My First Real Crush [Larry St...

By aimhjoey

116K 3.2K 6.9K

The band is supposed to return to their families for two weeks, but Harry Styles finds saying goodbye more di... More

1: The Beginning
33 : The End


3.9K 106 269
By aimhjoey

I woke up to a wonderful smell. The scent of a fresh cooked breakfast flooded my room. I could smell toast, eggs, sausage, and bacon. Maybe there were even pancakes as well. I jumped out of bed, threw a shirt on and pulled on some plaid pants. I ran downstairs, following the smell that was so enticing and inviting, and saw Harry and his mom standing by the stove. Harry was fiddling with the scrambled eggs on a pan, and his mom was flipping the pancakes. Yes, there were pancakes! Once they had heard me come downstairs, they turned and smiled at me.

"You're up!" Harry yells, almost flipping some of the eggs off of the pan. "We have a surprise for you." He says mischievously as he points to the table that was around the corner from where I was standing. I turn and look and before I can even realize what it is, two balls of energy jump on me.

"Daisy! Phoebe!" I scream, wrapping them both in a hug and lifting them off of the ground. "I missed you guys so much!" As I hug them I look up at the table and see Felicite, Lottie, and Georgia sitting with my mom. They stand up and walk over to me with big smiles on their faces. Once they get close enough to grab, I force them into the hug that I'm sharing with the twins.

"When did you guys get here!?" I ask, overjoyed from seeing them.

"I drove, picked them up, and got back around 9 this morning." I hear my mom explain.

We all hug and laugh as we just enjoy being with each other. Harry and Anne come over and sit with my mom, watching me with all of my sisters huddled together. I couldn't be happier.

After we calm down and all take our seats, I start talking about the plan for the day. "What do we want to do?" I ask.

"There's a mall a little ways away that your sisters want to go to." I hear my mom tell me.

"Okay perfect, we'll go there. And I can take a separate car in case Harry and I want to leave early. You know us, shopping isn't our favorite event." I look at Harry and smile, thinking back to the last time we went shopping together.

We were practically bombarded as we tried to go into a Nike store. From the hassle it took us to get there, you would've thought it would be worth it and that we would've found some great items, but no. We found nothing. We looked at the entire store, which was emptied of people for our convenience, even though we didn't ask for it and basically thought it was weird the entire time, and found absolutely nothing. After the whole process of getting there and leaving, we were both exhausted by the time we got back into the car. Hopefully this time won't be like that.

As we all got situated and grabbed whatever we needed to grab for this mall experience, we flooded into 2 different cars. My sisters and our moms into the minivan Lottie had taken up here, and Harry and I into my mom's car.

"This'll be fun." Harry says cheerfully.

"Hopefully it's not like last time." I say looking at him and grinning.

"Your mom says this is a pretty secluded area so hopefully not."

We share a laugh. I love the feeling of laughing with Harry. My whole chest lights up and my cheeks practically break from being lifted so high by my smile.

We drive the rest of the way listening to the radio. We both break out in such a loud laughing storm when we hear the radio announcer saying, "On next, hit single from the world's biggest boy band, What Makes You Beautiful!"

You're insecure, don't know what for...

"LIAM! Oh my god if he knew this was on he would die." Harry screams from laughter.

"The way he sings this in the music video, I'M DYING!" I say as Harry and I practically pass out from laughter.

Don't need makeup, to cover up...

For the rest of the song, Harry and I jam out to our single. I don't have any solos so I just sing Liam's part, and Harry singing his many solos. I'm not salty about it or anything, it's just he does receive the most solos out of all of our band. But he deserves it, his voice is angelic, and I know mine's not as good.

When the song ends, Harry and I just sit for a second, breathing heavily and out of breath from jamming too hard. We look at each other and just share the biggest smile. It's moments like these that make me the happiest I've ever been. Just sitting staring at Harry. Unfortunately I'm driving so I have to look back at the road.



"I'm so excited for these two weeks... with you." He smiles at me and I reciprocate the smile right back at him.

"I am too... Hazza." His smile grows.

The rest of the ride was spent just jamming out to the radio.

- - -

We went shopping for about an hour and a half before Harry and I explained we wanted to dip. We weren't bombarded like before and the hour and a half we spent shopping was enjoyed and we found some good things, but we only had a certain tolerance for it in the first place. The girls and the moms said they wanted to stay longer, so Harry and I just excused ourselves and headed to the car.

We turned on the car and the song playing on the radio was One Thing. We both laughed again, but we were too tired from shopping to jam out to it.

As we started driving, Harry turned down the radio and turned to me.

"I don't really want to go back home, do you want to go somewhere?"

