The Turning Point

By WatchPsycho-Pass

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A Fanfiction.Net story that belongs to its owner: blankpagewritings. Summary: It is a truth universally ackno... More

Initial Realization
The Infamous Bell Test
A New Sensei and The First Mission
The Rouge Ninja: Zabuza Momochi
Climbing Trees
Inari's Story
Team 7 vs Zabuza: Part 1
Team 7 vs Zabuza: Part 2
Team 7 vs Zabuza: Part 3
Team 7 vs Zabuza: Part 4
Last Day In The Land Of Waves
Chunin Exams Part 1
Chunin Exams Part 2
Chunin Exams Part 3
Chunin Exams Part 4
Chunin Exams Part 5
Chunin Exams Part 6
Chunin Exams Part 7
Chunin Exams Part 8
Chunin Exams Part 9
Chunin Exams Part 10
Chunin Exams Part 11
Preliminaries Part 2
Preliminaries Part 3
A Month Of Training
Finals Part 1
Finals Part 2
Konoha Invasion
Itachi Returns
Land of Snow
Land of Snow Part 2
Land of Snow Part 3
Land of Snow Part 4
The New Hokage and a Birthday Surprise
Land of Tea
Land of Tea Part 2
Land of Tea Part 3
The Final Chapter

Preliminaries Part 1

3.6K 171 170
By WatchPsycho-Pass

In a private and guarded room within the central tower in the Forest of Death, Anko clutched her shoulder in pain. One hand covered her curse mark from view; Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third Hokage of the Leaf Village watched the elite female ninja carefully.

"The curse mark, does it trouble you still?" he asked calmly.

"No, I can manage. Thanks to you it's much better" Anko replied firmly and pulled her jacket up to cover the mark.

"Okay then, this Orochimaru guy. He's one of the Sanin right? The legendary three ninja? I thought he was dead but apparently that's all a rumour now. He's supposed to be very powerful" a Jounin asked.

"Why is he here anyway?" another Jounin added.

"That kid" Anko began, remembering Orochimaru's conversation with her in the forest.

"You mean Sasuke, right?" Sarutobi asked, reading Anko's thoughts. Before anything more could be said, the radio in the room crackled to life.

"Anko! 21 ninja have finished the second exam, the rules state for this many we need to hold a round of preliminaries. The first time in five years. Over!" A voice said before the line disconnected.

"I have decided, for now we will continue with the exams as planned but I wish to keep an eye on his movements as well" the Third Hokage instructed.

Team 7 were lead into a huge arena where the third part of the exams was to be held. Two huge hand statues in the position to perform a jutsu were located at the far end of the building.

Iruka quickly instructed Team 7 to line up one behind the other and join the other remaining candidates in the centre of the room. He quickly jogged up to a platform where Lord Hokage stood.

Surrounding him were all the different Jounin of each of the different squads, Sakura spotted Kakashi standing next to Lee's sensei Gai. From a quick glance around the room, it seemed all of the Rookie 9 had passed the second exam.

The third exam had not yet started and everyone was chatting quietly amongst themselves, whispering about what the next task could possibly be.

Sarutobi had his eyes trained carefully on Sasuke, Orochimaru had not yet left the Leaf Village he was certain of it.

Therefore it was highly likely there were spies for him within the exams to track the progress of the Uchiha boy. Or perhaps the snake man was here himself, hidden from view. Upon entering the arena, Lord Hokage had been informed of the whispers circulating around Sasuke's curse mark. Apparently some of the Rookie 9 had witnessed the power it had possessed.

We need information on exactly what has happened to Sasuke, he thought and motioned for Kakashi and Anko to speak with him.

"Lord Hokage, it is my request that Sasuke Uchiha be refused entry into the third exams. I feel the curse mark may be activated during battle" Anko said immediately.

"It's at this point that I should remind you he is an Uchiha. You think he'll go quietly if you order him to do so?" Kakashi piped up happily.

"So? I'll stop him by force if I have to! If he manipulates his chakra in anyway it will provoke a reaction from that cursed mark!" Anko snapped angrily.

"You make your point Anko, but before I make a decision on this I wish to speak with Sakura Haruno" Sarutobi said.

"The girl, what does she have to do with this?" Anko demanded.

"From the whispers I have heard, it seems some of the Rookie 9 were around to witness Sasuke's response to the curse mark activation. I would like to know more of this, it seems reasonable to assume that either Sakura or Naruto was a witness to this" Sarutobi explained.

"What!? Why do we need to explore this!? Why not just withdraw the Uchiha boy from the exam. Send him to the hospital to be examined by Lady Tsunade! Anbu Black Ops can guard him!" Anko asked in despair.

"No, I wish to give Sasuke the opportunity to participate in the exams. But I also wish to know Orochimaru's plans and thoughts about the boy. I need more information before I can make an informed decision. What say you Kakashi?" Lord Hokage turned to face the silver haired man.

"Hm. Sakura has come a long way in a short amount of time; she has superb observational skills and intelligence that is absolutely an asset to gathering information. Plus her stamina has increased allowing her to hold out longer in a fight; there was a chance that she saw the transformation as well. She also shows a promise for medical ninjutsu" Kakashi supplied.

"Very well, Anko prepare to announce the final stage of the exams. After you do this, hand the speech over to me. I will request Sakura come and speak with me, yourself and Kakashi. I wish for this to be in front of everyone, if Orochimaru or one of his spies is in fact here and has had contact with Team 7 I want him to know I am aware of his plans" Sarutobi ordered and Anko nodded reluctantly.

"First of all, congratulations on finishing the second exam" Anko spoke into the small microphone next to her mouth and looked out at the candidates.

There were 78 ninja who took that exam, it's surprising even 21 passed, she thought and smirked.

"I'm really hungry" Choji whispered to Shikamaru, clutching at his stomach.

"Look at all these people left; this is going to be such a pain" Shikamaru grumbled.

