
allegiiants द्वारा

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it was supposed to be a harmless game, but the spirits had a different way to play. अधिक

character answers
black mask
deal with the devil
family betrayal
murder suicide
the second trial
Im ready


9.7K 416 319
allegiiants द्वारा



be afraid

be very afraid

for the darkness

will make you go insane


It had already been a month, one month since Charlie fell into her coma, one month since Tamina and Calum had seen Greg, one month since they played the ouija board. It had already been one month, but it felt like so much longer, the days dragged on and it had felt like years already.

Tamina made connections to Greg's story and her dream about the beautiful boy getting stabbed, she remembered what Greg had told them that the boy named Kyle said that he had gotten stabbed repeadetly by a man wearing a black mask, that he didn't know how he got in or who he was.

All he remembered was that he was wearing a black mask.

The boy in her dream was Kyle, he was the one she had been seeing, she figured it out after making connections. It was him, Kyle was the one.

Every day their fear grew stronger, their fear of them dying, their fear of Charlie not waking up. The big thing that they feared most was what they have to go through in order to survive whatever it was that they knew was coming for them.

Not like anything huge had happened, Charlie was still in the hospital, Tamina's dreams were still occuring, her most frequent one being the one of the old woman at it usually was, she saw lots of other flashes as well, she saw a girl with brown hair who kills herself after looking at pictures of her mother, but it was all just snippets, she hadn't seen the full thing yet.

The boy still guided her through her dreams, they were so vivid that Tamina couldn't believe it was only a dream, it was all to vivid, and she remebered every detail. She completely gave up on trying to take the pills because they obviously weren't working.

The ouija board was hidden in the attic where Ashton had thrown it along with the planchette. None of them dared to go up there in fear to see the board again. They were all afraid that one day it would just pop up next to them.

Luke visited Charlie every day at the hospital and every day when the others would have some hope that maybe she had woken up, he would only shake his head, saying she hadn't made any progress at all and that the doctors still didn't know what was causing her coma.

Jordyn and Ashton had went out, not wanting to be in the house anymore, leaving Michael, Wendy, Tamina and Calum at the house. Luke had already left to go and see Charlie by that time so he wasn't there either.

Wendy walked into Tamina and Jordyn's room, looking for a shirt that Jordyn had borrowed earlier that week.

She saw Tamina in the corner of the room, rocking back and forth, tugging at her hair. She was crying and she didn't seem to notice that Wendy had walked in, Wendy frowned, she looked terrible, she looked so scared.

Wendy walked closer towards Tamina, but Tamina didn't seem to notice that either. She looked so lost, like she was in her own little world, she looked so fragile, so afraid, Wendy was so shocked to see someone like her looking so afraid, so small, she looked.. helpless

"Tamina?" Wendy said, her voice barely above a whisper. She was worried, why was she like that? She looked like she had just had an anxiety attack.

Tamina heard Wendy, but she didn't turn her head. She was to shaken by what she had seen minutes before. She saw him; she saw Kyle, she woke up because she couldn't breathe. When she woke up she saw him, and she felt his hands wrapped around her neck as he choked her. He looked so angry, but at the same time he looked sad.

She knew it was him because it was his face, in the dream about the man with the black mask, he was the boy getting stabbed, it was him, he was the one guiding her through her dreams the one who helped her wake up, it had to be him. If he was being so nice to her in her dreams, why did he do that to her?

Why was he trying to kill her?

"Tamina," Wendy said again, more firmly. She really wanted to know what was wrong with Tamina.

Wendy walked closer towards her and sat down next to her. She was really afraid that the person she was talking to was not really her best friend, and that it was something else in her body. She had seen the movies, what if Tamina just jumped on her and attacked her?

"Tamina, what happened?" she asked, hoping to get any kind of sound from Tamina, a whimper, anything, she just wanted something.

Tamina didn't have to answer her, because Wendy saw the red marks on her neck, they were marks of fingers. She gasped and screamed loudly, getting the attention of Michael and Calum who were in the living room downstairs, talking about Charlie and how the yhoped that she would get out of that coma and be herself again.

She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Michael appeared, with Calum behind him. Wendy was suprised at how quick they got there, but she didn't comment on that, all she kept thinking of were those marks, where did those even come from? Why were they there? Did Tamina do that to herself? Did someone do that to her?

