Forbidden Desires

By cobcherrii95

267K 794 99

Unleash your most forbidden desires. More

The Message
Fallen Angel
Spanish Guitar


46.4K 182 20
By cobcherrii95

"Run, Amanda! Keep going and never stop!" My mother yelled as she pushed me out into the rain to escape.

I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I kept looking back in hopes that my mom was right behind me but she wasn't. I didn't stop running though, kept going until I could no longer stand. I ran into an alley way and hid until I thought it was safe.

I sat in the rain alone for hours. My body began to shake from the cold and my eyelids grew heavy. Then a noise startled me. It sounded like a can falling out of a trash can or something but it scared me enough to realize that I was dozing off.

I continued to tremble and wait for something, anything. My pajama shorts and tank top were stuck to my body due to the heavy rain pouring. My bare feet stung the more I moved in my spot to get comfortable. A few more minutes passed and I felt my eyelids closing. I no longer cared so I shut my eyes and let my breathing slow down.

Just as I was about to let sleep overcome me, I felt a pair of hands grab me and pull me out aggressively. I screamed as loud as I could to get anyone's attention but a large hand clamped my mouth shut.

"You thought you could hide from me, huh?" he spat in my face.

My eyes widened and I shook my head furiously.

"Both you and your mother were traitors! Now you need to pay me back...with your lives." he said lowly in my ear.

I started sobbing in his hand until I felt a cold metal object being pressed against my left temple. The next thing I heard was a gun being fired and everything faded away.


I shot up from my bed in a cold sweat. I could feel beads of it falling from my forehead and running down my chest. My whole body was shaking uncontrollably and I couldn't breathe. I looked over at the clock,


It would be the same dream over and over again for the last three months. I was seventeen when my dad killed my mom and left me for dead. My father was the leader of the notorious gang The Brothers of the Cross. My mother was leaking information to the police to try for us to escape but my father found this out and one night he came in and started fighting with my mom. They started screaming and yelling, things were being thrown, punches were given. My mom ran from him into my room where I was listening by the door. She grabbed my hand and ran to the door and tried to push past the guys that were there but only I managed to run past them. She told me to run and to not stop, so I didn't.

"Hey. You alright, kitten?" my friend Judy came into my room, greeting me with the nickname she gave me since she met me.

I nodded because I knew my voice would betray me.

"Well since you're up you can help set up for the party tonight." she laughed.

You see, I work as a high class escort. There is actually a whole company and we all live together. The ballroom is being set up for tonight's theme party Masquerade. We have different themes every week and it's mostly for high rollers to spend as much on a girl as possible. Judy found me and brought me here and thought I could bring some more clients due to my innocent look.

I don't mind what I do. I gives me the chance to forget who I am and become someone else, even if it's for a few hours.

"I-I thought the party was tomorrow?" I stuttered once my breathing went back to normal.

Judy knew about the nightmares since the first night they started. She knew not to press the subject anymore than it should've been which I was grateful for.

"No it's tonight. And I have the perfect dress for you." her eyes lit up and she grinned.

I humored her and smiled along.

"You love your job a little too much, if you ask me." I chuckled.

"Hey! It's not my fault that I'm good at my job." she playfully scolded.

"And you're even better than I am." she added.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm being serious Amanda. You're highly requested by more than half of the clients we have. I don't know what you do but the men can't seem to get enough of it." she informed.

Really? I found it hard to believe. What was so special about me? It got me thinking back to what I'd do with a client but I'd have some trouble since I'd block it out sometimes.

Like I said, I don't mind what I do but that doesn't mean I like to do it.

I become someone else when I'm with a client. Whatever they want, I fulfill. Even though it might be degrading and embarrasing I still do it.

" 'Jane' better start sharing some of her secrets." Judy laughed.

Jane was my alter-ego's name. We never gave our real names because that's a weakness for us. It gives the client total control and we don't want that.

"Jane doesn't kiss and tell." I got up and went to the bathroom with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Jane still has to tell me her secrets.

I took a shower and got ready for the day. I put on some sweat pants and a tshirt and left my hair to air dry. I walked out and went back to my room to get my slippers to go downstair to help set up then I saw Judy hanging up a dress covered in a plastic cover.

"What's that?" I asked as I slipped on my shoes.

"Your dress." she beamed.

"Can I see it?" I walked toward her but she met me half way and turned me back to the door and shut it behind us.

"Not until tonight. Now come on, we have to set up." she gripped my arm and pulled me down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

It's going to be a long day.