"Like where?" I ask, intrigued.

"I don't know, we could go for lunch? I'm pretty hungry." He says.

"Okay, yeah, let's go for lunch. I saw an Italian place when we were driving up here."

"Perfect! Let's go there. You know I love my Italian food." He says, immediately not tired anymore which made me lose all of my fatigue.

"Yes I know Hazza. That's practically all you eat."

"You know me too well Louis." He says. I smile.

"You know, now I have a nickname for you, but you don't have one for me." I say, looking him straight in the eyes.

"I call you Lou."

"Everyone calls me Lou, Hazza. I want a special nickname. That only you call me."

He smiles and looks down, I think he may have blushed too.

"Like what?" He asks, returning his eyes to mine.

"I don't know, you have to come up with one." I smirk at him, while looking between the road and him.

"Okay, well you're going to have to give me some time to think about it. What about Boobear?" He asks.

"My mom calls me that, Harry. You seriously want to call me something my mom calls me?"

He laughs and shakes his head.

"How about LouLou?"

"That's just Lou, but said twice." I say smiling at his failed attempts.

"You're impossible."

"You don't have to come up with it right now, it'll come to you someday." I say trying to act wise and all knowing.

He looks at me and smiles, flashing his teeth at me. I feel my heart skip a beat and my cheeks flush. He's just staring at me. I turn back to the road and remain focused on driving, even though I can tell he's still staring at me. I smile while watching the road signs go by.

He finally looks away after what felt like forever. We start jamming to an N-Sync song that comes on. Everything is perfect.

"How about Smol Bean?"

"Shut up."

- - -

"Table for two please." Harry tells the person at the desk.

"Follow me." They say leading us to a table in the back.

We sit down at a cute table in the corner of the restaurant as he hands us our menus. He leaves and we flip through the menus we've been given, looking to see what we might want to order. A few seconds later, a woman approaches us with an apron and pad of paper with a pen in her hand.

"Can I get you guys started with drinks...Wait, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson?"

We smile, "Yeah, that's us." Harry says.

"My daughter loves you guys and the other boys. Can I get a picture to send to her?" She asks politely.

"Of course you can, love." I say.

We take the picture and she scurries away texting it to her daughter I can only assume. Then she comes running back realizing she forgot to get our drink orders. We both order water, nothing fancy. She brings it out shortly after.

"She's a sweetheart." I say smiling at Harry.

He nods his head, drinking through his straw while staring up at me. His big green eyes pierce into my soul. I look away.

"Why'd you look away?" He asks.

"Your eyes are...too powerful...can't control...body malfunctioning." I say as I pretend to be a robot running out of power and dying on the spot. He chuckles at my little game of charades.

A few minutes later, our waitress comes back and we order. I order the fettuccine Alfredo and Harry orders spaghetti with meatballs.

After we sit for a second in silence, Harry looks back up to me and grins.

"You know I love the boys, with all my heart," I nod, "But I'm glad these two weeks are going to be primarily just us. I have fun with you Louis."

I feel my heart once again beat a million miles per second. He likes spending time just the two of us?

"That's exactly what I've been thinking." I say smiling.

"That's because we think the same, we're literally the same person." He smiles, staring into my eyes.

"Seriously Harry, can you please wear sunglasses, your eyes are killing me." I say laughing.

"Oh really?" He says in a flirtatious way. Then he proceeds to look me up and down and lick his lips. Then I feel his foot from under the table pressing against my foot. Then he drags it up and into my pant leg, drawing it all the way up to where my knee bends. As if that wasn't enough, I then feel his hand on my knee, he's grabbing me under the table where no one can see. I look around scared that people will see what he's doing, but everyone's oblivious. Even though I know Harry's just playing around and joking with me, I can't help but feel my heart race and my breath disappear. My jeans become a bit tight as I realize Harry succeeding at turning me on.

Shit. Think blobfish. Yes, think about blobfish floating in the sea. Or swimming. Do they swim or float? Who knows. But yes, keep thinking about blobfish, it's working.

I feel the pressure in my crotch region settle down. Harry's still licking his lips and pretend seducing me, but now I've regained control of my body.

"You're funny." I say, "Now it's my turn."

I grab his hand which is still on my knee, and intertwine my fingers around his. I walk my fingers up past his wrist and onto his arm. I'm leaning slightly forward to be able to reach, but I don't think anyone's noticing. With my foot, and bring it up into his pant leg and force it up past his knee. Doing all of this while keeping eye contact with him and looking between his lips and his eyes while biting my bottom lip. Once my hand had reached just a bit past his elbow, I yank it, forcing him to lean forward over the table as I am. Our faces being nearly inches apart from each other. We can both feel each other's breath and I keep staring at his lips. It's almost as if we're playing a game to see who can turn the other one on harder. When I look up I see him looking at my lips too, but it looks like he means it. When he looks at me realizing he's been looking at my lips, I smirk, and his face turns red.

