A riddle of lies (saiki k x...

By androidTG600

4.1K 69 42

You get sent to another universe and don't remember anything, except your age, some sort of riddle that you d... More

First day jitters
Too powerful
The screaming
The favor
Authors note: sorry
It's all over now
Author note
The little blonde bitch
The dream
The bodyguards

Universal move

128 1 3
By androidTG600

Y'all my writing is trash and is is this last chapter, but I mean, at least I tried. If you've read to this far, congratulations! You will finish the book after this chapter, I hope y'all enjoy(ed)! __________________________________________________________________________

I knew it was too good to be true, there's no way that I could ever be able to visit his universe, let alone have him fall for me, I've never had such a realistic dream before. Well realistic ish, but why was I able to see from his eyes as well? Well I have had dreams like that before, I need to just move along with life and within a week or two at most it'll go blurry. After about a month I probably won't remember it at all, or at least it will be very hard to remember.' And with that you then were able to finally move and get out of bed, doing your morning routine before changing from your night clothes to a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt. It's not like you have school so you don't need to get dressed up, you then wander over to the couch in the living room and sit down before continuing on your binge watching (well not exactly but you know what I mean)

'She was able to get me hooked on it after all.' You let out a small chuckle before returning your attention to the screen.

Two hours later

'Where's Thalia? (little sister) she always comes downstairs before noon and it's already one.' You glance at the clock that lay on the wall before cautiously getting off the couch and wandering upstairs and place a soft knock on her door. After waiting for awhile you enter her room and find her gone, absolutely no trace of her anywhere, not even a note her bed is still kind of messy so she left in a hurry. Your attention caught by her phone which lay on the nightstand beside her bed.

'She never leaves her phone when she goes somewhere. How did she get out? Was she kidnapped? How did they get in? How did I not notice?' Your eyes begin to well with tears.

'Tina, I need to make sure she's okay too.' With tears now falling down your cheeks you place a soft knock on your roommates door before slowly stepping in.

'S-she's not here either.' You drop to your knees as your eyes feel like the Niagara falls of tears. When suddenly you hear a voice, there shouldn't be someone else here.

-i knew this would get a reaction out of her but it looks like she's completely given up hope and maybe on life itself! Is should probably come out of the closet now- (I know what you're thinking and that's not what I meant) you get off the ground with your fists in balls as you turn to face the closest to which you presume your roommate is in. With fire burning in your eyes, any sensible person would leave you the hell alone. Upon seeing the expression on your face and feeling the ~vibe~ radiating off of you, your roommate is a little bit worried for her safety.

—shit, I knew she'd be kinda mad that I pranked her but holy shit, she's gonna tear me apart with her bear hands! How did she know that I was in he- IS SHE LEVITATING?!?— of course you had no idea. (Y'all know where this is going)

UCKWHATTHEFUCK- you opened the closet door to reveal a very very scared Tina who can't even stand.

"I found you, you little bitch." You said with a very demonic sounding voice.

-she's gonna fucking kill me, this is it, this is my end.-  you grabbed your roommate by by the shoulder and pulled her out.

"I-I'm so s-sorry, p-please don't k-kill me." Your entire ~vibe~ changed, the fire in your eyes gone, a smile on your face, your feet on the ground, your hands relaxed within not even a second.

-wHaT thE FUCk- your hand still resting on her shoulder.

"I scared you didn't I, that aught to teach you to play pranks on me."  Your hand then fell to your side as you turned just a little bit towards the door before turning back just your head.

'Obviously I wouldn't give up that easily.'

"Now, where's Thali- I WAS LEVITATING" your facial expression completely changed once again. Your roommate now looked almost as surprised as you were.

"I thought I was just seeing things." You walk over to your roommates bed and sat down with a blank expression on your face as you try to comprehend what just happened, followed by Tina who also sat on the bed with you.

"I thought it was a dream." With tears now running down you cheeks as you stared forward at the wall, leaving your roommate very confused.

-wtf is she talking about?-

"A dream, at least that's what I though it was." Your roommate looked at you again this time with a surprised look mixed in with her already confused face.

—d-did she just read my mind? No, no there's now way, that's impossible!—

"Yes, yes I did." By now Tina's jaw was just practically on the floor.

"S-so you can levitate and read minds." You look back over at Tina with tears still slowly falling down your cheeks.

"I can do so, so much more than that, if you want to know everything I can do you'd have to talk to him."

"Him? Him who?" Judging by her thoughts, your roommate was the most confused person on the planet.

"Saiki." Your roommate was shocked at first but then she just fell into a sea of laughter upon realizing what you said.

"I see you've surpassed the fangirl stage, delusional about Saiki. Don't worry, I've been there too." Your roommate said while still choking back laughter to which she was responded with a deadpan expression from you making her silence herself.

