What We Want, What We Get (a...

By ghettokidnickyy

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Leave it to Michael Reynolds to have the biggest crush on one of the most attractive and sought out boys in e... More

Chapter One - "I don't need to be in love to know.."
Chapter Two - "We really need to stop meeting like this.."
Chapter Three - "Maybe that's a cover up. Some gay guys do that."
Chapter Four - "Are you his special friend?"
Chapter Five - I'm this close to jumping his bones
Chapter Six - "It's not like that, at least not yet."
Chapter Seven - "It'll take something drastic to kill my vibe."
Chapter Eight - "No don't do that, you're too cute for that."
Chapter Nine - "Are you gonna sleep with him?"
Chapter Ten - "I want you to do it again."
Chapter Eleven - "Hell, he can have a threesome for all I care!"
Chapter Twelve - "Is that why everyone was looking at us?"
Chapter Thirteen - " I took some relaxing pills before I picked you up."
Chapter Fourteen - "I did something bad this weekend."
Chapter Fifteen - "What makes you think I did something to make that happen?"
Chapter Sixteen - "Who said you'd be the one screwing them?"
Chapter Seventeen - "Is that why you kept avoiding me? "
Chapter Eighteen - "Odds are he won't ever talk to me again."
Chapter Nineteen - "I'll still beat that assholes face in, just say the word."
Chapter Twenty - "That is not what the damn pact was about."
Chapter Twenty Two - "You didn't say yes, but you didn't say no, either."
Chapter Twenty Three - "I promise it's not a sex toy."
Chapter Twenty-Four - "I will rip your ovaries out with my teeth."
Chapter Twenty Five - "Ask me when I'm sober."
Chapter Twenty-Six - "Jeez, when did you start sluttin' it up?"
Chapter Twenty-Eight - "I'm down for slashing his tires. 3, not all four."
Chapter Twenty-Nine - "I officially have lost my appetite."
Chapter Thirty - I Knew You (Epilogue)

Chapter Twenty One - "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

61 1 0
By ghettokidnickyy

Happy New Year, fans!! Enjoy the new chapter. Probably one of my favorites so far!! Also, be safe and always get tested for sexual infection, whether you're straight, gay, or anything else. :)

It's been a few days since I last spoke to Brad since he dropped the Chlamydia bomb on everyone, and before I forgave him I needed to know if I was at risk for it or not. When I went to the clinic with Paul the day after I was shaking with fear. Sure, it's extremely curable, but I don't like the idea of being contaminated with a sexual disease, especially when my sexual contact has been fairly non-penetrable.

It turns out that I was fine; clean of any signs of any STI's. As for Paul, he definitely got it. I didn't understand how I was fine but he wasn't, but then the doctor explained all the possible reasons why I may have not gotten it I was even more lost, because I was doing the same things with him that Brad was.

The doctor examined Paul's mouth for any possible cuts or things, because apparently if semen is able to enter through a cut, you can get it that way also. When the doctor was looking, he noticed Paul had some cuts near his gums, which he says are from brushing his teeth too hard in the morning.

Who would have thought the difference between being STD free would be in technique in teeth brushing?  Paul looked so embarrassed about the whole thing and I felt bad for him, but at the same time I'd rather him be diseased than me. Imagine having to tell my parents that I got an STI from a boy who I'm not even dating who was screwing around with my best friend. Talk about awkward.

Anyways, after the appointment, Paul got a prescription from the doctor to get antibiotics and was told to refrain from all sexual activity for a week after the antibiotics are complete. So basically, the rest of summer he can't do anything.

We decided to give each other a little break (physically, at least) until he recovers from this incident. Plus it'll give us time to figure out what we want from each other. It's not like I knew before, and with no guidance I'll probably always be in the dark about my desires. It's not like I'll be able to escape him one hundred percent since we still work together for another two weeks, but nothing outside of that communication and a text here and there will suffice.

It's Saturday afternoon on this hot August heat and I'm heading over to Brad's house to talk. I swear, August is literally that month where it's just hot all the time. No holidays, either. It's just literally just a month of hot days and chilly nights. If this wasn't a serious reason to leave the house I'd stay my butt inside and go on Youtube or watch my weekly dose of porn or something. I get to the front of his door before I start severely sweating and knock three times.

