Jackai random

By Soleil_shining

18.9K 622 363

Short stories about this cute couple or just some randomness about them. Don't expect so much of this, and so... More

Bunch of quotes
Happy Valentine's Day
Psycho love
Tagged (2)
Bunch of quotes [2]
Little note
Title? What title?
Drawing (2)
Tell me I'm in time
In my skin
Happy birthday Akai!
Drawing 3
Fantasy world
Childhood love
*Important to read*
Heart never forgets

Rainy but warm

425 20 21
By Soleil_shining

Hachi and Joker passed through the living room yawning, and wet. Their heist was supposed to be at 10 p.m. But rain ruined their plans.

The phantom thief send an advance notice for Krin's crown wich is found near the ocean. Rain made tide rise, and block the entrance. Joker had to find a new access since he couldn't make one. The structure was fragile, and water or a simple explosion could easily overthrow it.

It took them 30 minutes to find it, getting wet in the process. Phoenix could have helped them with his powers, but he disappeared during the morning. Hachi was worried for him, but then saw some grey clouds. Maybe he hid to avoid water.

After doing stunts, avoid traps, and run as if their lives depended on it. They finally got the crown made of gold, emeralds, and rubies.

Their happines didn't last when a person wearing an old mask caught them into separated rooms. It was fine until water fell from the ceiling slowly. 

Thinking against time he took some image gum, and asked Hachi make a bubble around his head. Being both ready he shooted at the ceiling, water filling the place in seconds. They swam to the surface diffilcultly 'cause of the waves. 

Going back home, Hachi sneezed while Joker carried him holding his shivers. He can't let his apprentice get sick. Who's gonna cook his beloved curry?

Letting the little ninja into the bathroom he headed to his own. Taking a bath sounds good right now.

His was in completely silence when he entered, he though Akai would be already there. 

"That jerk got trapped somewhere after hiding of the water, again." But he won't go looking for him, it was Akai's problem. "I already got wet, don't want more".

His muscle relaxed under the shower, making him more sleepy. He went to his closet to put up his pajamas, but it wasn't there. There weren't any clothes actually. "What the heck?"

"Hachi!! Where are my clothes?"

The boy poked his head confused."They should be in your closet".

Joker pointed the empty furniture "I'm sure they're not".

"That's weird. How did they desappear?" He was sure he put them this morning in the closet." Well, you still can wear the one in the laundry basket".

"But it's dirtyyy".

"Sleep naked, and freeze you or wear warm clothes. Your choice". That kid is getting devilish.

He is a proud big brother.

Sighting, he took his pajamas from the basket, clean enough to wear it. He lied down on his bed finally closing his eyes, but still feeling cold. Luckily there are some extra blankets under his bed. He knelt down, and bowed his head to get a better look, screaming after seeing the fabric moving.

 Under all the blankets appeared a body lazily making yawning sounds.

"Yawning Yerk, What are you doing there?!" regaining composure he pulled the blankets" You almost give me a heart attack, give me that".

The lazy bird took the fabric again and covered all his body "Nooo....It's all wet and cold outside, time for me to sleep" Looking carefuly, the boy made a nest of pillows, blankets, and his clothes. Winter is coming so it's clear what that was for.

"Oh no, you're not going to use my blankets to hibernate" Pulling it to his body, both fighted over who's gonna keep it

"Be considerated of this poor majestic bird"

"Don't care. Go do your weird stuff in other place!" No matter how much he pulled it, the red haired was more stronger. Damn aliens and their stupid superhuman abilities. "Fine! I'll be considerate and let you keep it tonigh".

"We can always share bed".

"Don't play with my patience brain bird".

"Do you want to sleep just with your pajamas and get cold?"



The little ninja went to the kitchen after waking up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. Going back to his bed he passed by Joker's bedroom. Wonder if he found his clothes...

Inside was quiet, his eyes took a few second to get used to the dark. Getting near the bed he saw his master sleeping and snoring,  but he wasn't alone. Akai lied over him hiding his face into his chest. 

Wait. Was that a nest?



"Uh? Hoshi, you too think they're cute, right?"

"Hoshi!!"Jumping over the bed, the space cat lied next to Joker. Hachi stared at them gingerly. They looked so in calm and warm...


Next morning

"What are you all doing in my bed???!!! Get out!!" Next to him, his apprentice slept along the freen cat " Pseudo-cat!!"

"*Yawn* Let me sleep".

"Get out you too!! You're crushing me!!! too heavy!!"

"No, we will stay like this 3 months more".

What a beautiful family morning.


New chapter!!

How have you been? I heard that most of you have already returned to school. Hope you all stay safe.

I'll have a little more free time, so If you have a request you can leave it here -->

I'll try to not take much time writing them.

See you next time!

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