<You don't believe me that I've met Saiki and yet you just saw me floating, midair. Look at me and tell me you can't hear me without my mouth moving. Tell me that I didn't read your mind earlier.> your roommate just stared at the floor in silence although her thoughts were racing.

-i still don't believe her for some reason, I mean she can levitate, talk to me without using her mouth at all and read my mind, which also means she's hearing this. Whatever, but that stuff is kind of possible, but another universe? That I can't see, I mean of course I've dreamed about being able to do that, but I don't think it's possible.-

<Don't think it's possible eh? Why don't you look behind you and tell me it's not possible.> the biggest smile you've ever smiled now covering your face as you were choking back tears and holding back sobs. your roommate was snapped out of thought and looked behind her to be met with a certain pink haired boy standing next to the bed while leaning against the wall. That's one hunk of a man right there. At this point you couldn't hold your smile up anymore and your eyes began to water once again as you then jumped from the bed and tackled before giving him the biggest hug you've ever given. A smile now crawling up onto the boys face as your roommate just stares in disbelief.

-I'm definitely high right now.-

<what's with the tears lately?> the boy says before hugging you back, your eyes still releasing tears as they soak into the fabric of his clothes. You finally let go before outstretching your hand to your roommate who still sit on the bed, catching her attention.

<you're not high, now come here.>

-what the hell do you think you're doing? I don't exactly know her that well and you know that I don't like anything that breathes, even being in the same airspace as me is a privilege, you're really trying your boundaries aren't you?-

'Relax okay, she's been my best friend since childhood, and if your story about watching over me when I was little was true than you should know her.'

-no actually I was just there when you or your sister got into trouble or when you were just in a dangerous situation, and at night when you were both asleep. I have to say it was a pain in the ass when you wouldn't got to freaking sleep so I could check on you.-

'Jesus Christ, just this once, please.'

-fine, just this once.- your roommate had hesitated walking over as it looked like the two of you were having an argument, to which you were.

<Tina, hey over here.>

-sorry you two looked like you were arguing.- you roommate finally started to get off the bed before walking over and joining in on the hug.

<actually we were arguing.>

-quiet princess.- you immediately pulled away from the hug and stepped back a little before pointing you finger at him. Your roommate followed your actions as it caught her attention.

'I didn't have a fucking choice! I woke up in an alley way with that thing on my head and I couldn't get it off!'

-you know the more you react to it the more I'm going got tease you about it, right?-

'Sadly, But that's doesn't ignore the fact that I didn't control i- Wait a damn minute, is that a pet name?' You practically shoved you face in his and flicked his nose.

-so what if it is? Does that change anything?- the boy now had a smile on his face as his cheeks were lightly dusted with a pink blush as yours were too.

'No, of course not.' You let out a soft chuckle before grabbing the back of his head and bringing his lips closer to yours, he obviously complied and grabbed you by the waist before bringing your whole body closer to him. The two of you yet again locked in a kiss, very much surprising your roommate, little did you know your little sister had walked in at that moment, it obviously caught both yours and Saiki's attention making you both pull apart and look at her who's jaw was also nearly on the floor.

-a lot of people seem to have that reaction lately.-


-am I high?-

'And that reaction too.'

<well, that's the second time we've been walked in on.> you delivered to every person there, your roommate was obviously surprised by that as was your sister who now just has a blank expression on her face as she stares in disbelief.

"S-second?" Both your sister and your roommate asked nearly in sync. You turned a little away from Saiki to look at you sister.

<yeah, second, though I don't think the first one really counts because of the..... situation.> you looked back at Saiki who had a little bit of a smile on his face.

<no i don't think it really does.> Saiki agreed.

-He just spoke.- your sister passed out and before you could even react Saiki had caught her with telekinesis and brought her over to the bed.

<well, I can't say that's entirely my fault, after all she's had that probably since she was about seven.> you nodded  in agreement as your roommate was yet again surprised by what came out of his mouth. (more or less)

"H-how do you know about that?" Saiki was originally looking at you but upon hearing your roommates question focused his attention on her, before he could really say anything, you had already beat him to it.

<he was there when it first happened.> you looked back at Saiki as you were still in his arms.

"H-he was what now?" You looked at your roommate before looking back at Saiki before pulling away and sitting on the bed followed by your roommate. Your eyes on the ground before looking back up to see Saiki take a seat next to you and put his arm around your shoulder before looking back at your roommate.

<do you remember how I would always say that there was someone watching after me, and that it started after my father had died? At the time I thought that it was my dads spirit keeping me from harm, I mean me and Thalia would get into trouble all the time, not only that but we were generally in dangerous situations. Sometimes I could swear that I could a glimpse of him, sometime if catch something pink on top of his head, but that was when I was littler, a few years after that I could just sense that there was someone there, I could never see them I just knew, there was once, once when I saw a blur of something about a year or two ago, that was the same color of his uniform that he's wearing right now and the pink thing on his head. After that I never really worried as much afterwards because I knew her was still watching after me.>


<also you were a royal pain when your were a kid, you know the powers that you had discovered when you came to my universe?> Saiki looked over at you and you looked over at him, forcing eye contact which was awkward.

