A Fallen Nephilim (A Miraculo...

By Marcilinethevamp

2K 28 24

On surface, Marinette Dupain-Cheng seems like your average 14 year old girl who's kind to others and always l... More

A Fallen Nephilim Pt. 1

A Fallen Nephilim Pt. 2

945 14 17
By Marcilinethevamp

Two weeks later

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come on in." Mr. Damocles said.

The door opened to reveal a brunette man with his hair reaching his shoulders and had brown eyes. He wore a brown leather jacket, white button up shirt, blue jeans and brown shoes.

"May I help you?" The principal asked. "Mr. Damocles. My name is Sam Winchester. We need to have a talk." The man introduced himself as he offered his hand. The older man paled a bit upon hearing the name and it took everything on Sam not to smirk. The plan was simple: Sam would talk to Damocles, Dean would talk to Ms. Bustier, and Cass would keep an eye on Marinette outside along with her friends.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Winchester. Pleasure to meet you." Damocles said, shaking Sam's hand. "Wish I can say the same thing, jackass." The younger man thought to himself before giving a polite smile. "Thank you, sir." "Please, take a seat." Sam nodded and took the chair in front of Damocles. "Now, Mr. Winchester, I assume your here because of what happened to Ms. Dupain-Cheng. How is the girl anyways?" Sam nodded. "She's fine. But sir, it's obvious that we have a problem here at your school." Damocles opened his mouth to say something, but Sam has already beaten him to it.

"Mr. Damocles... congratulations. You've invented a new kind of stupid. A damage you can never undo kind of stupid. An open all the cages in the zoo kind of stupid. Clearly, you didn't think this through, kind of stupid." The younger man sat up a bit and gave off this more poised posture.

"Let's review. Marinette came to you with her bullying problem, and told you that Lila made up all of her lies and that everyone was buying them. Instead of helping, you shun her, and believe in Lila. Take the time Lila supposedly fell down the stairs cause Mari pushed her. It really didn't came to your mind to check the security camera to see if Lila's claim was true? If not, here." Sam pulled out his phone and showed Damocles of what actually happened. Needless to say, the principal was shocked.

"Yeah, shocking." Sam said, before looking for another video. "Mr. Winchester, how did you-" "I'm quite the hacker, sir. Now, while I find my other video, answer this: Lila said that she's had various medical situations happen to her, right?" "Yes." The older man said, who started to look rather nervous. "Did you check with her mom or doctors to make sure they're true?" Sam asked, still looking for his video. "Well... Lila said to not even bother-" Damocles was cut off again as Sam slammed his hand on his desk. "You didn't freaking check?!" He asked in anger. "W-we-well, seeing as she brought the notes herself-" "You just assumes it was credible, eh?" The older man nodded who was now petrified and had a gut feeling as to where this was going.

"Which brings me to the nail in this coffin, Marinette's unfair expulsion. Once again, you didn't bother to check the security camera?? Of course not! Well in that case, why don't you watch this." Sam showed the headmaster another video, this one of Lila stealing the answer sheet for the mock test and planting it on Marinette's backpack. Once again, the headmaster as shocked. "My goodness." He muttered. "Yeah, and seriously, a condition that's makes you lie?! That doesn't even make any sense and you didn't bother to check with at least her mom to see if she telling the damn truth!

"Now here's what going to happen. My brother and I will pull Marinette out of this school. God has been notified about this and you can be safe to assume that he'll give you hell. Also, it's apparent that Mari will want to see her from from here, so whenever she comes over here for any reason, we want you to keep this." Sam then placed a stack of papers in front of the man. "What this?" Damocles asked. "Restraining orders for Lila Rossi, Adrian Agreste and Alya Cesiare. They are to stay away at least 50 feet from Marinette. Finally, since Mari will no longer attend school here, she will now live with us."

This made the headmaster's eye widen. "Mr. Winchester! With all due respect, knowing who you and your brother are, are you sure this a wise decision? You'd be putting a school girl in constant danger." He asked. "We've been training her and she's gone to some hunts now. Safe to say, Marinette will be fine. Besides, we got God's approval, so we're fine." Sam countered.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Damocles!" It was undoubtedly God, or Chuck as Sam and Dean knew him as. Sam then sent a chilling smirk at him. "I wish you the best of luck on judgement day." He said as he stood up. He opened the door to see Chuck standing there with a angered face. "Should I go easy on him?" The guy asked. Sam looked at the headmaster, who looked like he was about to pass out of fear at that moment. He then looked back at Chuck. "No." And with that, Sam walks away, and Damocles was left at the mercy of God.
With Ms. Bustier, she was setting things up for the final leg of class when there was a knock on her door.

