I Dared To Call Him Husband (...

By dmightypen02

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They both didn't want this marriage but for one reason or the other they found themselves saying yes to it. H... More

Tittle: I dared to call him husband 1


848 36 0
By dmightypen02

Zuriel,Doreen and Mr. Robert were seated on the dinning eating their dinner. Zuriel was already bored with the whole thing,all she did was eat,watch movies and talk with the old couple who seems to never run out of stories. They had told her stories of their own childhood,their children's and Miles, how they met and how they got married,though Zuriel loved hearing them say those stories but she wanted more,she didn't want to only see the city from the terrace like she always does after each tour round the house,she didn't want to stay in enclosure anymore,she wanted to get out and see things,but her husband who was to help her in all that had disappeared for the past four days no one knowing his whereabouts every efforts to reach him had turned futile. Everyone was worried even she was,though she was secretly grateful that she got to have the bed all to herself, but she couldn't deny the fact that his presence gave some sense of security,but he was such a rude man to leave his wife all by herself in a city where she knew no one except this couple seated at the table beside her now.

"Hi everyone" a deep male baritone said and everyone's head snapped to its direction.
He walked with a cheerful grin and sat beside his wife while the his co occupants of the table stared at him looking puzzled.

"Where have you been?" Doreen demanded anger visible in her voice.

"Around the city" he answered nonchalantly as he piled his plate with food.

"If you wanted to explore you could have informed us we wouldn't have stopped you, but you didn't have to shut us out by turning off your phone" Doreen complained.

"My phone was discharge"

"Don't dare lie to me,how can your phone be discharged for four days and you couldn't find a place in the whole of Paris to charge it,oh my God such a loose excuse" she queried angrily while Miles dug into his food without a care infuriating his aunt the more.

"You left your young innocent wife all by herself when you both are supposed to be making memories together,how .........

"Love that's enough" Mr Robert interrupted.

"Don't tell me not to query him, the boy is wrong and is behaving like he did nothing wrong" Doreen complained.

"Am not telling you not to query him am just trying to tell you to allow us enjoy our meal first,then you both can have your discussion later,because your talks is going to keep everyone tense".

"Right father,how will the food happily go down when the table is on fire" a voice from a corner in the room said and everyone turned his head towards it's direction.
A young good looking boy in black jeans and navy blue polo shirt emerge with a smirk on his face.

"Louis baby you came" Mrs Robert said in a happy tone like she wasn't the same person that was angry a few seconds ago. She got up and enveloped her son in a tight hug causing him to whimper in disapproval as he tried to free himself from his mother's hold.
She finally let go and they both took their seats.

"Good evening father"he greeted and his father nodded in response.

"I didn't see you when you came in son" his mom asked rather than say as she piled food into his plate.

"I used the back door" Louis responded.

"You're a son of this house,why don't you just use the back door" she complained.

"What's wrong with using the back door? It meant to be used isn't it?" Louis demanded.

"Backs doors are used to carry out secret activities and thieves and I know you don't have anything to hide unless if you've began hiding things from your mother"

"I guess the door should be shut down then,you shouldn't have had it built if you didn't need it and by using it am keeping it from getting wasted"

"Fine okay I will just inform Adam to keep the door shut at all times" Doreen said.

"Suit yourself" Louis responded nonchalantly.

"Ooh meet your cousin's wife Zuriel" Doreen introduced pointing a hand at Zuriel.
Brown met cobalt when he turned his head towards her,for a while they stare into each others wife transfixed until Zuriel looked away shyly.

"Nice to meet you" Louis said taking Zuriel's hand in his and held it for a while while she responded with a mid and a small smile.
"You've heard am Louis" he added finally letting go.

"She can't speak" his mother said.

"She can't what?" He said in a surprise tone glancing from Zuriel to his mother and back to her causing Zuriel who had been staring at him to look away.

He gave her that pity look which everyone always give her though she hates it because it belittle her in some kind of way.

"But she hears" his mother said bringing him back to life.
"It's such a pity,such a pretty woman can't speak" his mother said in a sober tone.

"And do you what's more pitiful about her? (his mother shook her head) is that she ended up with an ass for a husband" Louis said.

"You shouldn't talk about your cousin like that" his mom said in a warning tone.

"Mom I understand he's your nephew,but it's true that any young woman who marries him is the most unlucky woman ever and am so sad that it had to be someone as innocent,young and good looking like her,it's just so unfortunate, but what can I say life itself is not fair,to have endowed this lady with dumbness"

"You shouldn't say that son,there are good things in life too" his mother responded.

"Hhhggh,surely not in Zurie's life, because Miles isn't good for any girls life,he's rude,pompous and selfish,he's just a whole piece of shit" Louis complained.

"I won't have you use those words in my house okay, and not on your cousin" his mother said with a glare.

"I need to clarify something Zuriel,did you actually take a good look at this ass here (he pointed to Miles) before yes to him, like what did you eat that day,were you forced, were you threatened, What did they push down your throat or where you high on weed when you said 'I do'?,cause one thing am sure of is that my cousin isn't a good man and you are unlucky to have ended up with this trash" Louis said and his parents glared at him.