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, trying to catch his breath from running so quickly, he was so scared that something had happened to Wendy so when he saw that she was alive and breathing, he was really happy.

Wendy scooted away from Tamina, unable to speak, it was like someone was holding her tongue. She was really afraid of her now, she was afraid there was something inside her best friend, that something inside her best friend made her do that to herself.

"Wendy," Calum said sternly, "What's wrong?" He was so afraid, but he refused to show it, he hated showing fear. What was wrong with Tamina, why was Wendy acting like that? Had she seen something?

Wendy tried to get words out, but the only thing she could manage to say was, "Neck."

Michael walked towards Tamina and his eyes widened when he saw the marks on her neck, he thought the same thing Wendy was thinking, where did those come from? They looked so red, so fresh, like it had just happened.

"Calum!" Michael yelled, even though he was in the same room as him.

Calum walked towards the two of them, he looked at her eyes and she looked at his, there was so much fear in them, in both of their eyes. He reached out his hand touching Tamina's neck, she winced when he did. She hissed and he took his hand away quickly, not wanting to hurt her since she already seemed to be in a lot of pain.

He turned around to face Michael and Wendy, but saw that they weren't in the room anymore. He turned back around to face Tamina and watched as a tear rolled down her cheek, and then there were more. His heart broke at the sight of her crying, but he didn't want to be weak in front of her especially after something like that had happened.

He reached out and wiped a tear off her face. She flinched a bit, but only because she was still afraid because of what had just happened to her.

"What happened?" Calum asked her. He really wanted to know, he wanted to know what came after her, he just wanted her to be okay, all he wanted was for the beautiful girl sitting in front of him to be okay.

She looked up at him and swallowed hard, she didn't want to tell him, she was feeling hurt, really hurt. Why did the beautiful boy try to hurt her when he was the one who helped her wake up? It was like he made a huge switch all of a sudden and she didn't understand why.

When she woke up and saw him, he looked at her with such sadness, at first he looked angry, but then his expression changed, he looked so sad, sad that he was doing that to her.

"Tammy," Calum said, his voice soft, "You have to tell me what happened, I can't help you unless you tell me what happened." Tamina wanted to tell him that either way he couldn't help, what was he going to do? They were helpless, there was nothing that he could do no matter what he tried.

Tamina looked past him and her jaw dropped when she saw the boy standing there, he looked at her with those sad eyes, she touched the marks on her neck and the boy let a tear fall down his cheek, he looked ashamed, and Tamina just couldn't understand.

It was like he was bipolar or something, one minute he was calling her beautiful and guiding her and the next he looked so angry and was trying to kill her and then he looked sad and now he was crying.

"I'm sorry," she heard him say, she gulped at the sound of his voice. It sounded exactly the way it did in her dreams, it was so strange to actually be seeing him, even though she knew that he was dead.

Tamina quickly looked at Calum who frowned, what was she looking at? "Tammy, what are you staring at?" She didn't answer him, making him even more confused, "Tamina what do you see?"

How did he not hear the boy? Was she going insane? No, she couldn't have been, he was there she wasn't imaging it, why didn't Calum hear it, how come she was the only one hearing it? She looked at Calum with confusion and she felt so bad when she knew that he couldn't hear the boy.

When she looked back where she boy was previously standing, he wasn't there anymore.

"I have to go," Tamina said quickly, getting up. Calum grabbed her arm, but she yanked it away. She ran downstairs, Wendy and Michael called her name but she just ran out. She got into Ashton's car and found the keys in one of the cup holders. Ashton and Jordyn didn't take the car because they decided to get some fresh and air and just walk. 

Tamina was crying silently, she was so confused she had never felt what she was feeling at that moment, and it was a terrible feeling. She quickly drived somewhere, somewhere she didn't expect to be going.

When she got to the store where Greg worked at, she ran inside and found him in the back, sorting things out. He was startled and almost dropped some of the books he was holding. She started crying right in front of him and he didn't know what to do, so he hugged her. She cried into his shirt and he patted her back awkwardly.

She finally pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears.

"Sorry," she muttered, sighing. He nodded and sat down in the same table her and Calum had sat down in before with him.

"You gonna tell me what happened?" he asked, laying out a deck of cards. She frowned, not understanding why he had cards in his pocket but she ignored that and sighed.

She told him the whole story to which he would occasionally widen his eyes and nod. He didn't show much emotion which worried Tamina, but she kept telling the story anyway, hoping that he could somehow help her.

