Stay by my side (Yandere!Iwai...

By TheFlamingphoenix

24.5K 774 957

All you had to do is stay by his side... too bad you didn't do so. ๐Ÿ“ขCaution: Some readers may find some asp... More

hi :D


3.8K 129 202
By TheFlamingphoenix

"(Nickname)-chan?" you hummed in confirmation. Good thing you didn't really delete his number after he joked about bothering you while you're in your honeymoon at the reception yesterday. Turns out, it's you who bothered the other.

"Aren't honeymoons supposed to be spent with your spouse and not calling up your cousin?" Oikawa chuckled from the other line, taking a sip of his newly ordered coffee. "Want some advice?"

"About what? You don't have a spouse, Tooru. Let alone a lover." You smirked at his reaction, perfectly envisioning him. Troubling another person isn't one of your plans in your honeymoon. Besides, Oikawa proved many times to be good entertainment source to get your mind off of things. "Did you really have to call just to ruin my morning?" he frowned while you decided against nagging him regarding telling Akaashi about your ex since it took away your concern in telling Akaashi the details.

"Haji... I mean, Iwaizumi. How's he doing?" your eyes widened at what you just blurted out. What happened to forgetting about the dream?!

Oikawa stopped walking and choked, almost spatting coffee to a passerby in front of him who grimaced. "Iwa-chan? Didn't you told me to never mention him again? Nonetheless it's your honeymoon! Don't think about your ex!" you winced, you know that very well. But you needed to know why he's suddenly appearing in your dream. Maybe it meant that you should check up on him?

"I know, but I just wanna know how he's doing. I'm over him now so I figured I needed the assurance that he's doing fine like me. After all, we were friends." Oikawa sighed. Despite you and Iwaizumi had broken up, he still maintained connection with him. He's still his best friend after all, and he knew the older male needs someone to refrain him from doing stupidity. Like what he had done for him back in highschool.

"He's doing good, actually. Got a great job and pretty much back to his old self. He even rekindled his liking on using ugly nicknames for me." you snickered, knowing Oikawa is pouting right now. Somehow, you wanna know if Iwaizumi really forgot about you... you hope not. Hoping instead that he'd still take you back as a friend at the very least.

"I'm actually going to his house now. Do you want to talk to him as well?" you blinked. "Uh... no, thank you though. I'd rather know first if it's a good idea for him to talk to me. Besides, I'm all better now. I should get back to Keiji." Oikawa bid her goodbye and ended the call. 'Better now?' he shrugged, Akaashi's with her, it should be fine.

Once he's infront of the Iwaizumi residence, he rang the doorbell and waited a bit. He went unannounced, it's understandable. But it's not like they haven't done this when they were young. Oikawa searched all over his memory at where the key to his house is anddd bingo. Right under a certain rock. Some grown man he is.

Oikawa unlocked the door, making sure no one saw him of course. "Iwa-chan~! Surprise! I got coffee for you!" Oikawa sweatdropped at the sheer silence of the house. Does Iwaizumi still haven't finished his morning run? He set the coffees down and opened the lights. Everything was clean except for some crumpled papers scattered on the floor.

He picked them up and realized they were photo papers. He walked over to the trash bin while straightening up one, resulting to his brows furrow in confusion. "What the hell?" Oikawa can't even tell what's in the paper anymore due to it being utterly ruined. He was about to look at the others too but while he was about to do so, his other hand opened the bin. His eyes landed on bloody clothes, converting his confusion to horror. What had Iwaizumi been up to?

"Shttykawa?" Iwaizumi called out, almost making Oikawa jump. He closed the lid gently as possible and made himself look like he's only about to approach the bin. "Here!" just in time, Iwaizumi revealed himself. "What are you doing? Want me to call the cops on you?" the handsome tanned male frowned, approaching him. Oikawa shook his head as he bit his cheek from the inside, trying his best to stop his mildly shaking body.

"Are those the papers I left on the floor?" Iwaizumi gestured at the items. "Yep! What are these even? I was just about to throw them away." Oikawa showed the once again crumpled papers, almost like he was offering it to him.

