Behind the Scene || OffGun fa...

By Oongya_Oongya

73K 2.6K 590

I thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

2.9K 106 7
By Oongya_Oongya

“ Gun ”  currently someone is doing his make up. It's the day of their fanmeet the day that all of them have been waiting for, a lot is going on in the back stage even though it's still a few hours before the show starts but almost all of the staff is running back and forth making sure that everything is all set.

Arm is the one who designs all the clothes that they'll be going to wear throughout the whole event even the shoes Arm is the one who picked it. He's so glad that Arm can do what he likes but at the same time he feels sorry for his friend coz in just a short amount of  weeks he thinks his friend aged like twice his own age.

Sleepless nights, body ache and voice lessons are done. Both of them want this fanmeet to be perfect coz it's their way of saying thank you to all the Babii's who are there from the start until now including those new babii's who appreciated them despite of having a lot of new BL couple out there they still choose the old ship couple like them this is just a small thing they do to say thank you.

“ Gun ” he's still calling Gun from his sit he knows the boy is extremely stressed right now. It's not their first time to face a lot of people like this but still Off knew Gun will never get used to it, even him he will never get used to perform in front of many people but he try to compose his self to shake the nervous off but Gun is really having a hard time doing it. Gun is silent for quite some time now and he knows Gun is scared he will think too much, a lot of negativity that for sure will affect their performance on the stage so he needs Gun to calm down.

“ P' are we done? ” He asks the person who is busy fixing his hair

“ yes just a little more and...  Done! Go make your boyfriend calm down now ” The hair stylist whisper the last words to him, making him chuckle ‘ I just wish ’

“ thank you P' ” he wai to the hair stylist and approach Gun who is busy biting his nails out of anxiety and stress. The boy is already dressed he often see Gun be dressed and all but still he can't help but be mesmerized by Gun's beauty, Gun really can pull off any clothes that Arm make him wear and be as expensive model as he can

“ Gun? You're okay? ” Off squats in front of Gun ,Gun look at him with a worried face his heart immediately soften seeing that face, he can't help but just admire the boy

“ papii ” Gun whined Off knows it's not the right time for fantasizing Gun he have to pull his self together, he sits beside Gun and hold the boys hands. His not really surprised that Gun's hands is icy cold the boy is very very nervous right now and he needs to calm him down

“ It's going to be fine ” he rub both of Gun hands on his to make it warm a bit

“ don't think too much okay? ”

“ but papii what if I messed this up? I'm afraid that I'll forget the lyrics or worst I'll fall off the stage ” Gun is really scared and nervous right now
Off is about to held one of Gun cheeks but he remembers that he didn't have the right to do so, he just settle on ruffling Gun's hair earning a smack from Gun

“ oi! What was that for? I'm trying to comfort you here! ” Off take back his hands acting like it hurts even though it's not

“ papii my hair is already fixed don't messed it up, I'm already messed up do I need my hair to be messed up too? ” Now Gun is back, Off smiled and about to do it again to make the air around them much lighter than earlier

“ oho! Papii! ”

“ sorry sorry ”

“ it's not funny anymore! ” Gun get his phone and check his reflection on it trying to fix his hair even though there's nothing to be fixed

“ just be yourself like that ” Gun take a look at him Off smiled and continue what he was saying

“ we practiced till day and night for this so don't be nervous it's just adrenaline rush you'll be great on stage in fact everything you do? Is really fine for our babii's they just want to see you enjoy and have fun but if this concert can give you stress and making you uncomfortable like that? Do you think our babii's will be happy? ”

Gun put down his phone thinking what Off just said, Off didn't know what is going on inside Gun's head but he knew that if their Babii's knew that this is the effect of the fanmeet I'm sure they'll cancel it right away, that's how thoughtful their fans are, that is why both of them really are thankful for them.

Gun look at him with a pout then Gun slowly hugged him, Off was taken aback but hug Gun back when he realize that Gun really needs it this time

“ I'm sorry Papii I promise I will not think too much ” Gun mumbles, his face burried on Off's neck. At this moment Off wasn't really paying attention on what Gun is doing his main goal is to make Gun calm down and make him relax before the show starts.
The people inside the room is really quiet , they're just observing how Off and Gun talk and they can't help but give some smile and signals to each other because of what they are seeing. No one in the room dared to take a video of the moment because everyone thinks it's a private time for them that sharing it in public is not really needed.
Now Gun is on Off's lap looking like a baby on Off's arms, while Off just patting Gun's back slowly making Gun calm down.

