Always and Forever

By noiseyburlesquepeach

9.6K 257 161

Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid are finally tying the knot and officially becoming a family. Sequel to "Getting... More

Road Trip
Rehearsal Dinner
The Morning Of
Obligatory Pre-Wedding Dance Party
Always and Forever
Consummating the Marriage


1.1K 33 23
By noiseyburlesquepeach

At first Spencer wasn't sure what woke him up. It was later than he was used to, and the sun was already fully up. As he woke up further he identified what had woken. Morgan had a hand on his hip and was slowly rutting against Spencer's ass.

"Hey," Spencer mumbled, turning his head around to face Morgan.

"Hey," Morgan said. He leaned forward, kissing his fiancé.

"Sleep well?" Morgan asked after they broke away.

"Very." Spencer groaned when Morgan slipped a hand into the front of his boxers.

"I'm glad to hear that." The older man trailed his lips up and down the back of Spencer's neck.

"No marks," Spencer warned. "Gotta look perfect in my tux."

"I think a nice big hickey would look good on you. I could be your something blue. Well, black and blue."

"My mother would kill me Derek." Spencer let out a laugh that was cut off by a moan when Morgan's hand picked up the pace around Spencer's cock.

"Don't stop Derek," Spencer breathed.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Morgan's thrusts grew faster to match the pace of his hand.

"You know how tempting you are, baby boy? Even when you're sleeping I want you so bad."

"I'm all yours Derek, you know that."

"After tomorrow the whole world will know."

"Fuck Derek, I'm close."

"Me too baby."

Spencer came a few moments later in Morgan's hand. Morgan was right behind him, coming over Spencer's ass.

"That's one hell of a way to wake up," Spencer panted. "Seriously, I could get used to that."

Spencer's phone started ringing then. He groaned, rolling over to grab it off the nightstand. He didn't recognize the number, but he picked it up anyway.


"Uh, hey Spencer," the voice on the other side said.

"Dad?" Spencer asked, sitting up straight. Morgan gave him a worried look.

"Yeah. It's me. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Spencer looked at Morgan, placing a finger over his lips and silently putting the phone on speaker so the other man could listen in. "Is there a reason you're calling me?"

There was a pause on the other end followed by a sigh like he was trying to decide how to say what he had to say.

"Your mom called me. She said you're getting married tomorrow," he finally said.


"And you never thought to tell me? I know I haven't been exactly active in your life but marriage is a big deal."

Spencer took a breath to stableize himself. Morgan saw that he was getting worked up and took hold of his free hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I honestly didn't think you were interested." Spencer tried to keep his voice steady but it was getting harder with the rising emotion in him.

"Spencer I've read every article, paper and internet post about you or by you in existence. You know I've been keeping tabs on you."

"What do you want from me dad?"

"I just want to talk to you Spencer. Is it unreasonable for a father to want to talk to his son the day before he gets married?"

"Now you're interested in talking to me?"

"Spencer, you know I've been trying. Ever since I found out about Kate I've been calling, sending letters, but you just keep pushing me away."

"You left me dad. I was just a kid. Excuse me if a couple phone calls doesn't make up for the years I didn't have a father."

William was silent for a while, processing what Spencer had just said. Every second that no words were spoken increased Spencer's anxiety.

"I screwed up Spencer. I regret leaving you every day." He said. When Spencer didn't respond he kept going. "But despite my mistakes you have turned into a great man. And you're a better dad than I ever was. I'm proud of you Spencer."

Spencer still didn't respond. He had nothing to say. The words coming from his father were meant to calm him, to make amends, but they meant nothing to him.

"Did you at least give Kate the package I sent?" He asked after a moment.

"Yeah. She really likes the book," Spencer said.

"I knew she would. It was one of your favorites when you were younger." William sighed deeply. "Congratulations on your wedding Spencer. I hope that you and your wife will be happy."

"Thanks," Spencer said, then hung up. He dropped the phone and let his eyes fall closed, leaning back against Morgan's chest.

"That was pretty intense babe. You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Honestly I don't know why I even answered the phone in the first place," Spencer said.

"He's still your dad Spence. You can't blame yourself for not being able to ignore him."

"Let's just forget about it," Spencer said. "Come on, I need a shower."

After the two men were clean and dressed. They left their cabin, heading back towards the main house. By then it was almost nine o'clock, which was not late for most people, but it was rare that Spencer and Morgan got to sleep in for so long without being called into work.