"Louis that's enough" his father said.

"Come on son,you're making the poor girl uncomfortable" his mother said.

"Come on mother,we need to tell the girl the truth,we can't keep it hidden for long,one way or the other she will find out what an ass her husband is, that's if she hadn't BT now? but if she hadn't we need to tell her so she could prepare for the worse,am telling ( he looked towards Zuriel) my cousin is an ass through and through" he finished.

Zuriel stared at everyone's expression,no one looked specifically happy,her husband on the other hand just ate Hus food without a care,his face was expressionless and he didn't seem bothered one bit about what was being said about him.
Miles felt eyes on him and lifted his head up only to catch his wife staring she quickly looked away when their eyes met while he went back to his food.

"I don't know what made your relationship go sour like this but I just hope that you both will fixes this before they went back" Doreen said.

"Impossicant" Louis said wrongly to tell how impossible what his mom was hoping for is.

"Forget him aunt he's just angry that I broke that toy car of his few years ago" Miles said speaking for the first time since his cousin's arrival.
"By the way hello cousin" he added with a wave and a smile.

"I don't need your fucked up hello,keep the damn greeting to yourself" Louis said in an exasperated tone causing Miles to huff out a laugh.

"You know son of a bitch.....

"Is that bitch supposed to be my dead sister?" his mother demanded in a frustrated tone cutting him off.
"One bad word from you again and you're are out of my house" his mom threatened.

"I didn't mean the word bitch,it just came out before I knew it" Louis defended.

"Well yes,since your words control you and not the other way round" his mother said making sure to let him know that she didn't believe him.
"When you are on trial.....

"Every word you say matters, so think before you speak or you might implicate yourself the more" Louis cut in.
"Mom you realise we are at home now don't you,so let's keep that out now, and about sending me out (he smiled mischievously) I did be happy if you do cause I will have a reason to give any of your daughters I will have to squat with since they won't take me in on normal circumstances and I will be happiest since I won't be the one graving and pleading for my son to come back,wow I did get the opportunity to go to the museum,clubbing, race and a lot more he said with the glee of a child.

"Whatever it is just forgive your brother"his mom said in response.

"Brother"he huffed giving Miles a glance.
"Brother the one who got me burnt here ( he swing his long hair to show the burnt skin on the left side of his neck), he gave me a permanent scar just because I was a desperate boy in London with a French accent with no friends and wanted to be a part of my cousin's stupid clicks of friends who saw it as a way to use me for experiment and decides that to be part I needed to be tattooed with a hot kitchen knife to show that am grown enough and foolish innocent me agreed and my cousin who was older and supposed to be more wiser than decided to carryout the mission, I care about my looks at lot and anyone who alters with them won't end well with me and he did and for a second time he's ruin another human, by marrying this young girl who is supposed to be at college disabilities or not,now he had buried her dreams and deprived her of the life she deserves by tying her to him in the name of marriage. Like Zuriel,advice from wise me leave this scumbag before he ruins you" Louis said all in one go and for a while the table was silent,no one knowing what to say. A part of Miles was twitched by what Louis said but of course he did great hiding it.

"My appetite have been soiled" Robert said as he got up from his seat and walked away.

"Look what you've done" Doreen complained to her son.

"Truth is bitter,I just mentioned the obvious truth since none of you will" Louis defended.

"You don't know anything Louis you're still a child" his mother said.

"If I am she still is as well because she looks like she's of my age grade" Louis responded.

Miles got up with a sigh and straightened up.
"Aunt don't bother about him he's still controlled by his teenage hormone(Miles stretched a hand and patted his cousin's arm) when you grow up little cousin you will understand" Miles said causing Louis to shove his hand away in anger.

"Chill cousin" Miles said with a smirk as he walked away.

"Wait for me in my study" aunt Doreen called out to her nephew.

"I don't know the way to it" Miles responded.

"I know you son, we both know you know very well as I do the way to that study cause you've been there a lot of times to receive your share of spanking and it enough times times for you to have registered the way in that intelligent mind of yours" she said.

"Woooh,someone us going to get shouted at" Louis said with a small laugh as he swings his head causing his hair to scatter on his shoulders.

He met her brown eyes again and she looked into her plate shyly shoving food quickly into her mouth causing him to laugh at her action.

"I caught you" he said laughing at her childishness while his mother just look from one person to another in confusion.


Now seated across the table with his aunt in front of him. For few minutes she held his eyes and they had a little tug of war until he gave up and looked away. For a while he stared into space at nothing in particular until his eyes moved across the room and he began to to feed them with the room features which include a wide range of mostly black and brown books with a few navy blue and white files. It looks different from the last time he had seen it,he could observe that the positions of the coffee brown desk and drawers have been changed.
He looked back of to his aunt when he was done staring and she gave him a heated glare.
For another few minutes they were involve in another staring session until he felt the need to look away thereby succumbing to her stare.
He fidgeted with his hands annoyed that the woman before him was wasting his time by not saying a word. At some point he was tempted to speak but he kept quiet telling himself that he will speak in seconds if she didn't over and over again.

