Always and Forever

By noiseyburlesquepeach

9.6K 257 161

Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid are finally tying the knot and officially becoming a family. Sequel to "Getting... More

Road Trip
Rehearsal Dinner
The Morning Of
Obligatory Pre-Wedding Dance Party
Consummating the Marriage

Always and Forever

1.1K 31 50
By noiseyburlesquepeach

Spencer looked himself up and down in the mirror, admiring the jet black three piece tuxedo he was wearing. He looked good if he was being honest with himself. He wasn't as big and muscular as Morgan, but he had learned to appreciate his body.

Spencer had not always liked the way he looked, for most of his life so far he thought of his body only as a means of carrying his brain around and keeping him alive. He never really thought that beauty was something that he could possess.

Derek changed that however. Spencer fooled him for a while, but one night he couldn't hold it in any longer. Derek had been running his lips and hands over every inch of Spencer's body, from the top of his head down to his ankles, mumbling words of praise into his pale skin.

Spencer had tried to hold it in, but after a few minutes he couldn't anymore, and he broke down crying. It was embarrassing at first, and he was sure Derek would never want to have sex with him again.

He was proved wrong when Derek held him close and kissed his tears away, telling him how proud he was and how much he loved Spencer. They stayed curled up together until the next morning when Spencer had to get up to make Kate breakfast.

Over the year and a half they were together Derek had helped Spencer build his confidence. After all, if someone as hot as Derek thought he was beautiful, he must be right.

Now he saw his slim waist and thought of how well Derek's arms could wrap around it. He saw his pale skin and thought of how pretty the marks Derek left on him looked in contrast. He saw his thin fingers and thought of how good they looked laced in between Derek's.

He was joined in the mirror by his lover. Derek's suit was the inverse of Spencer's. The jacket, slacks and vest were all white and his shirt was black. Both of their bow ties were plum purple, the couple's favorite color.

"So beautiful baby," Derek purred into Spencer's ear. "You're all mine aren't you. Just for me."

"You know I am Derek," Spencer said, so quietly he wasn't even sure Derek heard.

Derek must have though, as a wide smile spread over his lips.

"Ready to get married?"

"I was ready to marry you the first time you kissed me in that ambulance bay," Spencer said.

"I'm that good, am I?"

Spencer shook his head and bit his lip.

"It was a great kiss but it was more than that. When I saw the way you looked at me that night I knew for the first time just how deep our bond went."

Spencer took Derek's hand in his, bringing it to his lips so he could place gentle kisses on his knuckles. Derek watched in awe as he struggled to contain the emotions that were bubbling under his skin.

"Spencer," was all Derek said. It was all he had to say. He said it as a declaration of love, and a prayer. He said it like it was the only word that mattered, the only thought that mattered, and to him it was. He said it because it was the only word he could think of. He said it because it had so many meanings. It meant "I love you" and "take care of yourself" and "you're driving me crazy, kid". Sometimes it meant "that's enough" or "watch yourself". Too often it meant "I almost lost you". Above all else it meant that Derek was in the presence of the messy haired, quick witted gift from god who he would soon call his husband. It meant that he was looking into those honey colored eyes that made him go weak in the knees. It meant that Derek was home.

"Derek," came Spencer's response. That word meant all the same things to him that "Spencer" meant to Derek.

They stood there for a while, not moving, just basking in the affection they shared. They would have been content to stay there all day if it wasn't for Morgan's phone alarm going off, signaling that the couple had only ten minutes before they had to be at the altar. Spencer sighed when Derek took a step back to grab his phone off the bed and turn the alarm off.

"Ready baby?" Derek asked.

"I am," Spencer replied.

By the time they were back in the living room, everyone except Rossi had gone to the altar. The older man looked up when the door opened, smiling warmly at Spencer and Derek.

"Come on, let me walk the two of you to the ceremony," Rossi said, holding the front door open for them. The men followed Rossi out the door and down the dirt path.

"Are you two sure you're ready for this? Marriage is a big deal," Rossi asked.

"So big you did it three times?" Derek joked. Rossi laughed at that.

"I made many mistakes throughout my marriages, mistakes that caused a lot of pain for everyone involved. You two are like sons to me, I don't want you to go through what I did."

"You don't have to worry about us. We're ready for this," Derek said, taking Spencer's hand in his.

"Yes. We are," Spencer agreed.

Rossi couldn't help but smile at the two of them. Their love was beautiful and infectious. They reminded him of how he and Carolyn were on their wedding day. He just hoped that these young men that he cared for so much would be better at married life than he was.