"Nothing that concerns you." Iwaizumi took the said objects from Oikawa. "I'll get some snacks to pair up with the coffee. You can go sit at the table."

"About that, I think I--"

"I insist."

"Well I insist more!" Iwaizumi frowned at him. "Why are you such in a hurry? Normally I'm the one shooing you off." Oikawa felt a lump in his throat. "I'm kidding, Iwa-chan. I'm just testing you. Now hurry up and serve me those snacks!" Oikawa lied smoothly, much to his surprise. Iwaizumi seemed alert so he had to discard his first plan. He just have to play it cool until he's out of suspicion.

"So, (Name) asks how you've been doing." Iwaizumi's eyes now focused on the brunette after he had set down the snacks. "(Name) did?" Iwaizumi couldn't help but smile. The thought of his beloved not forgetting about him made him so happy. She is waiting for him after all. And like a prince, he'll be fetching her soon enough. He must applaud her for her wedding day act then. Even he was convinced she was happy with her... groom.

"Yeah. You think we all can hang out after her honeymoon?" It took a lot of will to keep the raven's smile on his face. "Sure." 'We three can hang out after her and mine's honeymoon.'

"Oh hey, what have you been up to?" Oikawa switched the subject, hoping his suspicions of Iwaizumi would clear if he answered to his satisfaction. To his silent relief, Iwaizumi began to tell Oikawa how yesterday's awarding event went, even showed him some pictures, including a late night party prepared by his coworkers for him.  Apparently one of his drunk coworkers accidentally spilled red wine on him.

"Damn Iwa-chan, you didn't even invite me!" Oikawa whined, so Iwaizumi wasn't at the wedding and it wasn't 'blood' on his discarded clothes in the bin, right? but the smell-- "You were in (Name)'s wedding, remember? You're probably too tired to even stay out until 2am." Oikawa shrugged, point taken.

"Listen Oikawa, you're my best friend, right?" Iwaizumi's relaxed expression turned into a serious one. "Uh, duh?" Oikawa's brows scrunched together.

"Then tell me where (Name) is. Only you and her parents knew about their honeymoon location, right? I tried to ask her parents but sadly, they didn't give me the answer I wanted." Iwaizumi frowned, remembering the said couple beg annoyingly for him to set them free. What's worst is they tried to buy their way out.

"Why would y-you wanna know?"
Oikawa accidentally stuttered as he felt cold sweat run down his head as whatever Iwaizumi is doing with his hands under the table... he doesn't even want to know. "Because it's what (Name) and I want. You'd support me like before, won't you?"

"I..Iwa-chan, I think I have to go. I was going to meet up with Makki and the others. See you next time." Oikawa almost immediately sprang to his feet, wanting to escape from the scary atmosphere enveloping Iwaizumi's house. "I'm not done with you yet though." Oikawa was about to protest when a knife impaled his palm.

Oikawa screamed in shock and pain, watching in horror as the blade immobilized his hand on the table. "Don't bother screaming. The house is sound proofed." Iwaizumi sighed, also pinning the brunette's other hand by its wrist with his hand. "I'm guessing you're on his side now, huh? I thought you're rooting for (Name) and me?" Oikawa hissed as Iwaizumi applied pressure on the knife.

"That was before (Name) fell in love with him--Argh!" Iwaizumi's eyes seemed to turn red in Oikawa's perspective as he abruptly grabbed the wrist of his impaled hand and twisted it sideways. "Love?" Iwaizumi laughed bitterly while Oikawa writhed in pain. "Their 'love' is bullsht and fake. Our love was genuine and happy, and they broke it." Iwaizumi growled, fury consuming his heart as he took the key Oikawa used to get inside.

Oikawa sighed in defeat and realization. "You're right, Iwa-chan. (Name) loves you, up until now."

"I know she does. She's waiting for me so tell me, Oikawa." the moment Iwaizumi loosened his hold on him, Oikawa used all of his strength to swiftly pull out the knife from his hand, yelling in pain once again before he managed to smash the huge plate of snacks onto Iwaizumi's head.

