Pretty Genius ; reid x grey

By -gweasleys

326K 7K 4.5K

"i love you spencer reid." lexie grey and spencer reid both save lives for a living. they've both lost a grea... More

the wall
dinner talk
hard cases
study date
a label
09: exam day
10: day off
11: rushing
12: helped
13: did you hear what happened to Lexie Grey?
14: healthy connections
15: feeling enough
16: shocking news
18: is it okay?
19: out of nowhere
20: popping a question
21: good 'ol friends
22: meeting, finally
23: moving forward
24: happiness
a note for the end

17: so tired

8.4K 195 188
By -gweasleys

Keeping a secret from Spencer Reid was an impossible task. Especially when you are forced to live with him because you are both being stalked. Lexie switched from staying at the BAU to Spencer's apartment. She's known about her pregnancy for two weeks, and no one knows. She doesn't want to add any more stress to Spencer's already stressed-out self. Hiding your girlfriend from being killed is one thing, add in the fact that she is pregnant and the whole thing gets a whole lot worse.

She wants to tell Spencer more than anything, she really does. But she's so scared, for her life. A crazy man is still out there trying to hurt her. She goes to work a couple of times a week, but an agent or officer always has to be near her. Which gets annoying.

Today she is especially annoyed with her agent. Today she is getting an ultrasound. She feels bad for not having Spencer there, but she wants to make sure everything is okay before she tells him. She promised herself and her baby that she would tell Spencer when she got home tonight. She is having Caroline do the ultrasound because she knows she'll keep her mouth shut.

"Lexie Grey you are officially eight weeks pregnant," Caroline said proudly. She turned the ultrasound screen so Lexie could see.

"Eight weeks!" Lexie exclaimed. She threw her head back onto the exam table. 8 weeks was farther along than Lexie thought. 2 months of her pregnancy were already over.

"You want a picture to show dad? Who I'm praying is Spencer." Caroline said wiping the gel off Lexie's stomach. Her eyes growing wide when she mentions Spencer.

"Caroline. Who else would it be?" Lexie laughed

"Hey, I'm not one to judge."

"Of course its Spencer's."

"Well here's your peanut mama," Caroline handed her two print outs of the ultrasound.
Lexie sobbed as she looked at the picture. That was her baby. She's done many ultrasounds in her career, but being the one with the actual baby inside is way better. She and Spencer were going to be parents, she couldn't believe this was even happening.

The thought of kids was off the table for Lexie once Mark died. Sure she was only 24 at the time, but she couldn't see herself settling down with anyone else. Then she moved to Virginia and the thought slipped her mind altogether. Even in the first few months of Spencer and her dating she didn't think about it. Kids only crossed her mind about 3 weeks ago when Spencer had his breakdown. She wanted this, she wanted her family with Spencer.

She thanked Caroline and left the hospital, heading start for the BAU. It was around five o'clock, so Spencer was getting off work now. After parking, she had to take a minute to act normal. She hadn't stopped smiling since she got the photos. She composed herself and started towards the building.

Once she got off the elevator she briskly walked to Spencer's desk.

"Hello love." Spencer greeted her as his eyes met hers.

"Hi, ready to head home?" Lexie asked hopefully.

"Yes, just let me pack up," Spencer replied, already putting away case files.


Lexie liked being at the BAU, she could visit with JJ, Emily, and Penelope. After some 'girl talk' as Derek and Spencer like to call it, Lexie and Spencer headed home.

Lexie sat in the passenger seat bouncing with excitement. She didn't have any special way of telling him, to her it didn't really matter how she told him. Spencer unlocked the front door of his apartment letting Lexie in first. He turned to lock to the door, he had multiple locks and security cameras installed at his place, just in case.

Lexie stood behind him exploding with nerves and pure excitement. When he turned back to face her he couldn't help but copy the huge smile on her face.

"What is it?" Spencer asked curiously.

"I have something to show you," Lexie said in a sing-song voice, "Close your eyes and put your hands out."

Spencer gave her a confused look but obeyed. Lexie took the ultrasound photo out of her hands and gently placed it in his outstretched hands.


Spencer slowly opened his eyes looking down at the photo in front of him. He felt his heart stop. Lexie was pregnant, he was going to be a father. His eyes filled with tears as a smile burst onto his face.

"A-are you serious?"

Lexie nodded. She bit down on her lip waiting for his reaction.

