Genuinely, Intensely, Constan...

By beautifulcaylen

131 6 7

just the beginning of another lame love story More

Chapter One: Happy New Year.
Chapter Two: Just a Dream.
Chapter Three: First Day.


64 4 1
By beautifulcaylen

June 7th 2004

"Mia!" Kyle began to whine, "It's my turn on the swing."

"No! I only just got on." I mimicked him.

"Fine." Kyle rolled his eyes and stood there impatiently with his arms crossed tapping his foot as if he had been waiting forever. After a few minutes he began to whine again.

"You are so immature," I got off the swing for him, he just stuck his tongue out at me. "So are you."

"No, I am already six." I laughed, I was older than him by three weeks and four days, so of course I was more mature than him. '"Also girls mature faster." I laughed which made him roll his eyes again.

"Whatever." He continued to swing, I waited for him to hop off so we could explore the park together.

Even though Kyle and I had our fights he was my best-est friend in the whole wide world. Our mums had been best friends since they were younger and now Kyle and I were too and I wouldn't change that for anything...


September 28th 2006

"Kyle, you are so mean." I poked my tongue out at him.

"You're the one who's cheating!" He yelled not being able to take a joke.

"No, you're just bad at the game." I laughed which made him pause the PlayStation and he threw the control.

"You are just bad at life." He gave me a dirty look which made me go cry to my mum. Kyle and his mum left shortly after.

Later that night I was in bed when my mum came in to tell me that someone was on the phone for me. I went into the kitchen and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi Mia, it's Kyle."

"What do you want?" I groaned into the speaker.

"I am sorry for being mean today, can we still be friends."

"Fine. Sorry for being mean too." I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Good because you are my best-est friend and I can't loose you. Anyway, I will see you at school tomorrow. Good night Mia."

"Good night." I smiled, hung up the phone and mum took me back up to bed.


January 31st 2008

"Did you have a good 10th birthday?" Kyle gave me a sympathetic smile. Everyone had just left my party which turned out to be horrible. I just ignored him.

"Well at least no one was killed..." He tried not to giggle. He was half trying to make it better but he was never good at that anyway. "It's not you fault that the cake exploded..."

I gave him a glare which made him stop talking for a moment but continued anyway. "Well just think, you still have another 88 birthdays to go." He smiled.

"I'm not living till I'm 90." I finally spoke.

"90 plus 10 equals one hundred." He smiled at me, why was he so much smarter than me...

"Well, I'm not going to make it to one hundred, I barley made it to ten..."

"You can do it, we will live till where old together." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Well, I hope this makes your birthday better." He smiled.

"What?" I questioned and turned to face him. Before he answered me he leaned in swiftly and gave me a really quick kiss on the lip. Bbefore I could react our mums came in saying it's time for him to go. I stayed up late that night thinking, and by late I mean 9pm which was way past my bed time. Why would he kiss me, do we both have cooties now?


January 31st 2010

"Happy 12th Birthday Mia!" Kyle ran in though my front door holding a cake. On the way in he tripped and fell face first in the desert which caused icing and cake to fly absolutely everywhere.

"I am so sorry." He got up laughing. I also tried to contain my laughter.

"It's fin- NO! Kyle!!!" I yelled as he hugged me which made the cake go all over me as well.

"You're a pain in the as-"My mother was standing there glaring at me as Kyle's mum walked in to see the mess. "Astronaut." I said covering up what I was about to say.

They both laughed and help to clean it up. After that we all ended up going to McDonald's for Sundays to replace my birthday cake.

On the way home Kyle was being extra nice to me, he was coming over for a little bit whilst our mums had a coffee and a chat.

We were sitting in the lounge room playing PlayStation when Kyle paused the game. "Sorry for wrecking your cake. Don't worry Mia, you still have 88 birthdays left." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and we continued to play the game.

I lost because I couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened. 


August 19th 2012

"Kyle, be quite." I whispered as we sneaked into my backyard, we had just been to our very first party and Kyle was staying the night.

When we finally got inside, I went to turn the light on but my mother had already beat me to it. We got into so much trouble that night.The night was amazing but Kyle was kissing this other girl named Jena in the grade above. I think it made me jealous. 

Kyle and I got sent to my room for the night and we both received a lecture the next morning. Both of us ended up being grounded for two months, we still managed to see each other. The night was totally worth it. 

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