π–žπ–”π–šπ–— 𝖆 π–˜π–•π–Šπ–ˆπ–Žπ–†π–‘ 𝖔...

By camerontheboycee

6.2K 128 28

stories about descendants:) {mainly carlos loving you forever cam 🀍 highest rankings: #1- brennadamico #44... More

π–žπ–”π–šπ–— 𝖆 π–˜π–•π–Šπ–ˆπ–Žπ–†π–‘ π–”π–“π–Š
rotten roots of the isle {chapter 1
rotten roots of the isle {chapter 3
rotten roots of the isle {chapter 4
rotten roots of the isle {final chapter
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›•
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter one
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter two
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter three
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter four
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter five
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter six
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter seven
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter eight
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter nine
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {chapter ten
α₯΄α₯…κͺŠκ«€κͺΆκͺΆκͺ–'ᦓ α₯‡κͺ–α₯΄α›• {final chapter
ΚŸα΄κœ±α΄› α΄€Ι΄α΄… κœ°α΄α΄œΙ΄α΄…
ΚŸα΄κœ±α΄› α΄€Ι΄α΄… κœ°α΄α΄œΙ΄α΄… (chapter one
ΚŸα΄κœ±α΄› α΄€Ι΄α΄… κœ°α΄α΄œΙ΄α΄… {chapter two
ΚŸα΄κœ±α΄› α΄€Ι΄α΄… κœ°α΄α΄œΙ΄α΄… {chapter three
LOST AND FOUND {chapter four
LOST AND FOUND {chapter five

rotten roots of the isle {chapter 2

367 5 0
By camerontheboycee

Mal and Evie let out a huge sigh as they both pushed open the doors to the ratty house, slowly looking around as they hear noises come from every nook and cranny.
"it's really weird to be back here." Evie mumbled as she looked at Mal, with softness filling her eyes.

"yeah I know." she replied, as she hears footsteps coming down the stairs and hearing two voices bickering.

"give me back my mirror, Queen!" Maleficent shouted as the Evil Queen held her dress up with one hand to walk down the stairs and held a mirror in the other.

"no no no I'm trying to apply my lipstick!" she said as she let go of her dress to look in the mirror and apply dabs of red matte lipstick to her lips, in the process trying to run away from Maleficent.

"mom?" Evie mumbled quietly, with a sad smile on her face as she took a step closer to the two villains.

"Evie? EVIE! my little evilette!" she exclaimed as she threw the mirror out of her hand and dropped it on the floor in shock, letting the mirror crack as she was obviously ecstatic to see Evie, after a long year.

"that was my only mirror!" Maleficent growled, bending over to pick up the shattered pieces
"eh, I can make it work." she mumbled to herself as she picked up the broken pieces and looked up to see Evie and Mal standing there.

"mommy!" Evie exclaimed and ran into her mothers arms, squeezing her tightly and then pulling away.

"I missed you so much! my little evilette." she squealed and pinched her cheeks
"you still need to sort the unibrow out" she mumbled as she picked a single eyebrow hair from Evie's face, Evie just chuckled awkwardly and looked down, while she was dressed beautifully in her gown.

"mal." Maleficent raised her voice as she said this, dropping the shattered pieces of the mirror on the floor and making her way down the stairs, catching her horns on the roof
"ah, the horns! the horns!" she exclaimed as she ducked under so she could fit and walked over to Mal, crossing her arms.

"still dancing and prancing around in your fancy ball gown with your pretty prince? or have you come back to help me?" she raised an eyebrow down at Mal.

"nice to see you too, mom." Mal sighed as she folded her arms and looked into Maleficent's eyes.
"learned to love me yet? as I see your no longer a lizard." she sarcastically laughed to herself.

Maleficent growled and turned away, the cape on her dress swishing behind her as she walked away from Mal, with a staff in her hand.
"you know I always loved you."


Jay was holding himself back against a wall, as Jafar got closer to him.
"son, you had one job." he held the staff up to Jay's throat, trying to scare him.

Jay just laughed "you don't scare me dad"

all Jay wanted was to come to see his father and hope everything blew over, but instead it was worse. he didn't want anything to happen as the four had already dealt with too much. Jay grabbed the staff and shoved it away from his throat with all the strength he had and it flew out of Jafar's hand, Jafar going with it.

"I came here to visit you, dad. But instead this is what you want to do to your son? this is your fault that any of this even happened. so don't you dare try and hurt me, ever again." Jay snapped as he stood above his father who was on the ground, looking up at him with fear in his eyes.

Jay picked up Jafar's staff and snapped it over his knee, throwing the two halves to the ground next to Jafar and bent down to get in his face.