Everything was set up. The center pieces and silver ware were placed perfectly. There were pearls dangling from the long stemmed white roses. The chandelier was thoroughly polished and cleaned just for tonight. I don't think any of us have done this much work just for one party.

As I was setting out the plates I looked from the corner of my eye I saw Judy on her phone. She looked like she was nervous. Whoever she was talking to must've been pretty serious. She finished and hung up the phone. She took a deep breath and walked back into the ballroom.

"Okay ladies! Listen up. I just got a phone call from one of my sources and they told me that David Mason is coming tonight." she yelled.

All the girls gasped and they looked like they were excited. Every girl except me. I had no idea who he was.

"As you know tonights party is Masquerade so everyone will be wearing masks. Do not go looking for him. Whoever approaches you is the person who bid on you. You will stay with that person for the entire night or for however long they paid for. Remember don't use your real name and keep them always wanting." she reminded us.

We all nodded.

"Everyone will be here soon so start getting ready. Thank you so much for setting up, the place looks great." Judy looked at me and nodded for me to head to my room.

I set the last dish and went to my room. A second later Judy bursts through my door and slams it shut.

"Woah. Are you okay?" I worried.

"You have to look amazing tonight." was all she said.

"Why just me?"

"Because David has heard about you and no doubt he'll be looking for you."

"Judy, what makes you so sure he'll find me? He doesn't know what I look like and we'll all be wearing masks. Plus we'll be using our fake names so he'll probably end up with one of the other girls tonight."

She calmed a bit once I pointed out the obvious.

"Now calm down and go get yourself ready. Once you're done you can help me if I need it." I tried to lighten the mood.

She nodded and hugged me tightly and left without another word.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves.

I sat down and began curling my hair. As I did, I began thinking of who this David guy was. What was so special about him and why was every girl fawning over him?

I shouldn't even be thinking out him, whoever he is.

I pinned a few stands of my dark brown hair back. I styled it half up and half down and let it cascade down my shoulders. Next was my makeup. I didn't want to go too heavy so I did a light smokey eye and a bit of eyeliner. I finished it off with a clear lip gloss. I went over and took the dress out of the cover and instantly I was speechless.

It was pure white and made of a mixture of silk and satin material. It was a long evening gown that had loose, thick straps. There was a beaded design around the bust and it looked whimsical and delicate. Just the perfect amount of decoration was on this dress that it practically screamed me. As I took it out of the cover I handled it gently because it looked like it was going to break if I wasn't careful.

I changed out of my sweats and into a white lace bra and panties set. I slipped into the dress easily. It hugged my curves perfectly and shaped out everything great. I noticed that it was cut low enough to show off some cleavage but it was modest enough for people to use their imagination. I laughed and shook my head. Only Judy would pick something out like this for me.

I put on a pair of nude heels and looked at myself in the mirror.

Now I know why I give off the innocent look. Every time I get myself ready I try to make myself look as different as possible. I never wanted to look like who I really was.

I looked in the mirror and for once I could say that I looked pretty. It was simple and classic. I don't know if I would ever come as close to looking like my true self than I did at that moment. For a second I thought I looked like my mom. I felt tears well up in my eyes but I blinked them away. I didn't want to cry anymore.

The doors to my bedroom opened and Judy walked in, wearing a red strapless silk dress. Her hair was up in a sleek ponytail and she had on dramatic cat eyes with blood red lips to match.

"Hey I almost forg-" she stopped once she saw me.

"What is it?" I checked myself thinking she saw something on me or something.

" look amazing." she said quietly and wide eyed.

"You're acting as if you've never seen me in a dress. And you picked this dress out." I laughed.

"I know." she smiled.

"Anyway, what did you need?" I reminded her.

"Oh! Right. You almost forgot your mask." she handed it to me.

It was white to match my dress. It had gold accents and swirls around it. It was embroidered with gold thread at the top and it had white ribbon to tie it together in the back.

"It's beautiful Judy. Thank you." I hugged her.

"It's for my best girl." she grinned.

She took the mask and began to tie it around my head. She stepped back and marveled at me.

"Good luck tonight Amanda." she said as she led me out of my room and down to the top of the stairs of the ballroom with the rest of the girls.

We all waited there while we heard people downstairs mingling and talking with each other. I looked at the girls and saw they were in a specific color as well but I was the only one in white.

One by one each girl descended the stairs. I could feel my hands start to shake. Why was I so nervous?