The farm itself seemed alive around them. The horses had been let out into the pasture, all of the pigs were rolling around in the mud, and even the farm cats were out enjoying the weather.

"It's a gorgeous day," Morgan said. "Not as gorgeous as you though."

"Derek." Spencer buried his face in his lover's shoulder.

"My beautiful blushing bride."

"Really? Your bride?" Spencer pushed Morgan away from him halfheartedly.

Morgan laughed in response, not deterred by the shove. He moved back against his lover, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"You think you're funny?" Spencer asked, nudging Morgan away with his hip.

"No. I know I'm funny." he ran his hands up Spencer's sides, slipping his fingers under the fabric of his shirt.

"Oh no, you're not getting off that easily," Spencer said, moving away again.

"Don't make me chase you baby, you know I'm faster," Morgan warned.

"I thought you liked the chase, 'playa'," Spencer teased.

"Not anymore. In case you didn't know I'm taken." Morgan held up his hand to show off his engagement ring.

"Yeah and you better not forget it." Spencer wrapped his arms around Morgan's shoulders. Morgan reciprocated by grabbing Spencer's waist. He pressed his lips behind Spencer's right ear, leaving a few kisses.

"You know what?" Morgan said, voice low. "I think you'd look great wearing a little white garter."

"Nope," Spencer said shoving Morgan away. "We have things to do. As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you all day we can't."

"Who said anything about going back to bed?"

"Don't play dumb, you know what talking like that does to me."

"It seems to have slipped my mind," Morgan purred. "Tell me?"

"Derek," Spencer warned.

"Maybe I wanna get you worked up. Maybe I wanna keep you an edge all day."

"Are you sure sexually frustrated Spencer is who you want in charge of your wedding? I can be a bit irritable when I'm horny."

"Irritable is an understatement." Morgan chuckled. "But damn the sex is good when you've got all that pent up energy."

"I cannot believe you. Do you ever think about anything other than sex?" Spencer said, shaking his head, though his smile betrayed the illusion of sternness.

"I try, but then I see your cute little ass and it's all I can think about." To make his point, Morgan grabbed a handful of Spencer's ass, squeezing a little.

Spencer yelped, smacking Morgan's chest lightly. Morgan smirked and Spencer shot him a dirty look.

"Let's make a deal," Spencer said. "If you can allow me to focus on the wedding and all of the tasks I have to complete, we can sneak away around lunchtime."

Morgan considered for a second, but decided that it was a good deal.

"Alright pretty boy. Deal." He said.

"Okay now let's go." Spencer took hold of Morgan's hand and led him down the dirt path to the main house.

Most of the team was already awake. Rossi and Garcia were making breakfast in the kitchen while Hotch, Prentiss, and Will sat at the counter. Kate and Jack were watching cartoons in the living room that was directly off the kitchen.

"Hey, good morning you two," Rossi said.

"Morning," Morgan said. He sat down next to Prentiss then pulled Spencer to sit in his lap.

"How was Kate last night?" Spencer asked Garcia when she placed two cups of coffee in front of them.

"Like you even have to ask. She was perfect," Garcia said.

"She talked my ear off about types of butterflies for like an hour," Prentiss snorted.

"She gets it from her dad," Morgan said, smiling up at Spencer.

"I can't believe you two are getting married tomorrow," Garcia sighed.

"Took you long enough," Hotch mumbled under his breath.

"Stop it," Rossi admonished, though his tone held no bite.

"Well it's true. I have watched you two pine since you met each other. You were both just too stubborn to make the first move."

"I didn't think I was that obvious," Spencer said.

"Spencer I knew from the moment I met you that you were head over heels for Derek, and I'm not even a profiler," Will said.

"You've never been good at hiding how you're feeling babe," Morgan teased, planting a few kisses on his neck.

"You weren't exactly subtle either," Prentiss said. "You were like an unfixed cat. I'm surprised you never peed on him to stake your claim."

"That's not true at all," Morgan defended.

"For his first few years you wouldn't let him near an unsub if you could help it," Hotch said.

"Not to mention whenever Spencer's in danger you become nearly impossible to work with," Rossi said.

"Okay, now I know you guys are lying." Morgan said, shaking his head. "I am a delight to work with in any situation."

"Derek hon, I love you but Rossi's right. You're a nightmare when Spence is hurt. You yell at me, and you never yell at me." Garcia said.

"Well if someone would stop jumping headfirst into dangerous situations I wouldn't have a reason to be a nightmare."

"Oh so this is my fault now?" Spencer said.

