Children of the Night

By Kitiara_Black

34 17 1

London, 1856. Ethan went into hiding for seven years after the betrayal of his beloved lord and the resulting... More

Welcome Home
The Alliance
The Dockers
The Invitation
Private Talks
The Defeat
Brothers in Blood

Collateral Damages

4 2 0
By Kitiara_Black

Temple Garden.

"What a shame. All that preparation for nothing," Ned says calmly as he flicks through the daily paper with a smile. "What do you think, Lazlo? Is this a victory or a defeat for us? I'm undecided."

"I think it's a victory. Up to now, we have always won when there has been an honorable fight," the Hungarian next to him replies.

"No wonder, with such handsome and fearless men at our side," flutters Charlotte, who had sat down next to Ned for her embroidery. In addition, she made Nuncio try her latest tea and biscuit creations.

He has been sitting silently at the other end of the table for an hour now, without a word of protest, desperately trying to taste something so that he can pay her a compliment. Ned watches him amused again and again as he takes another little sip or eats a bite. She has not told him what it should taste like and he looks very lost, though not desperate. What a clever woman he had found himself there. But he doesn't like it at all how much she is interested in her henchman.

His gaze wanders again to the headline in front of him; flooding at the East India Club prevents royal visits. What a shame for the East India Trading Company. What's more, it was discovered that the food was poisoned. God watch over them and saved them from the worst. So the St. James Gazette makes up a nice story and everyone is off the hook. The only pawn in the affair is the straw company that Charlotte could have used to deliver the food. The half-life of that company had already been approaching zero years ago anyway.

God's will, my ass. Those cursed children must have somehow burst the water pipes or caused a leak. Like big, fat rats they sneak through the sewers and disappear at night as if they never existed. The newspapers are full of speculations about this gang, but nowhere a useful clue. They are all lice-ridden brats who have not even learned to be decent enough to stand up for their cause in public.

Nevertheless, Ned must acknowledge the creativity with which they managed to prevent the banquet. It would also have been too easy to use an old trick again. So it is time for him to find a new suitable event - and a better method. Poison was the weapon of choice for his creator, it is time for him to remember his human existence. The resources had already been gathered over months. The first fire had only been a test run. It also had the extremely useful effect of drawing the Butcher out of his hiding place.

If necessary, they would take this son of a dog apart in slices. Lazlo had done him every credit.

"Laszlo, you are a staunch defender of our cause," he finally set about attracting Nuncio's attention. "How about trying to get your old war buddy to join us? The way I see it, there's only his queen of hearts to tie him to that pack. By now he should realize that she is not tied to him." With a glance at Charlotte he adds, "As much as I despise this attempt on little Nora's life, I'm now glad that you instigated it. It could save us all a lot of trouble."

Charlotte's eyes light up as she admires Ned for his intelligence. She had never directly confessed to the attempt on the girl's life, but is well aware that she had been playing with hot coals. Ned was not known for his patience and forbearance. Laszlo still seems unconvinced.

"I think the witch's spell is still too strong, master. However, I'd like to try my luck. It would be a surprise, if I'd succeed the first time I try it anyway. He is not always the most reasonable one. The only reason for him to go to the beasts back then was neither his loyalty to you nor his loyalty to your creator. Naveeda was his only motivation," he replies. "Love-struck fool," he mumbles, even as Charlotte has already found her zeal again.

"Then why can't I approach him, my love?"

"Because you are dear to me, and as we know he doesn't stop at a pretty face," Ned winks to her but continues with a very stern face. "You belong to me alone. Remember that."

"Of course," replies Charlotte, lowering her gaze submissively. Ned relaxes again.

"Besides, it's more likely that Lazlo can do something about it. After all, they share a creator. Somehow that makes them brothers."

Charlotte's grin moves from ear to ear as she continues to look strained at her hands in front of her. "Does that mean Nuncio's like my brother too?"

As Ned's features harden, Nuncio looks at her almost in horror. "I would never dare put myself on your level, miss."

"I would advise you to do the same," Ned replies as he watches Charlotte's disturbing reaction. "Charlotte, how are the children? Has anything changed?"

Charlotte slowly begins to go back to her embroidery as she reports: "Since the Waterloo Bridge incident they have been quite restless. However, I don't think Ethan has gone back to them yet. Also this human boy around whom there is always such a fuss has probably not been back to their camp for a long time. I wonder if the good Lord Blackwood is holding him prisoner.

"It's quite possible. After all, he's no fool. He knows we're breathing down their necks. I was expecting a trap, but what's not, may yet be."

"We should have just cut him off seven years ago for his crimes," Laszlo throws in.

"If it's your intention to upset me again, you're well on your way," Ned says bitterly. At that time he officially broke with his creator, Thomas Gerber, because his methods, especially towards young women, were simply not acceptable. As a final act of gratitude for his immortal life, he left Lord Blackwood to him. At that time, he thought that it didn't matter if he or Thomas would eventually kill him.

"Sorry, master," Laszlo says softly.

"We'll get our chance. It's not enough to just slay him in the open street. Thomas was right. We must make an example and show the vampires in London that there is a new ruler. They must understand that the only way forward is through ashes and blood. The teachings of the Society of Light are far from flawless, but the idea of being able to move freely during the day is a good incentive. Imagine being able to feel the sun on our skin again unhindered and the spray that splashes over the edge of a frigate like the blood of our enemies over the deck as we take what is rightfully ours anyway."

"Ha! That sounds like a fitting reason to celebrate!" grins Laszlo cheerfully and Charlotte claps her hands euphorically after this little speech.

"Victor, bring us the rum!" cries Ned after the faithful butler. "Bring us the arm of that wretched Ethan, too. It's time to cast another bait!"

"Will you tell us what you're up to, Beloved?"

"What do you think, my pearl? We'll make sure our enemies won't be bored while we make our next preparations." Ned leans over to Charlotte to let a hand wander up and down her thigh. "And after that, my pearl, you and I will go and do what you've been longing for for days, won't we?" He smiles impishly and Charlotte blushes.

"After today, our world will once again be a little closer to the edge. But for that, we all have to get our fingers a little dirty. What do you say? Can you do that for me?"

"I would do anything for you, my love."

"That's it." Ned replies with lust in his eyes. "Bring me the boy. It's time to smoke out this rat's nest. We've waited long enough. Tell him the time has come for rewards. First we'll get the little fishes..." Ned stops his little speech to give Chralotte a kiss on the cheek as he gets up.

"And then we slay the Kraken," Charlotte finally exclaims enthusiastically.

"Hear, hear!" laughs Ned.

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