"and don't ever think about coming to visit me, because I never ever want to see you again." he mumbled harshly with anger in his voice, Jay got up and stormed out of his fathers shop, slamming the door hard behind him as he went to find Carlos.
Carlos eventually had managed to drag himself up and catch his breath after a long and painful twenty minutes. His mother was stood watching him from a distance, as watching him struggle gave her enjoyment, of course she had already snatched dude and hid him so she would make it impossible for Carlos to find him, she knew what made Carlos weak, so she knew exactly how to hurt him.

"mom, please just give me the dog." he almost cried, as dude was his best friend and he loved him, with his whole heart. Carlos just sat against a dead tree, trying to find the strength to get up and confront his mum, which he eventually did. He climbed up and walked over to her, with all the confidence he had.

"give me the dog." he clenched his fists by his sides, as he rarely got angry but when he did, he wasn't one to mess with.

Cruella cackled evilly and grabbed his shoulders, with all the strength she had she squeezed them. Cruella bent down to Carlos' height and looked him dead in the eyes.

"I've waited years for this, after those stupid rats escaped me. I said I would get my revenge, and now I'm getting it on you." she squeezed Carlos' shoulder so hard he tried to pull away from her but she held on as tight as her hands would let her

"let go of me!" he screamed and eventually pulled away from her, as he felt a pain run up his arm and he felt a tear run down his cheek.

"stupid boy." she smirked at herself, her Afro like hair falling in front of her face before she for the final time, grabbed Carlos tightly by the throat and heavily shoved him to the ground into a pile of rusty buckets and tin cans, Carlos hitting his head against the ground.

"the dog is mine." she hissed and brushed her puffy hair out of her face before she turned around, and walked off. her high heeled boots clicking against the ground loudly.

Carlos laid there, he just laid there in absolute shock and pain. He was never one to cry, he was always the most bravest and softest boy there was but for once, a waterfall of tears ran and ran down his face. Unable to wipe them off with his left arm as he was almost definite he had either broken or dislocated his shoulder, and his head pounded heavily when he heard a calling in the distance.

"Carlos!" shouted a deep, manly voice. very recognisable as there was a figure walking closer and closer to him.

"Carlosssss?" Jay sung as he went looking for his buddy, soon hearing a loud clash of buckets and cans until he looked over to a corner to see the white-haired boy, crying?

Jay immediately sprinted over and bent down in front of him, completely shocked with no words when he saw the state Carlos was in.
"dude dude what happened?" he brushed a piece of hair out of his face and looked down at the poor boy.

Carlos couldn't make out who the figure was as his head was pounding so bad but he recognised the voice
"m-my mom. Jay, I'm fine. honestly I'm fine." he mumbled and grabbed onto his arm, trying to climb his way up.

Jay immediately pulled Carlos' arm away and laid him back down
"your not going anywhere, we need help. I'll call Mal, now." Jay was never scared and was always prepared for anything but this, was something he would have never expected. Even from Cruella.


Mal and Evie were sat down with their mothers, as Evie was talking to her mom about how amazing Auradon was and how her mom would have to come visit, the Evil Queen was of course, evil- but she was nowhere near as bad as people thought. she definitely wasn't one to ruin an entire Kingdom, unlike Maleficent.

"so I've got a boyfriend." Evie softly giggled, brushing her blue hair out of her face.

"ooh Evie! is he a nice prince with a bigggg castle? And lots and lots of mirrors?" she smiled widely as she squeezed Evie's hands and got her hopes up rather quick.

"actually mom-no, it's Dopey's son...Doug?" Evie muttered under her breath as she knew her mother definitely wouldn't be impressed.

"as in-Snow White's Dopey? the little Dwarf?" she pulled her hands away from Evie's and raised her eyebrows in disgust.

"yes mom, but he makes me so happy, and I have a little starter castle I bought." she smiled widely, knowing her mom would be somewhat impressed.

Evil Queen sighed and looked down at Evie
"well, whatever makes you happy." she sighed and gave Evie a sad smile.
Mal and her mom had an extremely awkward tension between them, each of them darting questions to the other.

"so Mal, how is it being Queen." Maleficent said bluntly, while awkwardly glaring at Mal.

"yeah I mean, it's g-good. im happy, Ben makes me happy and that's all that matters I guess." She laughed awkwardly and cleared her throat.

"and I could've had that Kingdom to myself-" Maleficent started before she heard a phone ringing, Evie quickly looked at her phone, to check if it was her's and then glanced at Mal who took her phone from the pocket on her dress and saw it was Jay, instantly realising something was wrong.

