Way of the Wolf: Equilibrium

By Scottish_writer

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The Wulvers Series Book 6 #79 in magic #198 in paranormal "The path I choose will decide my fate; to follow t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Ambitions
Chapter 2 ~Tactics
Chapter 4 ~ Chasing Tail
Chapter 5 ~ Thunder
Chapter 6 ~ Accusations
Chapter 7 ~ Council
Chapter 8 ~ Proposals
Chapter 9 ~ Persuasion
Chapter 10 ~ Apologies and Agreements
Chapter 11 - Running
Chapter 12 ~ Expectations
Chapter 13 ~ The Norse Pack
Chapter 14 ~ First Day Jitters
Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home
Chapter 16 ~ What It Takes
Chapter 17 ~ Dreams
Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time
Chapter 19 ~ Distractions
Chapter 20 ~ Unravelling
Chapter 21 ~ Torn
Chapter 22 ~ The Rules
Chapter 23 ~ Compromise
Chapter 24 ~ Freedom
Chapter 25 ~ Contemplative
Chapter 26 ~ Opportunity
Chapter 27 ~ On Edge
Chapter 28 ~ Defend
Chapter 29 ~ Gaolor
Chapter 30 ~ Key
Chapter 31 ~ Forged Bonds
Chapter 32 ~ The Truth
Chapter 33 ~ A Day's Work
Chapter 34 ~ Past Mistakes
Chapter 35 ~ Formalities
Chapter 36 ~ The New Hierarchy
Chapter 37 ~ Grudges
Chapter 38 ~ To Follow Tradition
Chapter 39 ~ To Break It
Chapter 40 ~ The Beginning

Chapter 3 ~ Guests

1.5K 107 23
By Scottish_writer

Chapter 3: Guests

Stepping out of my bedroom, I was hit by a scent I didn't recognise, and nothing of the pack lingered in it. Smelling of wildflowers and earth, my nose tilted up to greedily inhale more. A male, I could tell that at least. Perhaps my heat wasn't quite over as I found myself breathing in yet again, fighting the urge to find the owner.
If there were strangers in the house, it must have meant Fenna was back. With a shake of my head, I shut my door and headed downstairs.

It was still quite early but I couldn't bear to spend another hour in that room. I'd opened the windows to air it out so it would be nicer to come back to at the end of the day. At least I'd managed to resist the temptation of inviting a male around.

When I went to put on my jacket and shoes to go find Fenna, a blur of wild ginger hair stopped me in my tracks. The jacket was torn from my hand and hung back up even as I protested.

"They arrived late last night with our guests. They probably won't be awake for a while yet," Mum rushed, grabbing my arm before I could think of heading to Maya's. "You can visit her later, let them sleep and help me make breakfast."

Relenting for now, I followed her back into the kitchen then frowned. If they were indeed back, where was everyone else? "Where is the female I'm meant to be sharing with?"

"I explained that you weren't feeling great and I didn't think it best to disturb you. She and her brother slept in the living room. I'll find a spare mattress after breakfast and you can both make up a space for her in your room."

A bonding experience, making space for another wolf. It was no wonder my mother was an Alpha Female, she was clever, sneaky even. She gave me a smile and a wink then nudged me to get to work making breakfast. Any moment now, I was sure Jamie would appear with Maebh, normally the first to to wake up but with guests under our roof, I was sure Mum and Dad had been up long before even I was.

Movement from upstairs told me wolves were beginning to stir though and I chuckled at their timing. Breakfast was almost ready. Piling bacon and egg onto a hot tray, the shuffle of footsteps down the hall announced the first was coming in search of food.

Turning, I expected to see Jamie but jumped at the sight of a strange male filling the doorway. Big blue eyes were almost hidden by a mop of brown hair that had braids and beads threaded through it. His nostrils flared as he took me in, his gaze trailing ever so slowly up the length of me. Whatever he found in my scent made his eyes narrow slightly.