"This is probably a good time to give you the other half of your wedding gift," Rossi said. Derek looked at Reid, confused as he had not been around for the first half. "After your three days in Boston I'm sending you two and Kate on a trip to Italy."

"Rossi are you serious?" Derek asked.

"As the plague. You two work so hard, you deserve a break."

"Dave we couldn't-"

"I'm not hearing it," Rossi said, holding his hand up to silence Spencer. "This is as much for Kate as it is for you. You do want to educate her about different cultures while she's young, don't you?"

Spencer couldn't argue with that. He would be uncomfortable accepting an all expenses paid trip to Europe for himself, but for Kate? Yeah, he could deal with his discomfort for Kate's sake. She'd never been out of the country before and Spencer couldn't deny her this experience.

"Well damn. Thank you Rossi." Derek clapped the eldest man on the back.

"I love you guys, and I hope you'll be happy together," Rossi said.

"We already are," Spencer said, looking at Derek once again.

Spencer's heart rate picked up as they approached the courtyard. He could see the guests mingling amongst themselves, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Kate was standing with Garcia, JJ, Emily and Jack at the end of the aisle farthest from the altar. Hotch, who had been ordained specifically so he could officiate the wedding, was next to the altar talking with Spencer and Derek's mothers. Rossi left them and went to Hotch to tell him that everyone was ready.

"Alright everyone, please take your seats," Hotch called over the buzzing of the crowd. Once they were all settled down, he nodded to the pianist who started playing "Clair de Lune".

Garcia and Prentiss went first, arms linked together. Then JJ, and finally Kate and Jack hand in hand, scattering cherry blossom petals along the aisle. Spencer was distracted momentarily as he watched Kate. She was having the time of her life, strutting around in her white ball gown that was twice the size of the one she wore last night. Spencer had never wanted to enforce gender roles on her, and always let her pick her own clothes. He could tell even from a young age however that she was a total girly girl. She loved pink and purple and dresses and skirts and all things glittery.

Spencer was pulled back to reality when Derek linked their arms together. It was time for them to walk down the aisle. No words were spoken between them, Derek just smiled at Spencer as he led him towards the beginning of the aisle.

They walked slowly, it seemed to take hours. Spencer's heart had been hammering in his chest but it slowed as he realized he had nothing to fear. He was arm in arm with the man he loved surrounded by his friends and family.

At the altar they both hugged the girls and Kate before standing face to face in front of Hotch. He gave them both a rare smile before turning to the crowd.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen. We are gathered here today to witness the unification of Spencer Reid and Derek Morgan. I've known these two young men for a long time. I've watched them work and grow and fall in love with each other. They are both hardworking, intelligent, loyal, and incredibly capable men. There is truly nothing that they cannot do when they put their minds to it. That is why I believe they are perfect for each other, and it is my honor to marry them today."

A round of applause erupted from the crowd. Once it had died down Hotch nodded to Derek to start his vows.

"Spencer," he began. "The first time we met was in the halls of the BAU. I remember looking at you and Gideon and thinking 'is it bring your kid to work day already?'" the crowd chuckled at that.

"I had no idea that the scrawny kid in a sweater vest following Gideon around like a lost puppy would become my best friend and eventually my husband. Throughout the years we worked together I learned so much from you. And I'm not talking about all those random facts you spew all the time, 'cause baby you and I both know I don't have your memory. No, I'm talking about the lessons that you've taught me. You taught me how to be okay with who I am, how to love myself on a deeper level, how to not be afraid of my past. You literally made me into the man I am today and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Spencer I love you more than life itself, and I promise to stick with you through anything. I promise to always take care of you and Kate, to protect you from all harm, including elevators-" Reid and Hotch were the only ones who got that joke. Spencer let out a little chuckle and shook his head.

"Spence, I promise to love you and Kate until the day I die, no matter how tough the road gets. You two mean everything to me." Derek finished by squeezing Spencer's hand.

"Your turn baby," Derek whispered, just loud enough for Spencer to hear. Spencer took a deep breath before he began.

"I've been struggling to write my vows since the night I proposed. In truth I don't know how to explain the depths of my love for you in words. Maybe that's telling of just how perfect we are for each other, you're the only person who has managed to render me speechless."

"When we first met I was young and naive. The BAU showed me things that changed me forever. Finding peace was hard when I wasn't home with Kate. She was the one person who could help when I was spiraling. That was until you came around. Whether you were bringing me coffee when we worked long hours, or making me go to sleep, or helping me through a panic attack, you were always there, and I vow to do the same for you. Derek I cannot promise you that this will be easy, that loving me will be easy, but I promise that I will make everyday worth it." That was where Spencer had planned to end it, but as he looked at Derek in the soft light of the sun filtering through the willow trees, he was reminded of their first kiss, and he realized that he had more to say.