The raven fell on the floor, groaning as his hand touched the mild amount of blood on his head while watching Oikawa run upstairs with a shard of the broken plate. "There's nowhere for you to escape, Shttykawa!" he yelled, but Oikawa ignored him. He got this, he told himself. He can escape. He had memorized the house's every route and room since elementary after all. He just have to avoid being found.

Oikawa pulled the attic ladder down and climbed up immediately, seeing Iwaizumi come to his view right before he closed it. He then bolted it, something that their younger selves installed to keep them from being disturbed while playing.

Oikawa shook away the memories as he felt hot tears forming in his eyes. His best friend is really going to spill his blood, isn't he? He removed his cardigan and cut off a favorable length with the plate shard. After that, he wrapped it around his bloody palm to prevent any more blood loss. "Oikawa~ Opening this door is easier for the both of us. I'll give you five seconds." said brunette shivered at Iwaizumi's voice and began to search Hajime's father's tools. An axe.

Oikawa cautiously walked through the creaky wooden floor as he recalled where Iwaizumi's room is and began to hack on the floor above it. "Oi! What are you doing?!" he heard Iwaizumi yell as he began to attempt opening the attic. Oikawa's arms ached and fatigue began to eat him fast. He's not used to this after all. His guess was fotunately right but the opening he created wasn't wide enough for him.

However, upon seeing the raven's hand ascend, he jumped in right away, causing cuts and gashes to form all over his body. Oikawa heard Iwaizumi howl above him as he landed on the soft mattress. Fck, he didn't place the shard right.

His eyes darted around the dimly lit room. Pictures of (Name) completely covered the wall of various sizes. Oikawa recognized some things kept in some sort of glass containers are (Name)'s long lost favorite items and used utensils or takeouts she bought from various cafès. Utterly disgusting. Then there's writings on the wall like, 'I love you, Hajime!'

'You're my everything, you know.'

Others he couldn't make out anymore due to the lack of light and the threat of Iwaizumi coming closer but he guessed those are whatever (Name) said to him while they were together. "You could just give up, Oikawa. Everything is sealed up." Give up? Oikawa forced a smirk on his lips despite the pain of each wound he acquired.

"I don't even know what that word means." hastily, he raced out of the room, eyes darting around to find another possible exit. When his eyes saw the hallway, he remembered the terrace in the master's bedroom!

By the time he got in, his eyes widen in shock as he covered his mouth in disgust. In front of him was Iwaizumi's parents, both bloodied all over, tied up and unmoving. But there was the terrace, not barricaded at all and was only covered with the curtains, the light peeking through the room.

He was about to flee when he heard a groan. "S-sht!" he locked the door behind him and pushed a shelf against it before dropping the axe to his side. "I-Iwaizumi-san!" Oikawa looked at Hajime's mother with worry as he untied her. "H-help me..." her body slumped on him and he immediately felt something was wrong. He can't feel her breathing.

Oikawa then remembered he has his phone on him and attempted to call the police with his shaky hands, only to accidentally tap a sudden notification from you, sending him to a picture of your breakfast with Akaashi, the beautiful scenery in the background peeking.

Horror crossed Oikawa's face as Iwaizumi entered the room from the terrace, sliding the doors with ease behind him.

"Do you now have the guts to kill me?" Iwaizumi smirked, holding up a bluetooth speaker which he picked up from behind a chair. He was tricked and trapped by no other than his best friend. Fueled with rage, Oikawa pushed the corpse off him and reached for his weapon when Iwaizumi swiftly kicked his chin, making him let go of his phone as well. "Too late now if you do."

"Fck..." Oikawa cursed, spitting out blood to the side as he glared at Iwaizumi who's now picking up the axe. "No hard feelings, Oikawa. You came here without my consent. It's your fault for choosing his side. It's your fault for making me kill you. So much hanging out after the honeymoon." Iwaizumi looked at him with pity as he raised the axe.

Oikawa could only glare at him as his body began to give up instead. "You're not Iwa-chan. Leave my cousin alone, you piece of sht."

Then the axe severed his head.

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