"Aha! Sasuke and his team have passed too!" Ino squealed and gazed at the Uchiha boy.

"They better have after all the trouble we went to helping them" Shikamaru replied, annoyed.

"I see your team didn't do too badly, Kakashi. They must have gotten real lucky. Of course with my team still around your team is doomed to failure. What matters on the next exam is ability and you're far out classed. They'll just have to learn to deal with the heartbreak huh Kakashi?" Gai said turning to face his rival.

"Huh? Did you say something?" Kakashi asked coolly having not heard a word of Gai's 'victory' speech.

"WHAT! YOU WEREN'T LISTENING!" Gai yelled startling everyone and earning a glare from the Hokage.

Boy that drives me NUTS how he's always acting so cool! I'm not going to let him get the best of me! Gai thought, clenching his fist in determination.

"Gai sensei is the coolest teacher ever! He practically glows with cool compared to Kakashi! I will make you proud of me one day Gai sensei!" Lee said happily.

"Well in a game of looks Kakashi's got Gai beat" Tenten piped up, gazing at Gai's old rival.

"GAH! Tenten my youthful teammate what are you saying! Gai sensei is all charm and manliness! I model myself on his lady killer good looks!" Lee told Tenten, horrified at her comment.

You don't say Lee, Tenten thought and rolled her eyes.

I'll get you back for what you did to me Sasuke, no matter what it takes, Zaku thought angrily as he watched Sasuke from across the room. His arm was now in a sling.

The pale faced Sound Ninja Jounin with familiar snake like eyes made eye contact with Kabuto. Giving him a slight sadistic smirk that made a chill run up Kabuto's spine, the Sound Jounin quickly turned away.

N-Naruto passed too! T-thank goodness, Hinata mused happily, staring at the back of the blond boy's head.

"Woah! Everyone is here, old man Hokage, Iruka sensei and even bigger bushy brow!" Naruto whispered to his teammates.

"I don't have a very good feeling about this" Sasuke responded, placing his hand over the back of his neck. Sakura watched him quietly but said nothing.

"Alright now pay attention! Lord Hokage is going to explain the third exam to you! So listen carefully maggots!" Anko said and walked over to give the Hokage her microphone.

"Thank you Anko. I will be explaining the third exam to you all very shortly. But first I request a private word with one of you" Lord Hokage spoke and everyone looked up in curiosity.

A private word? Just who could that be? Is someone disqualified? I hope it's those Sound Ninja, Sakura thought as she listened carefully.

"Sakura Haruno, please make your way up to the platform" Sarutobi instructed his eyes finding the pink haired teen in the crowd.

So this is the girl Tsunade has picked as her private student. Interesting, he thought.

Everyone turned around to stare at the young girl. The whispers began immediately, what had she done to require an audience with the Hokage? Gai turned to Kakashi in question but Kakashi remained silent, not making eye contact. Many of the other Jounin looked shocked, what could Lord Hokage want with one of the candidates?

Sakura remained rooted to the spot, unable to believe what had happened. Was it something she had done during the exam? No that was impossible; she hadn't broken any of the rules. They definitely hadn't opened the scrolls otherwise herself and her teammates wouldn't be here now. Nothing else happened in the forest,except for the encounter with Orochimaru.

Of course. That was it.

Gritting her teeth and ignoring the accusing stares of everyone around her, Sakura stepped out of the line her teammates were in and began making her way towards the Hokage. Sasuke and Naruto watched her with worried and curious eyes.

She won't talk about the mark, she promised she wouldn't. Are they going to ask her about Orochimaru?Sasuke thought and narrowed his eyes at Lord Hokage.

Forehead gets a private audience with the Hokage? Suck up! Or maybe they'll kick her out of the exams, Ino thought happily.

The Sound Ninja Jounin smiled creepily at Sakura as she stepped onto the platform, resisting the urge to shudder Sakura felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Kakashi behind her.

"There are some matters I have to discuss in private with Sakura here, I request your presence Kakashi as her squad leader and yours too Anko as proctor of the second exam. We will return shortly, I apologise for the delay" Lord Hokage said and switched off the mike.

Before Sakura could even spare a backward glance at her teammates, Kakashi had put one hand on her shoulder and was steering her towards a small side door at the edge of the arena. Lord Hokage and Anko followed behind them and the door was locked.

"Sensei, what is all of this about?" Sakura asked as soon as the door was closed. She decided feigning ignorance would be the best approach.

"Sakura, we are well aware of the cursed seal Sasuke was given by Orochimaru during your battle with him during the second exam" Sarutobi cut in before Kakashi could respond.

"I see" Sakura replied evenly, so they knew. That meant they wanted information out of her.

"So you're acknowledging the marks existence then?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, I am aware of the cursed mark" Sakura responded.

"We need information on it, plain and simple. You're the Uchiha's teammate. You need to tell us exactly what happened after Orochimaru gave him the mark" Anko barked and Sakura glared at her.

"Anko, I believe you could be a little kinder towards my student considering she's cooperated with us thus far" Kakashi deadpanned.

"How do you know that I saw Orochimaru give him the mark or what occurred after that? At most all you know from me is that I am aware of the existence of it. Sasuke could have told me that himself after the battle was over" Sakura countered and Anko glared.

I promised Sasuke I wouldn't say anything, Lord Hokage might be trying to get him out of the exam. The only person I want to speak with about this is Kakashi sensei, Sakura thought.

"Sakura, I understand you are trying to protect your teammate. We have no intention of telling Sasuke Uchiha he cannot participate during the exam. I am not ignorant enough to believe that you haven't promised him you won't say anything" Lord Hokage said quietly, sitting down.

Anko huffed and walked towards the wall; Kakashi guided Sakura to a seat in front of the Hokage and took up a standing position not too far away.

"What you have to understand Sakura is that Orochimaru is a very dangerous ninja. For some reason he has chosen Sasuke and we want to find out exactly what happened so that we can take the necessary precautions and protect your teammate" Lord Hokage explained and looked at Sakura who looked away immediately.