Of course I was the last girl to walk out. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that I do this all the time so it's nothing new. I picked up my dress a bit as it was a little too long and I didn't want to fall on my face.

As I kept walking down the stairs; soft music began to play and it took some of the tension I was feeling. Eveyone's eyes were on me as I walked and I felt so uncomfortable. I never liked having people's eyes on me.

I walked over to a random table and stood next to it. Every girl was already talking with someone and meanwhile I'm by myself.

Maybe I'll get the night off.

I was hoping that I would. But then I felt a pair of eyes staring right at me. I felt them following me no matter where I went. I thought I was being paranoid and that the feeling would pass. I shook my head and went to get myself a drink.

I grabbed a glass of champagne and went back to my seat and sat down. Everyone began dancing and having a good time. I was content that I was on my own. It gave me a chance to relax and think about pointless things. But soon my happiness was interrupted by a pair of brown eyes.

He stood across the room just watching me. He was much taller than I was. He wore the classic black suit with a white button down shirt and leather shoes. He had a plain black mask that covered the top half of his face. Only his mouth and eyes were visible. He had dark brown hair that was tossed a bit and made him look slightly younger so I could try and guess his age.

But something kept going through my mind,

Who was he and why was he looking at me?

I tried to look away from him but I couldn't. It was like I was drawn to him, I didn't feel like myself when I looked at him. I didn't know what to do with myself. He smirked at me and licked his lips.

I felt a twinge between my legs that I never felt before when I stared at him. My whole body began to heat up and burn with need.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I never thought like this before. My heartbeat increased when I saw that he was walking over to me. My chest rose and fell with each heavy breath I took.

"Why would a beautiful woman like yourself be sitting...alone?" he asked cockily.

"I like my privacy." I said as I managed to look away uninterested.

He hummed in response.

"What about you? Surely a man like yourself didn't come here alone." I countered.

"I did." he admitted.

"Oh." was all I could come up with.

"Are you one of Judy's girls?" he asked with no emotion in his voice.

"I think you know the answer." I bit back.

He leaned in dangerously close to me, "I want to hear you say it," he whispered. His voice was like venom but it made me....aroused.

"Yes I am." I answered.

He chuckled as I squirmed around in my seat. I couldn't control myself when he was near me. He knew what he was doing to me and he was playing with me.

Another slow song began to play and there were couples littered across the dance floor.

"Would you like to dance with me?" he asked politely.

I remembered what Judy said. If someone approached us we spend the night with them. Whoever this guy was bid on me and I had to make him happy.

"Okay." I nodded.

He grabbed my hand and led me out to the middle of the marble floor. He placed his hands on my waist and gripped them rather tightly but strangely, I liked it. His hands felt like fire against my skin.

It made me wonder what else he could do with them.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and we began to sway with the music.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Jane." I lied as usual.

His eyes bore into mine menacingly, like he knew I was lying but he couldn't have.

"Tell me about yourself then, Jane." it came out more like a demand than a request.

"T-There isn't much to tell." I stuttered and couldn't find my voice.

"How about you tell me your real name." he whispered in my ear once again.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped slightly. There is no way he could've possibly have known I was lying.

"M-My name i-is Jane." Dammit.

"Right." I knew he saw right through me.

"What about you? What's your name?" I tried to come back at him.

"What makes you think you could ask me that?" He spat quietly.

His grip tightened on me. I whimpered silently at his harsh touch. Surely there will be marks there tomorrow. His hand snaked up and knotted into my plain dark brown hair. He pulled at it and my head was facing the ceiling. He pulled harder and I felt some hair being ripped out. I wanted him to stop, to push him away, to scream, something...but I didn't. I let him do what he wanted.

The feeling I got when he caused me the slightest bit of pain or discomfort was...amazing. I felt like a void was being filled. It gave me a rush knowing someone could control me. I felt like if he didn't do more I was going to start begging. And I never begged for anything.

What is happening?

His touch made me weak. It made me quiver and tremble for him. No man ever gave me that sensation of want... ever.

As these feeling surfaced, the more I questioned who he was?

The curiosity was getting to me. I knew what he wanted, he wanted me, but why? Why did he want to know my real name? Why was he set on me and only me?

"You're something else, you know that?" he whispered against my neck.

I swallowed hard, scared to ask what he meant by that.

"I can feel you shaking. Now either you're scared shitless or you really want this. Which is it?" he teasingly cooed.

