I'll Save You

By Pugachu_chu

13.8K 353 67

A guild called Death Wish attacks Fairy Tail. Everyone dies accept for a celestial mage. Going two years back... More

Breathing Again
It's Time
I Wish I Did Things Differently
Hoshi no Kakikae: Origin
It's Only The First Day
How Can I Do This?
A Part Of Me
Someone Else
How To Explain
You Are My Sunshine
The Telling Of Truths
The Beginning Of The End
The Last Battle
Everything's Okay Now

No Longer Me

691 18 1
By Pugachu_chu

Warning: contains a fair amount of cussing, implies torture and rape and self-depreciation. Read at your own risk.


Her voiced was filled with so much malice -so much hate, that it had shocked everyone. This Lucy was no longer the Lucy known as the light of Fairy Tail. It just took six months for the guild to figure it out.

"You're name is Lucy right?" After getting a stiff nod in response the man continued, "Well, why would you not want me to join, Lucy-San?"

His blood red eyes bore into her chocolate ones. They were consumed with insanity and pure, raw anger. It's a shame no one but Lucy noticed.

She felt her magic swell inside her, the intent to kill was deep and powerful but she pushed it aside. He didn't deserve something as easy as death. Not after Yukino.

"Yeah, Lucy. Why?" Erza asked. The red ahead -along with everyone else- had noticed the sudden change in Lucy and were high on guard. Something was about to go down, and she had a feeling that it won't be pretty.

Lucy sneered, "You can't seriously be thinking of letting this piece of shit into the guild, right?"

The man had the guts to look hurt.

"Lucy-San! Is that anyway to treat a potential member? I thought you were nice!" For someone as crazy as him, he acted like a child.

This was when Lucy had snapped. She didn't bother to hold in her magic power anymore, nor the murderous intent. She just didn't care anymore.

She had stood up from her seat next to Natsu (Who was too shocked to do anything) and walked over to him. The action had scared everyone in the room. A dark aura had surrounded her as it enveloped everything around it and her eyes were colder than ice; never letting them betray her emotions.

She smirked when she saw a flash of fear enter the monster's eyes. That's good. She wanted him to fear her -he should fear her.

Once she got about a foot away, she stopped. "Listen hear, Kai." Lucy's voice was calm and precise. The calm before the storm.

And everybody knew it.

"I'm not talking to you like a potential member, because you will never be one. Perhaps in some other fucked up universe, but not this one. I won't allow it." Not again.

The man grew a knowing look onto his face and smirked. Everyone was watching, too scared to step in.

The most terrifying part was that they didn't know who to be scared of.

Kai walked closer to her and leaned in so his lips grazed her ear. This made Natsu tense up because he was to close to her and he did not like that.

He whisper so only she could hear, "She screamed, you know. Screamed until her throat got all scratched up, and then, she screamed some more." Lucy instantly got rigid at hearing this.

It was silent for a few seconds before Lucy spoke with the same calm voice as before. If not, just a tad bit more murderous.

Lucy grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up in one swift movement. He was shorter than her, so she had  no problem helping him level the eye contact. She enjoyed the wheezing sound he made when her grip on his neck tightened.

The calm had ended. And now was the raging hurricane.

"Listen here, you son of a bitch. I know plenty of people who would have no problem beating the shit out of you until you're a broken, bloody mess. And then some." She's giving a hint to who this man really was to the guild. Like throwing a dog a bone.

"Imagine there surprise when they realize who you are. You won't just have the number one guild after you, but multiple powerhouse guilds. Tell me, do you really think you can make it out unscathed? What were you even thinking- trying to join Fairy Tail? Are you fucking stupid?" Of course the man couldn't answer, he was turning red by now and Lucy had no problem admitting she enjoyed it. She loved watching him gasp for air that she would not allow. It was refreshing, in a sense.

She was trapped in this state of pure unadulterated rage and grief and before she could do something she would possibly regret, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Her eyes warmed slightly when she noticed it was Juvia. It seemed as if that seeing one of her friends had brought her out of her tranced like state -If only for a tiny bit.

Lucy let go of Kai and watched with amusement as he crumpled onto the ground gasping for air. He looked up at her, not even bothering to hide his crazed look anymore. She couldn't help but smirk as she noticed lightbulbs going off around the guild.

"It's you..." She heard Levy whisper; the first one to get it. The first one to understand.

"Honestly though, she was better off dead. She was weak. A waste of space. You all should be grateful that I took interest in her. Shame that she didn't last as long though, she was quite pleasurable." Lucy didn't know when she had transformed into Cancer's star dress, nor when she started to point a sword mere centimeters from his neck.

The guild had little to no problems with this, and were all too much happy to participate now that they knew who this monster was. Lucy felt a pull at her magic, her spirits were begging to be set free. Each and everyone of them. She felt their rage, especially Libra's and Pisces. Lucy had never known what Kai had done to Yukino, but now... But now she knew. The only reason stopping her from slicing the man's throat and letting him choke on his own blood was the guilds rules of no killing. She knew her spirits wanted out, so she let them out.

Every single one of them.

It didn't take long to knock him out. It was so easy that it would be considered laughable. All it took was Libra to use her gravity magic on the man and slam his head on the ground at an unspeakable speed. Her other spirits glared down at Kai. She knew what they were doing- staring down at the man that had killed their family. They were gaining closure, so Lucy let them.