"We believe he is still within the Leaf Village, that or he has spies working for him within the candidates" Anko added from her position near the window. Sakura stiffened immediately.

Still here, he's still here. I don't have a choice; I have to protect Sasuke from Orochimaru no matter what, Sakura thought.

"I see. I had intended to talk with Kakashi-sensei about Sasuke's curse mark in the hopes that there could be something done about it. But I understand now it is better for me to tell you what I've seen" Sakura said quietly but looked at her sensei for his opinion.

Kakashi nodded at his female student and Sakura swallowed before telling them all that had occurred during the second exam. From the time Orochimaru bit Sasuke on the neck, the incredible pain he went through. She told of how Sasuke remained unconscious and her vital checks told her he had a high fever which no herbal remedy could cure. She explained the purple chakra she had seen seeping out of the mark and the black flames that engulfed Sasuke when it was active.

"He also intends to come back for him. Orochimaru said Sasuke would come looking for him, seeking power and revenge. Or Orochimaru himself would come back for Sasuke. I think since he's received the mark Sasuke believes he's an avenger and his path will always be to find more power to accomplish the goal of killing someone and restoring his clan" Sakura finished.

I won't tell them of Orochimaru's interest in me, it's probably of little consequence to them all anyway, Sakura thought and Inner agreed.

"I see. Thank you for telling us this Sakura. Please understand I may have to inform others of what you have told me but I will not mention you as the source of information" Sarutobi murmured, his brow furrowed in concentration.

"You did well Sakura, to assist Sasuke and Naruto during the exam when they weren't conscious. I am proud of you and you have grown" Kakashi smiled through his mask at her and Sakura returned the smile.

If I've done so well why do I feel so different, Sakura mused and suddenly remembered a question she needed to put to the Hokage.

"Since I have helped you with information, I request that you do the same for me" Sakura said directly to Lord Hokage who peered at the young lady.

"Yes, what is your request Sakura?" he asked.

"I wish to know about my father, what is his current status and what is being done to bring him home if he is not already?" Sakura stated calmly.

She is much like Tsunade in many ways, I wonder if Tsunade knows this herself? Lord Hokage thought and took a puff from his pipe.

"I was half expecting this from you Sakura, but I wonder if it will you do you much good to know of your father's status before the third exam commences?" he asked her.

"I would like to know straight away; it will motivate me to do better in the third exams if my father is alive but not yet returned home. Or should you tell me he has died I would feel as though I owe it to him to do well in the exams. My father is a great ninja, I would like to become one like he and my mother. Someone worthy of respect" Sakura said in a strong voice, trying desperately not to imagine her father dead.

"Your response is strong for one as young as yourself and I can see you worry greatly for he and your mother. Takao Haruno and his team have still not returned from their mission, he is now under the classification of missing ninja" Sarutobi said and Sakura let out a small breath.

Her father is a missing ninja? Takao Haruno? That would explain Sakura's reaction to comments about her father during the Land of Waves mission, Kakashi thought.

"We will do what we can to find him" the Third Hokage said and Sakura nodded.

"I still must insist Sasuke Uchiha not participate in the third exams. If anything because of her testimony the danger is even higher for the curse mark to activate. He is a danger and risk to the other candidates!" Anko said and walked towards the door.

"Anko. My decision stands. Sasuke Uchiha will participate in the exams. After this, Kakashi you will perform the Sealing of the Curse on the mark. Sakura will accompany you, since she has expressed interest in medical ninjutsu she can observe her teammates chakra and vitals making sure the sealing does not kill him" Sarutobi spoke in a hard voice.

"Right" Kakashi said.

I can only assume Kakashi has told the Hokage about my interest in medical ninjutsu. But help keep Sasuke alive while the curse mark is sealed? I don't know if I have the chakra for it, Sakura thought, unsure and confronted by the request.

"Well, now that I have discussed all that is required we can return to the third exam. I feel we have kept the candidates long enough and some of them have probably started to get restless. Good luck to you Sakura and your team as well" the Third Hokage said and left the room. Anko followed and Kakashi motioned for Sakura to stand as well.

"You can't mention anything that has happened in this room Sakura, to anyone" Kakashi said firmly and his female student nodded.

Walking back out into the arena, Kakashi gave Sakura a quick hand wave and took his place back up on the platform next to Gai. Sakura noticed all eyes were once again on her and she ducked her head walking back to her place with her team.

Avoiding Sasuke and Naruto's gazes, Sakura faced the front and waited for Lord Hokage to begin speaking.

"Before I explain about the third exams I wish to talk with you all about the test itself. I will now inform you about the true purpose of these exams, so listen closely" Sarutobi said.

The true purpose of the exams? What does that mean?Naruto thought and squinted at the old man.

"We hold these exams in conjunction with our allies to raise the ability levels of the Shinobi and increase friendship between allied nations is a certainty. These exams are so to speak, a representation of the battle between allied nations" the Third Hokage said and blew a puff of smoke from his pipe.

"So what exactly does that mean?" Tenten asked from the back of the room.

"Examining all the countries were are currently allied with, they were once neighbouring nations that fought with each other almost constantly. In order to prevent destroying each other's military strength, those nations picked champions to do battle on behalf of their countries in a selected location. This was the origins of the Chunin election exams" Sarutobi explained.

"Then what's the point of the exams, it's not like we're being selected to go and fight" Naruto piped up.

"Actually, part of the point of the exams is to select Shinobi worthy of becoming Chunin. These exams however also allow a place where the Shinobi can carry the pride of their nation on their backs and fight against other ninja for their lives" the Third responded.

"Thus many leaders and people of power from other nations are invited to attend this exam. They may look for Shinobi to work for them; this exam could determine the path you take as ninja. These rulers and dignitaries will take note of your battles and the strengths each ninja has. Also the strength of our ninja will better our chances when it comes to negotiating with other countries" Sarutobi finished.