When she was done he cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses. He handed her a card and she frowned.

"Look," he said, putting another card next to the one he gave her, "I don't know what you want me to do. I really am sorry, I'm truly sorry that he did this to you, but what do you want me to do?" She gave him a disgusted look and scoffed, she couldn't believe that he was asking her that.

"I would like for you to help me," she said, rolling her eyes, "You went through this and you survived, you're alive, how did you survive? I need you to help me, I need you to help me and my friends out of this mess."

"I don't know how I'm supposed to do that," Greg said with a simple shrug, "And yes, maybe I did survive, but that doesn't stop the hurting inside, I almost didn't survive, sometimes I wish that I didn't, because the pain inside never goes away. I still to this day, think of Cole and Phoebe and Mandy, I wonder where we would be if we had never played the game."

Tamina gave him a look, one that was a mixture of pity and sadness, "You have to know something, anything, anything could help."

"I've learned something," he said with a gulp, he was silent for a moment and then he spoke,"Never reveal everything you know."

"So you basically just admitted that you know how to help me," Tamina scoffed, "I need you to help me, please, please just help me and my friends. We can't be going through something like this, right now the only thing me and my friends should be worried about is college, not whether we're going to wake up or not."

"I did not say that I could help you at any moment," he denied, "I just said something I learned that does not mean I was applying it to this situation, I don't know how to help you okay? I'm sorry, but there is nothing that I can do."

Tamina swallowed hard and sighed, "I have a question."

"Well then ask."

"Did any of your friends ever have like.. weird dreams?" she asked, hoping that he would give her some hope.

"Weird dreams?" he asked, not knowing what she was trying to ask.

"Ever since we moved into the house, I've been having these dreams, these dreams about people who end up dying, and someone in my dream guides me through them, I assume it's Kyle, it feels like its him. That's why I'm so confused, why did he try to hurt me?"

"You remember your dreams?" he asked her, "That isn't possible to remember your dreams that vividly, no one remembers their dreams like that? Not every detail."

"Well it is for me," she said, "Maybe it's a sign, I was wondering if you knew anything about that, maybe one of your friends had that before, like vivid dreams, I can remember every detail of my dream, that isn't normal, is it?"

Greg shook his head and answered almost too quickly, "Nope, none of my friends had that, I don't think it's a sign, maybe you're just good with dreams."

"But maybe-" he cut her off, not wanting her to continue with what she was going to say.

"Look, none of my friends ever had that before, I have no idea why you're expierencing those types of dreams or what they mean, I warned your friends about that board and they decided to play, once you contact them, you must deal with them, I can't help you at all, I don't know what to tell you, I'm sorry."

"My friend's in a coma you know," Tamina said, tears welling up in her eyes again, "My best friend is in the hospital with a coma, and the doctors can't explain why, now if that doesn't make you want to help I don't know what will."

"A coma?" he frowned, he had never ehard of that, none of his friends fell into a coma before.

"Yes," Tamina sighed, "A damn coma."

Greg looked at her with fear in his eyes, "Something is different about you."

"What?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Your group, the spirits want something different with you."

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"You have to go," he said quickly. He got up and she followed him, not understanding why he got so scared of her all of a sudden.

"Wait Greg!" she said, grabbing his arm, "What are you talking about?"

He grabbed a book from the shelf and quickly handed it to her. The book was black and it had a picture of a girl on it, levitating while she was asleep.

"What is this?" she asked. Why did he hand her that book? What was it supposed to do?

"I need you to read that," he said, "Alone, don't let your friends know I gave you this, just read it when you get time, do research on it, and when you finish reading, I need you to call me, it might take you a while, but I need you to read it, do you understand?"

"No, I don't-"

"Just read it!" he said, raising his voice which sounded weird since he had a raspy voice, "My number is written in there, it's on a small card I put in there for any readers in case they had questions, I need you to call that number once you finish the book."

She had many questions, but she only nodded.

"Okay," she said.

"I'm serious," he said, "Read it word for word carefully."

She nodded, "Okay, I will."

"I have another thing to tell you," he said.

"What?" she asked.

He opened the door and she stepped outside. He swallowed hard and said something before shutting the door in her face.

"Your friend," he said, the fear still in his eyes, "Is not in a coma."


told you the coma and dream thing would be huge in this version

i know its a time skip but its important for the coma thing ok bye

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