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By UnspokenPoet4Christ

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"[looking away from all that will distract us and] focusing our eyes on Jesus, who is the Author and Perfecte... More

I was guilty - "words"

Spoken word - What is love?

15 0 0
By UnspokenPoet4Christ

I would be lying if I said ,

I didn't have any false understanding of what it meant to be satisfied in Christ,

 I would be lying if everyday I didn't and still wrestled with idols , 

which are truly just broken cisterns, unable to hold water, 

I would be lying if I said, I wasn't that person who thirst, yet sat, 

 knowing that the living water , who is Christ, could satisfy.

I grew up in a home, where love wasn't Christlike,

love was pretense, 

love was selfish,

 love was abusive words,

 love was i'll tear you down and never apologise, 

we, weren't created, formed, intended to experience this sort of love, 

we were meant to experience, a perfect love, a love that is wholesome,

 A love that loves even when everything else had a limit, our hearts were created to experience this love that overflows, but so foolishly I went to look for love, I ended up stumbling into more false understanding of love, 

One who is broken, is only familiar with broken things, but how could one who is broken be satisfied by another broken thing,

I thought if I poured my broken love into other broken things, I'd feel whole,

I thought maybe not giving, but recieving, would fill me up, but  it didn't,

instead it left the one who chose to love me , in their brokenness ....empty, and a broken cistern like me could not hold the water, I mean the broken love poured out into me,

Until I met a love, a love that promised to make me whole, 

A love that says, I've clearly shown and proven my love, by the fact that while you were still sinners, I died for you, 

A love that is endures with patience and serenity, 

A love that is kind and thoughtful, and is not jealous or envious; 

A love that does not brag and is not proud or arrogant. 

A love that is not rude; not self-seeking, not provoked [nor overly sensitive and easily angered]; love that does not take into account a wrong endured. 

A does not rejoice at injustice, but a love that rejoices with the truth [when right and truth prevail]. Love that bears all things [regardless of what comes], 

A love that believes all things [looking for the best in each one], a love that hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], 

A love  that endures all things [without weakening]. 

A love that was willing to give his life, though I deserved the condemnation for my own shortcomings,

In my entire life, I  have never experienced a love that was relentless in the midst of my mess, A love that pursues,

A love that leaves the 99 and comes to find me.

This love made me whole in him,

Love told me,  that he will continue to overflow in me, So that the love he pours into me, Will overflow into the lives of others, So when I love you,

 it's not a love that I am the source of,

 my love was broken, 

my love was perverse, 

this love keeps loving even when you hate me.

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