Then, one by one they disappeared giving Lucy a look of gratitude. They had gotten their revenge, and even if her spirits were still grieving, Lucy knew that they would be okay because they had each other, they had her. The guild was quiet as they looked at their celestial mage and the black haired man on the floor. They knew she was training, but to have gained that much power in only six months was beyond impressive. She could probably hold her own against Erza if not actually beat her if she really wanted too.

She released her star dress and before giving in to passing out, she heard a voice in her head. It was Kai's. Damn that bastard.

You have what they want, and they'll kill you for it. Along with everyone else in this stupid- ass guild.

Oh. She felt her eyes close and gravity taking her down down down. That's why he had tried to join. Must've been a messenger to Death Wish. That's how Death Wish seemed to know their weaknesses and strengths. It was all because of him.

Well, sorry to ruin you're plans, Death Wish, but killing us won't be as easy as you thought. Not like last time, not like last time, not like last time-

She hit the ground and let the darkness consume her.


When she opened her eyes Lucy has to immediately shut them again. It was just so bright, and her head was pounding. It felt like it was going to explode and her mouth was a dessert.

Lucy willed her eyes to open again when she felt something squeeze her hand. She let out a pathetic whimper of pain when she opened her eyes. That action alone caused her head to erupt in pain and cause her eyesight to blur. It was so painful. She felt like she was going to puke and maybe even pass out for the second time that day.

Once her vision finally cleared she found that the person who was holding her hand was Natsu. He was looking at her with worry and hope shining through his eyes as she attempted to send a small smile, but only winced instead.

"He-" Lucy was about to greet him but that only resorted into a coughing fit because of her mouth being so dry. God, why did she feel like shit?

Natsu seemed to understand what she needed and handed her a glass of water that was on the table next to the bed she was on (she had assumed that she was a in the guild's infirmary and found out that she had been correct).

The blond took slow sips of the water and held it in her lap with her hands around it. "Thanks."  Lucy's voice was a rasped whisper and she hated how weak she sounded. It was utterly pathetic and nothing could change her mind. She was pathetic. Natsu smiled at her and gave her hand a squeeze which she returned. They stared into each other's eyes; lost in them. Neither of them willing to break the unspoken moment they were having.

"Oh good, you're awake!" They both broke out of their trance and turned their head towards Wendy. Albeit, Lucy turned her's slower to not further upset her migraine. "How do you feel?" Wendy's kind and soothing voice asked.

"Crappy." Lucy grumbled. She was aching all over and her throat hurt. She wanted nothing more than to lie down and go back to sleep, but she thought the urge and kept her eyes open- if not only half-lidded.

Wendy smiled, "That's understandable. You seem to have a fever. If my guess is correct, you probably got it from over exerting your body far beyond it's limit." Lucy chose to ignore the burning stare that Natsu was giving her. "If I may ask, how much sleep have you been getting?"

"Enough." Lucy didn't lie. She was getting enough sleep. At least she thought she did. Lucy really needed to get out of this room. She felt as if she was burdening people by just being in the infirmary. There were far more important things she had to do, like gaining the celestial spirt king's star dress. It didn't matter if she was hardly getting six hours of sleep a week or if she could hardly turn her head without it bursting with pain. It didn't matter, because she didn't matter. She will gladly put everyone's life above her's without a second thought, that's just how it was supposed to be.

Wendy gave her a skeptical look. "Bullshit." Lucy whipped her head to face Natsu only to wince in pain and have her eyesight blur for a few seconds.

It took her a moment to focus on Natsu's face, but when she did, she flinched. He looked pissed. "What do you mean?" Lucy asked, because she was confused. She was okay, she was fine. Why would people not believe her?

"You're not you, Lucy. You're not taking care of yourself anymore. If you were could you honestly tell me when the last time you got a full nights rest? Last time you ate a full meal? Hell, when was the last time you laughed." Lucy stayed silent, because she couldn't give him and answer. She didn't see why it mattered, though. She was fine.

"I don't understand. I'm fine." It was all her mind was telling her now. She was fine. Finefinefinefinefine-!

Natsu and Wendy both gave her disbelieving looks. "No. You're not fine, Luce. You're wearing yourself down to the point where you got sick. Sick! That's not okay Lucy. Nothing about this is okay, and I won't sit by and watch as you slowly weather away in front of my eyes! I won't let you do that. I care about you far too much."

Lucy let her head hit the pillow exasperatedly. Her headache was better now (probably something that was in the water), but she was so tired. "I think it's about time you get some rest, Lucy-San." Wendy said.

Before she once again drifted off to sleep Lucy whispered, "I care about you, too, Natsu."


Kai was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for his crime. Everybody had felt a weight get lifted off their shoulders as the murderer finally got what he deserved. Lucy was sent on bed rest for the next week and finally got to have real conversations with her friends again. They all congratulated her on her magic and how strong she had gotten. Lucy of course, only brushed off the comments telling herself it still wasn't enough. It had made her want to go back to the field and train, but she had to wait. Natsu also kept a more watchful eye on her and seemed to stick by her side whenever he got the chance. Lucy found it irritating at times but choose to embrace each and every moment with her friends.

Nothings lasts forever, after all.

Thank you so much for the 200+ reads! I'm glad everyone likes the story (I mean- I hope you guys like it). This chapter was really fun to right, but was hard during some spots. Uhhh, sorry, you probably don't care about this stuff :). Anyways, the chapter should be out next week, but might take a bit longer since I have noooo idea what to write for it. I'll figure it out though. Promise!

Hope everyone has/had a great day! Or at least, something better than a bad day.

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