Spencer laughed as tears streamed down his face. He finally tore his eyes off the picture to look at Lexie, who was also crying. Without thinking, she ran to her arms and lifted her onto him. Burying his face into her shoulder.

Lexie wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She cried into his shoulder. She could not believe all of this was really happening. Sure, it was pretty early in a relationship to have a baby, but she was happy.

Spencer put Lexie down, getting down on his knees so he was eye level with her stomach. Placing his hands on her hips, he just smiled.

"Our kid is in there Lex." he sounded astonished, his voice was quiet.

"Hello little raspberry, it's me, your dad."

Lexie laughed at this, "How did you know I was eight weeks?"

"I guessed off the picture."

"Only you Spence."

Spencer stood up to full height. He brought his hands up to Lexie's checks, holding her face in his hands. Just looking over her beautiful face. Spencer's heart had never been so full. He was going to be a father, something he was terrified of, but also something he had always wanted. His face fell slightly when he remembered why being a father terrified him so much. He could pass the schizophrenia trait to the baby.

"Spence? What's wrong?"

"The schizophrenia trait from my mother, it didn't get passed to me. I-I could pass it along to the baby, what if-"

"Hey. Stop that, we don't know that yet, all we know is that we have a healthy baby. We are going to be parents Spencer, it doesn't matter if you pass the trait." Lexie's words made Spencer melt.

"We are going to have a baby." Spencer pressed his forehead against Lexie's, holding her close.

"We are going to have a baby." 


After the two ate celebratorily take out and watched some made for TV movie, they decided to call it a night. Lexie laid on her back as Spencer laid his head gently on her stomach.

"You know you are only going to hear my burger digesting right?" Lexie laughed. Slowly running her fingers through his hair.

"I know, but talking to the baby is very beneficial for their speech and language development," Spencer answered matter-of-factly.

"I never thought I'd met someone dorkier than me."

"I prefer nerdy actually." Spencer lifted his head off her belly bring his head to his pillow.

Lexie snuggled up close to him. Wrapping their legs together and burying her face in his neck. Spencer wrapped his arms protectively around Lexie's small body. Just as Spencer dozed off, his phone rang. He erupted a groan turning over the answer.

"Doctor Reid." his voice was low and grumbly

"Hello, Doctor Reid." A sly, low voice answered.

Spencer shot up. After expecting Garica's bubbly voice, he was in shock.

"Who is this?" Spencer asked quickly.

"Someone you've been looking long and hard for, I'm finally ready." The cold male voice spoke, sending chills through Spencer's spine.

"Brocklyn." Spencer breathed. He looked down at Lexie who was still sleeping. His heart broke when she saw how peaceful she looked, he wishes he could take this all away.

"Ah, correct Doctor. Now I'll be looking forward to seeing you and Doctor Grey very soon, oh, and the new edition." the man snickered at this.

Spencer felt like he couldn't breathe. How did this psycho know about the baby? He wasn't going to let him near Lexie or his baby.

"We will find you, you son of a bitch." Spencer's voice was full of rage.

"Good luck, the game starts now." The man then hung up the phone.

Spencer could process what was happening. How did this man know about the pregnancy? How did he get so close without anyone noticing? He dialed Hotch's number telling him the team needed to meet as soon as possible. Once Hotch was filled in he started to wake Lexie.

"Lex, we've got to go, pack a bag." He slowly shook her shoulder.

"He's back?" Lexie asked tiredly, fear in her eyes.

"Yes, and he knows." Spencer's eyes were full of pity for Lexie, he wanted a normal, happy life for her. "I'm so sorry Lexie."

Lexie's hands went to her stomach protectively. "I'm going to be sick." she quickly ran into the bathroom, emptying her stomach contents.

Spencer wasn't far behind her. He held her hair back and slowly rubbed circles on her back. Lexie continued to be sick for almost 10 minutes. Once she was done, she fell back onto Spencer's lap sobbing.

"Why us Spencer?" she asked looking up at him.

"I wish I knew, I'm sorry it has to be this way love." she ran his hand over her hair as she calmed down.

"Are you okay?"

Lexie slowly nodded against his chest.

"Then we need to head to the BAU, we're safer there." Spencer's voice was gentle like he was scared if he spoke too loud Lexie would break.

"Okay, let's go then," Lexie answered, but neither moved. Both afraid to move, too afraid to face the situation at hand.

Both too afraid to lose the other.

a/n: this chapter is a roller coaster, but big things are happening!! as always, thanks for reading. don't forget to vote! i hope y'all are all healthy and happy, i love y'all🤍

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