I swallowed and stepped back, my wolf sensing the wild in him. Even though he wasn't as big as most warriors, there was something intimidating about him. Sleek lines of muscle were nearly hidden by the baggy shirt and ragged jeans he wore, and his boots were covered in scuff marks and mud.

"Good morning," Mum chirped from beside me, giving the stranger a smile. "Did you sleep well?"

The male nodded, shifting on his feet. "I did, thank you."

His voice sent a shudder through me. Deep and rough, it grated at my nerves and I fought not to turn away when he took a step into the kitchen.

"Take a seat while you can, I can already hear the others coming. Help yourself to something to drink too!"

He bowed his head and made his way to the table and I watched the awkward way he held himself with curiosity. Who was he?

The screech of a chair being pulled back jolted me back into reality and I spun around to finish dishing out food. Quillan and Oria came in next with the pups that were chattering happily until they spotted the stranger sitting at the table. I tried not to smirk as Jamie puffed up his chest, strutting behind his father. The male's lips twitched slightly, not quite a smile.

Having already resigned myself to the fact I might have to have my breakfast leaning against the counter, I snagged some food for myself before taking the tray to the table. Mum took her place just as Dad walked in and I didn't miss the way the male's head ducked down, shoulders hunching in submission. I frowned at that as I continued to watch. He'd seemed more dominant when he first stepped in.

"Nice to have you with us for breakfast again, Raeghan," Dad said.
I rolled my eyes, my cheeks flushing.

So maybe I normally got up later and most of the time skipped breakfast, much to his chagrin. "Thanks."

As soon as our Alpha started eating, I took that as my cue and jumped up onto the island to eat too. Mum cast me a look but I shrugged. There was no need to point out there wasn't room for me at the table when another two wolves piled into the kitchen. I knew who they were straight away.

Fenna had once joked that Beta Bjarke was a 'bear' but now I knew why. Bigger than even Orin, this male was tall and broad, muscles visible and straining beneath the shirt he wore. It made the skinny blonde female next to him look even smaller.

"Betas," my father greeted, motioning for them to take a seat.

Beta Bjarke's chair creaked under his weight in a way that had me struggling not to laugh. His mate, Freydis, perched awkwardly on hers, shuffling until she was pressed tight to his side. She kept shifting glances at me over her shoulder and I slid off the counter to move somewhere she could see me. I took note of the way she relaxed, and the look of, not pity, understanding on Oria's face. This female had a reason to hate having wolves at her back and I could respect that.

"Freydis and Bjarke have a pup just a few years younger than you, Maebh, maybe you can show him around with Jamie when he wakes up?" Oria suggested cheerfully, glancing up at me. I nodded once, knowing she was asking if I'd be alright babysitting. We could all take a walk to Maya's house and the pups could run off some energy.

The male spoke then in a flurry of words and I didn't understand a single one. The huge Beta straightened up, shaking his head and grumbling, "English, Ebbe."

My gaze flicked back to the male who'd tensed and cast a disgruntled look at the wall before repeating what he'd said in English, "Can I take food through to Gisli. She won't leave the room."

Mum was on her feet immediately to sort a plate for him to take to our guest. I watched with interest. She wouldn't leave the room. Was she shy?

"I'll get her something to drink too," I murmured, more to myself.

Pouring what was left of the orange juice into a glass, I startled when Ebbe swiftly took it from my hands and disappeared into the living room without me. There went one chance at an introduction. I got the distinct feeling this male didn't like me.

"Forgive Ebbe's behaviour. He's still getting used to us, nevermind strangers," Beta Bjarke said, offering me a smile.

Grabbing my plate, I took the seat Ebbe had vacated. "What do you mean?"

"Raeghan, it's none of your-"

"It's alright," the beta interrupted my mum. "Ebbe and his sister were. . .found by my pack a few years ago. They only ever new the wild and pack life has certain restrictions and rules Ebbe is still getting used to, along with having to interact with others."