Mal listened to Jay in utter shock, expressions constantly changing on her face until she put the phone down in shock and looked at Evie.

"E, we gotta go. It's Carlos, he's hurt. really hurt." she said as fast as she could and quickly jolted out of her seat and grabbed her phone, looking at her mom before leaving.
"I-I'll miss you." she said softly, but nervously.

Maleficent was shocked at the words but looked at Mal and gave her a devilish, but meaningful smile.
"I'll miss you too." she said as quiet as possible, but Mal knew she meant it and gave her a sad smile before quickly exiting the premises.

Evie was already in a panic about Carlos but looked back sadly at her mother who was obviously upset to see Evie go, especially so soon.
"come to visit soon, please Mom." she gave her a soft, warm, Evie-like smile.

"I will Evie, I promise." she gave her a sad smile back as she watched her blue haired daughter exit the doors, chasing after Mal in a hurry.


Carlos was sat up against an old tree while Jay was sat beside him, with his arm wrapped around while Carlos was explaining what happened.

"and then she squeezed my shoulder and I'm sure she dislocated it or something." he grunted as he moved his shoulder in pain, looking down at his feet, which were covered with his fancy black and white boots.

Mal and Evie soon found Carlos and Jay and ran up to the pair, looking at Carlos in shock

"I don't normally cuss-but what the fuck happened?" Evie mumbled under her breath and looked at them in shock, instantly bending down to comfort Carlos and wiping a tear from his cheek.

Carlos looked at Evie with tears in his eyes, his arm looking pretty mangled and his face tear stained. Jay sat next to him feeling bad for the boy.

Mal looked at Evie in shock when she cussed but was too focused on Carlos, she looked down at him and opened her hands "cmon, we gotta get you home, now. I'll call Ben, you two help him." she carefully pulled him up, then handing him over to Jay.

"guys I'm fine, honestly. I'm okay." Carlos looked at the three, all of them looking back in disbelief and he just rolled his eyes in sarcasm.

"when we get back, we're taking you straight to Fairy Godmother." Jay said while he looked at Carlos, helping him walk as they started back across the bridge to Auradon.

Mal and Evie tried to call Ben, he soon picked up and they explained what had happened.

"Ben's waiting on us guys, as is Uma."
Evie looked at the two boys struggling and sighed, then looking over at Mal in disbelief to what had happened.

Carlos' head started feeling heavy as Jay was helping him across the bridge, forgetting he hit his head but forgot about it like it was nothing. The three soon made it through the barrier into Auradon and they all quickly rushed Carlos' to Ben.

Ben was sat in his office, on call to Lumieré discussing ways to secure everyone's safety in Auradon now that the barrier was open, which exposed them to more villains.

Evie quickly burst through the door and dragged Carlos inside, Ben's head jolted up as he saw the state Carlos was in

"h-here, take a seat." Ben quickly ended the call to Lumieré and ushered Carlos to sit down.

Mal crosses her arms and looked at Ben with worry in her eyes, and she just mouthed "Cruella."

Ben nodded, shock filled his eyes but he kept it chill as he didn't want to panic anyone. Evie looked at Mal with nerves as she sat down on a chair, Jay helping Carlos over to sit down.

Carlos stopped for a second and quickly gripped Jay's arm, feeling a little nauseous and strange.

Jay quickly grabbed back onto Carlos and looked at him "you alright bud?" he glanced down at the slightly smaller boy with concern.

"y-yeah I just, yeah I'm good." he slurred and started stirring, grabbing onto Jay's arm tighter.

"Carlos?" Ben exclaimed as he rapidly walked over to support the two, knowing what was coming.

"hey hey sit down-" Evie ushered him as she also rushed over.

"dude-" Carlos mumbled before letting go of Jay's arm and dropping to the ground in a heap,  his arm luckily falling beneath his head and his body curled up, his shoulder still out of place. he laid there, blacked out and pale.

"woah woah woah." Ben bent down next to him "Carlos, Carlos wake up." he shook him a few times, no response.

Evie started to panic and looked at Mal "go get Fairy Godmother."

Mal instantly rushed out and through the corridors, to find Fairy Godmothers office when suddenly Uma broke through the doors.

"woah what the hell happened here?" her eyes darted around until she saw Carlos on the floor, lookin like a french fry

"hey dude, Carlos wake up." she also tried to shake him awake and looked back at Evie
"what the hell do we do?"

Jay and Ben sat beside an unconscious Carlos, his white hair fallen in front of his face and his hurt shoulder laid on the ground, they couldn't shake him awake.

"someone get help!"

{hope y'all liked this chapter 🥺🥺!!

sorry for any typos:)

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