Well, that was informative; Sakura thought and looked around the room. Most people were frustrated; they wanted to know what the third exam would involve.

The Third Hokage cleared his throat and was about to speak again when a Jounin appeared in front of the platform and bowed deeply.

"Lord Hokage, before you explain the third exam please allow me, Hayate Gekko appointed proctor of this portion of the exam to speak first" Hayate asked humbly.

"Very well then" Sarutobi said.

Standing up Hayate greeted the candidates and then broke into a loud coughing fit. This lasted for a few minutes and Sakura didn't know whether to feel frustration or pity for the proctor.

"We have to have a preliminary exam before we can move onto the real one. Honestly we never expected so many of you to still be here. According to the rules of the Chunin exams, a preliminary exam can be held at any stage in order to reduce the number of candidates remaining" Hayate said, the information was met with noises of disapproval and unfairness.

"It's just like Lord Hokage said, we will have a lot of important guests coming. We don't want to waste their time, they'll come to see the best of the best" Hayate finished and broke into another coughing fit.

Preliminaries, well isn't that just great, Sakura thought sarcastically. They didn't get a chance to rest and now the odds of Team 7 all making it into the third exams were reduced even more.

"Thus it's only natural for me to ask, if any of you are not feeling in top physical condition now is your chance to bow out. The preliminaries will be starting immediately. Winners will be determined by one on one combat, sudden death" Hayate explained.

There's nothing they can do to stop me! I'm in all the way believe it! Naruto thought determined to win.

Does he really think anyone is going to – ugh! Sasuke stopped mid thought and clutched at the back of his neck. Waves of pain cascaded from the curse mark in more frequent bouts, shaking his whole body.

"Sasuke, are you alright?" Sakura asked, worried. Naruto too turned around and watched Sasuke cautiously.

"I-I'm fine. I can handle it. I'm not backing out. But can you do something, for the pain?" Sasuke asked gritting his teeth as another wave radiated from the mark.

Pain, what pain? Naruto thought as he watched Sakura gather chakra to her hand.

Letting a little of her chakra brush over the mark, Sakura focused and placed her hand above it. The force was so strong she nearly fell backwards. The curse mark was like a leech, feeding of Sasuke's chakra and now hers. Sasuke hissed at the contact but allowed Sakura to proceed.

"Sasuke, I can't give you much. My chakra is being sucked out of me by it" Sakura spoke and Sasuke nodded, it had helped a little with the pain. Sarutobi watched the encounter.

Well Tsunade, you have been busy. Sakura graduated top of her academy in chakra control and it seems your training has had an effect on her. It will be interesting to see how she will do and if she'll make it to the third exam. You should be proud of her, he thought and smiled a little at the fond memory of his former student.

Sakura withdrew her hand and Sasuke covered the mark, Naruto saw nothing of it. She watched the Uchiha boy with worry; the curse mark had felt like a giant magnet pulling her chakra in. How was Sasuke even standing, the mark was feeding off him. How was he going to fight in the preliminaries?

"It's feeding off you Sasuke, consuming you. I can feel the pull and that's just the chakra from my hand on it. I know you want to continue but I don't think it's wise" Sakura said quietly so Naruto wouldn't hear.

"I'm an avenger Sakura, for me this is more than just an exam. The title of Chunin means less than nothing to me. Am I as strong as I can be, all I want is the answer to that. I can only find it out by fighting the strongest and the best." Sasuke replied.

Sakura shook her head dejectedly; of course Sasuke wasn't going to back out. She could hardly blame him, they had come so far since the first exam. The avenger talk hurt because it reminded her of what Orochimaru had said. Ideally they should all make the third exam, as a team. It finally felt as though they were working well together.

But I didn't want that to be at the expense of Sasuke's wellbeing, Sakura thought and let out a quiet sigh.

"Okay, you got me I'm out" A voice called out cheerfully. Everyone looked up to see Kabuto had raised his hand.

"Kabuto Yakushi of the Leaf Village correct? Alright you can step back now" Hayate said, examining his clipboard.

"KABUTO! Hold on a second, you can't quit! What's going on!?" Naruto yelled out in frustration.

"Naruto I'm sorry, but my body is just too beat up. I can't handle it. I haven't been able to hear properly since my first encounter with the Sound Village ninja and to put my life on the line with that handicap doesn't seem right" Kabuto explained in a sad voice.

This guy, again I feel it. There's something up with him, Sasuke thought.

"This is not the first time I have seen this ninja before, is it?" Sarutobi asked. Anko quickly flicked through her list of candidates.

"Kabuto Yakushi says here he's failed six times in a row. His academy time was not impressive, average grades and three times before he passed the graduation exam. It also says here that he is the orphaned child from the battle of Kikyo Pass" Anko said.

"Kabuto! Where are you going? Have you forgotten Lord Orochimaru's orders?" one of his teammates asked.

"I'm leaving that all up to you now. What's the problem? With someone of your abilities there should be no trouble. It's your chance to prove yourself, like you've always wanted" Kabuto responded quietly and walked away.

Sasuke and Sakura exchanged suspicious glances but Naruto looked disappointed as he watched Kabuto leave.

Sorry Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura. Wish I could stay and play a little longer with you. But the old me might resurface and I can't have that. It would blow my cover and what good is a spy after that? Besides with Lord Orochimaru here, he doesn't need me, Kabuto thought and pictured the Sound Jounin in his mind.

Seeing Kabuto had exited the room, Hayate coughed loudly and directed the attention of the candidates back to him.

"So last chance, does anyone else want to leave?" he asked.

Sakura glanced at Sasuke, of course there was no way he was pulling out now. Neither was she, or Naruto. All of the Rookie 9 looked just as determined, in fact everyone did. Hayate sighed and readjusted his headband.