His mom is the person who lets me in the house, and she tells me Brad is in his room with Jayna. I knew Caroline was busy at the doctors today for her injuries last month, but I actually didn't check to see what Jayna was up to. And what the hell happened to Alice?! I haven't heard from her since the last week in June! I need to make a mental note to call her later tonight.

I open Brads door to see him in bed asleep and Jayna playing with Brad's cat, Miranda. She gives me a smile before I sit and join her on the floor. As soon as I sit, Miranda makes her way into my lap and I pet her as she purrs softly.

"How long has he been out?" I ask, not looking at her yet.

"Give or take an hour. The antibiotics he got make him really sleepy randomly." She says, smiling when Miranda looks her in the eye. I knew the antibiotics had weird side effects on every person individually (I had an ear infection two years ago and with the antibiotics I also had diarrhea the entire term), but I didn't know sleep would be one of them. Had school been in session when he got infected, he would have had to deal with detention every day, but he'd probably sleep through that too.

Jayna looks really glowy today, if that's even a thing. But I can literally feel the happiness radiating off of her body, and it's putting Miranda in a happy mood and I'm getting cheery as well.

"Wanna explain why I can feel all the happy inside of you coming off like the sun out there?" I ask her while I pretend to shiver so she gets the sun reference.

"I just feel really good. I mean, I feel bad for Brad having to be Sleeping Beauty for the next month, but Dennis is just so amazing."

"I actually forgot you had a boyfriend for a while. You never mentioned him when you left in June so I assumed you two broke up or stopped talking." I say, scratching Miranda's ears.

"At that time, I was kind of mad at him, even though it was stupid. You know how I was all insecure about the whole him being bisexual thing?" I nod. "Well, the night before I left, I was at his house before I came to say goodbye to you and Caroline and his phone isn't locked so I was gonna take selfies so he'll remember my gorgeous face (she actually made a model pose also, oh my god). I see an unopened text from this guy named Jason, and I didn't read too much of the conversation but from the look of it, Jason wanted Dennis back. I didn't tell Dennis I saw that, and when I left I was being so uptight on skype and he didn't know why."

I shake my head. "Jayna, you know that wasn't fair of you. If you're gonna be mad, at least let the boy know why you were mad."

"I know, I know. When I got back he didn't call or anything and I think he thought I didn't like him anymore, and that wasn't the case; it was the total opposite. I went to his house and begged him to talk to me and I told him what I saw. He looked so sad and he told me he was never with Jason to begin with. Jason and him went on one date last March and Dennis immediately decided Jason wasn't for him but Jason wouldn't take no for an answer, even three months later. He showed me the whole conversation and he wasn't lying."

"Why was this not brought up to me or Caroline?!  Does Brad know about all this?" She nods.

"I told him the whole story the day before he dropped that STD bomb, and had we not gone over to his house that day I was going to tell you that day. Caroline still doesn't know about any of that yet, and I'm dreading it because she'll ask me a thousand questions on if we've done anything or whatever."

"Well, have you done things yet?" She starts getting red in the face, and that alone is a dead giveaway to me.

"I'm not going all the way with him at the moment, if that's what you mean. I will say he knows how to use his tongue the right way." And I literally cover my mouth to try not to wake Brad, but ultimately I lose because I holler so loud even Miranda looks done with my shit.

Brad starts to yawn himself awake and looks down at the scene at the foot of his bed. Me hysterically laughing, Miranda not understanding this exchange, and Jayna red as a tomato because of what she just said. He just stares back and forth and proclaims he doesn't want to know.

"Wake up doofus, I have good news." He sits up, a little more alert than before and waits for my announcement. When I said give me a few days, I literally didn't try to talk to him, and he didn't try either. So this is the first time I am talking to him since the bomb a few days ago got dropped. "I don't have anything, so I personally don't hate you anymore. As for Paul, he might hate you when he's recovered."

"How are you clean and he's not?" Jayna asked from the floor; I forgot I stood up for that.

"It's a long story." I don't feel like divulging into how that happened but I'm just glad I'm clean! "I'm just glad I don't have to tell my parents about it, though they'd probably think Craig gave it to me instead of Paul."

I never told my parents that Craig and I broke up, actually. It was hard enough telling my best friends I got into a failed relationship; I couldn't bring myself to tell my parents the same thing. Steph kind of had a feeling when we got a new pizza delivery boy two weeks ago. She didn't even bother asking me, she just knew. Girls.

