Night Disease

By kipekipe

22.4K 1.3K 134

UNDERGOING EDITS/COMPLETED A day can change your life in an instant, just like one decision can change the pa... More

Author note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's note

Chapter 42

167 14 3
By kipekipe

Damon listens intently to my plan. He is going to be our inside man. I won't go into very much detail as he understands that I need to bring it up with the others first. But we start with a simple plan.

He relays any information to me and I relay it to the others. He tries to not hurt or drain people but if he does I come in to reverse what he did as a safety measure.

A few minutes later we exit the closet. Turning back to him I stop him "wait how did you know it was me and not a human?"

"Oh, it was simply your name is unique so once I heard it and waited to observe you I figured it out quickly." He smiles proudly at his detective skills.

Running a hand through my hair a let out the breath I was holding. "Thank goodness I thought for a second, my human disguise was losing its touch."

I turn to leave but stop at his call. "Wait Kaindra how do you hide your vampire smell and aura."

"That's a secret for another time" I wink waving goodbye over my shoulder. I leave him standing there as he snaps out of his thoughts and leaves for his room.

Entering my room I close the door quietly to not distribute the snoring forms. Checking the time my eyes widen. It's three in the morning. Getting ready for bed I push my run to five. Wanting to get at least a few hours of shut-eye before I go out.

Walking down the hall I hum a small tune. It's seven in the morning but the halls are silent. The morning bell got turned off to let people sleep in from the last night. Jobs have been postponed today so it's a free day. Only everyday jobs are still working like cooking, feeding the animals, cleaning, and the like.

Anyone who doesn't have anything to do is suggested to help the people who do.

Taking a left turn I head to the kitchens. Pushing open the doors stacks of pots and pans line the counters. Five people are already wiping and drying the dishes. Smiling at the people I find an open sink. Rolling up my sleeves I fill the sink with warm soapy water. Grabbing a pot I begin cleaning.

The other people chat happily with each other. Four women and one man occupied the other sinks. Two women talk speedily with each other jumping topics from the topic.

The other woman and man talk slower with each other, joining the chirpy woman now and again. I join in the conversations when they flip to topics of interest. Mostly I just stay quiet enjoying the company.

Another cook joins beside me grabs the dishes I cleaned and begins drying. Sharing a smile he smiles back at me. "So you're a forager, you like the job?" He asks conversationally.

Nodding my head I hand him the pan I finished cleaning. "Yes, I do very much. Do you enjoy cooking?"

He nods his head smiling at me. He looks to be in his mid twenty's, judging from his hands he has been a cook for a long time. "I do it's my passion to cook. I use to cook with my mum when I was little, she kind of raised me into it." He smiles at the mention of his mother.

"She sounds like a lovely woman."

He nods his head sadly "she was. She died last year before the zombies came, cancer."

"My condolences"

He smiles "thank you that means a lot."

I smile continuing my work. We stay silent enjoying the flow as we listen to the others talk. We talk with the others for the next hour as we clean.

Handing my partner the last pan I pull the plug out of the sink. Drying my wrinkly hands I wave to the people in the kitchen walking out. By now it's almost nine so my friends should be awake.

Walking into the mess hall I spot my sluggish friends eating their food tiredly. Skipping over I wave cheerfully "good morning my rays of sunshine."

Liam grumbles rubbing his eyes tiredly "it is not a good morning. How can you have so much energy this early."

I smile brightly at him faking overly happiness. "How can I not be the sun is shining the birds are chirping and zombies are growling it's perfect."

Liam glares stifling a yawn. Kaitlyn takes a gentle sip of her coffee savouring the warmth. "Kain, why did you go back yesterday, if I remember correctly you did not bring anything with you, so why did you go back?"

Hiding my face behind my cup I slowly drink my water. Kaitlyn's eyes m noticing my delay. Clearing my throat I place a sound barrier noticing the vampires listening in. "I heard someone following us so I stayed back. It was Damon waiting to ambush us. He knew one of the people who trained me and was jealous. I calmed him down and cleared his head, now he is on our side and is going to be our inside man."

I kept it vague but gave just enough information so they don't ask questions. Kaitlyn's eyes widen "he was following us why didn't you tell me."

"I didn't want him to know I knew he was following. You could have gotten hurt." I plead with my eyes hoping she isn't mad.

"Thanks, Kain I didn't think of that, " she grins focusing back on her coffee.

"I would do anything to keep you all safe, even take on a small puppy." I fight the urge to grin trying to keep my face serious but failing miserably. My face betrays me and grins. We all laugh at my more than lame attempt at humour. "But seriously I would protect you all with my immortal life." I place my hand over my heart binding myself to my words.

They smile tearfully "aww we would to Kain but minus the immortal part." Sam says reaching over to Liam to pull me into a hug.

"Hey, I want to hug her too" we snicker at Liam as he pulls m away from Sam hugging me. Soon we are all reaching over the table in a big group hug. I drop the barrier as it is no longer needed.

"Why was I not notified that it was hug time." Looking up I see Diana standing beside our table her food in one hand and amber other on her hip. She fangs anger sliding into her normal spot beside me.

"We just had an emotional moment we will tell you next time." I bump her shoulder playfully.
Leaning closer to her I whisper in her ear. "I need to talk with you and some others I have an inside person now. But I need to make sure the others are good with it."

Diana shows little surprise, the only sigh is the slight widening of her eyes. She nods eyes glazing over as she contacts others. We sign through breakfast happy for a free day.

Diana motions for me to follow her out of the mess hall. Waving to my friends I skip after Diana who already left the mess hall. Listening I follow the sound of Diana and the other's voices into an empty library.

"What is it that you had to tell us? All that Diana said is that you have an inside man, " a witch says.

I look over at him nodding my head. "Yes, I do I got an inside man for the group killing the people in the base..." I go into detail about our plan, not to disclose Damon's identity to them as he asked.

When I finish silence falls over. The four people in the room fall into deep thought. The designated angel leader speaks first "it sounds like a good plan. You will be in charge and if anything goes wrong it's on you." I nod my head rapidly they may still not trust me fully but they trust me enough.

Bowing my head I smile "thank you that's all I needed. You won't be disappointed." Thanking them a few more times I leave the room. Ignoring their conversation I run outside to the gate. It may be the day off but I need to burn off my excitement.

Nodding to the sentries I jog out of the gate. Once out of sight I squeal running faster till the trees blur. I run for miles jumping over fallen trees and spinning in circles. I slow to a more normal run breathing a little harder.

A twig snaps to my left. Stopping I drop down into a fighting crouch hand covering my daggers. Staying silent I wait for the person or animal to come out. Footsteps crunch under the snow coming my way. "I am disappointed I thought you would have taken care of that group quicker. Why are they still at the base Kain?"

Relaxing at the familiar voice it takes me a few seconds to realize who was talking. He walks out of the shade into the sun's light. Black hair tied back out of his face. Dark eyes gaze at me twinkling. His tanned complexion has not changed as well has his dark clothing.

I smile running forward, he catches me mid-air spinning me around chuckling deeply. My feet hit the ground as I look up at his face two heads above me. "Lucifer what are you doing here?"

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