"Alright then, we'll now begin the preliminary round. This will consist of one on one individual combat at full battle intensity. This is not an exercise. There are now twenty of you remaining so we will need ten matches. Surviving candidates from these ten matches will advance to the third exam. There are no rules, you fight until one dies or concedes defeat or are physically incapable of continuing" Hayate said.

Looking around the room he found that everyone was listening attentively and coughed a few more times before continuing.

"As proctor I have some lead way, I can stop a match if the outcome seems hopeless for one person. The idea is to prevent as many fatalities as possible. Since we're all clear on that, let's see who's first" he finished and pointed towards one of the back walls.

"Open the panel" Anko said through her microphone as one of the walls began to rise up revealing a large digital screen.

"The names of the two opponents competing will be displayed before each match. These names are chosen at random so who you get is who you get. No questions asked. Well then, let's see who it's going to be" Hayate said and everyone looked at the screen.

The screen came to life and began randomising the names of all the candidates, Sakura held her breath. To go first would be interesting, it would be out of the way and all done. But because she had been instructed by Lord Hokage to assist Kakashi in sealing Sasuke's curse mark she needed to save her chakra.

If Sasuke was to fight before her, straight after his battle she and Kakashi would leave with him to remove the seal. That meant coming back for her own match, she would be chakra depleted. It was a disadvantage but Sakura knew she could rely on Tsunade's training and the strength of her chakra reserve as evident by the second exam.

If she were to fight before Sasuke there was no telling what could happen, there were ninja here that were much stronger than she was. The matches may come out a little uneven, she could get seriously beaten but that wasn't an option. She had to advance to the third exam, as proof to Tsunade and her parents and her teammates that she was getting stronger.

To finish her own fight first and then to assist Kakashi would mean she would have little to no chakra. Truthfully she would prefer Sasuke to fight first. The names began to slow down and finally came to a stop. Sakura's eyes widened and Naruto looked at the screen enviously. Sasuke smirked.

Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado

They didn't waste any time did they? Sasuke thought as he watched his name flicker on the screen. The mark on his neck pulsed in pain but the Uchiha boy continued to smirk.

I couldn't ask for anything more, Yorio thought as he recalled what Kabuto had said to him. This was his chance.

"Right, those whose names have been called step forward" Hayate said.

Sasuke turned to Sakura and shot her a small smile. "I'll be fine" he said quietly. Sakura nodded and attempted to return the smile but it was difficult.

"Good luck" she whispered back and Sasuke smirked. Exchanging determined glances with Naruto, the Uchiha boy faced off against Yorio in front of Hayate.

"You two have been chosen for the first battle of the preliminary round. Are there any objections?" Hayate asked and coughed a little.

"None here" Sasuke said, deadpan.

"No" Yorio replied.

You better win Sasuke, if we're ever going to fight as equals, Naruto thought.

Now all I can do is watch this and hope the mark stays under wraps I guess, Sakura mused.

"Well let's begin, everyone other than the two opposing candidates will now clear the arena and move to the balconies above to observe the fight" Hayate said.

Slowly everyone began to move to the upper levels, Sakura and Naruto lingered with Sasuke a little longer. Kakashi made his way over to his genin students.

"HEY HEY! KAKASHI-SENSEI!" Naruto called out cheerfully but Kakashi had his eye on Sasuke.

"Sasuke, don't use your Sharingan" Kakashi muttered.

"So you know about it huh?" Sasuke asked monotone and quickly glanced at Sakura.

"Yes. Sakura informed me but I'm not here to stop you from participating. If the mark on your neck gets out of control, your life could be in danger" Kakashi replied.

"I'm aware of that" Sasuke said, slightly annoyed at the lecture from his sensei.

"Just to let you know, if that happens. I will step in and stop the fight, regardless of the result" Kakashi said and headed for the balcony followed by Sakura and Naruto.

He'd stop the fight? Like Sakura says, this mark feeds off my chakra. Because the Sharingan takes a lot of chakra to activate, the mark will respond to that. It gains more control over me and I can't let that happen. I've got to fight without my Sharingan. My own jutsu is off limits too. How am I going to do this? Sasuke thought as he stared at Yorio.

Orochimaru disguised as the Sound Jounin squad leader, crossed his arms in front of his chest and smirked at the proceedings below accompanied by Dosu, Zaku and Kin.

Poor Sasuke, Yorio's skills are going to be disastrous for you. Let's see if the mark I gave you will be the death of you, he thought.

"Now if you're ready, let the match begin" Hayate said and stepped backwards allowing the two candidates room to fight.

"Oh I'm ready" Yorio said darkly and pressed his fingers into a jutsu starting position.

"So am I" Sasuke said, getting into a fighting stance.

Yorio activated his jutsu and a ball of chakra ignited from his hand and flickered violently. Reaching behind him into his ninja pouch he drew three ninja stars. Sensing the impending attack Sasuke quickly reached for his kunai.

Wasting no time, Yorio flung the ninja stars and Sasuke countered them with a strike of his kunai but he fell to the ground as the curse mark pulsed causing him serious pain. The ninja stars were on a collision course with their owner but Yorio quickly disappeared and then reappeared next to Sasuke. Using the chakra he had collected in his fist, Yorio sent a strike downwards to Sasuke but the Uchiha boy quickly rolled out of the way.

Sasuke's opponent is good at chakra manipulation, Sakura thought as she recognised the familiar technique Tsunade had taught her.

Thinking quickly Sasuke shoved his kunai into the ground and manipulated his body around it. He managed to knock Yorio off his feet and onto the arena floor. Sasuke held him down with his legs in a grapple type manoeuvre.

"He got him!" Naruto yelled out happily but Sakura could see Sasuke visibly shaking from the force of having to hold his opponent down.

"Oh really?" Yorio asked.

His arm was pinned down on Sasuke's chest but he activated chakra to his fist and took a hold of Sasuke's shirt. Sasuke felt his strength leave him as Yorio released his arm from Sasuke's grip and delivered a hard blow to the Uchiha boy's sternum.