She looked to see that it was a man with brown hair and matching eyes. He wore a red flannel, black t-shirt, blue jeans and brown boots.

"Hello, I'm Dean Winchester. I'm here to speak to you about Marinette Dupain-Cheng." The man said, introducing himself. Ms. Bustier gulped a bit. She knew that one of the Winchesters were going to speak to her about something, but now that they're here, she felt nervous. But she brushed that off and offered Dean a smile. "Of course, come in." She said.

Dean nodded and came in, closing the door as he did. "So, Ms. Bustier-" "Please, call me Caline." She said. "Okay then, Caline. Let me ask you this: what is the most important thing when it comes to teaching?" Dean asked. "W-why, it's that the student gets a good education." Caline said. "Yes. But there's also the fact that you need to help them feel comfortable and that they can depend on you. And that's where you fail at, ma'm." Caline looked appalled as to what Dean just said. She opened her mouth to speak, but the man beat her to it. "Please, allow me to continue.

"You see, Marinette told me that she was the class representative, which admittedly, is a pretty big deal. However, have you noticed that Mari's been under a lot of stress? She's told me that she's had to plan all kinds of social events for this class: fundraisers, field trips, etc. Now, I haven't been to school since I was 18, but even I'm pretty sure that all of that type of planning is done by the teacher, right?" "Well... yes, but-" Caline was cut off by Dean once again. "No. I'm sure that I am right about that statement. So, from what I hear, you're leaving most of your school responsibilities to a fourteen year old girl. What the hell, lady?!

"Now, there's the other factor that Marinette told you over and over again that Lila Rossi was bullying non stop. But did you listen? No! Which is why my brother and I brought evidence." Dean said. He then proceeded to pull out his phone and show Caline the two videos that Sam texted him about Lila. To say that the teacher was shocked would be an understatement. "Yeeaahh. Needless to say, you screwed up." Dean said before putting his phone away.

"So, here's what's going to happen: Marinette will he pulled out of this school, God will have a talk with you, you'll probably get fired, and the girl will live with my brother and I." The woman's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "B-but... are you sure that's a good idea? I mean... considering who you and your brother are-" "To hell with that! We've trained her and we take her on cases with us. She's capable of taking care of herself. Besides... God allowed it. Oh! And one more thing." Dean pulled out a pile of papers and placed them on her desk.

"Um. What are these?" Caline asked. "Well, since she has friends here, Marinette would want to come here to see them again. So, these are restraining orders for Adrian Agreste, Alya Cesiare, and Lila Rossi. They are to stay at least 50 feet from her." Dean tried to hide his smirk as he saw Caline's unbelievable face, but failed.

Finally, there was a knock. "Caline!" It was Chuck. Dean kept smirking as he stood up. "Well, wish you the best on judgement day, ma'm." And with that, he walked over to the door and opened it to reveal a less angry Chuck. "How was it with the dude?" Dean asked. "I yelled. A lot. But, I think I'm calm." Chuck said. "Okay then. See you some other day." The man said and left the now shaking woman at God's mercy.
"So... you learned to kiss from a pizza man?" Nino asked the angel.

While Sam and Dean dealt with the people inside the school, Castiel was left to keep an eye on Marinette, and eventually, here friends. Right now, the five sat on a bench as they waited for the brothers to come back.

"Yes... though Sam and Dean still haven't explained why the pizzas man was slapping the babysitters rear." Castiel said. The five kids looked at each other with red faces. "Um... I'll tell Sam and Dean to explain that to you." Marinette said, patting him in the back. "We're too young to explain that." Kagami added. "Surprised they haven't." Luka said. Nino and Chloe were about to add their own comment when...

"Marinette!" It was Alya.