<yeah, what about them?> Saiki focused his attention on the floor as did you.

<you've always had them, your father didn't want you to know that you did, he was able to completely suppress them when he was alive, but when he died he couldn't anymore, he didn't want you to be judged or the government to get involved or something. So he asked me if I could weaken them enough that you wouldn't notice, I could and agreed to help him. That's why I visited you every night, to suppress your powers.>

<now I'm starting to think I'm high. I mean it's not everyday that you find out that you actually have godlike superpowers.> the three of you say in silence while staring at the floor, on the occasion of having secrets conversations with each other, your roommate was surprised to hear shuffling behind the three of you. You and Saiki weren't because, one neither of you forgot that she was there and two you could both hear her thoughts. As your roommate was distracted you inched your hand towards Saiki's and intertwined your fingers. Your roommate, after realizing it was only Thalia, had looked back and her sight was immediately caught by he two of you holding hands.

-you sly dog.- your roommate had a smirk on her face as she stared at your hand intertwined with Saiki's

<shut it.> your roommate then faced forward as you and Saiki did as well, all of you lost in thought.

<oh god.> If Saiki couldn't read your mind he would ask what's wrong but he already knew.

"What?" Your roommate looked over at you who had your hand on your face. You dropped your hand and looked at Tina.

<Teruhashi.> at that moment she understood.

"Well have fun with that, good thing I'll be staying here." You and Saiki both upon hearing that looked at your roommate with Saiki's signature face when somebody threatens him. The face of a serial killer.

<I don't think so, you're coming with us.>

-Jesus Christ they're terrifying.-

"But I can't leave, my friends, and family, and what about Thalia and her friends?"

<don't lie to me, we both know you have no social life, the only reason we're friends now is because we got paired up for school in 2nd grade when we were more social and bonded over our hate for humans. And Thalia can make new friends, besides, I couldn't live without anybody in this room. And now that I have powers I can protect the two of you, probably with Saiki's help.> by the time you had, finished your sight and trailed off to the ground as Saiki's was now focused on you.

"Well I cant say it isn't true."

<and you don't have a family anymore, neither of us do except for each other and Thalia.>  by now the three of you were now staring at the ground as Thalia was finally waking up in the background.

"Ugh what happened?" Thalia sat up and began to rub her head.

"I was waiting for (Y/N) to find me and I walked in here and saw something crazy." Thalia leaned onto her elbows as she scanned the room before her sight stopping at the strange pink haired teen that was sitting right there, looking at her.

"Oh, that's what it was. Hi illusion Saiki, I'm really high right now somehow, I wish you were real though." You looked at your sister before laughing.

<he is real, wanna feel?> you held out Saiki's arm towards your little sister, she cautiously reached her hand it and felt his, to which she was obviously surprised.

-this is so awkward, somebody please end me.- you elbowed Saiki in the side, knocking the air out of him.

'You can go ahead and shut the hell up.' You now had a smile on your face as you dropped Saiki's arm, leaving him or his pain, before focusing back on your little sister.

<so we're going to be moving, it's going to be a lot different from where we are now, but we'll make sure.>

"Wait we're moving?" You roommate looked back at you.

<yes we're moving, now i need to figure some throngs it first, so it'll be in a bit, I'll need to make enough money to buy an apartment or home of some sort before we can move, you'll not see for awhile because I'll be staying in Saiki's universe.>

"This is still so much to handle, we're moving in a month, you can travel to a different universe, you're in a relationship with the one and only Kusuo Saiki, and that's where we're going to be moving? That's a lot to take."

-this is def a dream or illusion of some sort.- you ignored your sisters thoughts knowing that she would get used to it eventually.

<oh yeah not only that but I also have every single power that Saiki does.> by now your sister was just staring off into space in a daze.

After all that happened the next month you spent in Saiki's universe looking for a job, you finally found one, but Saiki doesn't exactly like it. But hey I mean it makes a shit tom of money so it works, but it means that you have to immediately go to your job after school is over. You work as a butler and were able to easily afford a huge house within a month, I mean you were good at your job. So you, your roommate, and your sister moved there, after you and Saiki graduated he also moved in, you still visit his parents every so often it check up on them. The end.


There you have it, a happy ending, I hope y'all enjoyed if there was anything that you wanted me to change or put in that I forgot, feel free to leave a comment, anyway I hope y'all enjoyed, maybe I'll see you in my next book. I'll let y'all know when it's coming out ✌️

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