I chewed slowly as I mulled over that information. It certainly excused his cold demeanour and his sister's hiding. Why did they come if they both struggled so much? Surely it would have been easier to leave them with their pack. The question was on the tip of my tongue but Mum's golden eyes caught mine and she gently shook her head. I wouldn't disobey, especially not in front of our guests.

Conversation started up again but I barely caught a word; something about the twins coming with me and the pups which I mumbled some sort of agreement to. There was something niggling in my thoughts, and I couldn't figure out what. Sitting up straight, I breathed in deeply, taking in Ebbe's lingering scent only to realise I recognised it. My eyes narrowed on nothing in particular. Ebbe had been the one I'd heard outside my door last night. That wild meadow scent had been what piqued my interest.

A sharp piercing cry and Freydis jumping to her feet beside me nearly had me lurching from my own seat in fright. Basjan was awake and screaming one word over and over again.


Dad chuckled. "You think they'll get quieter as they grow up. . .but then they learn to speak."

Something between a choke and scoff flew past my lips and Mum didn't hesitate in whacking her mate's chest. Quillan muttered some sort of agreement which then had Oria glaring at him.

"Males," Freydis muttered, shaking her head at her laughing mate. Her cheeks went red as if she didn't mean for the rest of us to hear, only relaxing when she saw it wasn't taken badly.

"You sit and eat, my love, and your male will fetch our son." He winked as her cheeks went an even deeper shade of red but she sat back down anyway.

These wolves weren't so different from us after all. At least, not this Beta pair. The twins they'd taken with them on the other hand. . .well, I didn't want to make any snap judgements but one seemed to hate the entire world and the other wouldn't come out the living room.

"I'll go get Jamie and Maebh dressed so we can show everyone around," I offered, getting up and putting my plate in the dishwasher.

Jamie grinned, bouncing off his chair to grab my hand. "And we can go see Fenna?"

I nodded and smiled, waiting for Maebh to climb off her father's lap. At least I wouldn't be left alone with the twins, I'd have these little monsters too.

"You trust your pup with me?" I asked Freydis.

She didn't look like she wanted to say yes as her lips pressed into a thin line but something had her back straightening. "I do."

The look in her eyes made me chuckle as I turned to usher the pups upstairs to get dressed. I understood the threat that she left unsaid, but nothing would happen to her pup on my watch.

As usual, getting Jamie and Maebh dressed was tiring but eventually I managed to get them both in shoes without the other taking them off when I turned my back. Leading them downstairs, I smiled at the little toddler that clutched Bjarke's leg. Blond haired and hazel eyed, he didn't look anything like his father, and while I could see his mother in his face, I was left curious.

Crouching down, I smiled at him. "Hello, Basjan. I'm Raeghan, and these two are Maebh and Jamie. We have to wait on Ebbe and Gisli but why don't we wait outside?"

Big hazel eyes peered up at Bjarke and the Beta ruffled his son's hair. "Off you go."

That was all the encouragement he needed. With Jamie taking the lead, the two males bolted out the door while Maebh stayed with her hand in mine, soulful eyes locked onto Basjan.

"We won't be too long," I promised Beta Bjarke.

He smiled and bowed his head slightly. "Thank you. I'll go hurry up the twins for you."

Squeezing Maebh's hand, we stepped outside too. I'd definitely been wrong about Basjan being shy; he happily ran around with wild Jamie, never shying away from little glimpses of fang. Ten minutes passed with no sign of either twin and my patience began to wear a bit thin.

Maebh stood unimpressed beside me too, her fingers curled into a belt loop on my jeans, only it was the two wild males rolling around the grass that she found annoying.

"They're noisy little pests aren't they," I whispered teasingly to her.

She nodded, letting out a soft sigh. Ruffling her hair, I sighed too, turning to look back at the house in irritation. But my glare was caught by blue eyes and a jolt went through my senses. Still no sign of his sister, something like frustration tensed Ebbe's walk, a scowl on his face that made Maebh press closer into my leg.

