I Dared To Call Him Husband (...

بواسطة dmightypen02

14.6K 519 48

They both didn't want this marriage but for one reason or the other they found themselves saying yes to it. H... المزيد

Tittle: I dared to call him husband 1


1.1K 47 2
بواسطة dmightypen02

With long strides he walked on the tarmac not caring that my legs were shorter than his and I had to always run to keep up with him. After the bidet incident he hardly said anything to me yesterday and I was grateful for that,because anytime he spoke to me he only used hard words that cause me tears.
I run every now and then to walk by his side,since he wasn't a considerate man,even the porters were having a hard time keeping up with all those bags on his hands.

We board the jet that had a certain logo of a forest and amidst the greenery was a man with a jigsaw and around the logo was written "sawyers inc.".
The interior was a sight to behold, from the entrance I could see two seats each on either side of the jet, there was a separating panel with a white door which was wide open and through it I saw posh L-shape seats on either side of the jet with a small centre table each,four single chairs two on either side were behind the L-shape seats with another brown shiny table with several seats that makes it look like a meeting area at the farthest end of the jet while the cockpit was the closest to us by our left and I could hear some movements behind the closed door.

"Welcome aboard" two dissimilar voices said bringing me back from my reverie.

I look up to see two hostesses with wide smile on their faces. One is dark with thick hair pulled into an afro black round eyes in a blue pencil skirt and white shirt with a maroon bow tie,while the other blond,in tight fitting clothing that were two times under her size. The button of her shirt looks like they will pop open anytime soon, her skirt was way above her knees than needed with her face plastered in make up making her look like a wander woman. I huffed inwardly and crossed my hands below my bust.
I didn't like her because she looks like a promiscuous woman,if mother was here she would have preached to this lady through out the whole journey, telling her how a mature woman is to dress and not to wear clothes meant for children in the name of fashion repeatedly until the lady feels guilty and decides to repent. At the thought of mother my stomach began to grumble and I became home sick,I was already missing the people who loved and cared for me,mom,dad, sister and even brother who was far away.
As if reading my thoughts concerning her she glared at me and I couldn't help but shudder at the thought that she might have heard me,even though I knew that was impossible.

"May I have your jacket sir?" The blond woman demanded holding out her hand to help Miles with his black jacket. He handed his laptop bag to her and took off his knee length black jacket and also handed it over revealing the purple shirt underneath. She took it with a wide smile and walked inside while he followed behind.

"Can I ?" Her mate demanded pointing at my hand bag and large Cardigan with protruded arms . I shook my head and took a step back.

"Be careful" she warned holding me on the fore arms (as my heart skipped a beat) with both hands to prevent from falling over.

I smiled a grateful but nervous smile and balanced myself as I clutched my small hand bag to my chest.

"Follow me then" she said in a nice voice and I followed her closely into the beautiful interior. She showed to one of the single chairs opposite Miles and I sat down. This one here was being serious while her mate was out there with her body on display trying to please my husband, by pushing her large boobs out and shooting out her butt,"what a decent woman" I said within me in a disgusted tone.

"If you need anything just alert me by pressing this button okay " she said pointing at a button on the arm of my seat and I nodded.
My eyes look around the plane once again and I observed we were the only two boarding it.
I palm my face and gasp in realization at the knowledge that this was Miles private jet.

"Mr Sawyer this is your captain speaking, please fasten your seat belts, if you're ready your flight to France will be in air in the next two minutes" the captain announced definitely from flight deck. "Oh so that's where we are off to" I thought and tried to clasp my belt but the something refused to obey me.

I felt the figure of someone towering over me. I raised my head up and caught his eyes.

" I f you don't know how things work,you could always asked" he said in an annoyed tone as he bent low and clasp me in then sat beside me and did same to himself.

The dark hostess came in and opened her mouth to speak.

"We are ready" he said before she could speak and she walked back out silently.

My heart began to pound hard and I clucked to my chest in a futile attempt to steady it.
I was scared I could remember the last time I was in a plane,I was five then and fleeing my country,the happenings that led to that cause my ears to water and I blink them back, those memories were the reason for my fear, insecurity, lack of confidence and the greatest pains of my life worst of all my night mares. I rub my hands against my eyes and pulled the hood of my sweater over my head,to hide my tears in case they betray me again.

