š…šŽš‘ššˆšƒšƒš„š ( BEASTARS...


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Note: Juno is my favorite character so please do not think I'm making her out to be the bad guy. She's simply fulfilling her role.

┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟖

└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

Legosi stood nervously in front of the girls door, unable to shake off the heart turning feeling in his chest ever since the night before. Louis opening the door and pulling the girl in set off a trigger in his body.

'Why was he in her room in the first place?'

It was a mystery he had tried to figure out all night. The room itself smelling like the two of them when the door opened as well. Making it clear to the carnivore that the popular male had been in there more than once.

Though a part of him did want to hit himself for his own foolish thinking. The two grew up together, of course they would want to be near each other. Settling into a new environment surely isn't easy. So it only make's sense that she'd want the one person she'd always been familiar with to help her.

But even so his feelings still were unchanged. There was still part of him that craved to know why he was in there and what had happened. Right before he was able to knock on the door it opened by itself. Revealing the same deer that had been last seen in the room the night before.



The deer found himself narrowing his eyes at the taller beast. For him to get up so early in the morning just to return to [F/n]'s dorm had guts. Even more so after what he attempted to pull last night before Louis intervened and opened the door.

'He's like an annoying pest'

Were the first thoughts that the future Beastar had. It was clear as day that the wolf liked the girl, that much being known after the stunt that he pulled right before the play was going to start. Something that the deer would never find himself forgetting.

"L-Louis....w-what are you-"

"[F/n] isn't here, she left early to get breakfast"

"She did?"

Without so much as a warning the carnivore began to quickly follow the herbivore. Taking smaller steps to make sure that he didn't end up passing the male. His presence alone making the other quickly irritated.

His white lie wouldn't get him very far if he was continuously being followed. He was pretty sure that the only reason Legosi was doing so in the first place was because he believed he'd see the human. Little did he know she was still in her dorm sleeping.

"Y-You and...[F/n], grew up together r-right?"

"Yes, not that it concerns you"

Being the relentless male he was, Legosi continued to follow. His eyes slightly narrowing like Louis' own at the words. 

'How close are they?'

It was a horrifying question that the boy doubted he wanted an answer to. A bit afraid that if he got what he wanted it would be the end of the fantasy world he was beginning to create. That his future visions would all fall apart right in front of his face.

Even if it was all a lie he wanted it to go on for just a bit longer. Hoping that, if he did, somehow the gods would give mercy on him. Giving into what he wanted and allowing him to love who he wanted to.


"Following me around like a lost pup ISN'T doing anything for you"

Legosi felt his ears twitch at the sudden drop in the deer's tone. It go so harsh to him so quickly which only made him more suspicious. It wasn't like him to sudden get worked up like this. And on top of that he wasn't even being asked hard questions.

Simply those relating to him and [F/n]. And yet here he was growing more and more upset with every word that came out of the wolf's mouth.

"I-Is she...your adopted sister, o-or something"


The shorter male now found himself stopped in the middle of the hall leading to the exit of the girls dorm. The innocent words that seemed like nothing weight heavily on the male's shoulders. 

'The two of us, related? NO, never, she's just lived with us'

The boy didn't seem to take notice of how his teeth clamped against his tongue. Biting the words that wanted to just spew out of his mouth. How much he wanted to yell at the carnivore to get out of his business and his family situation.

"Louis, today I want to introduce you to someone"

The memory ran through his head so fast and vividly he had no time to block it out. His muzzle scrunching up as much as possible as his head forced him to remember Oguma and his words. Exactly what he had said to the poor boy that day.


The wolf grew genuinely concerned at the popular male's sudden change of attitude. The sourness that was held on his face was enough to scare all his fans away if they were here. Considering that Legosi himself found his foot backward a step without realizing.

"The new girl in drama,"

Louis started, his mind attempting to take him anywhere but where he currently is. Old memories threatening to come up and forcing him to think as quickly as he possibly could. Wanting to avoid any questions from Legosi any longer.

He was a rival to him as well, though the deer would never admit to seeing him as such. His sudden boldness towards [F/n] would be the downfall of the famous male if he didn't find someway to change it. 

"Juno, she's a wolf just like you are"


In all truthfulness the male never found himself thinking about the other wolf that resided in the drama club with him. After their first encounter with him helping her he honestly never thought about her again.

His mind being too plagued with the thought of a familiar [h/c] haired beauty instead. Especially so in the past days with everything that happened.

"Why don't you show some love to your own species"

Louis had to hold back another yell that he wanted to say to the male. Knowing all too well that if he did so it would ruin the image that he worked so hard to build up. And a simply wolf like Legosi wasn't worth all that in his mind.

"H-Hey...are, are you and [F/n]-"

The wolf's words slowly trailed off when he realized that Louis was no longer there with him. Instead he was standing by himself with only the lingering smell of the male. Obvious enough he took his chance to run off.

'What does that mean?'

════ ⋆★⋆ ════

To say the scene that [F/n] walked on was strange to her was an understatement. Legosi had never been one for physical contact, that she knew of, and here he was holding hands with another beast. 

The factor that made it more strange was that the girl herself was a wolf just like the male. Her tail that once swung from side to side rather vigorously had now come to a complete stop.

"Uh...good morning?"

"Ah- [F/n]!"

The male found himself moving away from the other girl rather quickly. For a second, [F/n] felt a bid bad for her. She didn't mean to interrupt whatever moment the two of them were having. But she soon lost that feeling when the wolf girl turned to her.

