music. Her stomach growled loudly and she looked over at Romeo and who just so happened to return the same expression.

"Whatchu want to eat fat ass?"

"Can I get some seafood?" Giving him puppy dog eyes, she batted her eyelashes hoping that he would agree on the food choice.

He shook his head, "Nah, we literally just had that shit a week ago." He told her causing her to smack her teeth. "Choose some else."

"Well I don't know."

"Don't start that shit mane."

"You pick something then." She suggested smartly.

"Guess I'm finna cook then." He said as he turned into the driveway. It was nearing 2 in the afternoon. This gave Shayla enough time to sleep until she stepped out later on that evening.

Walking inside the house, she placed her jacket on the rack. As she walked upstairs and towards her room, she heard slight yelling coming from Mareo's room. Romeo heard it too and decided to see what the hassle was about.

He knocked on the door and received no response. He knocked again only for the yelling to get louder. Shayla and Romeo looked at each other for a second.

"Nigga move. Stallin' to open this damn.." She opened the door, "Well, well, well. Look at which hoe decided to come crawling back." Shayla spoke sarcastically as she acknowledged Alex's presence. "Wassup, shawty?"

"Can we help y'all?" Alex bucked Shayla with an evident attitude. Shayla was going to let her have it seeing that she posed no threat of any kind, until Romeo intervened.

"Bitch, you betta act like you got some sense. You is in my house so don't make me toss yo lil yella ugly ass on the concrete." His NOLA accent coming out with each syllable he spoke.

Romeo didn't play around when it came down to his siblings and his respect. He'd beef with the whole nation about his brother and sister. Another thing he didn't tolerate was smart mouth bitches his twin brother kept for company, because Alex was one step from getting jumped by all three of them.

Alex scoffed, "Boy ain't nobody scared of your little scrawny ass."

"Hoe lemme reiterate since you can't comprehend well," Shayla walked towards her and pointed her finger where it rested dead in the middle of her face, "If you don't act like you got a lil bit of home training left in yo stankin' ass and learn yo fuckin' place, I will most certainly and foremost personally beat yo ass'. Now if my brother says to respect his house, you gone do it. Or somebody's gutta snipe of daughter is gonna be coming home gushin' out blood."

They had an intense stare off with each other, never breaking eye contact. Shayla smirked as Alex tried to size her up. Without any fair warning, Shayla flicked her fingers in Alex's face, making her to flinch and stumble back.

Before leaving the room, Shayla stopped and turned around. "I'd humble myself if I were you. Yeen tough, bitch." She snarled at her and disappeared into the hallway with Romeo behind her.

Seeing that she was in the clear to start back her irrelevant rants, she sighed out of relief, until she felt a large hand smack her making her with so much power.

He gripped her hair and yanked it back, "You come here again on some bullshit, I swear to God, I will kill you my damn self. Understand?" He didn't hear her answer so he pulled her hair again, "I said do you understand me?"

"Yea, yea." She winced in pain, wishing he would let go. He kissed her cheek and threw her head forward. "Getcho ass out." Mareo dismissed her, watching her scurry to her feet.

As she got to the bottom of the stairs, she saw Romeo and Shayla talking. Shayla glanced over and stared at her. Just to put some fright into her soul, Shayla smirked and changed her eye color to a grey, resembling her eyes of a ghost.

Alex's eyes widen with fear, watching her eyes stare into her soul. Alex scrambled out of the house, making Shayla laugh loudly. Mareo came downstairs and went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Yo where you find ha ass at? Crazy ass popping up at my house and shit."

"Long story. But what y'all finna get into?"

"I'm finna cook and shit. I don't know 'bout shawty ova' hea'." He leaning his head towards Shayla as he started prepping for dinner.

"I'm finna go to sleep. Leave y'all to it." She let herself out and went upstairs to her room. Thinking that she couldn't hear, Mareo whispered to Romeo, "I thought she was going somewhere tonight?"

"THAT AIN'T NONE OF YA DAMN BUSINESS!!" She shouted making him jump. "I didn't know she could hear me." Mareo said as he looked at the stairs.


Mareo rolled his eyes. "What you about to cook?"