I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say. My breathing came out ragged when I felt his lips bite down on my neck. I had to try with every fiber in my being to not moan out in utter pleasure.

"Answer me, Jane." he moved closer to my ear and bit down on my earlobe.

I began panting and I felt like I was completely on fire, "Both." I said breathlessly.

A sinister smile crawled to his lips as he pulled away and let my hair out of his grasp.


Suddenly, he walked away without another word or glance at me. He disappeared into the crowd and left me in the middle of the floor. I was confused, aroused, and disappointed all at once. I felt my skin flush when I remembered the events just seconds ago. Whoever he was, he was gone.

I walked back to my table and grabbed my glass of untouched champagne and threw it back. It burned slightly but I thought it was pleasant.

I looked around to find Judy and when I found her she had this look of shock across her face. I rushed to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Judy are you okay?" I worried.

She seemed to snap out of whatever trance she was in once she heard my voice. She looked at me and she looked like she was scared. She wanted to say something but she looked like she was fighting with herself.

"What is it?" I tried to get something out of her.

"'re in the black room tonight." she composed herself quickly.

The black room. I've never been asked to go there but I never wanted to. I was scared, intrigued and curious. Every girl whoever went in there always had a crazy, wild and hot story to tell, and those stories were rare.

"Okay." I nodded.

How bad could it be?

I turned from Judy and walked up the stairs and out of the ballroom. I made my way down the hallway to the many service rooms. I could feel the sweat forming under my mask. I didn't know what to expect when I entered the black room. When I finally reached the door at the end of the hall I cautiously opened it. It was completely pitch dark when I shut the door. I felt around for a light switch on the wall. Once found, I turned it on. My eyes nearly bulge out of my head through my mask.

It was like a dungeon. There were metal chains hanging on the stone walls. There was a large flat table in the middle of the room that looked like it was suppose to be a make shift bed. Restraints were at each end of the posts. There were many toys and implements sprawled everywhere. Floggers, cuffs, rope, whips, canes, paddles, nipple clamps, crops, blindfolds and black out masks. Everything I've only ever heard of were there.

The one thing that got my absolute attention was the giant "X" cross in the back of the room. I walked over to it and put my hand on it. It was padded but made of leather. There were cuffs at each end of it as well. It could be adjusted to the height of any person.

"You know what I hate?" A low loud voice startled me.

I turned and saw him there. His jacket and shirt were disposed of, leaving him in only his pants and mask.

I couldn't breathe. He looked so darkly handsome and scary at the same time. I tried taking a deep breath but I kept failing. My hands began trembling as he made his way across the room to me.

"I asked you a question. Now answer me!" he shouted.

I flinched as I felt his hand grip my hair again. Pulling me closer to him.

"I d-don't know." I answered truthfully.

He chuckled bitterly and shook his head.

"I. Hate. Liars." he said slowly through clentched teeth.

Oh Shit.

"And you, little girl lied right to my face, twice."

"I-I.." I was speechless.

"I gave you the chance to tell me the truth but you continued to lie. I never give people second chances so you should've considered yourself lucky."

I nodded.

"You know what happens when people lie to me?" he pulled my hair a bit harder.

I shook my head unable to speak.

"They get punished." he whispered.

He pulled my hair causing me to whimper in pain. He continued this and pulled me to the bed. He bent me over and I could feel his hand grip the back of my dress. He pulled me back up so I was standing, my back facing him. He took the straps of my dress and yanked them off, taking my entire dress with it. The dress pooled at my feet and I felt self conscious for a moment. It was all happening so fast. He pulled my panties and unclasped my bra in one swift movement. I was now completely exposed to him, a stranger.

"Don't move." he warned.

I obeyed his order. I could hear him fumbling with something but I couldn't see what it was due to my back still facing him. Seconds later I felt him grab my wrists and I felt them being bound with cuffs behind my back.

"Get on the the bed. Now." he order me again and just like before I followed his orders.

He bent me over once again and my ass was up in the air, he had a full view of it. I didn't say a word.

"Good girl. Now, Daddy is gonna whip your little puss.y and you aren't going to make a sound. If you don't I'll think about f.ucking you senseless. If you do I will have to punish your...other hole." he pushed his thumb in and instantly I tensed up.

"Do we understand each other?" He asked, his thumb still invading me.

I nodded not wanting to speak.

"Say it." he demanded, pushing his digit in deeper.

I gasped. I wanted to scream in pain.

"Yes." I breathed out.

"Yes what?" He began curling his thumb upwards in me.