“ papii ” Gun called head still on Off's neck

“ hmm? ” Off looked at Gun and Gun looked at him too

“ you need something? ” Gun remove his head on Off's neck and sitted comfortably on Off's lap

“  I want coffee ”

“ coffee?? ” Gun nodded. Thankfully the venue of their fanmeet is inside a mall so it's accessible to all Gun's capricious

“ Ok ok I'll buy you one ” Off is about to stand up but Gun shook his head vigorously

“ no! you stay here na? ” Off sighed now Gun is being a baby but it's better this way than the earlier right?

“ fine fine I'll just call someone to bring you your coffee ” Off get his phone and started typing

“ bread too! ” Gun said with a smile Off can't help but shake his head and just smile

“ ok ok a bread too ” Off immediately sent the text and show it to Gun

“ there, just wait and you'll get it okay? ” Gun nodded and smile happily at Off. Off is happy as long as Gun is happy he can't help but just give Gun what he wanted whether it's clothes or a watch it feels like he needs to spoil the boy even though they're not a thing. You can't just resist Gun Atthaphan. What he wants he will get it
that makes Off wonder ‘ Does Gun act like this in front of her girlfriend? Or He acts like a grown man and protect his girl? ’ Off didn't know and he didn't wanna know either as long as he can still do the things that he can do for Gun before? it's fine.
Gun haven't said anything with his girlfriend since that night that Gun crashed in his condo But yeah Gun also said that it was a secret so maybe he didn't want to talk about it that much.

“ aow! Am I in the wrong room? ” Arm said soon as he enter the room where Off and Gun is staying. Off saw him holding the iced coffee and bread that he chatted Arm to bought for him.

“ Gun here's your food ” Off said pointing at Arm, he is busy with his phone again still on Off's lap, soon as he saw what on Arm's hands he immediately stands up and get it

“ thank you P'Arm~ ” Gun said as he munch on the bread and drink on the iced coffee Off ordered for him. Arm is now looking suspiciously to his friend as sit besides him

“ what? " Off said with a laugh

“ didn't know you're making a move now on Nong Gun ” Arm said teasingly

“ I'm not doing anything ,he's just nervous so I need to calm him down I'm not planning on something okay? ” Off avoiding his gaze from his friend but a smile plastered on his face

“ but you know? The both of you really matched each other ”

“ you think so? ”

“ of course, I don't know why but when I see both of you together there's something that really make the both of you a perfect couple ” Arm is currently looking at Gun who is eating and taking a boomerang on the coffee he is holding

“ so I suggest, just make a move it's not too late, it's as if nong have a girlfriend or a boyfriend anyway ”
Off internally sighed ‘ but Arm he's taken ’

“ oh- before I almost forgot the show will start in 30 minutes better prepare now ok? Your fans are so wild out there even though it's still not starting ”

“ really? ”

“ yeah, I was checking the stage but they're literally shouts every time someone will come out you know? They thought it's either you or nong ”
Off looks at Gun and as usual he's now busy with his phone

“ Gun you need to finish your food the show starts in 30 mins. ” Off said as he saw that the coffee and the bread he was eating earlier are now setted aside
Gun gets the bread and coffee he look at it and then look at Off pertaining that he doesn't want it anymore, Off can just sighed ‘ he's wasting food again ’

“ ja, give it to me I'll finish that ” He take the bread and coffee from Gun's hands and the boy just smile at him. There's one aspect that Off didn't like about Gun it's his behavior when eating, Gun just like to take a bite or take a few sips from a drink and then later on he doesn't want it anymore

“ sorry~ ”

“ next time make sure to order just one thing ok? Not most the time I am here to eat your left overs ” Off said as he eats the bread, he take a glance at his friend that is now smiling like crazy. He looks at him with his warning eyes hoping to stop his friend for teasing him.