Jumping back a little Yorio prepared his chakra for a second attack. Sakura watched as Sasuke twitched on the ground, looking like he wanted to get up but couldn't.

"Sasuke! Get up!" Sakura called out.

Hearing Sakura's voice, Sasuke's eyes opened immediately and his body shot up but he wasn't fast enough to get away. Yorio's chakra fist pressed straight into Sasuke's forehead causing him to fall to the ground. Using two hands Sasuke attempted to push Yorio's hand off.

It's no use! My arms they feel like jelly. I have no strength! Sasuke thought as his attempt failed and both arms flopped uselessly to the side.

"M-my chakra, what are you doing!? You're feeding off it!" Sasuke exclaimed as Yorio pushed his chakra infused hand further onto his forehead.

"So you've finally figured it out huh?" Yorio smirked and continued to absorb Sasuke's chakra with his hand.

It's about time you caught on Sasuke. Yorio's ability allows him to consume an opponent's mental and physical energies simply by pressing his palm to any part of their body. My dear Sasuke, once all of your chakra has been devoured you will have no choice but to unleash my cursed mark! Orochimaru thought with repressed joy.

That guy, at first I thought he was using the chakra as a combination weapon. But he's absorbing Sasuke's chakra! Sakura thought and immediately froze. This could mean the appearance of the cursed seal and the match would be over.

"No I can't let this guy just steal my chakra! I have to – ugh! GET OFF ME!" Sasuke yelled and gathered what strength he could to kick his opponent in the stomach, freeing himself from the jutsu.

"Well, looks like you have some strength left after all. But it won't help you for long. Don't worry I'll make this short and sweet" Yorio said and activated his jutsu again.

Sasuke dodged and weaved as best he could, but staggered under the strain of little chakra and the pain of the curse mark.

So this is the great Sasuke Uchiha, is that all he's got?Gaara thought as he watched the battle, bored.

"Come on Sasuke!" Ino called out loudly from the balcony but Sasuke didn't even turn to acknowledge her, Ino pouted in response. He needed a plan or else he was done for.

Sakura's mind was in overdrive. Sasuke had no chakra left, if he tried to use what he had the curse mark would take it all. He didn't have his usual chakra enhanced speed so he couldn't avoid Yorio forever nor could he do well in close quarters combat. At a time like this, the use of the Sharingan was out of the question.

"Sasuke!" Sakura's voice rang clear across the arena. Sasuke turned immediately and glanced up at his teammate.

"You need to find another way to beat Yorio, avoiding him isn't an option. You need to confront him head on, think outside the box! You can do it!" Sakura yelled and Sasuke looked at her carefully.

She's trying to give me a clue to what I should do, he thought and nodded at his teammate and smiled a little.

Sakura, you little witch. Calling out to him like that! Ino thought and her eyes narrowed jealously.

"Sakura's right! C'mon Sasuke you can't let this guy win! What happened to the Uchiha clan and their greatness huh?" Naruto bellowed and Sasuke winced.

Lee's standing right next to him I can't understand why he doesn't just hit- wait! Lee! Sasuke thought and his eyes widened. That was how he could win the fight!

"I'll teach you to turn your back on me kid!" Yorio said angrily and charged forward with his jutsu in hand. He took fast strikes at Sasuke which were dodged quickly. Before anyone knew it, Sasuke had disappeared completely.

Hey, where did he go? Yorio wondered.

"Down here!" Sasuke called out and aimed a hefty upwards jaw kick which sent Yorio flying.

That's my move! Lee thought as he watched Sasuke execute the technique perfectly. Sakura watched shocked and slightly impressed. Without activating the Sharingan, Sasuke had recalled the move he had copied from Lee.

Immediately crouching on all fours like Lee had done, Sasuke shot up into the air and materialised underneath Yorio.

"Okay I'll come clean, the first part of this move I sort of borrowed. But from here on out it's all my own stuff" Sasuke said and put two fingers against Yorio's back.

"Huh! The Dancing Leaf Shadow!?" Yorio exclaimed.

"Alright now take this – ARGH!" Sasuke yelled in pain as the curse mark began to pulse and activate. He could feel the flames spewing out and engulfing his face.

No! Not again! It keeps getting stronger and stronger,Sasuke thought as he attempted to control it but cried out in pain again.

Orochimaru smirked, the mark had been activated at last. Sakura watched in horror as the familiar black flames began to spread over Sasuke's neck and face.

"Sasuke stop! This isn't you! What are you doing!?"


"You call yourself an Uchiha, Teme?"

Sasuke stiffened at the memories, because of the curse mark he had pushed Sakura to the ground when she had fought so hard to keep him alive. He was not worthy of the Uchiha name, Naruto was right. Letting this curse mark control him that was not what the Uchiha clan would have condoned.

"I'm not about to let this thing take over! No way! I promised I wouldn't!" Sasuke said and the curse mark began to recede at Sasuke's resistance to it.

The orange flames which had burned across his face left almost instantly, the mark lost its orange pulsing light and returned to its black colouring.

The curse mark, its receeded! Anko thought, completely shocked at the will power of the Uchiha boy.

"Right, here we go!" Sasuke said and put his hand on Yorio's back. Twisting his left leg up Sasuke kicked the opposing ninja hard in the side.

"Hmph try again little man" Yorio taunted as he had managed to block the kick with his forearm.

Sasuke twisted around again and brought the sheer weight of his right arm crashing down hard on Yorio's neck. Yorio didn't move or make a sound, Sasuke took this as a good sign. He had the final finishing blow and he was close enough to the ground to make it work.

Pushing himself up and hovered a little in mid-air over Yorio, Sasuke propelled his right leg down and hit his opponent hard in the stomach.

"LION'S BARRAGE!" Sasuke yelled as he delivered the hit, causing Yorio to hit the ground face up. Sasuke skidded back and rolled over himself. Neither candidate moved.

Hayate walked over slowly and examined Yorio. Well this one is out, he thought. Suddenly his head snapped up as he heard a groan from the Uchiha boy.