"You've grown,really where have been?" She said finally causing his eyes to fall on her once again.

"I told you I was around the city" he said irritation visible in his voice.

"That's not an answer,we both know that,be specific, where were you?" She repeated angrily.

No response.

Doreen sighed and continued.
"Do you know how worried we were when we couldn't reach you? for good four days you were away without a call,no text, no word, you abandoned your poor wife when you're supposed to be with her building your relationship,do you know how irresponsible that is?" Doreen demanded.
Still no response.

"will you answer me and stop being silently?" She demanded banging the table between them with both hands,her nose flared in anger.

"Like what should I say aunt?" He demanded in a cooler tone.

"Like where you've been,who you were with and what you did?" She responded.

"Am not a kid aunt"

"Just right,you're not,so being irresponsible and childish, do I need to remind you that you now have a wife,a sweet,beautiful and innocent one at that?,you both are young you need to make some moments with her,build your relationship,do I need to remind you why you're in Paris?" She demanded.

"I don't want to do any of that with that girl" he responded.

"You have no choice Miles, she's your wife" she said causing him to laugh.

"I believe I didn't say anything funny".

"Is she really my wife? did I choose,she is more married yo you and granny than she is to me,I didn't choose her and I didn't ask you to meet her wretched parents to seek her hand for me,you all decided that without my permission, you literally forced me here,so deal with it,I don't want you expecting anything to me, because am not fulfilling anyone's wishes" he said firmly.

"We didn't take the vow you did and you made a promise before the Lord and you gave to keep it".

"Grandma made me do that,I just wanted to obey her,but after the wedding I realised I can't do it anymore"

"What do you mean?".

"I want a divorce" he said knocking the living air out of her lungs and for a while she looked at him quietly opening and covering her mouth continuously without a word.

"I want to untie this leash of marriage around my neck aunt".
Doreen stared quietly at him for seconds not believing he just said those words to her.

"What you think marriage is an imprisonment?"she asked.

"We both know that it's truly a form" he responded.

"I don't,I know marriage is a good thing,like the scripture says he who found a wife finds a good thing and obtained favour from God,I can't imagine what would have become of me after I lost my sister to cancer if I wasn't married, Robert supported and encouraged me,you can't give up on this marriage when you haven't tried to build it,with time things will come in place,good things come to those who wait,you've got a good thing just ensure a little and try to make your marriage what you want it to be" she said as her eyes glistened in tears.

"I didn't find her and I want that divorce, I've thought of it for the last four days " he said coldly.

"Marriage is no joke , for better for worse remember and I haven't seen you go through any fire for your marriage".

"Trust when I say that woman and her troubles are enough fire, she can't do anything right" he responded with a huff.

"You can't back out now, you haven't given it a shot son,(she held his hands) marriage is the best relationship on this earth son,you will realize that with time"she encouraged.

"Well I don't want it,I don't need any random no body to own be,am not ready for it".

"You can never be ready enough, you will learn to love her with time,she's a lovable Lady, you're indeed lucky"

"Aunt if you're saying that to sway me away from my decision then you just failed,am not going back on my words".

Doreen gave a defeated sigh and for a while she couldn't say a word.
"Fine tell me on what bases are you asking for this divorce,let me tell you this son,in our religion you are tied to your wife for life, you are only permitted to divorce except if one of you committed adultery and the victim spouse can't forgive that's it,don't forget until death do us part" she said and smiles seeing the expression on his face which prove that she was conquering his stubbornness.

"And I don't think your wife is one to cheat, except if you have?" She added when giving a questioning look.

"Of... of....,I....,of course I didn't" he stutter.

"No you didn't?" She demanded doubtfully.

"I didn't" he responded firmly, though he knew he was lying.

"Okay fine then"she responded and he was grateful he didn't push further.

"I observed something with your wife, she's too soft and fragile and definitely not a social person, so you she's scared of the dark,it was hard for her to go to bed when you left and she told me she can't sleep alone with the lights turned off,she need some assurance son and you need to give her that and help her overcome her fears as her husband you must think for her as much as you think for yourself,she's part of you now and no one will cut off their body parts just like that,be her encouragement, even if you don't love her yet just treat her like a human,be kind to her,I don't know why am saying this but I feel the need to" Doreen said and gave a sad smile.

"She reminds me so much of your mother when we lost our father and became orphaned, at that time she became my second set of legs, always holding my hand and going places with me" I missed her a lot"Doreen said wiping away a stray tear from her cheek as she sniffed.
Her words made Miles to feel some kind of heaviness in his heart and he robbed a hand against his chest.

"I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have my husband and kids for support but am more grateful to the Lord that he gave you to us" she said and bent her head to hide the streaming tears.

"Are you ok aunt ?" He demanded with love and concern.

"I am,though I did be more okay if you call me mother" she said with a sad smile as she wiped her face and blew her nose with a tissue.

"Good night" she said signaling for him to leave and he nodded in response as he stood up and made for the door.

"Zuriel is easily frightened, please take good care of her and don't think of divorcing her because you won't like what I did do if you dare" she threatened her nephew right before he shot the door.

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