The group turned around to see that Alya wasn't alone. Her classmates were behind her, including Lila and Adrian. And they all looked pretty mad. "Marinette, what is wrong with you?!" Adrian asked. The blunette sighed. "What did I do this time?" She asked. "You broke Lila's arm!" Alix yelled, pointing at the poorly bandaged arm of the Italian girl. "Oh my, this again?" Chloe asked incredulously. "Shut up, Chloe!" Alya said, stomping over to the group. However, Castiel came over and put himself in front of Marinette and her friends.

"Hold it." He said. "What?!" Adrian asked, annoyed. "These are for Adrian, Lila and Alya." The angel said before hand the three kids their respective papers. The eyes of all three of them widened in total shock as they saw what it was. "A restraining order?!" They yelled, causing the rest of the class to gasp. "But why?!" Lila asked with crocodile tears in her eyes. "You know why." Nino said, standing next to Marinette and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Bullying is not okay. It can have serious consequences. Anyways, it states that you three are to stay at least 50 feet away from Marinette." Castiel said.

Before anyone could say anything, the bell rang, indicating that class was about to resume. The class sighed, but still gave the blunette dirty looks. "This isn't over." Alya sneered, comforting Lila, who was fake crying. They all began to proceed to walk away. "Wait." Castiel said, causing the group of kids to look at him again. "Three things. First: Your teacher has some very interesting videos to show you. Second: God is here, and he will have an earful with you all. Third: Hurt this child again, and I won't hesitate to strike vengeance on anyone who does. Understand." The kids, paled, nodded and ran away.

"Well, we should get going to." Kagami said, she, Nino, and Chloe packing up for class. "Me to. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Luka said, hugging Marinette and waving at the others and hopped on his bike and ride off to his own school. "Yeah. See you later, Mari!" Chloe said, hugging the girl as well, and so did Nino and Kagami, before they went back inside the building. Marinette smiled at the angel and hugged him. "Thank you, Cass." She said. "No problem." He said, hugging her back.

"Hey. Everything okay here?" Dean asked, he and Sam coming over to them. "Yeah. Castiel gave Lila, Alya, and Adrian their restraining orders. How did it go with Ms. Bustier and Mr. Damocles?" Marinette asked. "I can say that I'm satisfied." Sam said, causing his brother to start giggling. "Okay, seriously. What's up with you doing references to Hamilton?" He asked. "What? It's a great musical, D-Dawg." Sam teased back, causing Marinette and Castiel to laugh. Dean sighed. "Touché." He said.

Marinette smiled at this group of people.

She finally found peace.
"You know, I don't think I have a crush on Luka anymore." Marinette said, no looking up from her laptop.

This caused Sam, Dean, and Nino and Chloe who are visiting, to look at her in slight surprise.

"Say what?" Nino asked. "Yeah... what do you mean by that, Dupain-Cheng?" Chloe asked. "I thought you loved Luka." Dean said. "I did, but I've done some thinking." The blunette said. "When all of this began, I guess I'll admit that I fell for Luka caused he believed me, and I've known him for a while before that. But know that things are starting to go better for me, I've come to realize that well... I don't like Luka like that anymore. Guess I just used him as a way to get my mind of from Adrian. So yeah... I guess I now think of Luka as a brother more than a lover."

"Wow, that's... well thought out, Mari. Does Luka know this?" Sam asked, kind of impressed on how well Marinette had thought of this. "Yes. We've talked about it yesterday, and he told me that he also sees me as a sibling. So don't worry, we're still on great terms." Marinette said.

"So... Adrianette is dead. So is Lukanette. Will you ever find love, Marinette?" Chloe asked with a teasing smirk, making the blunette shrug her shoulders. "Dear Lord, I hope not." Sam muttered, but everyone heard him and laughed. "Face it Sam, you're turning into a dad. It's gonna happen some point!" Dean said, patting him on the back. "Oh shut up." Sam said, shaking his head with a playful smile.

But yeah. Perhaps Sam was starting to see Marinette as a daughter.
The Winchesters weren't aware, but Marinette has always wanted to go to Chicago.

She was enamored by the the city and made one of the places she wanted to go to, along with New York and Las Vegas. So, when Sam and Dean asked Marinette if she wanted to join them for a case in Chicago, she didn't waist a chance and said yes with a lot of enthusiasm, warming the brothers hearts.

However, the blunette nephilim was not expecting this at all.