[F/n] couldn't deny that the girl was rather pretty, but even so it didn't mean much. Her eyes were filled with jealousy and hatred as she stared at the human.

"[F/n]? I've heard a lot about you, I'm so glad I get to meet you"

It didn't matter how many fake voices and smiles that the girl was able to put on. In the end everything was still going to be fake. And something inside of the human told her not to get too involved with this girl right now. 

"It's nice to meet you too...you are?"

"Juno, I'm a wolf like Legosi"

'I can see that'

It was very clear to the [e/c] eyed girl that Juno was going to be a pain in her side. From the side looks to the way she seemed to adoringly say the older wolf's name everything about her ate away at the girl.

"Are you a second year too?"


"Wow really, I'm only a first year"

Legosi decided to put himself into the conversation to speak with [F/n] a bit. After what happened in the morning between him and Louis he wanted to be able to talk with her one on one. The action clearly wasn't sitting well with Juno.

Her eyes dulled a bit as she looked the humans way. Juno's eyes went up and down her figure several different times. Each one she found something else that she disliked about the girl.

'Humans are really hairless...she looks weird'

The wolf girl didn't see what was so appealing about her. Legosi had already spoken about her twice while they were together so she believed she'd be some sort of goddess. But in front of her was just, what she'd call, a freak of nature.

"[F/n] are you on the dance team for the Meteor festival?"

The girls sweet tone came back as she spoke up. Wanting anything but to break her small facade in front of Legosi. Taking immediate notice of how his tail was swinging behind him with such vigor. 

"O-Oh no I'm not...Louis actually placed me as a sort of assistant to him."

'Louis huh?'

Juno quickly found herself trying to pursue that topic. Finding that, if the future beastar had an interest in this girl, Legosi would stand no chance. Imagining the heart-broken wolf coming to the girl to repair his heart.

'I'll help you, Legosi!'

"You and Louis must be really close then"

Both Legosi and [F/n] took an emotional hit from this for two completely different reasons. The human felt her face heating up a bit when she was forced to remember the night before. Though they didn't go further than kissing it was still rather intimate.

Legosi on the other hand felt his blood beginning to boil again. Someone like Juno, who just got here, was already able to see that they were that close. Making the wolf wonder if he had really been blind for all that time. Brushing it off as that they've been friends for so long.

"O-Of course...we grew up together. I lived with him-"

"You did? But what about your parents?"

Juno was obviously asking the hard hitting questions. Those in which no one had ever dared to ask before. Either because they were afraid of what would happen or just didn't care about it at all.

"W-Why do my p-parents matter?"

"If you stayed with Louis then what happened to your parents? Oh- or maybe you two are like engaged, that's so romantic!"

[F/n] could feel her eye twitching a bit in irritation. First, this new girl brought up the fact that she hadn't even known about, her parents. Then she starts making accusations that her and Louis are engaged to one another. And to top it all off she did it all in that sweet tone of hers.

Juno moved her eyes from the human to Legosi, wanting to see his face only to feel her ears flatten a bit. She felt herself growing a bit intimated by the look he was giving. Looking straight forward at the human with widened eyes. An emotion hidden behind them that not even the other wolf could explain.

"We're not engaged"

"Really? Then what about your parents-"

The wolf paused her words when she looked back at [F/n]. Seeing her eyes now a bit more dulled than before. Staring straight forward and locking eyes with Juno in a stare down between the two. Looking more than unamused as she did so.

"Neither my past or my relationships have anything to do with you, Juno, and I would appreciate it if you stop talking about me as if we're friends"

'Are all humans like this?'

Honestly, the first year was a bit frustrated with the girls words. On top of it all Legosi didn't even seem that bothered by what the girl had said. If anything it seemed as if he agreed with her more than Juno. 

"S-So [F/n] you're an omnivore right? Since you're a human and all..."

"What about it"

It was painfully obvious to Juno that the girl no longer wanted to talk to her. Perhaps pushing on the talk of her and Louis' relationship or her parents had been a bit much. But even so if there was a chance to create a rivet in her and Legosi's relationship she'd take it.

"That means you can eat herbivores, you could eat them whole"

"And? You can do the same can't you?"

"Well yes...but I'm a wolf. We've been studied for years. But you, you're a human, there's no telling what you might do"

Now she was just trying to take a stab anywhere she could find. [F/n] knew as much too. She'd never really known what it felt like to be accused of something before. But now that a finger was suddenly pointed at her for something that, she didn't believe, she could ever do it pissed her off.

This wolf waltz into the drama club and is now trying to pick a fight with someone else that's newer. And she's attempting to make a point right in front of Legosi, not that the human really minded. But she did know that this Juno DID mind.

"Yes but, you're only half right"

"How so?"

For a second, a single one, Juno had believed she ensnared [F/n] into a trap. Showing Legosi that she couldn't be trusted because no one had ever really learned about humans aside from in books. But it changed rather quickly when the girl put a hand on the beasts shoulder. Replicating the wolfs fake smile as she did so.

"I can eat up carnivores pretty easily too, Juno"


By the way I gave ItsKouzia full permission to use my book ideas.

Both him and I have been friends for years and some of the idea's we've had together.

Both his book covers and banners are going to be made by me but everything in the book itself will be his own.

I just wanted to put a note so people don't accuse him of stealing my book ideas or anything of the sort. 

I'm also adding an example of what his covers are going to look like. He wanted his theme to be yellow so that's what it is.

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