I felt the jet begin to move and I stiffened in fear and hold firmly to the arms of my seat digging my nails into it. My stomach rumble and I felt all the tons of breakfast I've eaten that morning evaporate, I felt nauseous and dizzy. I clenched my teeth and shut my eyes. I released my hands and sucked in my lips when I felt the jet leave the run way. I could feel the food I ate that morning coming back to my throat,several times it came causing me to jag my head forward but at the end it went back. My head began to twirl and though my eyes were open I couldn't put anything in it's place. I tried to unbuckle my belt but before I could my head protruded to my left,my stomach turned inside out and I let out it content once,then a second time and for the third time. My eyes were heavy and I was feeling dizzy,I leaned and rest my head on my head seat closing my eyes to get back my sanity.

"What the fuck" someone snapped beside me, his voice pierced through my skull and re-vibrated so many times in my head earning me a magrein and more dizziness. My eye balls felt like they will come out of their socket because they became suddenly heavy.

I sighed and shifted my head to the direction of the voice, though I wasn't feeling any better I forced my eyes open, but for a while my imagery was blur and it took me some seconds to clearly see what was beside me.
I followed the figure with my eyes starting from it's feet up to the head.

Miles stood few feet away looking down on me,his cobalt eyes darkened in anger and lips twitch in disgust. I stared down and my eyes caught the my puke on the right side of his pant and black shiny shoes.
I kept my gaze down in fear unable to look at his angry eyes though they were boring into my back.

"Do I have to baby seat you too?" He yelled and I shake my still bow head in the negative.

"You're are just a trouble in my life, am disgusted by every bit of you" he yelled and I saw his feet moving away from their position. For a while I sat still, my mind blank.
I finally stared down at myself, the hood of my cardigan below my neck was also soiled with my puke.

My brain finally came into life and I pushed the button by my side.

The black nurse came in with a wide smile on her face.

"What do you need?" She demanded and I pulled off my Cardigan and showed the dirt to her.

"Oh did you....? She started and I nod affirmatively.

"Well you need to clean up then,follow me" she said walking away while I tailed after jumping over my mess on the floor.

She took me to a bathroom that look to big and classic to be in a jet, I wiped the puke off my Cardigan and sneakers before walking back inside. I could see the clouds through the window and the sight of it alone caused me to shiver in fear. The mess have already been wipe out when I went back to my seat. I felt the need to lie down so as to ease my throbbing head, so I picked up my bag and went to one of the L-shape seats. My eyes caught a very large TV that I hadn't noticed and a fridge below it.

"Are you hungry?" The dark hostess that I didn't see approaching demanded. I nodded silently and look towards.

"Do you like fries and ketchup?" She demanded and I nodded. She smiled and walked away as her mate made a grand entry with a tray full with food on her hands, she turned to me and stare for a while then gave me a smirk and went through a door that I didn't know exist,again.
Miles was no where to be seen, probably inside that room I guess.

Melanin queen came back with a tray full of snacks,she placed the tray on the table beside and urge me to begin eating.

I pulled out my pad and type into it. "I have a head ache" I wrote and showed it to her.

"OK I will get you some pills so just enjoy your food for now" she responded and walk away once again.
I picked my fork and dip it into the salad first,it tasted so good and I loved it. I picked the ketchup bottle and spray some on the fries and fork some into my mouth. I shook my left leg enjoying my meal.

"You like it" Melanin said walking into the room and I nodded.
I nodded.

"Am Mia,what's your own name?" She demanded as she sat on the space beside me.

I smiled and picked my pad.
"Zuriel" I wrote with a smile.

"Aa-aah Zuriel" she said with a smile. "Why do you use a pad,are you .....?" She started and I nodded.
"But how do you understand what I've been saying?"

"Because I can hear but just can't speak" I wrote.

"Am sorry" she said in a concern tone.

"Please don't,I don't like people pitying me it makes me feel like a charity case and inferior" I wrote.

"Sorry,oops..." She said covering her lips with her hand and I smiled.
She handed me some pills and I put into my mouth and pushed them down with yoghurt.