Right now, she was in the Impala with Dean as the driver, Sam in the passenger seat, and Marinette was in the middle of the back row with Ennius, a human that got caught up with this case on her left, and David, a shapeshifter who also got caught up in this case in her right.

"Okay. Everyone out." Dean announced, parking the car by the sidewalk. Everyone obeyed and got out of the car. "Okay. So you're telling that there are five monster families that run Chicago?" Dean asked David, who nodded while holding his phone close to his ear, apparently calling his missing girlfriend Violet. "Seriously. What is this? Godfather with fangs?" Marinette asked, crossing her arms against her chest. "Well, if it is, I'm gonna need all the help I can get." Ennius said, looking at Dean. "Well, he doesn't quit. I'll give him that." Dean said to Sam and Marinette.

"Violet's not picking up." David said. "Wait. So this girl, she's a shifter, too?" Sam asked. David shook his head no. "Werewolf." He answered. "Awesome." Both Ennius and Dean said at the same time, making the two look at each other weirdly. "Well, still a better loves story than those god awful Twilight movies." The blunette muttered to herself. "If she has her cell, we could trace the signal." Ennius said. "Hey, you're right. What's her number?" Sam asked, taking out his phone. "Take me with you, and it's all yours." The shapeshifter offered.

"No!" Ennius objected. The Winchesters and the nephilim shared a look. "Oh hell no!" The man said. "Dude, he's a freakin' Transformer!" He argued. "Well, I'm half angel, and you're not questioning me, are you?" Marinette asked with a small smug smile, making David bite back a laugh. "Yeah. And sometimes, you got to work with the bad guys to get to the worse guys." Dean said. The blunette nodded, remembering an instance where she and Chloe teamed up to get one up with Kagami for Adrian's attention during a movie premiere. Of course, that was a while back with all three of them over Adrian and being friends. "Dude, I'm right here." David said, a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, I see you." Dean said, before he and everyone else got back in the car. "Welp. This is gonna blow the gang's heads off." Marinette said to herself as they drove of the save Violet the werewolf.

"But still a better love story than Twilight."
Well, this could have gone better.

Today, the Winchesters, Castiel, Marinette and her friends were going to attempt to defeat Metatron. However, things weren't going pretty well. Everyone got lost, things were falling apart, and people were hurt. Eventually, however they all reunited, except for Marinette and Castiel. Cass has gone to Metatron's office to look for the tablet. As for Marinette, they founded her... but she wasn't looking to good. She had bruises and blood all over her face and was sitting on the floor. Marinette used her powers to bring the blade to her and grasped it. However, before she could attack... the worst happened.

Sam, Dean, Nino, Chloe, Kagami, and Luka watched in absolute horror as they saw Metatron stab the girl in the gut.

A small gasp escaped from Marinette's mouth as she felt the blade break through her skin. She eventually felt Metatron twist the knife, hurting her even more, before he pulled it out of her, probably planning to leave her to bleed to death.

Dean and Luka stood there with wide eyes filled with horror, Chloe gasped, teared up and placed a hand over her mouth while the other reached Kagami's hand for support, who in turn gasped as well, Nino's eyes teared up and shook his head in denial, and for Sam, only one word erupted from him.


Both Metatron and Marinette heard him and looked to see him, with the blunette giving him a look of shock and horror, and slowly rested her head against the wall. Her hand dropped the blade and she collapsed to the concrete floor, as everyone else made their way over to her. "Hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey." Sam gently chastised, he and Nino helping Marinette sit you again. They all felt the ground rumble and noticed some rubble falling from above. Sam, Kagami, and Dean stood up to fight Metatron, but before either one of them could land a blow, he was gone. A soft moan came from Marinette, and Sam was by her side in an instant.

"Guys, you gotta get out of here before he comes back." She said, her voice weak. "Shh, Shh. Shut up. Hey, hold this tight against the wound, okay?" Sam asked, placing a brown napkin on top of the girl's wound before placing her hand over it. "You alright?" Luka asked softly, holding her hand. "Fine." Marinette said. "Don't worry. We-we'll get you to a doctor, a spell or anything. You're gonna be okay." Chloe stuttered, tears streaming down her face. "Hey... listen to me." Marinette began, turning her attention to Sam. "It's better this way."