"Hot wings, pasta, and brownies."

"Ooouuu! You gotta let me help this time." He said grabbing a whisk and brownie mix but Romeo removed them from his possession.

"Last time I let you help, you almost burnt the house down."

"See that was a one time thing."

"Nigga you let the water evaporate and threw water onto the stove!" Romeo shouted bringing up the time where Mareo made the kitchen burst into flames because he wasn't watching the food like he was supposed to.

"Whatever. I'll be in here waiting for the food. Might go to sleep." He said crashing onto the couch and got comfortable.

~Later that night~


It was 7:45pm and the sun began to set as Shayla was still asleep quietly in her bed. Her phone alarm went off loudly but not loud to where everybody could hear it. She hit the cancel button on her phone and sat up in bed.

She went to Romeo's room to see if he was up and he was, sitting in bed rolling up a backwood.

"I thought you was sleep." She asked him standing in his door way.

"Couldn't. So I'm rollin' up."

"Oh.. lemme hit it right quick." When she said that he looked at her like she had two heads.

"Pot head."

"Like you ain't."

"Finna put yo baybeh ass lungs to the test. Take 4 quick pulls and 2 long ones." He gave her the backwood and watched. She did as told and he was impressed. Giving it back to him, she closed her eyes and let the sensation of the weed invade her lungs.

"Preciate it." She left and went back to her room. After she did he hygiene, she went to retrieve her outfit for the evening and got dressed. She finished her hair and makeup last and checked herself in the mirror.

She cleaned up her mess so that she wouldn't have to worry about it when she got home late, and left her room.

*Knock knock* "Romeo. I'm about to head-" She walked in only to find him knocked out. She tipped toed over to him and put a blanket over his body. She kissed his forehead and closed his door quietly.

As she cascaded downstairs, she saw a light illuminating from the living room. Reaching the end of the stairs, she saw Mareo playing the game. He was too occupied in his match of Call of Duty that he didn't even hear her come down.

He took off his headset and looked at her before deciding to say something, "Where you about to go?"

"Out." She said keeping her responses short.

"Does Romeo know?"

"If he didn't? What you was gone do, snitch?" She laughed to herself, "Yea nice try." She walked to the table that was next to the front door to retrieve her car keys, but didn't see them in the bowl.

"I thought I put them here." She turned around and saw Mareo pull them into the ai from out of his pocket.

"Looking for these?" He smirked, jangling them in the air.

"I have somewhere to go, so you can hand me my keys." She reached for them, but Mareo put his arm higher in the air.

"Oh, too slow! Try again." He laughed darkly at her.

"If I start counting down from five and if my keys aren't in my hand, we gone have a problem." She counted down mentally in her head. As much as she wanted to act of impulse, she kept her cool. She didn't show how she was upset in her face, but the nonetheless, her patience wore thin with a man she called a brother.

"Reach for them and maybe you can get them back." He taunted. He kept laughing until he felt a hand grab ahold of his shaft, making him yelp out in pain. He dropped to the ground and looked at his sister as her eyes turned grey

"I asked you nicely to give me my shit back, and you decided to play wit me like I won't hurt you." She twisted his manhood in her hand, receiving agonizing groans of pain out of him, "Make this yo last time playin' in my fuckin' face. I will make yo life a miserable hell as you did mine." She let go and he fell back and held himself in his hands.

She disappeared into the family room for a few minutes before coming back out, and she saw him with his back turned. Having enough of his presence, she decided to silence him for a while.

Creeping up from behind, she stood contemplating on what she were about to cause. Placing her hand around his neck, she used her other hand to snatch his necklace off. He tried to get her off of him, but she overpowered him

She whispered into his ear, letting the tip of her fang grazed it, "This yo first and last warning, you lowlife bastard. Have a good nights rest." She slammed her fangs into his neck, making blood splatter from its veins.

He tried to yell out in pain, but she slapped her hand over his mouth, muffling his yells. Mareo jerked in her hold for 7 minutes before he went limp. She let his body fall back on the couch. Standing back, she looked at him and wiped his blood from her mouth.

Snatching her car keys off the floor, Shayla left the house, speeding off into the night to have the time of her life.



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