"I'm just saying, maybe if you understood the meaning of 'keep your vest on'..." Morgan trailed off.

"Well I haven't died yet." Everyone gave Spencer a look when he said that. "Okay, that's not true. But what matters is that I'm alive now."

"Alive and getting married tomorrow," Garcia reminded him.

"Speaking of which, I have a lot to do today, I should get started." Spencer stood up from the table.

"Oh no, boy wonder, the only thing you have to worry about is spending the day with your family. The rest of us have this under control." Garcia said, stepping between him and the door.


"No buts, except yours getting in the car. I am sending you, Derek, Kate and your mom to a butterfly conservatory. You can thank your daughter for giving me the inspiration."

Spencer was conflicted. Sure, a day out with his daughter, fiancé and mother sounded great, too good to be true even, especially in his line of work, but there was still so much that had to be done for the wedding. It's not that he didn't trust the team to take care of it, he knew they could, he would just feel a lot better if he could be there controlling the preparations.

"I'm not hearing a no." Garcia said after Spencer was silent for a moment.

"Okay, okay. You have the list?" Spencer asked.

"Yes I have the list."

"And you'll call me if you have any issues?"

"Absolutely not. I'll call Derek if we have any issues because you will freak out and drive back." Spencer gave her a worried look. "But there won't be any issues so it's irrelevant, now eat up so you can get going."

An hour later they were stepping out of the car in the parking lot of the butterfly conservatory. The car ride was only half an hour, which Spencer was grateful for, because that meant that if anything went wrong he could be back at the inn quickly.

They spent hours walking around, looking at the butterflies and other small animals. Kate was fascinated with the atlas moths that were bigger than her head. Morgan preferred the reptiles and little birds that scurried through the vegetation. Spencer just liked watching Morgan.

Spencer had not been able to spend much time with his mother and daughter since they moved to Quantico when Kate was two. Times like this we're few and far between and he tried to make the most of them whenever he had the chance.

Spencer was sitting in the gazebo watching Morgan and Kate handling one of the bearded dragons. Kate was wary of the creature at first, but Morgan showed her that it was okay, that it wouldn't hurt her.

"He's good with her," Diana said. She was also watching Morgan and Kate.

"He loves her like she's his own," Spencer said. It was true, after living with Spencer and Kate for over a year Morgan had begun to think of himself as Kate's father and she reciprocated.

"He makes you happy, right Spencer?"

Happy. That was something Spencer hadn't expected to be. Ever since he was a kid he knew he was different. It was novel at first, adults paid a lot of attention to him for his intellect, but being the only twelve year old in his senior class did not make Spencer popular. All of the torment that he endured during his adolescent years convinced him that he would never be happy.

That was, until Kate was born. Being a parent brought Spencer a happiness that he never could've imagined he would possess. It was hard at first, hell, it was still hard sometimes, but it was all worth it.

The only person that came close to providing him with the same happiness that Kate did was Morgan. He didn't think it would be possible to love someone who wasn't his own daughter so much, but his feelings had surprised him before, and he knew that would Morgan they would continue to surprise him.

"Yes," Spencer answered truthfully after a moment of contemplation.

"That's all I've ever wanted for you Spencer," Diana said, squeezing her son's hand gently. "Your education, your career, your intellect, of course I'm proud of all those things, but what really matters to me is that you are happy and loved."

"I love you mom." Spencer could feel tears welling up in his eyes.

"I love you too Spencer."

They sat in silence for a while, Spencer letting his gaze drift back to Morgan and Kate. As he watched his daughter he realized that he felt the same way about her that his mother felt about him. Sure, he wanted her to be successful in life, educated like he was, but none of that really mattered as long as she was happy.

"Daddy," Kate said, breaking Spencer out of his thoughts.

"Hey honey, are you having fun?"

"Yeah. Can we get a lizard?" she asked. Spencer looked up at Morgan who shrugged. A lizard would be a lot less work than a kitten.

"We'll talk about it after the wedding. For now we can get ice cream if you want it," Spencer said.

"Yes please." Kate grabbed Spencer's hand, tugging him out of his seat.

"Okay, okay. Mom, you want ice cream?" he asked, chuckling to himself.

"Why not," she replied.

Later when the four of them were getting back in the car Spencer took hold of Morgan's hand. Morgan looked at him, a little confused but pleased with the contact.

"You know I love you right," Spencer said.

"I know. I love you too baby." Morgan brought Spencer's hand to his lips, placing a sweet kiss on his knuckles. God, Spencer couldn't wait to marry this man.

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