"Yes daddy!" I whined.

He pulled his thumb out and patted my ass.

"Good girl."

I panted at the intensity of what just happened. His thumb was in me and it felt painfully pleasurable. And it was only his thumb.

He moved away from me. I didn't hear anything but then I felt the worst stinging sensation in my most intimate area.

He lashed me two more times and I felt tears streaming down my face. But I didn't scream. No sound came out of me. The tears were from the overwhelming feeling coursing through me.

"You're doing so well." he praised as yet another crack of the crop was dealt on my c.lit

I felt a mixture of pain and immense pleasure while he tortured my aching p.ussy. As he kept whipping me, I felt myself being drawn closer to my climax.

He struck me nine times in total. I squirmed and silently whimpered for more. I pushed myself closer to him, wanting to feel the crop bite my c.lit once again, but it never came.

Instead I heard him chuckle.

"Count this last one. Scream as loud as you want." He allowed.

This last hit was the most sharp and intense of them all. As soon as it made contact with my flesh I felt my orgasm take over me as I screamed in ecstasy,


My throat was sore from my scream. My legs felt like they were jelly. I could no longer keep myself up and I began to see black dots litter my vision.

I felt myself collapse and for a few moments all I saw was black.

I couldn't believe that I passed out from my orgasm. My eyes began to flutter open as I felt a pair of hands pushing strands of hair away from my face. They gently caressed my cheek and that's when I realized,

I wasn't wearing my mask.

He must've taken it off when I was unconscious. He just stared at me while I looked back at him.

"I would've given anything to see your face as you came." he gaped.

I was panting, my body still convulsing and sensitive as I came down from my high. Suddenly, I felt one of his fingers dip into my fluids of my orgasm. He brought it to his lips and sucked them clean. A satisfied hum emitting from him.

"Want a taste?" he smirked.

He repeated the action and brought his fingers to my lips. Immediately I licked them dry and swirled my tongue around them.

He pulled them back and yanked me up by my wrists which were still cuffed. My back collided with his naked torso.

"You've been good. You follow orders well. I guess you deserve a reward." he chuckled.

He uncuffed me and pushed me on all fours. I heard him unbuckling his belt and the zipper of his pants were being undone.

Without warning he plunged deep into me. He was so big and thick I swore I could feel him in the pit of my stomach.

"Make as much noise as you want little girl." he groaned.

With that, I screamed.

"Da-...Daddy! Oh God..."

He gripped my waist and relentlessly pounded into me, granting me no mercy.

"Take daddy c.ock, little girl." he grunted.

Moans and whimpers fell from my lips. I felt every thrust he gave me. He filled me completely. Our skin slapping against each othere's along with his heavy pants were all I could hear.

"Harder Daddy. P-Please...I-I..." I felt my second orgasm near and I knew it was going to be harder than the last.

"Don't you dare You'll when I say so." he ordered.

He thrusted into me a few more times and I knew there was no possible way I was going to be able to hold it off.

"I....I c-cant-" I couldn't even form a sentence.

He stopped abruptly, still inside me. He pulled me up and my back was flushed against his toned chest. He wrapped his arms around me, keeping me in place. I whimpered, desperate to form any type of friction between us to relieve myself.

"Tell me your name little girl, and I'll let you" he said against my sweaty skin.

"A-..Amanda." I panted.

He laughed against me. I brought my hands around to the back of his head and as he pound into me again I pulled off his mask.

I wanted to while looking at the face of the man who is causing me the most pleasure I have ever experienced.

He didn't seem to mind as his mask fell on the bed. I gripped his arms that were hold me in place as I mewled for more.

His thrusts became quick and sloppy.

"" he said finally.

And I did, hard.

My walls pulsed and clenched around him as he reached his climax as well.

"Oh Daddy.." I moaned out one last time as I felt him empty his liquid in me. He filled me completely to the hilt.

I was on the verge of passing out again. I felt myself being lifted and carried. I was placed on something soft and it felt like a blanket was being draped over my naked body. My eyes were closed but something brushed up against my lips briefly and then I felt a pair of lips press on my forehead.

"My name is David." someone said but I was too spent to open my eyes.

Finally, I drifted off into the most peaceful sleep I've ever had.



Hi!!! This scene is a little long but I worked pretty hard on it due to the fact that I haven't updated this book in a while. Happy late New Years to whoever is reading. Hope you enjoyed this story. READ, VOTE AND COMMENT :) XOXO

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