Completely out of breath but still alive, Sasuke got to his feet and wiped the blood away from his lips. Sakura smiled, against all odds he had been able to pull through.

"I'm declaring this match over, the winner of the first preliminary battle is Sasuke Uchiha. He will advance to the final round" Hayate said and coughed violently.

"ALRIGHT SASUKE WAY TO GO!" Naruto yelled out with huge grin plastered on his face.

"It looks like we're up Sakura" Kakashi said quietly.

"Right" Sakura replied.

"Huh? Where are you two going!?" Naruto asked, frantically.

"Sakura and I are going to take Sasuke to a hospital within this tower, Sakura needs the exposure for her medical ninjutsu training" Kakashi explained to the blond boy.

"Oh, well are you going to be here to see me fight!? And what about Sakura-chan's match?" Naruto quizzed.

"Lord Hokage will not start Sakura's match until she has returned, if it is announced while we are gone then the match will go to the back of the queue. We won't be too long Naruto and we should be back to see you fight" Kakashi said, trying to reassure his loud student.

"Wait, Sakura before you go. Did anyone see any weird marks on Sasuke's neck during the fight?" Naruto questioned his teammate suspiciously.

"No, sorry Naruto. I didn't see anything" Sakura replied quickly, Kakashi looked at his female student but said nothing.

With that Sakura jumped down onto the arena floor, Sasuke saw her approaching and gave her a confused look.

I'm so exhausted, he thought and would have collapsed onto the floor had it not been for Kakashi's sudden appearance in a cloud of white smoke. He propped Sasuke up with his knee.

"Well, not too bad. Up until the Lion's Barrage your technique was very similar to Gai's taijutsu. I'm assuming you used the Sharingan to copy Rock Lee's moves when you two battled before the Chunin Exams" Kakashi said, nose in his orange book.

"Hn. Sakura" Sasuke said, ignoring his sensei.

"Congratulations, you did well" Sakura said.

"Yeah, thanks for the hint before" Sasuke smirked up at her and Sakura laughed lightly.

What is little miss Forehead doing down there now? She'll take every chance she can to get close to Sasuke won't she! Ino fumed inwardly.

Amazing, Sasuke only saw my move once and he was able to copy it perfectly with his Sharingan, Lee thought in utter shock as he observed Sasuke from the balcony above.

That was magnificent! Orochimaru thought, his long tongue escaping the caverns of his mouth and ran over his lips.

Sakura watched as two medics came and lifted Yorio onto a stretcher and carried him off to the infirmary. Another medic approached herself, Kakashi and Sasuke.

"Sasuke Uchiha, you'll need to come with us back to the infirmary so we can treat your injuries" the medic said.

"I think you're out of your league with this one, besides Sakura and I will take care of him" Kakashi declared, eyes never leaving his book.

Sasuke shot Sakura an accusing look but Sakura just shrugged it off. She bent down and put Sasuke's arm around her shoulder to help him stand up.

"Where are we going?" Sasuke asked, a little annoyed.

"We've got to seal that curse mark!" Kakashi answered in a low and serious voice

"Before the preliminaries are over!? I want to see Sakura and Naruto's battles, and to see who goes on to the finals!" Sasuke complained and his female teammate rolled her eyes.

"Forget it, don't even think of arguing. If we leave it any longer who knows what will happen, it may be too late. I've cut you enough slack, so cooperate with us" Kakashi said, making the final decision.

Sasuke huffed but stood up with Sakura's assistance, finally able to relax he trudged alongside her with Kakashi bringing up the rear as all three exited the arena.

Kakashi sliced his finger tip open with a kunai knife and began writing a series of symbols along Sasuke's shirtless back, connecting them all to the curse mark. These were the same symbols that littered the ground for the sealing spell, circles drawn with kunai stretched out among the ground symbols. Sasuke sat in the middle of all of this.

Kakashi had directed them into an isolated room within the tower where Lord Hokage had given them permission to perform the sealing.

Sakura knelt in front of her teammate, chakra flowing freely from her right hand as she covered the major wounds on Sasuke's body stitching the skin back together. Sasuke breathed in deeply, Sakura's chakra had a cooling effect on his body and he felt more relaxed immediately. Kakashi had explained to both his students that sealing spell would take a lot out of Sasuke, thus it was important for Sakura to heal what she could of him.

"I think we're ready to go, Sakura you need to step outside of the circle. Keep an eye on Sasuke's vitals and if you see any sort of major drop you need to intervene" Kakashi instructed.

"Got it" Sakura said and walked to the outer edge of the circle.

"Sakura" Sasuke said in an exhausted tone, he missed her chakra and soothing presence instantly.

"I'm right here Sasuke, you'll be fine. This is the best way for you to deal with this mark" Sakura said in a calm voice.

"This will be quick don't worry. You ready? " Kakashi asked and Sasuke nodded slowly.

The silver haired man performed a quick series of hand signs before resting his hand on the curse mark.

"FUJAHOIN! THE SEALING OF THE CURSE!" Kakashi called out loudly.

Sakura watched in fascination as all the symbols her sensei had drawn on the ground in his own blood crawled up Sasuke's arms and back to connect at the curse mark. Sasuke screamed in pain, a sound which made Sakura cringe inwardly.

Maintaining her vital check, Sakura could see Sasuke's chakra was low but not to the point of drastic. He just radiated exhaustion, he needed to rest. Kakashi withdrew his hand, the sealing was over. All the marks had combined to form a black circle around the curse mark.

"There, the next time the curse mark begins to activate the seal should keep it in check. But the curse sealing jutsu is only as strong as you are, it holds because of your will power. If you ever start to doubt yourself the curse will be unleashed in all its fury" Kakashi explained and Sasuke suddenly fell forward.

Sakura quickly rushed to Sasuke's aid but found he had reached his limit of exhaustion and passed out.

"I've never seen him like this, too tired to argue" Kakashi chuckled.