Gun is currently on the stage while Off is watching him from the back stage he can clearly see how Gun is enjoying his performance. He can't help but adore this shorty they've gone through a lot before they reach the peak where they are now. He remember those times where he is so annoyed to that boy, but now? Gun is the only reason he is breathing, the only reason why he is still working in this industry even though somehow he wants to quit. He already has his own condo, a house and his clothing business, a renting studio and all of that is enough for him to quit show business but he knew by the time he quit he will not see Gun that often. Gun will have it's own world where he is not included. It hurts to think that for him Gun is all that matters but for the boy? He doesn't know maybe he matters, but not as he matters in Off's life.

The fanmeet ended with both of them crying with joy because of how successful the fanmeet is. They didn't expect that a lot of people came ,they knew that there's a lot but they didn't knew ‘ it is that much ’. They are both tired and happy. Spending this kind of thing makes their work worth it.

“ Congratulations!!! ”

the staff prepared poppers and food for the celebration of the successful fanmeet. But Off is too tired to join the celebration he prefer to just go home and take a sleep but the staffs won't let him go

“ ep! Ep! Not so fast Off Jumpol! ” some of the staff is now blocking his way

“ what? I said I don't want to join ” he said as he try to escape from the people who stops him to go but he failed coz there is a lot of them

“ Ai'Off! You should at least stay for a moment and respect the staff for helding this little party for the both of you ” Tay just popped out of nowhere holding a plate on his hands ready to eat what is on the buffet table

“ you just want free food you dumbass! ” he spat to his friend

“ Ai'Off just stay for a while my dear Gun needs someone to bring him home~ ” P'Godji said teasing him and Gun

Speaking of Gun where's that little boy? Off is looking everywhere but there's no signs of Gun. He mentally slap his self, he forgot that Gun is not that tall so he can easily be gone and blend in to the crowd and the disco lights are not helping him.

“ fine fine I'll stay! ” Off surrendered to the people who are stopping him to leave

“ come here we have to ask you something ” P'Godji is dragging him to sit on the sofa and now all eyes are on him. He is like in a court room because of how the people are looking at him

“ so are you and Gun a thing?? ” P'Godji ask with a squeal ,all of the people are anticipating his answer

“ what do you mean? ” Off drinks some canned beer to avoid the gazes of the people surrounded him right now

“ cut the crap! What's the real score between you and nong Gun! ” He heard P'Jen's voice and he's not wrong when in terms of gossip P'Godji and P'Jen are the #1 in GMM

“ we are just friends what are you saying? ”

“ aow? Then why did you said in the fanmeet that it's fine if nong didn't want to say it now? What is it that you wanted to hear! ” P'Jen asked excitedly. Off just shook his head he didn't know why he said those words but he knew too well that there's nothings going on between him and Gun

“ it's just fan service like the usual thing ” The staff look disappointed with his answer and eventually leave, they are hoping for an answer but just get a lame one so they just started to eat some food but P'Godji and P'Jennie are still not satisfied with his answer

“ Off you can just tell us what really is the thing! ” Jennie is really not convinced with Off's answer so she is trying to squeeze out the answer she wants

“ oi! I said what I said why don't you ask Gun instead? ” as if on cue Gun showed up with a drink on his hand
“ there he is ” Off pointed to Gun

“ Nong Gun~!! ” P'Godji called Gun , Gun immediately come to his mae while drinking his punch

“ Mae? You're here? You didn't tell me-- and P'Jen?! Aow! You told me the both of you are busy so you can't come? ” Gun said in a whiny voice expecting that he will be alone because all of his friends are busy

“ Of course we're coming! It's your first fan meet why wouldn't we? ” P'Godji said as he open his arms inviting Gun for a hug and Gun just hug his mae tightly

“ but before that we want to ask you something ” P'Godji pulled out from the hug and look at Gun ready to ask the million dollar question

“ yes that's right have a sit here! ” Jennie drag Gun to sit beside Off

“ what is it mae? Is this serious? ” Gun asked looking at Godji

“ oh very very serious ” Off can just shake his head on how his friends are behaving right now and Gun really took it seriously

“ what is it mae? ”

“ it's between you and Off ” Gun looked at him confused and Off just shrug his shoulders off. He wants to mess with Gun too, maybe a little bit

“ are you two dating? Or you're like together now? ” Jennie asked she's been impatient ,she wants the real score between them

“ Ai'Jen! Why would you ask my son like that you should ask him not too straightforward ” Off just laugh at how P'Godji react “ now look at him he's blushing like crazy ”

Off didn't want to believe what Godji said but when he looks at Gun, the boy is really blushing even though it's a bit dark and only the disco lights is the source of light inside you can clearly see that Gun's cheeks has a tint of red, even his ears are red!

