Lost in La-La Land: A Collect...

By GenevieveNoelBooks

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I do not Frequently write short stories, but here are a few I have finished! More



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By GenevieveNoelBooks

"So, you're basically a ghost?" Madeline asks, scared, confused and a little bit excited too.
"Not exactly." The girl responds, "I'm alive and here. I have a body. I can just be seen only by mutants."
"But how? Why? When did this happen and how can I see you?" Madeline throws her arms up in bewilderment, looking from herself to the other girl and seeing nothing different.
"Mutants are born with different genetic and chromatic make-up then normal humans. It's common and maybe even helpful to humans to have mutations. Something as simple as colorblindness is something that is considered mutation. My mutation, however, is far beyond that." She says calmly but clearly pleased to be heard and seen.
"So, what is mine?" Madeline wonders aloud. "What could make me able to see you?"
"Well, all mutations, no matter how small, allow a protein into your blood that effects sight. That's why you can see me."
Madeline looks into the camera again and takes a deep breath before beginning.
"My name is Madeline. I am fourteen years old and I am a mutant - apparently. Prior to meeting Alora I was not extraordinary in any way. I live on the Island named after me, so there's that. As far back as I know, all I know is Madeline Island. I always will too - I believe. Every day is pretty exciting and adventure lies everywhere!
"I go to Bayfield Public High School. It's not bad; I like it. The only thing is, in order to get there I have to get up before the sun, take the ferry to the mainland, and take another bus to school. The other thing is, we live on the far side of the Island and my parents keep their cars on the mainland so I either have to bike or walk to get to the ferry dock. I can't tell you how many times my bike has been stolen on that dock and I've had to walk home. To make matters worse the ferry only has one ride in the morning before school but it's two hours beforehand! It's not all bad though. I wouldn't really mind so much if I didn't have to ride the ferry. I hate the ferry. Well, I hate boats. All the surrounds me is boats.
"Now that I have Alora though, I never have to ride another boat again. Maybe."
Alora giggles behind the camera, pauses the video and switches places with Madeline.
"No, I'm not a ghost and yes, only about a fourth of you can see me. I'm Alora Thompson - I gave myself the last name since I don't know my own - and I'm a mutant just like Madeline. I've lived on her Island my whole life! I live in the Big Bay State Park and usually scrimmage the city for food. Unlike Madeline, my mutation is a bit different. Most of you can't see me, that's my mutation - well, and something else. "
Madeline pans the camera down to Alora's feet, which float six inches off the ground. "The same compounds that make me invisible, also make me aerodynamically sound. but wait," Alora Pauses, adding extra emphasis just like a TV commercial, "there's more! If I can have my lovely assistant Madeline join me, I will perform my first trick."
Madeline stabilizes the camera on its stand and joins her friend on the front end of the lens.
"Everyone can see Madeline, but when I take her hand-" There is no need for Alora to continue. "Those of you who can't see me can no longer see Madeline. This is because my grasp transfers my powers to another human. Now those of you who can see us will like my second trick." Again, instead of explaining, Alora pauses and lifts herself and Madeline effortlessly off the ground. They soar up to the top of the camera then land again before Alora releases Madeline's hand. As she releases, Madeline becomes visible once more.
​"So," Madeline concludes the video, "I'll never have to ride the ferry again."
The girls smile at the camera and Madeline runs to shut it off.
"Now all we have to do is edit the video and my project is done!" Madeline grins taking down the camera and putting it in her sack.
"I don't know. We might want to film one more scene." Alora says, surveying the area.
"What more would we include?" Madeline gives Alora a perplexed look; she remembers their conversation about the project earlier, "You don't want too many people to know where you live."
"I don't. I just wonder if you will be laughed at."
"There are plenty of people in my class. Somebody has to see it too."
"I hope so." Alora frowns and floats further into the air.
Madeline is happy her friend is concerned. She wants someone to care about her, but she is worried Alora is hiding something that could be pretty serious.
"Hey, Alora." Madeline says, "How come I've never met you until now?" Madeline has been wondering this for sometime and she wonders if that has something to do with Alora's concern now. "I mean, I've explored every pat of the island."
Alora pauses, halting her floating, "I'm not sure Madeline." She tilts her head and returns to the ground. "I find that odd. Why wouldn't you find me?"
The girls begin walking closer to town, although Madeline lives on the other side of the island, she and Alora typically meet in town so Madeline's parents do not track them down.
"Maybe you were out trying to get food whenever I was out. My schedule has recently changed, so that might be why."
"Or maybe we did see each other." Their feet crunch the frostbitten leaves in unison as they walk closer to the sounds of the only city they really know.
"What do you mean?"
"Like, what if we saw each other one day but I just didn't notice you saw me. Most people don't question seeing me in town. No one really talks to me."
"That could be." Madeline nods. It is fairly plausible, but something just isn't sitting well with her.
"Well," Alora pauses as she comes to the edge of main street, "I guess we'll have to figure it out tomorrow."
"Yeah I guess. See you later Alora."
"See you later, Madeline. Good luck on your project!"
​"Yeah... Thanks."

(Next update to come soon. Stay tuned)

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