"My, how you've grown Kakashi, to think you've become strong enough to perform the sealing jutsu" A familiar voice said from the back of the room.

It's him, Orochimaru! He's come for Sasuke! Sakura thought and quickly shielded Sasuke's collapsed body. The voice chuckled at her response.

"It's you" Kakashi said calmly.

"It's been a long time huh Kakashi, hello again to you Sakura. I see you're still healthy and well, and look even assisting your teacher with your chakra abilities. Wonderful" Orochimaru said, licking his lips in anticipation.

Sakura? Has he got some sort of sick design on her too, the silver haired man thought but his female student seemed to be holding up well. No curse mark or sign of manipulation from Orochimaru.

"What are you doing here!?" Kakashi demanded.

"Well no offence Kakashi, I didn't come to see you. My business is with the boy the young lady guards so fiercely" Orochimaru said and Sakura narrowed her eyes at the snake man.

"What do you want with Sasuke?" Kakashi asked.

"Ah, you've acquired something new since we last met, how I envy your good fortune Kakashi. The Sharingan in your left eye, after all it's only fair that I should want it too. The power of the Uchiha clan" Orochimaru replied.

Kakashi-sensei acquired the Sharingan? And he's met Orochimaru before? Sakura thought.

"What's your game?" Kakashi pressed.

"The Sound Village that everyone is so curious about, I created it. I think you'll understand that Kakashi, but to play the game as you put it I need pieces on the chessboard. Willing pawns to do my bidding" Orochimaru chuckled slightly.

"And Sasuke, he's one of these pawns?" Sakura asked angrily and Orochimaru turned to look at her.

"Oh no my dear Sakura, your precious Sasuke is not a pawn. He's far more valuable than that, but as for the others. Well I'm sure you know how chess works, pieces must be sacrificed!" Orochimaru hissed.

With this, the snake man began to take careful slow steps towards Kakashi, looking straight through him at Sakura and the ultimate prize, Sasuke.

"STOP DON'T COME A STEP CLOSER!" Kakashi yelled and took up a fighting stance, one arm dangled between his legs, his other arm supporting it. Sakura watched her sensei with wide eyes, she'd never seen him lose his cool before.

Suddenly a huge burst of chakra formed a ball of light in Kakashi's palm, the noise sounded like millions of birds screeching at a high pitch frequency.

W-what jutsu is that? Sakura wondered.

"I don't care if you are one of the Sanin, the three shinobi of legend. I swear, take one more step towards Sasuke and one of us will die here!" Kakashi spat.

Orochimaru began to laugh a loud sadistic laugh which echoed around the room. "What say you Sakura? Will you defend poor Sasuke's life with your brave and noble sensei over here?" he taunted.

"Damn straight I will, like Kakashi-sensei said you take one step more step towards Sasuke and someone will die here. Hopefully it's you" Sakura replied angrily and drew out her kunai.

"Such a fiery girl! Reminds me of my dear teammate. Your loyalty is strong Sakura, I am very impressed with you. As for you Kakashi, your noble efforts are all in vain here. Do you really believe the seal will hold, do either of you believe you can keep him from what he desires most? He is an avenger after all" Orochimaru said, keeping his distance.

Kakashi's technique continued to spark and the noise became more intense. "So, you think you can use that against him? Not Sasuke, no way" he replied.

"You cannot stop it, at some point he will come to me in search of power. Unless of course you carry out your threat to kill me, now is your chance" Orochimaru said and walked away.

Kakashi's technique vanished instantly, Sakura watched as Orochimaru gave her sensei the opportunity to attack. When Kakashi did not do this, the snake man vanished.

What was I thinking, one of us will die here? Endanger my students, how foolish of me, Kakashi thought.

"Kakashi-sensei, I think we should take Sasuke to the infirmary now" Sakura spoke quietly.

Seeing Orochimaru again had made her very uneasy. Especially with all the hints he had been throwing around about her being of interest to him, Kakashi did not need to hear that.

"Right, I will communicate what has happened with Lord Hokage and request that the Anbu Black Ops guard him carefully" Kakashi replied.

Both ninja lifted Sasuke up carefully, putting a hand to his lips Kakashi cleared the room of all traces of the sealing spell before transporting himself and his students to the infirmary.

"Ah man! There have been some seriously good fights so far and I just want to get into it already! Where are Kakashi and Sakura!?" Naruto ranted at Lee who was standing next to him.

"Yo" A voice came from behind, the blond boy turned quickly to see that Kakashi and Sakura had appeared in a puff of smoke curtsey of Kakashi.

"Kakashi sensei! Sakura-chan! How is the teme?" Naruto called out, overjoyed to see his teammate and sensei.

"Sasuke is sleeping in the infirmary, safe and sound" Kakashi said and Naruto grinned.

"Have you had a chance to fight yet Naruto?" Sakura asked.

"No not yet but the last couple of matches have been pretty intense. Shino went up against that Zaku guy, Shino one by using those creepy bugs of his to gain an advantage. The match just before you guys cam was between that Kankuro guy and the other one of Kabuto's teammates Misumi somebody. Anyway Kankuro used that thing on his back which turned out to be a puppet and totally crushed Misumi with it!" Naruto finished, he had spoken very fast and paused to take in a breath.

"I see, so you two still have to fight. I wonder who you will be matched up against" Kakashi mused.

I still have enough chakra to battle properly, but that encounter with Orochimaru has definitely been a distraction. Are those Anbu Black Ops going to be enough, what if he tries to take Sasuke from the infirmary? Sakura thought, looking at the ground and not paying attention.

"Sakura" Kakashi said, drawing her out of her thoughts.

"Hm, sorry sensei what did you say?" Sakura asked, still a little distracted.

"You're up" the silver haired man replied simply.

"Alright Sakura you can totally do this!" Naruto cheered as Sakura gazed up at the digital screen.

Sakura Haruno vs Yamanaka Ino

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