"No Gisli?" I asked.

"She isn't feeling well," he grunted in reply.

I smiled and shrugged, leading him down the path so we could head to Maya's. "Maybe another time then."

He didn't say anything in reply.
Finally feeling brave enough, Maebh ran ahead with the two males, leaving me alone to walk with Ebbe. I could feel him watching me every now and again but I was doing the same. Despite often meeting wolves from other packs, this felt different. I wanted to see his fur, scent him in that form because I thought it would tell me more about him.

Knowing the awkward silence couldn't drag on forever, I decided to ask, "Is your sister afraid of us?"

"She's wary around strangers. Once she's settled a little, she'll feel better," Ebbe explained.

I hummed, wondering if I'd found a piece of the puzzle that was these twins. "Because you're both submissive?"

"I'm not submissive," he snapped then turned away from me, muttering. "I'm going for a run."

"Wait, you can't just-" But he didn't care. Before I could properly protest, he shifted into his fur and darted into the trees. I stood dumbfounded, mouth still opening and closing. His clothes lay at my feet and I growled, crouching to snatch them up and shove them under my arm.

Maebh giggled as her hand slid into mine and Jamie took up my other side with a cheeky grin. "You look funny Raerae."

"I just lost track of our guest. . .does he often disappear like that?" I asked Basjan.

The little pup shrugged, taking Jamie's hand when Maebh turned up her nose at the offer. "Móðir says he sometimes needs to be by himself. He always comes back, sometimes because Faðir and Móðurbróðir go after him."

"Móðurbróðir?" I queried with a frown.

Basjan's nose scrunched as if he was thinking before he replied. "Orin. My mother's brother."

"Your uncle," I supplied with a smile.

"Uncle," he repeated with a grin, nodding enthusiastically.

I chuckled but my thoughts were still stuck on what the pup had revealed. So Ebbe sometimes had to be hunted down. I just hoped he didn't run into trouble with the patrols. Glancing at where he'd disappeared, I chewed my lip as I debated whether or not to try and find him. After all, I had the feeling it was my guess that he and his sister were both submissive that had run him off; not that there was anything wrong with being an Omega.

Shaking my head, I allowed the little ones to tug me in the direction of Maya's house once more.

Much to Jamie and Maebh's delight, we didn't have to walk all the way. Coming up the path towards us was Orin and Fenna, and all three pups rushed over to say hello. I grinned when it was my turn, throwing myself into Fenna's arms as she pressed her cheek to mine.

"Hey, Raerae," she murmured, squeezing me tight.

"Hey," I replied, pulling back to nod a greeting to Orin.

He smiled, scooping his nephew up into his arms. I wound my arm through Fenna's and kept smiling as we made our way back to the house.

"The twins aren't with you." Fenna noted. "I thought they'd be glad to get out of the house for a while today."

"Gisli wouldn't leave the living room or something. I haven't even net her yet."

"And Ebbe?"

My cheeks heated as I admitted, "I um. . .I lost him."

Orin snorted, an eyebrow lifting as he looked at me. "You lost him?"

"Should I go find him?" I asked nervously, looking down at the clothes I still carried.

"He's a big boy," Fenna said. "If he needs space, it best just to give it to him for now. Pack life can still be overwhelming for him, can't it Basjan?"

The pup nodded. "Faðir gives him times out."

I couldn't help but laugh at the idea of the hulking beta sending poor Ebbe out to the woods to cool down. Still, I had an itch to make sure he was alright. He'd come out of the house with such a scowl on his face, it rivalled even Quillan.

"Ah. . .you like him!" Fenna sang, bumping her hip against mine.

"I don't know him," I sniffed. "He just looked upset. But I'd rather not spend my day running after feral wolves."

Orin gave me a sharp look that had my head bowing straight away. My jaw clenched but it couldn't be helped, Orin was heir to his pack. Dominant and strong, he set my fur on edge.

"He isn't feral."

"I didn't mean any offence," I mumbled.