"You want to kiss me, huh Hazza?" I talk through my grin.

"Yes." He says.

He spoke so straight up and confident, with no hesitation. Almost as if he forgot he was pretending. I pull my leg out of his pants and let go of his arm, and sit upwards. Following my action, he does the same. I can see his chest is breathing heavily. His "yes" was so demanding and sure, did he actually want to kiss me?

We stare at each other for a little while, both of our hearts beating loudly and both of our faces flushed dark red, until our waitress comes back and stares at us.

"Is it hot in here? I can turn down the temperature. You both look like you're burning up."

And with that, both of our faces turn back to our regular color.

"No, we're fine." Harry says.

She looks us up and down, and turns away, looking concerned. Harry and I look back at each other. I look down and grin, like a 5th grader who was just asked out by their crush. I feel ridiculous. But then I look up at Harry who's doing the same thing.

What just happened?

The rest of the 10 minutes it takes for our food to come out, we sit pretty much in silence, drinking our water and listening to the background music. Once our food comes out, I sigh with relief.

"Mm, this looks really good." I say as I grab my fork and dig in.

"Yeah same with mine." He says as he starts spinning his fork and collecting his noodles for his first bite. We both take our first bite at the same time and look up at each other, eyes glimmering.

"It's delicious." I say with the food still in my mouth.

"Same!" He mutters with noodles coming out of his mouth. He looked so adorable, enjoying his food so much he didn't even realize the mess he was making on his face. I grab my napkin and reach over to wipe where he smeared pasta sauce on his cheek. He smiles as I bring my napkin back to the table.

"You're really messy, Hazza. Did you know that." I snicker.

"Not as messy as you my friend. Have you seen your room back at your house?" He giggles.

I roll my eyes and laugh, returning back to my food. We eat for a little while, mainly focused on our food and not the conversation.

"Can I try yours?" I hear him say.

"Only if I can try yours." I say back at him.

He nods and we both reach for the other person's plate. I wrap up a forkful of noodles and he does the same with my noodles. As we stuff the other person's food into our mouths, our eyes light up once again.

"Do you want to just share?" He asks while smiling.

"Yeah definitely. I need more than one bite of your spaghetti."

We pull our plates to the center of the table and start taking bites from each plate. The mixture of Alfredo and meat sauce isn't the best but it isn't terrible.

I eye up one of the meatballs and stab my fork into it, just as Harry stabs his fork into the same one. It was the last meatball so we both looked up at each other with determination in our eyes.

"I got it first." I whine.

"Yes, but it was my meal originally." He argues.

"So? We're sharing it now." I say back at him.

"Let's just share." He says as he grabs my fork and removes it's hold on the meatball, bringing it to his mouth and biting half of it, then bringing it to my mouth. I eat the rest of it off of Harry's fork and smirk as I lick my lips. Bringing back the "Who can turn the other one on harder" game. He laughs at my attempt.

"You know, this is some cutesy stuff, people are going to think we're a couple." He says.

"Let them think what they want to think. I mean our fans already believe Larry Stylinson is real, let's just give them some more evidence." I say returning back to eating.

"Watch someone here be taking pictures of this and tweeting about it, captioned 'Larry Stylinson caught in the act'". He says bringing his hands up and moving them as if he was portraying an idea he had to me.

"The fans would go crazy." I laugh.

"Let them." He says. Then he says something super quiet that I can't really hear, "Maybe someday they'll be right."

Did I hear him right, is that what he just said? I'm definitely mistaken.

I brush it off not wanting to make anything awkward. Once we've finished our food, our waitress comes back with the check. We tip generously, and once we can, we leave and go back to the car.

"That was nice. Delicious food too." He says to me as we're buckling.

"It really was. Let's head home, I think the girls and our moms are going to be at the mall for a while so we'll have the whole house to ourselves to do whatever we want to.

"What do you want to do?" He asks.

"I was thinking we could watch a movie, and maybe cuddle up together. It's cold in that house, and I'm going to need my big strong Hazza to protect me from whatever bad guy is portrayed in the movie we chose to watch." I look over at him and see his face blush and his smile take shape.

"I'll always protect you."

I look over to him and smile such a stupid smile, but I don't even care. Because at the moment, it's just Harry and I, best friends, brothers, or maybe even interested in each other, I don't care. Because it's just us together, and that's all that matters.



Sooo, Golden=a single maybe + a music video?



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