"Speaking of that bastard, I ran into him when I went to the store with my dad on Thursday." Brad interjects. "He saw me when I was passing by the wood and hammer part of the store, and I think he shit his pants for a second and slowly backed up." Good, that two-timing man whore.

"I still can't believe I dated him, and that you both agreed on it." I shake my head at that notion.

"We didn't think he'd be capable of such great evil." Jayna said. Good point, even I didn't totally see it coming. I mean, I was suspicious, but I assumed it would go away with time. NOPE. "But you're done with him and now you can be with Paul."

"I don't know about all that. For god's sake he just got chlamydia, dating is the last thing on our minds, even though it is a priority to figure out these days." I spit out. "Speaking of chlamydia, you were responsible and told all your chicky friends to get themselves checked right, Brad?"

He looks at the floor before looking back at me and that alone gave me my answer also. "BRAD, THIS IS SERIOUS. GIRLS MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO HAVE KIDS IF THEY DON'T GET CURED IN TIME. TELL THESE GIRLS NOW!"

"Calm down, it's totally curable." He says matter-of-factly.

Jayna steps in. "You idiot, that's not the point. Eighty percent of girls don't show symptoms, so if you don't tell them they may go their whole lives with it and screw up their chances of having planned pregnancies for a family."

I look at Jayna for a second. "How the hell did you know that?" I'm actually very impressed with her knowledge on the subject of chlamydia (words I never thought I'd hear myself say).

"My brother was taking a sexuality course at his university and he had me quiz him last March. Did you know there are two different types of herpes and that ninety percent of the world has Herpes #1, which is a cold sore?" I kind of just look at her and she realizes that we were having a serious conversation and gets her game face back on.

Brad looks between the both of us, knowing we're right about the situation. He needs to take responsibility and tell the girls about his issue. He should also confront the source of his issue, i.e Usmana, but one step at a time I guess.

"I'll call them all individually before the day is over. Happy?" Brad huffs. And with that I am happy.


When I get back to my house with Caroline it is roughly 6:30 on Sunday night and, instead of smelling pizza and wings for dinner, I smell corn and what I hope to be turkey legs when we step through the door. She goes to the kitchen to greet my family and I run upstairs to pee. By the time I walk down the stairs I get a text from Caroline.

"Oh my god, your sister's boyfriend is the most gorgeous boy I have ever seen." Boyfriend?

I make my way to the kitchen to see everyone seated and mom about to put Bryce in his chair, and all I can focus on are the electric blue eyes that are next to Steph at the table. That boy is gorgeous, holy shit.

He has this not-quite-blond-hair-but-not-quite-brown-hair that is absolutely gorgeous, and a jaw line that could literally break into my chest with one swift hit. His face has a few pimples but he's so hot you can look right past them, and he has this shirt on that you can tell he has muscles under it. I literally want to drool, or take him upstairs with me, but I have to remember I'm in private-public. Also, that hottie is my sister's new boyfriend, so obviously no.

I make my way over to the table and sit in the empty seat between Caroline and my dad. She mumbles next to me 'he's gorgeous' and I nod in total agreement. I know my sister looks better than me, but I didn't expect her to be such a looker that she snagged this guy.

While my mom went to get all the food from the stove, Steph took this as the time to introduce us to her boyfriend. "Dad, Mike, Bryce, this is my boyfriend, Jourdan." He shyly waves at us and whispers a hello, and I know in that moment he's terrified of my dad, because every guy with a girlfriend fears the dad. I'm glad I can put a name to a face, but why does that name ring a horrible bell?

"How did you two meet?" Caroline asks. If she weren't here, my dad would be the one asking questions left and right. I actually feel bad for Jourdan, because when she meets someone new she needs to know everything about them. My dad actually has an advantage, he doesn't have to pry since he knows Caroline will do it for him.

She clears her voice. "I was at the mall with Emily and Cierra and we went to the new Finally 22 store that opened up. Btw that store wasn't that great and we ended up going to the Topshop nearby. Anyways, as we were leaving the shop I was carrying my phone in my hand and this dude bumped me hard and I dropped it and the back came off. When I went to get it, Jourdan here picked it up for me, and that's all she wrote."

Maybe it's because I'm sad of the fact that I have a complicated love life, or rather the one I had ripped my heart apart, but I envy my sister right now and I hate it. I stuff pieces of turkey in my mouth to keep myself from embarrassing myself or anyone else and Caroline continues to rapid fire questions to the new romantics.

