★ i wanna be the best ★ pokém...

By its0bsessi0n

987 22 31

hello!! I hope you enjoy my stories, it's been a while since I've wrote anything. I've been watching tons of... More

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☉ " what a shocker, " ☉ Ash Ketchum x Raichu! Female! Reader x Ash's Pikachu
⏳new friend⏳ Young! Gladion x Young! Experiment! Reader
🛡️ protection 🛡️ Team Skull x Child! Reader
💦 obedience training💦 Gladion x Female! Reader [Smut] [Extremely Detailed]

☯ "so what ?"☯ - Sayori Suzui x Gary Oak

101 3 3
By its0bsessi0n

“I can't believe you two losers actually LIKE to travel through the forest,”

                  Gary Oak groaned out, dragging his feet along the dirt path as the trio continued on their journey to become a Pokémon Master. Well - only one of them wanted to become a Pokémon Master, and that was the boy in the purple shirt. There were two other people - Kunio and Sayori.

                   Sayori was shorter than Gary by a few inches. She had brown, curly hair and baby blue eyes. On her head was a smaller than normal Drowzee with a pink flower crown, snoozing away on the girl's fluffy cushion of a hairdo. She was back by a few feet from the other two, and was trying to keep up. The girl was a bit more chubby than your run-of-the-mill Trainer, and she wasn't quite what you would deem normal either. She only stayed silent as her more lean and intimidating brother spoke back to Gary.

                    “Well perhaps if you would take a stroll in nature for once instead of riding around in that car of yours, you'd learn to enjoy it a bit,” he had said, looking back while his grey-blue eyes narrowed at the shorter and younger male. Gary only rolled his eyes, grumbling, “At least I actually can ride in a car-” with lightening fast speed, a bright light came from Kunio's belt and a pokémon was now standing beside the male with an angered expression. Kunio had grabbed Gary's collar and lifted him up.

                    “Genga-gengar,” the ghost type pokémon hissed out, looking up at Gary with a rare frown. “Guys! The forest is no place to fight, please...” Sayori hurried forward, her eyes glowing in the slightest as a blue glow surrounded Kunio's hands to loosen his grip. The psychic type pokémon on her head was using it's psychic powers to make the males back away from each other so another fight wouldn't break out. “Yeah, well, he started it! I can't believe you let this pathetic excuse of a trainer come with us," Kunio hissed, breaking free of the psychic restraints and crossing his arms over his chest with a scowl.

                    “Hg- Well, I don't need to be with you guys! I’m perfectly fine finding my way on my own!” Gary balled his fists up, stomping away and in the opposite direction the trio had been originally heading. “You're going the wrong way, idiot!” Kunio cupped his mouth and shouted. A red-faced Gary stomped past the two siblings, now heading in the correct direction. Sayori's eyebrows furrowed a bit.

                    “Drow...?” Alison, the Drowzee, had tilted her head and looked on and the retreating figure of Oak. “Drowzee!” the small pokémon tumbled to the ground before starting to stumble after the boy from Pallet. “Alison, no.” Kunio said sharply, his Gengar picking the smaller pokémon up and held her as she squirmed.

                    “You know he'll get lost out there,” Sayori said quietly, looking at her brother in a side glance. “So why don't you go after him? Since you wanna take his side so badly, just go!” Sayori flinched at the yelling, seeing her brother stomp in the opposite direction and into the woods. Gengar gave an apologetic look to Sayori and put Alison down, now floating after it's trainer.

                    Now Sayori was alone with her Drowzee. The girl was torn between two people. One knew their way around the forest and the other would surely be lost by nightfall. Both were angry and were sure to yell at her at least once. Kunio and Gary didn't quite get along, but this was the first time they separated like this. Sayori looked between the direction the two went in before running after the boy with the necklace and attitude while Alison stumbled behind.

                    It wasn't long until she found the boy looking around and confused, as the path had began to fork. “H-hey, Gary-" Sayori had started, out of breath as she stumbled to a stop. The male looked back, with a slightly surprised expression before it turned back into his normal one. “Oh, ’sup loser,” he hummed, crossing his arms as he looked around. After Sayori caught her breath, she said, “The path to the left leads to a clearing with a stream. It's good to camp out in if you would want to do that and head back into town in the morning. It's starting to get dark anyway,"

                    He made a ‘hm’ sound before looking up at they sky, seeing the diminishing blues and purples of the afternoon atmosphere. “Fine. I guess we can camp out tonight. Well, let's go.”


