Flashing Lights

By Amanda_668

14.9K 1.1K 2.4K

Twenty-six year old Millie has it all planned out. Career now, love later. She's young, ambitious and alway... More

1 - Don't flatter yourself
2 - Whatcha think
3 - Millie speaking
4 - Nothing I can't handle
5 - Real life fairy tale
6 - Looks like you are going out
7 - You probably broke his nose
8 - Your mess to clean
9 - It's not a date
10 - Like a kid in a candy store
11 - Something stupid
12 - Some random tourist stuff
14 - Stop talking already
15 - No Kimmy
16 - Nice try
17 - A grumpy B
18 - Please do
19 - Breathe
20 - Show me
21 - Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
22 - Thought I told you
23 - What kind of wig
24 - Data check
25 - How
26 - Two of you
27 - Sounded like snoring
28 - You
29 - Did you miss me
30 - Na-ah
31 - Nice to meet you

13 - Nice stain

441 41 74
By Amanda_668

Working closely with Hunter again came easier than I had thought it would. There was no weird tension between us, and we hadn't talked about our day spent together. It was like it never happened. 

We both fell back in our little routines.
He was his playful and charming pop star-self, always late for everything.
I was the ever professional - and often annoyed for messing up my schedule - assistant.

I'm not going to lie, my thoughts often wandered back to that day in Denver, now four days ago. 
But Hunter clearly hasn't given it another thought and I really shouldn't either. I think I just missed hanging out with someone. I shake my head, trying to stop my thoughts, trying to stop overthinking everything. 

In a strange turn of events, Hunter even got back together with Kimmy. He didn't exactly explain it, but said she had kept calling him the days after and when he finally picked up they had worked things out.

Good for them. Right? 

Not that I had missed having her around. She's always so...present.

Like she could read my thoughts, I hear her screechy voice calling me.
"Millieeee? Milliieeee, darling?" she screams. I wave my hand at her, "Right here," and give her a small smile.

There is no way she didn't see me, she just wanted everyone to notice her coming into the room.

"Hunter told me you were arranging everything for the VMA's. Could you please make sure that they also get my requests for camera shots? I only want them to film me from the left, it's my best side."

Really? Did she really just ask me this? Every side of her is her "best side", she's a goddamn super model. Why is she even asking me, she has her own entourage. She has her own PA, I've seen her.

"Yeah sure, but isn't your own PA already handling this for you?" I ask. She nods, while slurping her strawberry lemonade. "Yes, but I really need them to get the message. Besides, I'm pretty sure Hunter is going to win an award so they will be filming our reactions. When his assistant makes the request as well, there is a bigger chance they will actually do it." She shrugs.

I can't believe she is only thinking about how she will be pictured when he wins an award. The first one he will win on his own, with his own music. The music he spent hours and hours of writing on. He told me how he put his heart and soul in this album. If he told me, he must have told her too.

I give her my best fake smile while nodding my head. "Sure Kimmy, I will be sure to mention it." She claps her hands in excitement. "Hunter is right, you really are the best." And with that, she walks back out of the room.

Jesus, this is ridiculous...she even walks out of a room like she is walking on a catwalk.

I sigh when I spot the coffee stain on my white shirt and burry my head between my hands. Great, like I wasn't already feeling self-conscious enough after perfect Kimmy passed by.

"What's wrong gorgeous?"

I snap my head up, looking at Paul coming towards me. I can't help but smile. We've only  known each other for a couple of weeks now, but I've felt comfortable with him from the start. He's so easy going.

"Ooooh nothing," I sigh "Just feeling sorry for myself." I smile while gesturing towards the stain.

"Aaah, that's nothing. I wouldn't have noticed." He says without trying to hide his smile. It's clear he would have, only a blind person wouldn't see that dark stain on my white top.

"It's a good thing the day's almost over." I check my watch while saying so.

"Okay, 15 minutes before Hunter needs to get on stage. I better go get him, make sure he gets on that stage on time."

"Yeah, I better go get ready too. Being the sound technician and all..."

"Don't make me bust your ass as well." I laugh and give him a quick hug goodbye.

I knock on Hunter's dressing room door twice, but I don't get an answer. Maybe he's already by the stage? I knock a third time to be sure, and still don't get an answer. I decide to open the door, I really need to be sure he isn't in here anymore. When I open the door I see him with Kimmy on his lap. They aren't just kissing, she is practically dry-humping him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to...interrupt." I step back out of the room and slam the door behind me.

Shit. I didn't want to see that. I lean against the door to compose myself. Naturally, the door opens again and I stumble right into Hunter's arms.

This definitely isn't my day.

I look up, straight into his eyes. Did they get even more beautiful overnight? Pretty sure I'm not supposed to think these things as his PA. 

"I'm really sorry Millie, I didn't want you to see that." he stammers while rubbing his neck. Why would he be sorry, he has nothing to apologize for. Not really. He can do whatever he wants in his dressing room with his girlfriend.

"No, I'm the one who needs to apologize. In my defense, I did knock the door...three times." I say while remembering why I came here in the first place.

"Are you ready? You've got 10 minutes before you need to be up on that stage." I say in a harsher tone than I had intended.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Just let me grab my jacket." 

To my surprise, he's back out within 15 seconds. Maybe I need to use that tone more often in the future.

The black leather jacket really suits his washed out black jeans and white t-shirt.

Ugh...I liked it better when I didn't pay attention to the way he looked or dressed.

We walk towards the stage in silence. Neither of us wanting to talk about what just happened. 

When we finally arrive at the stage - the normal quick walk seemed to last a lifetime just now - I check my watch again, 5 minutes. I inform everyone over my radio that he is at the stage and the intro video starts playing on the big screens next to the stage. I can't help but feel excited, maybe a little proud even that I got him here just in time again. So far, he never started the show even a minute late.

Just as every night, the crowd starts screaming when they see his face appear on the big video screens. The sounds still gives me goosebumps.

I look at Hunter, who is still standing beside me. He has the biggest grin plastered on his face. Not a nervous bone in his body. He really is born for this. He catches me looking at him and I see a frown appear on his face.

"Something wrong? Did you forget something? I can run back to your dressing room if you want me to..." I ask nervously.
I know that I still have 50 seconds before the video ends - if I run, I can make it back in time. I quickly check if he has his microphone and in ear monitors and sigh with relief when I see he has them on him.

"Nothing wrong, I was just thinking about what a shame it was that couple showed up the other day when they did..." He says while putting a stray lock of hair that managed to escape from my ponytail behind my ear.


What is he doing? 30 seconds before he needs to get up on that stage?
He doesn't mention it for four days, acts like it never happened and now this? I mean...he was making out with Kimmy 10 minutes ago... 

The band begins to play the notes for his opening song, his cue to go on stage.

"Nice stain by the way..." he smiles, winks at me and runs on stage.

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