Off don't want to give hope to his self so he thought that Gun just drank a lot of punch causing for Gun to blush like that

“ he's not blushing! He's just drunk! ” Off shouted and laugh to P'Jen and P'Godji

“ oi! He's not?! ” Jennie asked dramatically that make Off laughed more

“ No! look! ” Off held Gun's face and move it closer to Jennie and Godji's face ,the moment his hands touches Gun cheeks, Gun's cheeks is really warm but Off just didn't pay too much attention to it thinking It's just because of the alcohol mixed in the drink.

Jennie and Godji sighed in despair, they thought that their favorite ship in GMM is becoming real but maybe they need a long long time for this couple to be official.

On the other hand Gun is not talking, Off noticed it but didn't think it is that serious because Gun is always quiet when he is with his phone so he didn't budge to ask Gun. He approach his friends: Tay and Arm who are busy drinking and messing with each other

“ oho now you're having fun without me ” Off sitted beside Tay

“ Having fun? The both of you will just mess with me! ” Tay whined while eating a chicken

“ what happened? ” Off asked Arm, confused on why Tay is acting like that

“ he is having a fight with his wife ” Arm laughed looking at Tay that is about to rip the whole chicken

“ again? ”

“ yeah, but what's new? Eventually they will just talk it out and after a few days they will start bickering each other again ” Arm said like he was so used on Tay and New's weekly fight or worst daily fight. Off just nodded on what Arm just said he didn't need to worry for the couple because at the end of the day, Tay and New will make sure to fixed the argument they started

“ where's nong Gun by the way? ”

“ he's with P'Godji and P'Jennie don't worry they'll handle Gun for sure ”
Arm just nodded and continue to drink while Tay is still murdering the poor fried chicken in front of him both Arm and Off can't help but to laugh on how miserable Tay looks like, they really think that Tay is going crazy for he was thinking that murdering the chicken, New will feel how mad he was, you know just your typical Tay Tawan


9:30 pm

Off is busy laughing with Arm and Tay when P'Godji approach him with Gun looking bad by the way P'Godji look at Gun

“ P' what's wrong? ” he stands up and scan what happened to Gun, Gun's eyes is half closed his skin looking more red than before

“ this boy didn't tell us that he has a flu and now he really feels bad can you take him home? I really want to take him home but even if I wanto to I need to take Jennie home first, that bitch is fucking drunk right now ” she said looking at Gun, he take Gun in P'Godji's arms

“ it's fine P' I'll take him home don't worry ” He looks at Gun and man the boy really can't even stand straight

“ what do you feel? Can you walk? ” Gun just groan didn't care who's talking to him

Off look at his friend “ Guys I need to go ,Gun's in a bad shape I really need to get him home ”

“ it's fine, just be careful on driving you drink a few bottle ” Arm warned

“ don't worry I can still drive, bye ja ”
Off then leave with a warm Gun hugging him, he put Gun on his back and he really want to curse his self because Gun's body is really hot. He should have guess that Gun is having a flu once he held the boys face earlier but fuck him he think his self first before Gun

“ Gun next time please, please tell me if something is wrong to you or you feel something is not right with your body, your making us all worried for you ” Off can't help but to be mad

“ when did you start to feel unwell? ”
Off is almost near the parking lot where he park his car

“ after the concert ” Gun whisper ,Off can just curse under his breath

“ and you didn't tell anyone?! What the hell are you thinking? ” Off stopped walking and put Gun down. He's mad now because if Gun did feel something is wrong he should've said it to anyone in the venue. He thinks Gun doesn't really care about his health

“ why didn't you tell to P'Godji or P'Jennie? ” Gun is not looking at him ,Off can't be fooled by this act this is a serious matter to not be played with

“ I don't want them to worry too much and.. ” Gun didn't finish his sentence and that makes him be pissed even more

“ and? What?! ” Gun got startled with the sudden shout from Off he couldn't think straight, he feels dizzy and at the same time he's scared of Off right now

“ a-and I don't want to bother everyone-- ”

“ so it's fucking fine to just bother me?! ” Off spat out, Off didn't know why the hell you'll hide that you're sick? He didn't fucking get it

“ what? Speak! If you could have just told us earlier that you didn't feel well then right now you're in your house taking some rest! But no! You really fucking want to go out get drunk, to have party out there instead of taking a rest! ” Off is fuming mad, he was so worried to Gun that he doesn't even realize what he was saying.