                  A fire blazed to life in the middle of their campsite. All of her pokémon were out and playing while Sayori cooked food over the campfire for everyone. Gary was busy setting his pallet up on the ground - they had no tents or sleeping bags, but they were still comfortable. Kunio was the one who carried the sleeping bags, and he wasn't here. “So... Your brother really doesn't like me, the fabulous Gary Oak?” with his hands balled up and placed on his hips, he looked to the girl at the fire. “He just hasn't gotten to know you yet. Uh, he hasn't gotten used to knowing you yet. He'll probably come back and apologize before morning,” she responded, looking over. “Oh,” was the trainer's simple response.

                    Gary's pokémon were out and sitting by themselves, not wanting to interact with the oh so weak psychic pokémon of Sayori. Nidoking glanced over as a Vulpix trotted over and sat down. It's coat was beautiful and well groomed, you could tell. “Nido...” it grumbled, looking away. Vulpix's cheeks puffed out and it growled, forming a flame at it's open mouth. “Pixie, don't burn Nidoking please.” Sayori said to her pokémon, which simply huffed and trotted off. “We have a bit of a problem,” Gary said, looking over at Sayori.

                    “What is it?” the girl responded softly, beginning to put soup in bowls for everyone.

                    “I think Kunio had the other things to make pallets with.”

                    A moment of silence.

                    For Sayori knew this trope.

                    One bed with two people.

                    She's seen it in books before.

                    “Sayori?” Gary waved his hand in front of her face, causing her to snap out of her internal panic.

                    “A-ah, sorry. I spaced out for a bit. I can sleep on the ground so you don't have to-”

                    “Nope! Not even a loser like you should sleep on the dirty . . . dirt. The bed's big enough for both of us, so we can just share.”

                    Now that was a tad uncharacteristic. She looked at his face and swore she could see the faintest of blush, but she dismissed it as the fire's orange glow making it look like that.


                    He also looked bashful.

                    Sayori studied him for a few more moments. Maybe he was sick? Had a fever? In the time she's known the male, he had never offered something like this. “. . . okay, if you say so,” she had mumbled, giving him the bowl of soup and a spoon from her bag. He stepped away to sit at the edge of the makeshift pallet, watching as she distributed bowls among the pokémon as well.

                    Vulpix ended up sleeping curled up on Nidoking's chest as it laid down. Mankey, another of of Sayori's pokémom, was sitting next to Arcanine and leaning on it. Alison stumbled over to it's trainer and made a childish and universal motion of ‘pick me up’, to which the trainer obliged and did so. Wynaut and Abra rested near Arcanine as well. Sayori glanced around as she searched the surrounding forest for even a sign of her brother. Gary was looking up at the stars with his hands behind his head, not really used to the silence.

                    Well, it wasn't like his adoring and loving fangirls would go into the oh so dark and terrifying forest. He was always used to them whispering and giggling with him nearby. Not in hotel rooms, of course, as the magnificent Gary needed his own privacy. Even then he was used to the sound of a tv, and not the crackling fire and snoozing pokémon.

                    Sayori had laid down after walking around the camp, glancing into the forest, and making sure everyone was content. Gary's eyes flickered over to her and the drowzee as she shifted away from him and onto her side, taking Alison's flower crown off and putting it on her bag. The psychic pokémon was pouting a bit as the crown was taken, but fell asleep soon after. “You. . . You think Kunio's gonna be alright?” he said after a bit, to break what was silence to him.

                    “Yeah. He's my brother, I know he'll be fine. He'd probably kill both of us if he knew we were sharing a pallet, though. Hopefully metaphorically.” the last part was meant to be a joke, and Gary seemingly picked up on it as he chuckled a bit. “Next time we stop to sleep, we better get a hotel room or at least a tent,”

                    “Agreed,” she said, looking over at the male as the two smiled. One more unnoticeable.

                    As the night went on and the two slept, Sayori had awoken to something. She felt a warmth on her back as she was still on her side and something being thrown over her. Her face flushed red as she realized that the male beside her was the cause.

                    “Gary. . ?” she said softly, to see if he was awake, only to not get a response. So he was sleeping. Sighing a bit, she shifted her body to face him, and saw his eyes snap shut the moment she did. Well, she thought she saw it. Probably just her imagination, as there was no way he'd do this if he was aware and awake, right?

                    She saw him open an eye just a bit and snap it shut once he saw she was staring at him and waiting for that exact movement. To save him the embarrassment, she just shifted closer to him and leaned her head on his chest instead of just calling him out.

                    The night was peaceful after that. The morning not so much.


Looks like Kunio is back.



a / n: Sorry if Gary's a bit out of character, I'm not used to writing as him and haven't seen a whole lot of him in the anime??
Also, Sayori is my oc, and Kunio is her sibling. So both OCs??

question from me to you: How can I improve my writing? Also, who is your favorite character from the indigo league? Honestly, mine is Misty's Psyduck lol.


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