Reset Reality (Sans x Suicida...

By katzarecoolz

8.4K 252 106

You Decend deeper and deeper, farther away from the surface. Soon reaching the floor, you lie on a patch of f... More

Depression Dive
M is for...
Sans the "Sansational"
Training Trouble
Do NOT Accept This Offer
Ķ̴̂i̷̠̔n̵͓̔g̴͇͒ ̵̧̌Á̸̟s̴̱͝g̷̘͌ö̴̪́ṛ̶̚ę̵͌
Reset or Not
D̶e̷s̶p̷a̸i̶r̴ ̸a̴n̸d̴ ̸N̶i̵g̴h̸t̵m̶a̶r̴e̷s̵
Scraps Of Memories
W.D. Gaster
Core is Key
Soul Searching (Part 1)
Soul Searching (Part 2)
Soul Searching (Part 3)
The Anti-Void (Ending)
Sneak Peek into Universal Conundrum/Questions
Jus a lil update
Merry Christmas (+ A Happy new Year)

Cooking Craze

290 10 4
By katzarecoolz

Your POV

"I might have peeked" Your smile almost faded immediately.

"What do you mean you might have peeked?! I thought I told you not to." You yell at him, it's not like you were that angry at him, I mean if anything he only saw your undergarments, it's not like he saw you completely naked.

"It's just, you're so freakin' cute! I couldn't help myself. And somehow your even cute when you're angry." You blush at his statement, your face became so hot that you could probably cook a meal on it. You sigh.

"I'll forgive you this time, since it is you anyway." You continue to walk from the stairway to the dining room, well it was more like a table and some seats with no wall dividing the living room and that area. You and Sans had decided to sit next to each other. Hands linked, you look into each others eyes, both of you longing for another kiss. Until, Paps walks out of the kitchen with a few plates of spaghetti. He places one in front of you, and one in front of Sans. He then places one in front of himself and one next to him.

"Uh...Paps... why did you make 4 plates when there are clearly only 3 of us." 

"OH YEAH! I ALMOST FORGOT TO TELL YOU! I INVITED METTATON OVER TO EAT WITH US!" you could almost see the non existent color drain from Sans, although he had a plastered smile on his face, you could tell that if he could frown he would.

"That'" Sans tried his best to act as if this didn't bother him, but based on the way he was spacing out his words and the fact that he couldn't finish his sentence, any person with some decent common sense could tell that this was all an act.

"THANK YOU BROTHER! THAT MEANS A LOT COMING FROM YOU! I WILL ALSO BE GOING TO UNDYNE'S FOR ANOTHER LESSON!" You remember Paps saying something about training and cooking lessons, but you didn't think that it was Undyne who was teaching him.

"Hey Paps... Mind if I tag along? I kinda wanna see what you do when you go to train. If that's OK that is..." You look down, you had this feeling that he was going to reject, after all you've only been here for 10 days, and you aren't even really friends with Undyne, you kinda just agreed that she wouldn't kill you if you don't hurt Pap or anyone else for that matter.

"I WOULD NEED TO ASK UNDYNE, BUT I WOULDN'T MIND IF YOU TAGGED ALONG! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WOULD ACTUALLY LOVE FOR YOU TO HELP UNDYNE AND I WITH COOKING." After a quick phone call and a little convincing on Papyrus's part, you were on our way to Undyne's. Sans had decided to join you later since he was, "Busy Being Lazy" in his words. The walk to Undyne's house wasn't far. It is located in Waterfall which in of itself is right next to Snowdin. Once arriving you look around, it's not like you haven't been in waterfall before, but where you are now just seems... Different? You can obviously tell that this place has been inhabited for generations. and after looking at Undyne's house, which was just an 'angry' fish, you think that you have seen everything. Paps goes up and knocks on the door, he would have rang the doorbell except for the fact that it was broken, by from a story that Paps told you, was because of some "Master spaghetti making", after which you made a mental note to try and teach them more food to cook, and to cook it better. After a few seconds of waiting the door was opened and you were greeted by Undyne, this time much more calm, as opposed to when you first met her, you shake off that thought and walk inside. Paps and Undyne are in a deep conversation about how to properly mash tomatoes, while you stood in the back observing the inside. To the right of you was a small table, with a cup on it, you assumed that it was Undyne's cup. You then look to the left and notice a window that was boarded up. 