When he looked at Gun the boy is literally glaring at him although tears from his eyes are still dropping

“ I didn't fucking tell you because I don't want to be a fucking burden. I try my best to tell Mae not to tell you so you can enjoy yourself! If this bother you so much then fuck off! Go back inside! ” Gun shouted back at him , now he's really fuck up!

With that Gun leave Off dumbfounded, although the boy feels dizzy he still manage to walk. He didn't know where he was going but he just wants to be alone.

Off didn't know what had just happened but the next thing he knew is Gun walking away from him. He saw Gun walking on the dark side walk looking like a drunk person because of how he walks. He run after Gun and grabbed the boy's hand but a big slap on his face greeted him. It stings but he know that Gun feels worse because of what he said. But he didn't let go of Gun's hands after he recover his self from the slap he drag Gun back from the parking lot but Gun didn't make it easy for him

“ let me go! ” Gun is struggling to remove Off's hands that is wrapped one of his arms but Off is not listening to him. He feels guilty, the least thing he can do now is to make sure that Gun is going home safe

“ i said let me go! What the fuck is your problem! ”


“ SHUT UP! ” Off burst out he is tired of Gun struggling to death just to get rid of him. Off knew that Gun will be more scared because of what he did but he didn't know what to do other than that

“ I'll take you home whether you like it or not so better shut that mouth ” Off said in a serious manner. He knows it's his fault why Gun acted this way but he needs to do it because if not Gun will not obey him. He just mentally note to his self to make it up to Gun once the boy is okay.

The ride to Gun's home is very awkward no one dares to speak even though Gun is not holding his phone he's not talking to Off, clearly he's mad. Off looks at Gun every now and then to check if Gun is still okay, after the incident at the parking lot he regrets all of what he just said. He didn't know that what he did earlier is too much. He's just too frustrated that's why he said those words but he didn't mean any of it, even a single one. He want to punch his self for saying those kind of words to Gun.

Finally they arrived at Gun's house, he looks at the boy that is still looking outside maybe he didn't notice that they are now in front of his house

“ We are here ” Off said braking the silence inside the car that's when the boy realize that they are indeed in front of his house. Gun silently remove his seatbelt but Off hold his hands before he can open the door. Off wanted to make it up and talk to Gun right now he can't bear to leave Gun knowing that they are not in good terms

“ Gun... I'm sorry ” Gun didn't say anything. Off sighed now he'll face the consequences of the actions he did earlier

“ I didn't mean to say all of that I was just frustrated-- ”

“ thanks for the ride ” Gun tries to remove Off's hands but Off holds it tighter

“ Gun please. I just said all of that because I'm too worried for you. I'm so frustrated to know why you didn't tell any of us earlier. What if you collapsed during the show huh? Gun be mad to me all you want if that's what makes you happy but please this will be the last time you'll hide something like this okay? ” Off said in the most sincere voice he can use but Gun didn't move a bit from what he said

‘ maybe tomorrow ’

Off sighed and slowly let go of Gun's hands “ You can go now, take your medicine before you sleep, you don't need to go to work tomorrow I'll just inform your manager that you're not feeling well ”

Still no response from the boy, Off sighed again “ Good night ja ” Off said as he stares at the steering wheel of his car waiting for Gun to leave but it's been a minute now but Gun is still on the passenger seat not moving a bit, Off looks at him confused

“ Gun-- ”

“ tomorrow... Come to my house if you want to make it up for all the words you just said to me ” with that Gun immediately leave Off's car, leaving Off confused but after a minute that's when the words sinked in to him. A small smile crept on his face Gun is not mad at him. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and compose a text for Gun

[ Thank you and Good Night again see you tomorrow 💚 ]

He sent the text to Gun and bring back his phone from his pocket he's about to drive but his phone vibrated he take a look at it and saw that Gun just texted back

[ 10:00 am tomorrow]

Off smile became bigger than before he kissed the screen of his phone.

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