Skeppe and Dream have kiss

By FedUpWriter

445 15 21

A story of love and betrayal between Dream Team and Muffin Trio featuring Spifey and TapL More

Skeppy and dream have kiss

445 15 21
By FedUpWriter

Skeppy was room with Dream in Texas. Skeppy had a son with Spifey who he payed child support for. Dream loved Spifey Skeppy son like his won. They played catch and catched baseballs together sometimes.
Dream and Skeppy and were married which made BadBoyHalo very jealous of Skeppy. BadBoyHalo liked Skeppy so he was Jealous because Dream and Skeppy were married.
BadBoyHalo was jeolous of Spofey too but not as much as Dream because Spifey and Skeppy had a son together which wasnt as bad as being married.
They all lived together in a house they lived together in. it was sometimes crowded since the crib took up two whole rooms but tahts just how babys work.
Spifey amd Skeppy lived in the same house so they could raise Spifey Skeppy son together. Dream lived with Skeppy because thwy were married since 2007. BadBoyHalo lived there too since he could make sure there was no funny business because he had a crush on Skeppy and was Jealous of Dream because he was Married to Skeppy.
George was also Jealous of Skeppy because he had w large gay crush on Dream as too. George also lived in the house in the same room as BadBoyHalo so they could work together to make sure Skeppy and Dream didnt act like married.
One day the House decided to have a barbeque with another couple down the street. That couple was A6d and Sapnap. They also had a son baguette. Skeppy and Spifey let Spifey Skeppy son play with little baguette while the adults talked about minecraft.
"did you see that 1.16 nether update Sapnap?" Dream asked inquisitively.
"yah dude it was like a month ago and we've literally played on it multiple times." Sapnap responded a little confused.
"Yah" Dream said.
as the night went on all the adults started getting a little tipsey from drinking carona. so much so that TapL (youtuber) came to the barbeque to drink too. Spifey and TapL started talking about beaver apples.
good BadBoyHalo thought. One of my romantic rivals is being bewitched by the apple. Now to just get Skeppy alone.
BadBoyHalo BadBoyHalo liked Skeppy so he was jealous because Dream and Skeppy were married. BadBoyHalo went over to George.
"GeorgeNotFound!" he said quietely.
"What?" George said, also quietly.
"Now is our chance, you go talk to Dream and I will talk to Skeppy. We will put or plan into action" BadBoyHalo said quietly.
"Oh good, i will go!" George said still quietly.
George walked over to Dream and Skeppy. they were chatting about their combined youtube channel Dreppy. and their combined side channels Drep, Skream, Skeam, Drippy, and SkepDream. Bad was always jealous of their channels because he had a crush on Skeppy and did not have any YouTube channels with him like Dream and Spifey did.
George talked
"Hi dream!" George said, nit queite this time.
"Oh Hi Georgenotfound! What's up?" Dream asked
"Oh i wanted to talk to you, will you come walk with me?" George asked politely.
"Sure George! I will go walk and talk with you right now" Dream said as he got up. He kissed Skeppy's cheek lightly before he left and went off to walk with Georgy.
The kiss lit aggressive fires in both George and BadBoyHalo. their blood boiled watching such a blatant example of affection.
BadBoyHalo walked over to Skeppy, reminding himself to breathe and stay calm. Not to wear his heart on his sleeve. He was filled to the brim with jealousy but still remained calm.
"Hey Skeppy!" BadBoyHalo Siad
"Oh Hi BadBoyHalo what is up?" Skeppy Said
"Skeppy im gonna be completely honest with you." BadBoyHalo started.
Skeppy didnt know where this conversation was going.
"Skeppy, I have a huge crush on you. I am in Love with you Skeppy. Ive been so jealous of Spifey and Dream this whole time and you never knew. I want to be your boyfriend with you, and raise Spifey Skeppy son with you forever. I want to grow old with you, and play minecraft with you forever. oh please Skeppy, I love you with all my heart." BadBoyHalo says.
Skeppy is shocked "i- I am shocked BadBoyHalo, I didnt see this coming at all! But BadBoyHalo I also love you! I want to marry you and be boyfriends with you forever and ever and never divorce."
Dream spun around from his conversation with Geprge shocked "BUT Skeppy! I thought you loved me!"
Skeppy stuttered, now confused. He loved both Dream amd BadBoyHalo.
"It's alright Skeppy, save your words! i Understand, because i am also in love with GeorgeNotFound!" Dream Said, the room gasped in shock. Except A6d, who is french and has no emotions.
"Dream! I love you too!" George said happily.
They all lived happily ever after, Skeppy and Dream divorced, though they will always love eachother they do not love eachother as much as they love their new partners so its okay. BadBoyHalo and Skeppy got married and so did Dream and GeorgeNotFound.
BadBoyHalo learned to be a good father figure to Spifey Skeppy son and Dream continued to play catch with Spifey Skeppy son despite bot being related anymore.
The end?

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