Their lover (futa) (poly)

By MioTou

209K 5.4K 822

Aylin Wood is an 18-year-old going through the last year when two people crashed into her life, they brighten... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
special chapter> ice cream
chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Anyone Still Here?
Chap 1 rewritten
Chap 2 rewritten
Chap 3 rewritten

Chapter three

15.3K 391 56
By MioTou

My body ached, my head pounded, my neck felt broken, my fingers were in so much pain... Fighting through the pain I finally sat up.

'Never sleep on your desk kids' Stretching my whole body hearing the satisfying cracks of my body I felt much better. Looking down at what I was occupying my self with, A new piece I only inked it by now but I was looking great already normally I'd mess up and want to burn it but this time it looked better. 'of course it does you dumbass you drew till you dropped, literally' scolding myself mentally, practicing self-love am I right.

Reaching for my phone I saw that I had a literal 17mins to get to school...

Well fuck.

Ruching off my chair I fell off hitting my already in pain head, rubbing the sore spot a bit I sprinted off towards the bathroom and brushed my teeth roughly 'oh boy the missing dentist is going to be pissed at me' I grabbed the nearest fresh clothing which happened to be a red converse T with a skull sipping Caprisun, and a pair of black ripped jeans, Putting on a pair black vans I rushed to gather everything in my bag when I got to my laptop though......

I. Forgot .to .fucking .charge. It. This is bullshit!

'breath..breath before you blow a blood vessel' calming my self I check and thank Cheez-its It still had 50% left, 'let's hope we don't have to use it much today'.

Throwing my hair into a decent ponytail I grabbed everything and got inside my car, my Audi A4 yes yes my very expensive and beautiful child. Turning on the engine I speed off but still trying to remain within speed limits.

I got there with 2mins left, 'FUCKING RUN!' listening to my concession I sprinted towards the front doors and slipped past the almost empty halls, Students were rushing towards their class The last bell rung when I slipped past Ms. Martinez through a gap and literally slid across the room and fell on my knees only a few feet away from the door (if you've been in an American school you'd know the dusty floors are slippery as fuck)

"Well, what an entrance," Ms.Martinez said in an unamused tone, "I'm sorry I-" she cut my off "No buts, lunch detention ." She said with her teacher tone, well shit. Knowing that arguing would only piss her off I just nodded and walked towards my seat.

The class went by quickly, I guess staring at your teacher makes classes go faster, I don't think I really learned anything. Which I'm sure she knew but decided against calling me out this time, 'oddly enough'

Walking towards my next class I saw a person who was pushing a cart full of books and also holding some decorations and things that looked like stationary, I saw her struggling a bit and decided to help her.

"H-hey miss, you, um, look like you co-could use some help," I said when I stopped in front of her, 'breath you fucking idiot BREATH' She looked confused at first but a small smirk makes it's way on her lips, "well kid, don't you have classes to go to," she said but steeping aside and gestured for me to push the car.

"I should but," grabbing onto the cart, "I need to help a teacher so I don't think they'd mind," I said with a toothy grin, 'good. you sound more like a normal person' " well aren't you a cheeky one, you sound like a bad girl," I have no idea why but when she called me a "bad girl" I felt a squeeze on my heart and hitched my breath... 'damn my kinky self'.

" So what are you teaching?" I decided to say something so things don't get awkward, well more awkward than normal, "I'm teaching junior science class" she said glancing at me, "oh really?" I stopped walking and put my hands up "that means I don't have to get on your good side," I said jokingly and pretended to walk away.

I barely walked a step when my bag was pulling making me fall back and bumping into her body, and no it wasn't those romcoms where we fall and I kiss her, she was much taller than me, for her to be knocked over by me who's a whole head shorter than her she looked around the same height as Ms. Martinez. I turned around and saw her smirk "came back so soon?" She said sarcastically "well of course I realized I couldn't just leave a vulnerable lady all by herself" I said grinning.

She pinched my cheeks "cheeky little girl," she said and picked the box back up, I smiled and walked towards the elevator with her, "so whose class are you ditching for me?" I said looking at me with a eyebrow raised 'cheez-its that's attractive!' "Well ironically I'm missing science," I said earning a scoff " You're kidding," "yes, yes I am, I'm actually skipping history, that teacher sounds like a robot so boring, everyone sleeps in his class no joke," I said.

"Whose maybe I should tell them you called them boring," she teased "wh-" I was cut off by her speaking again "but considering you're helping me I'll let you off the hook," "you better, if you didn't I'd leave you here alone once the doors opened," I joked, " then I would've told them," she said smirking, "you don't know my name or the teacher I'm talking about to haha!" "Well dammit you're right maybe I should just tell all the history teachers," "well, we're not getting anywhere so I won't go if you don't tell," she simply nodded as we got to her classroom, '203... I'll remember that'

"So what's your name," I said realizing I didn't know " well you shouldn't ask someone before you tell them yours" as she unlocked the door and settled down the things onto the desks "right maybe you could teach me sometimes," I joked "that sounds like a plan" 'well I guess it isn't a joke anymore well I won't mind spending some time with her seeing as I don't have any reason to be bothering her'.

"My name's Aylin, Aylin Woods," "cute name, my name's Alica Garcia but you're only allowed to call me Ms. Garcia cause I'm still a teacher," she said and winked at me, making me a little flustered, I watch as she sets up her desk when she signals me to go over to her telling me to put the textbooks onto the shelf, I obeyed and started shelving.

"You don't look like you're starting today, judging by your empty classroom," I started "yeah I'm starting tomorrow most of the kids will get the schedule change when they come in tomorrow," I started to zone out staring at her, she had gorgeous brown curly hair that looked so amazing to touch with blonde tips, she had beautiful caramel-colored skin that looking so freaking soft and smooth, her eyes appeared to be a greenish-blue color that stood out from the rest of her body. She really was a beautiful woman, if I had to choose who was more breathtaking I don't think I'd be able to choose.

I was knocked out of my trace when Alicia pinched my nose " you okay there kid?" She said smirking, I think she caught me checking her out I cheeks felt like they were burning and I buried my face into my hands hoping she doesn't see it, but I guess she failed when a chuckled was heard, I turned to look at her "shut up," I mumbled and continued to shelf the cabinets "she saw y embarrassment and decided against teasing me and went back to organizing her table.

The rest of the time I was with her we just chatted and laughed at random things, I have a feeling Imma get close to her. Just a feeling.

I felt so happy at the time to acknowledge how I felt safe and comfortable with this lady that I've only known for less than an hour...

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