Orin smirked, sharing a look with Fenna before announcing, "Then you can go find him if he doesn't return by sunset."

I gaped and Fenna laughed as she tugged me along with her. "Don't worry. He'll come back if he doesn't want to face Bjarke's wrath."
But I wasn't so sure.

After letting the pups run around a little longer, we all tumbled through the front door and back home. I led Orin and Fenna through to the living room so we could have a proper catch up but hesitated by the door.

"Maybe you should go in first," I suggested, hearing the sound of someone inside. Probably Gisli, and I didn't want to startle her with a new face.

Fenna nodded and slid past me to open the door, popping her head inside before opening it properly so we could enter. The small female inside straightened up when we came in, wide brown eyes so different from her brother's locked on me. Other than her eyes, she looked like Ebbe's double. Her features were a little softer but there was no doubt at all that they were twins.

Orin ruffled her hair as he passed by to take a seat on the couch. Fenna sat beside him and I took the armchair, curling my legs beneath me.

"Raeghan, this is Gisli. She's never been to a pack like this before," Fenna introduced.

I smiled a welcome at the fidgety female who seemed far more mouse than wolf. "It's nice to meet you."

A quick smile that was gone as quick as it came and she seemed far more interested in tracing the flower pattern on her dress than joining in our conversation.

"So," I began, eager to hear more of Fenna's stories. "Where did you go this year?"

Orin chuckled, moving his arm over the back of the couch. "Somewhere I'm not eager to get back to."

Fenna laughed and I became even more curious. What place could possibly get the better of Orin?

"We went to Uganda and the heat was a little too much for some."

I snorted and Orin grimaced. "I'm a wolf from the North. I'm built for snow and ice, not scorching heat."

Even though I knew Fenna intended to travel the world, it still amazed me. She'd seen and done far more than I could dream. Uganda. I shook my head in awe. I'd never even left the country.

"What was it like? Did you see lions? Elephants?"

"We saw far more than I thought we would. Lions included. We got caught in the middle of some hunting lionesses after the same prey we were. I noticed that they didn't seem too surprised or uncertain of our presence. . ."

"They've seen Wulvers before," I guessed. "Other travellers like you?"

Fenna shook her head, still grinning. "Even better. There's a pack of our kind living in a village miles and miles away from any humans. Their territory is probably bigger than many others in the world."

I breathed out, shaking my head again. Hunting next to other big predators must be an exhilarating experience, and to be able to run for miles without bumping into any humans was enviable. We always had to be so careful, even in the countryside.

"They look a little different than us," she continued. "Obviously. They're made for the heat. Their fur is shorter, and their ears are bigger, and they're built a little smaller than us too. Gods they were fast though, I've never seen wolves run like that. They knew we were there, and what we were, but they kept their distance. Orin thought it best to leave them to it. If they wanted to speak to us, they would have. We saw them a few more times, I think they tracked us for a while, but they never tried to chase us out."

I couldn't blame them for wanting to keep to themselves. Packs here weren't so kind when wulvers strayed territory lines without permission.

"That's incredible." Propping my chin on my hand, I wished I could have been there. I wanted to see all the things Fenna did. Just not as much as I wanted to one day rule the pack, which meant staying here.

She told me more about their travels. The only downfall was they hadn't been able to stay very long before returning to their own pack. I'd never met Orin's parents before but I felt like I knew them from how often Fenna spoke of them. She admired them.

"Where is my brother?" Gisli's voice was soft, almost as whisper, and I couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"He went for a run, he'll be back soon," Orin answered, his gaze cutting to me with clear meaning.

If he wasn't, he'd send me after him.
I shifted on the chair as heat rose to my cheeks but thankfully, Quillan, Oria and Maya decided to come join us. The rest of the couches and chairs were filled and Gisli fell back into that almost trance like state where she ignored everything around her. I watched for a moment before I was drawn into the conversation, smiling and laughing along as more stories were shared, family catching up with each other.

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