"What?!" Sam hissed. "Look what I put you all through. Perhaps Alya was right-" "NO!" Sam snapped. "Alya is not right, okay?! She not! Now hold on." Sam persisted, he and Dean helping her up to her feet. Everyone then proceeded to walk over to the exit, with Sam and Dean helping the injured girl walk. "You're gonna be fine, alright Mari? You're gonna be okay." Dean reassured. Marinette gave out a small moan.

"Gah! Guys, guys, guys!" She said, slowly sinking down. The brothers had no choice both to lean her against a pillar. Everyone gave a moment for the blunette to catch her breath. "Guys. I need to say something." She said. "W-what?" Sam asked, his voice quiet and soft. Marinette managed to give Sam, Dean, and her friends a soft smile. "Thank you for believing me. And... I'm so proud of you all." And with that, Marinette closed her eyes and collapsed right into Sam's arms.

"No, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey." Sam chastised, raising the girl's head to look her at the eye, his hands covered with her blood. He gently shook her. "Hey, Mari." He voice one the verge of crying. He shook her once again, but no response.

Oh no...

"Marinette!" Sam cried, his voice completely shaken, as tears finally fell down. He then brought the now dead girl back into his arms and cried, placing his head on to of hers.

He couldn't believe it. Marinette, the girl that he found in their bunker, the girl that he swore to protect from her evil classmates, the girl that warmed his heart and eventually grew to be what he'd consider as his own daughter, was gone.

The others shed tears to. Dean felt tears down his cheeks as he held a sobbing Nino and Luka, who both were crying against his torso. Kagami also she's tears as she held a crying Chloe, who buried her head into her shoulder.

Everyone cried for the loss of their young friend.

"Excuse me? Perhaps I can be of an assistance." A thick, Chinese accent asked.

Everyone looked up to see a small, old Chinese man standing there. He had a grey beard and hazel eyes, and wore a red and white Hawaiian shirt, beige kakis, and brown shoes, and he had a cane to keep him balanced.

The man walked over to Sam and Marinette. "Don't touch her!" Sam growled, holding the dead girl closer to him. However, rather than being angry, the old man gave Sam a kind smile and held compassion and sympathy in his eyes. "Do not worry, Sam Winchester, I am only here to help." He said. "How... do you know his name?" Dean asked. "Let's just say that I've been watching you all for a while." The man said. "May I?" He asked Sam. The younger Winchester looked at the man, then back at Marinette.

If there was a chance to get Marinette back, he had to take it. She would have wanted that. Looking back at the man, Sam nodded.

The man placed a hand on Marinette's forehead and began to do some chanting that not even the Winchesters knew what it was. As he chanted, a glow appeared on his outstretched hand and it seemed to go through Marinette's body. Eventually, the man stopped chanting and the glow disappeared. He stepped back a bit and kept an eye on the girl. And then, much to the shock of everyone...

Marinette woke up.

She opened her eyes and blinked a few times to see properly. "G-guys?" She asked. "Mar-Marinette?" Sam asked. "Hey." She said softly, smiling. The younger Winchester gave out a small laugh and hugged the girl tightly, and she hugged back.

"I'm so sorry! I know I shouldn't have separated and-" "Marinette Winchester, don't even finish that!" Sam snapped again. "Wait... Marinette Winchester?" She asked slowly. "I've been thinking about it. How would you like to be my daughter?" Sam asked. The blunette's eyes widened in surprise before tearing up and smiling. "Yes!" She yelled, and hugged her new father tightly. There were cheers of joy around them.

"Dude! Move over so I can hug my niece!" Dean said, sitting next to his brother to hug the blunette. "And so we can hug our friend!" Nino said, he and the others joining in on the hug.

Sam looked over to the man and smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, um..." He then realizing that he had no idea was his name was. The old man smiled. "Call me Master Fu." He said. Sam nodded. "Thank you, Master Fu." He said. Master Fu, nodded and disappeared.

Sam then looked back at the nephilim his arms. "I love you, dad." Marinette said. Sam smiled widely, and hugged her tightly.

"Love you to, kiddo."

(Yeah, I saved Dean by making Mari take his place, but also saved her from death. I know that the happy ending might be weird for Supernatural fans, but I can't help it! But don't worry, Marinette Winchester's adventures with her new dad and uncle aren't done yet. See you all in the sequel!!)

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