"It's funny, ever since Kate was born I thought that I would never find someone like you. The love that I felt when I first looked at her was so complete that I couldn't fathom loving anyone else that much. I already had the best person I could ever ask for, it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the world for me to have two people as amazing as you two in my life. But as we have learned from our years with the BAU, the world is seldom fair, and this time the unfairness worked in my favor, because I got the best daughter and most incredible partner in the world."

"I could go on for hours about all the things I love about you, everyone here knows I like to ramble, but I'll take mercy on our guests and end it with this; Derek Morgan I promise to love you forever, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do us part, and then some."

"Jack," Hotch beckoned for his son to bring the rings forward. "If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." No one spoke. Spencer and Derek took the rings from Jack.

"Spencer, do you take Derek to be your husband?" Hotch asked.

"I do."

"Derek, do you take Spencer to be your husband?"

"I do."

"By the power vested in me by the state of Virginia I now pronounce you married," Hotch said.

With rings secured on their fingers, Spencer took Derek's face between his hands and kissed him. It was full of love and passion just like their first kiss had been. It was as if the force of every kiss they shared was passing through their connected lips like a bolt of electricity. It went on much longer than Spencer usually allowed in public, but they couldn't stop, even after the applause had died down.

Finally they broke apart, resting their foreheads together and panting to regain breath. Derek placed his hands over Spencer's which were still cupping his jaw. He allowed a finger to slide over the cool metal encircling Spencer's left ring finger.

"We're married," Spencer whispered into the space between them. A tear ran down Derek's face, but was promptly wiped away by Spencer's thumb.

"We're married," Derek repeated.

Derek, Spencer and the rest of the wedding party were whisked away for pictures soon after the ceremony finished. The entire time Spencer was doing as the photographer said, but he wasn't actually paying attention. The only thing he could think about was Derek, and as he looked at his lover he had a pretty good feeling it was the same for him.

"Okay, last one," the photographer said. "This one will be the grooms and the flower girl." Kate bounded over to her father happily. She had always loved having her picture taken.

"Pick her up and hold her between you," the photographer instructed. Spencer lifted her up, holding her on his hip while Derek wrapped an arm around the two of them.

"Derek?" Kate asked after the photographer had finished. She was still being held by her father.

"What's up Princess?" Derek responded.

"Now that you and Daddy are married, can I call you dad?" She asked. Derek looked between Kate and Spencer for a moment, apparently caught off guard.

"Yeah, yeah, you can call me dad," he said when he regained the ability to speak. For the second time that day a tear escaped from his eye. This time it was Kate's little hand that wiped it away.

Derek took Kate from Spencer, hugging her so tightly that Spencer feared he would break her. Spencer joined the hug, placing a kiss in Kate's hair. The faint sound of a shutter clicking was what pulled them away, and allowed Derek to finally put Kate down.

"I know we were technically done, but I couldn't help but capture that beautiful moment," the photographer said.

"Thank you," Derek said. "We're definitely gonna want that photo."

Weddings were usually Spencer's least favorite social gatherings. As a guest there was so much waiting, waiting for the couple to walk down the aisle, waiting for them to take photos, waiting for everyone to finish their speeches, it was tiresome. Getting married was a completely different situation however. Spencer was enjoying the fanfare much more than he had anticipated.

Almost an hour after the ceremony had ended, Spencer and Derek were making their way to the reception hall. They were accompanied by the rest of the team, their mothers, Derek's sisters and of course Kate, who had all been taking photos with them. Derek and Spencer were the last to enter and they received a standing ovation as they did so. They sat at their table just long enough for Spencer to take a sip from his water, before the DJ was announcing that it was time for the first dance.

Derek took Spencer by the hand and led him to the dance floor. He slipped an arm around Spencer's waist while the other hand grasped Spencer's hand. They began dancing slowly as the beginning chords of the song played.

I said I wanna leave with you, you said you want to live with me too. I meant the bar, you meant a home, Ain't that the same thing to you?

They swayed gently, neither one speaking, just enjoying being in each other's arms.

Got all these questions, there's no answers in the end. Time's not your friend. No, time's not your friend

Spencer buried his face in Derek's shoulder, inhaling the scent of his cologne. It was a familiar scent that never ceased to make him feel right at home.

Always and forever, when you take do you feel better? Be my one and only, in the darkness I feel holy.

Spencer had managed not to cry during the ceremony and the pictures, but as he and Derek danced he couldn't contain his tears any longer.