"Hey guys... Why is that window boarded up?"

"I can answer that one! It was this Bonehead here, when I first met the human Frisk, I will admit it started of similar to how I met you. So one day Paps brings the human over to my house, saying that she had brought a gift." She leans down and whispers in your ear, "It was the same gift that he always gave me, this time he just had Frisk give it to me." she stands upright again and continues the story. "So anyway, I went to go put the gift away and when I came back Papy here said that he had to go to the bathroom and proceeded to jump out of the window, leaving Frisk and I alone. Till this day, I haven't had time to fix it, or ask someone to fix it." Undyne gives you a toothy grin, almost like saying 'It sucked at the time but now that I think about it, it was actually pretty funny'. "Enough of this chit-chat LET'S GET TO COOKIN'" Undyne walks over and grabs a few pots and pans, as well as a bunch of ingredients, some of which you know for a fact shouldn't go into any type of Spaghetti let alone food. You didn't know whether to be scared of what was about to happen or intrigued.  Undyne placed the tomatoes on the counter top and began to mash them with her fists, pieces of tomato fly everywhere. No wonder why Paps does this. 

"Hey guys... I have an idea if your interested." You say, you wanted them to have fun cooking but at the same time, you wanted the food to be edible. "Do you guys have any chicken, butter, cheese, ect." Undyne shakes her head 'no' which doesn't surprise you, they do live in the underground, and on top of that Undyne looks like the type of person who would think that shopping was a sport.  "Well then I guess were just gonna have to go to the store, Do you guys even have chicken down here?" 

"Well I wouldn't call it "chicken" but it tastes similar." Undyne grabs her spear and pulls me out the door. "Come on, lets just get there already, I wanna be able to see what your idea is!" You nearly fall over by the sheer force of her pull. But regained your balance almost immediately. You two walk to the nearest store, which just happen to be part of some large mall, you couldn't see the front of it, but you had a feeling you know whose it was. The three of you walk in and you almost instantly notice how small the store is, and how little food well ingredients there were. You kinda felt bad for them, it's no surprise why paps constantly made spaghetti. You three wander the store for what seemed like hours, Undyne tried to fight a can of 'olives' and Paps was stocking up on some more pasta noodles. You had tried to find all of the ingredients necessary to create your dish, but it was nearly impossible with how little food there was down here. You grab some 'butter' and 'cheese' they resembled actual ingredients, next was the chicken, Undyne had told you that they didn't have chicken but they did have some meats that were similar. You walk over to the opposite side of the store where all the meats are, you grab a few that look like chicken and make your way to the counter, Undyne and Paps following. After all of the items were rung up, you grabbed the bag and were about to leave when you forgot that you had to pay, and you had absolutely no money. "Just put it on my bill" Undyne says from behind me, it's kind of surprising how quickly she has changed. She went from completely hating you to now paying for groceries. The three of you make your way back to Undyne's place and as soon as you could, ran to the kitchen, organizing everything that you had bought.

"Do you guys know anything about Chicken Alfredo?"

~~Time Skip Brought to you by Broken Window~~

You had finished the dish, with a little help from both Paps and Undyne, along the way teaching them how to cook without making a huge mess. You serve the plates in front of everyone and watch as they take a bite, this was the first time that you had made this recipe, you had learned it from your grandma back on the surface. But had never had the chance to actually test it for yourself. After a few seconds of Silence and a few tastes of the 'new' food. They both gave you a thumbs up, meaning that it was very good. 

"HEY Y/N, YOU SHOULD REALLY TEACH US MORE OF THIS HUMAN COOKING! IT'S QUITE DELICIOUS" Paps says to you, his mouth half full. You couldn't help but wonder where all of the food went when Paps and Sans ate, but you decided that right now you wouldn't question it. After eating you pick up the plates and walk over to the sink, you begin to wash the plates until Undyne pulls you outside.

"Forget about those plates right now, I heard that you want to be able to control your soul and build up your strength, Lucky for you, I am a Royal Guard, you better be prepared, Y/N cause I don't go easy after the first day." Undyne Continues to pull you into a clearing of the waterfall, Paps eagerly follows behind, excited to see what was about to go down. While you on the other hand, tried your best to contain your fear.

Here we go again.

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