I must have been out of it because I feel Caroline shaking me to come back to Earth. She points to my dad next to me and he re-asks the question I didn't bother ever hearing. "Where has Craig been these days, Mike? You should have invited him over for dinner."

I see a lot of different faces on in the room at the moment. My mom has a weird look on her face. Nope, she's still not used to it. Caroline and Steph have the same remorseful face on, even though only one of them knows why I'm single. Even Jourdan has a weird face on. Maybe he didn't expect me to be gay, I'm not sure. I just shrug and go back to eating.

"Did you get into a fight or something?" He tries again, looking concerned. Ugh, I hate that look, now I have to tell him the truth.

"We broke up. He was cheating on me and I ended it. I deserve better than that." And with that, I felt tears start to come in my eyes. I wasn't expecting to have a reaction like this at the family table, but I start to feel how I felt when I broke up with him in the first place. I excuse myself from the table and make Caroline stay where she is; I just need a second to recompose myself.

I take this moment to run upstairs to the bathroom and let myself cry it out. I don't know how long I'm in here for, because soon I get a knock on the door, and my dad comes in. I cry some more and literally start crying on his shoulders, like the cry baby I am.

I release myself and try to recompose myself. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, it's just hard to tell your dad that your first gay relationship turned to shit because the guy you were dating was a whorebag and he cheated on you."

He kisses me on my forehead to calm me down. "Listen to me, I'm not upset that you didn't tell me. And I'm happy to know that you dumped his ass the second you realized he wasn't treating you right. You are my son, you deserve to be loved correctly and respected, and he obviously wasn't the one to do that for you."

I'm glad I have my dad. He kind of takes over the role my mother is technically supposed to have, but seeing as though he's totally okay with me being gay and she still has issues of her own with it, this will have to do. Besides, I prefer it this way. What other sixteen year old boy can say their dad consoled them after a bad break up with a whore? Not a lot of people, let's start there.

I tell him thank you and we walk back downstairs, and it's clearly evident that I was crying like an idiot. But I don't care, I'm still mourning, so deal with it. Caroline gives my hand a squeeze and we go back to eating dinner, the air a little awkward since my mom and Jourdan don't know how to react to the conversation.

It's a little bit later and Caroline had to go home, so I just went back to my room and started texting Paul about how he's doing with the antibiotics. He tells me he feels like he needs to eat more, but I assure him that is probably less of the antibiotic and more of him being hungry. He's such a doofus and that thought alone makes me smile.

I forgot my door was wide open, so Jourdan walks in and knocks at the same him. I feel like an idiot for embarrassing myself in front of my sisters' new hot boyfriend and it was literally our first meeting.

"Mind if I talk to you?" I gesture for him to enter and he sits on the foot of my bed with his hands running through his hair. God, he is so hot it's not even a joke.

"Before you start, I just wanna say sorry for embarrassing myself like an idiot out there. It was a pretty bad breakup and I guess I'm still not over it. And yes, I'm gay, and if you're gonna be dating my sister you're gonna have to deal with it since she hates homophobes." I get oddly defensive toward the end.

He looks up surprised, like I just slapped him. "Oh no, no, it's cool. Breakups happen. And I'm Bi; it wouldn't make sense to hate you since I'm fifty percent gay." Well, I did not see that expression coming. "And your sister knows, I was very upfront about it when we met. She's cool with it." Points for you, Steph.

"Oh, cool. So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I'm actually confused as to why he wants to talk to me even though we just met.

He's racking his fingers through his hair again, and he breathes out really heavy before he starts speaking. "I'm sorry. I had no idea he had a boyfriend and when you said his name at the table I knew it was him. I feel horrible about being the end of your relationship." Huh??

"I'm so confused, who are you talking about?"

"Craig." Craig? What is he getting on about?

"What the hell does Craig have to do with...." Then I stop because it all clicks right then and then.

The guy I caught Craig texting in the cars name was Jourdan, and the picture that was on the profile had the same blue eyes as him. But that's crazy, there is no way in hell that I am sitting in front of the guy who ultimately got my heart shattered and is now dating my sister, there is no way in hell this is a real thing. There's no way he's in my room right now explaining himself.

One look in his regretful eyes tells me everything I need to know: What a small goddamn world.

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