You said you're gonna love me full, and I said how could that be, when I've never been whole, and I've never been free.

Derek noticed Spencer's tears and he started to cry as well.

Oh, we're alive but we're still asleep. Won't you meet me in the dark? Won't you tell me what you see?

"Spencer," Derek whispered, just loud enough for Spencer to hear.

Forget forever, forever's too much. Answer me this, could this be enough?

"Derek," Spencer replied.

Oh, we're in the inbetween, you sleep like you're dead. Oh, when you dream, what's in your head?

"What are you thinking about?" Derek asked.

Always and forever, when you take do you feel better? Be my one and only, in the darkness I feel holy.

"I'm thinking that today ties as the happiest day of my life."

You said you're gonna love me full, and I said how could that be, when I've never been whole, and I've never been free.

"Ties with what?"

Oh, we're alive but we're still asleep. Won't you meet me in the dark? Won't you tell me what you see?

"The day Kate was born," Spencer said.

They danced in silence until the song ended. When it did they made their way back to their seats as the guests cheered. Once they were sitting, Rossi stood to make the welcome speech. Traditionally this speech was made by the father of the bride, but there was no bride at this wedding, nor were there any fathers of the grooms.

"Thank you all for coming today. It means a lot to all of us that you are joining us in celebrating this occasion. In the years that I have known Spencer and Derek they have become my family, and in this world family is everything. Today we watch as two individuals become a family. Spencer, Derek, I wish you the best of luck in your marriage. And once again, thank you all for being here."

After that dinner was served. Spencer and Derek barely got a chance to eat however, as they kept being interrupted by guests who wanted to talk to them and take pictures. By the time that plates were being cleared, they hadn't even eaten half of their meals. It didn't matter however, as they were both too excited to eat much.

After dinner came the speeches. The rest of their team, both of their mothers and Derek's sisters all took turns showering the couple with praise and affection. Then it was time for everyone to hit the dance floor. Derek took Spencer by his hips like he had earlier in the cabin. The memory made Spencer smile and bite his lip.

"What's got you smiling?" Derek asked, noticing the change in expression.

"I'm just remembering what happened last time you touched me like this," Spencer replied.

"You liked that, didn't you?"

"Very much. I can't wait to do it again when we're alone-" Spencer leaned in close to Derek's ear "-in fact, I have a surprise for you."

A shudder made its way up Derek's spine as he wondered what Spencer could have in store for him. It would be something pretty sexy if his tone of voice was anything to go by. He wrapped his arm tighter around his husband's waist until they were completely flush against each other.

When the song changed Spencer felt a new hand come to rest on his shoulder. He pulled back from Derek to see who it belonged to. It was Hotch with Rossi next to him.

"Mind if we cut in?" Hotch asked. Spencer nodded and allowed Hotch to place one hand on his waist and the other in his hand while Rossi did the same with Derek. It was odd to see Hotch looking so happy. He was actually smiling and had been all day, that had to be some kind of record.

"What?" Hotch asked, noticing that Spencer was staring.

"You just look so happy," Spencer said. Hotch laughed at that, honest to god laughed. It was a sound that Spencer hadn't heard in years.

"Do you remember the Chester Hardwick interview?" Hotch asked after a moment. Spencer's smile faltered.

"I remember that you were ready to fight him," Spencer replied.

"You remember what happened after?"

"Hotch, I have an eidetic memory. I remember everything," Spencer said, his cheeks going a little red with embarrassment. "Do we have to talk about this?"

"There's just something I need you to know about that night." Hotch took a deep breath and looked around to make sure no one was listening in. "When you kissed me in the car that night I didn't reject you because I didn't have feelings for you, I rejected you because I didn't want you to regret anything when the adrenaline wore off. Not to mention I'm your boss. A relationship between us would be inappropriate."

"Hotch are you telling me you have feelings for me? Because this is really poor timing."

"No, no I don't have feelings for you anymore. I've found someone, and we are very happy together." Reid caught the way Hotch's eyes flicked to Rossi when he said that. He had assumed that there was something going on between them, and Hotch's body language confirmed that there was.

"I'm glad I didn't let it go any further. You belong with Morgan, not me."

"Me too," Spencer said. "If I'm being honest I can't say with any certainty that it wasn't the adrenaline that made me kiss you."

"I love you Spencer. You and Derek," Hotch leaned in to give Spencer a quick peck on the cheek.

"I love you too Hotch," Spencer laughed.

"Hey, keep your hands off my husband," Derek said, though his tone was joking. "Come on baby, it's my turn to dance with the boss man."