I ate to my satisfaction and lie down to sleep with a throw pillow under my head. I felt something being drape over my body and open my eyes to see Mia hovering over me with a wide smile on her face I smiled back and shut my eyes.

I heard voices around me but still kept my eyes shut listening to the two voices in the room.

"Sorry I was unable to come greet you at the entrance and when I entered here few hours ago you were busy in the room behind" a deep male voice.

"No problem but you didn't have to mention the part about the room that is personal" Miles said in his own deep male baritone.

"It's not if you it's on a jet am flying" the other person said.

"It is, if it's MY jet and right now you're my employee and not friend" Miles defended.

"I rest my case then,so who is she,your new girl? though she look quite too young" the captain said and I knew immediately that he was referring to me.

" naa-ah,it complicated"

"Not too complicated that you can't say" the captain counter.

"She's just.... Hmm..." Miles stammered making me wonder if the word " wife" is too hard to say.

"You're stammering,don't you dear lie to me Miles sawyer" the captain said.

"Come on Jones, that's not it,it really complicated like I said to you".

"Hmmm really" the captain said in a suspicious tone.

"Fine she's just someone I've been burdened with the responsibility to take care of, satisfied?" Miles said in an exasperated tone.
It hurt me to hear him say those words,but what do I expect,love? is not like we married out of love anyway, we both had to go into this marriage because we had no choice,I don't know his reasons for it but mine was for my sister and am proud of myself for the sacrifice.

"Am still not convince" Jonas protested with a huff.

"Well sorry am not saying more, so just land this bitch my butt already hurt for sitting too long" Miles said in a calm voice but even a fool can depict the anger in his voice.

"but ........." The captain tried to protest again.

"Fuck off Jonas" Miles yelled cutting cutting off his friend causing him to chuckle.

"I will land the bitch in about thirty minutes OK" Jones announced and I heard feet walking towards me and I presented to be asleep.

For a while I felt the presence of the captain beside and his eyes boring into my back causing me to stiffened and my fore head to crease in annoyance.

I snuggled deeper into my blanket when he left. I didn't know how long we've been on air but I know I slept well.

I wiped the drool off my face and buckled my seat belt when the captain announced our landing in few minutes, all the while I didn't care to look at my husband.

After saying good bye to Mia and promiscuous lady who looks reluctant to hand my husband his jacket with a bottle of yoghurt on my hand and a pack of biscuits I walk out of the jet and juggle beside my husband because he was such a gentleman that he wouldn't slow down his steps and be considerate for the lady beside him.

We took our seats in the big shiny car that was awaiting for us on the tarmac after Miles exchanged greetings with the driver.
I began munching my biscuits shoving it down with the yoghurt immediately I took my seat.

" could you ever do anything like a human, it's so unethical to make sounds when you eat,didn't your poor parents teach you that? If they couldn't provide you with money then they could have done one good thing and teach you ethics" he yelled causing my body to vibrate in shock. I put away my snack and look precisely at him for the first time after the puke incident his darkened eyes met mine and for a second I stiffened,I pulled my eyes away submitting to his glare. I picked up my pad and type into it.

" am sorry for puking on you and for causing you so much discomfort with the way I eat" I wrote and pushed it towards his face hiding my face behind it so I won't see his facial expression.
Did I mention that he was now changed into a white polo shirt and blue chinos and looking handsome in it?.

"If you're sorry then why don't you get your butt out of my life( he pushed the pad off to see her face),I don't need a shit like you in my life, you're just trouble to me" he snapped.
A stray tear forced itself out of my eye even though I was trying hard to keep them in. In no time my face was wet and tears were dripping down my jaw and falling on my shirt.

I turned away my face and heard him huffed. I don't want this either,not this present life am living that can provide me comfort and yet bring me unhappiness, I prefer my old life which though I lack I was satisfied,and happy and most important of all I was loved.
At this moment I missed the small poor room I share with my sister and the comfort of her lap,I miss my family so much that it's causing my heart to ache and then bringing more tears to my eyes. I sniffed and wipe away the tears with the back of my hand and stared out of the window and admiring the beautiful city of Paris.

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