Spencer stepped back from Hotch so Derek could take his place. It was odd seeing the two of them dance together. They both oozed alpha male energy, which made it a little awkward as neither of them could figure out who should lead, but they seemed to figure it out after a moment of stepping on each other's toes.

"I guess you and I should dance," Spencer said to Rossi.

"I thought you would never ask Cucciolo*."

Dancing with Rossi was much like dancing with Hotch, although he wasn't quite as rigid. Rossi had this paternal aura about him that made Spencer feel secure. The reason for that was not hard to profile, but Spencer didn't want to get into that at the moment.

"How are you doing Spencer?" Rossi asked. Aside from Derek he knew the best how Spencer could be overwhelmed by large crowds and how that anxiety manifested. To Spencer's surprise, he felt none of that.

"I feel good actually. A little hot, but good," Spencer tugged on his collar, feeling just how warm it was for the first time that night.

"That's good. You know no one would blame you if you ducked out a little early," Rossi said.

"Really, I'm good. You don't have to worry about me."

"Force of habit. Worrying about each other is what keeps us alive in our line of work."

"There are no unsubs that need profiling here Dave," Spencer reminded him.

"I know, I know." Rossi shook his head. The song changed to something a little more upbeat, something that Spencer didn't recognize, but he and Rossi kept their pace.

"So how long have you and Hotch been going out?" Spencer asked. Rossi almost choked on air, his eyes going wide.

"What? Aaron and I aren't going out. Did he tell you we were?" So they were going out, Spencer thought.

"I'm a profiler Dave. I can read all of your microexpressions." Rossi sighed, knowing there was no use in lying to Spencer.

"We started seeing each other shortly after his divorce was finalized, but we took a break after Hayley died. It wasn't until a couple months ago that we decided to give it another go," Rossi explained.

"I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner," Spencer mumbled to himself.

"Don't feel too bad. I've been profiling since before you were born. I've gotten pretty good at keeping secrets. And besides, you've got better things to worry about than an old man's love life."

"I'm happy for you two. You're both great guys. You deserve each other."

"Thank you Spencer. That means a lot," Rossi said.

The rest of the evening was spent dancing, drinking, and socializing. In true wedding fashion, Spencer and Derek shoved cake into each other's faces after cutting it. Derek got his groove on with Penelope and Emily while Spencer drank wine with their mothers and took pictures with his older relatives. It was undoubtedly the most enjoyable party Spencer had ever been to, not that he had been to many parties.

After being swept in so many different directions, it was midnight before Derek and Spencer made it back to each other for more than a few minutes. Most of the guests had gone back to their rooms, either at the inn or other hotels nearby. The DJ was winding down, playing slow songs at a reduced volume.

Spencer and Derek were the only ones left on the dance floor, at least thae last who were conscious. They held Kate who was fast asleep between them as they swayed back and forth, their sleepy pace matching the music. Derek was sporadically placing soft kisses on Spencer's cheek and jaw which brought a lazy smile to the younger man's lips.

Over Spencer's shoulder Derek saw Garcia and Prentiss wave to him as they stumbled out of the reception hall. A quick scan of the room told Derek that they were the only ones there aside from the DJ.

"You look tired baby, you ready to leave?" Derek purred in Spencer's ear.

"Yeah. I have to put her down soon or my arms are going to give out." Derek chuckled softly, the movement sending vibrations through Spencer's body.

"I'm gonna go cut the DJ loose then we'll go, okay?" Spencer nodded.

After relieving the DJ Derek met Spencer at the door, opening it for him and turning the lights out behind them. The walk back to the cabin only took a few minutes, but between carrying Kate, his tiredness, and having had a little too much wine, Spencer felt like he was walking forever.

Finally they made it back to the cabin. Unlike the night before, Spencer didn't try to wake Kate up to get her out of her dress, he just took her shoes off and laid her in bed, making sure to place her nightgown on the bedside table so if she woke up during the night and wanted to change, her pajamas would be within eyeshot.

Back in the living room Derek was waiting for him.

"Isn't it customary for the groom to carry the bride over the threshold?" he asked, holding his arms out. Spencer rolled his eyes.

"I am not your bride," he laughed.

"Oh come on, you pretty much are."

"You know we could still get an annulment," Spencer said, but allowed Derek to scoop him up anyways.

"Are you going to threaten divorce forever?"

"Probably. Now take me to bed Derek Morgan-Reid."

"Whatever you say Spencer Morgan-Reid."

* Cucciolo - An Italian term of endearment, usually used by a parent for their child, meaning "puppy".   

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