The Emerald Nightmare (Villai...

By _Potterweeb_

44.9K 1.4K 976

Starts after the sludge monster attack on Deku. All might discouraged Deku and he never went after the villai... More

The park
who are you?
The bar
The bar (part 2)
I just want you to know.....
The U.A. Entrance Exam
The U.A. Entrance Exam (teacher's pov)
"Why me?"
Twat Might (PART 1)
(not a chapter)

Time for a new school year

3.1K 90 148
By _Potterweeb_

Above is what he looks like to people. Except sassy and less shy.

Fast forward to the first day of school

Deku's pov
The first day at U.A., should be exciting right? I shower, get dressed and eat breakfast and walk to school. As soon as i step out of the house, i put my invisible mask on. Time to be a hero. I was outside of U.A., dayum. Look at me, the number 1 villain in Japan, going to U.A., going to get information and recruit new members. But enough about how far i have come, I'mma go inside. Okay. 1-A. I memorised the entire blueprint of the school. So i should get there pretty quickly. Ah. Here. Hopefully i am the first one in and-.
"Get your feet off of the desk, it is very disrespectful to the school's property, you cretin!" Iida yelled while waving his arms in a 90° angle.
"Did your old school put a stick up your ass, four eyes?"
Then as soon as he was about to respond he glanced at me and walked towards me. Ugh. Do not engage with me, oh, i got a mind reading quirk a while back and realised this guy was sorry. It seems he felt pressured to show off that he was smart because he was a part of the Iida family. Aww. I mean, uh, ugh.
"You!" He points to me then bows "I am sorry for acting the way I did in the Entrance Exams! Uraraka" he then pointed at Uraraka who was next to him "told me how you helped her and that- that you beat the 0 pointer robot" that's when everyone was looking at me with curiosity, except Bakugo. He was glaring at me with the most piercing glare he has glared at me with yet. "I misjudged you and i am truly sorry for that. Of course, in real life, i would have gone to rescue her but i didn't because it was an exam. You saw past a hidden part of the exam that i wasn't able to. I respect you for that and think of you as my upperclassman" he said still bowing down until he was finished "I hope you forgive my crudeness from before and hope we can turn over a new leaf"
I could feel Katsuki's anger radiating off of him. He hated that our classmate was apologising to me. I love pissing him off so
"Of course, i forgive you and i am honoured to be thought of in that way by none other than an Iida!" I say and graciously thank.
Bakugou was even more angry.
"Also, my brother had connections to one of the teachers here and, correct me if i'm wrong, but you got 206 points in the physical Entrance exam and full marks on the written as well as beating that 0 pointer? Meaning you placed top of all the hero exams?"
Now everyone was erupting into gossip and Bakugo had enough.
"That's not true! You are just a quirkless nobody who is useless and weak-"
"First of all, yes it is true, second i do have a quirk, third, our homeroom teacher Mr Shota Aizawa, also known as the underground pro hero Eraserhead is waiting behind me." I say as I walk over to my seat.
Everyone was silent and Eraserhead, even though he was shocked that i even knew of his existence and that i sensed him behind me, he hid it.
"This kid really does have potential. But time to test him and the rest of this problem class" he thought.
I heard that thought and sat in my seat as did the rest if the class. With the facts i have so far, i think my percentage of being a villain has dropped down to 0.21%. Yeah, dropping by 0.03% isn't that much but at least there is less of a chance for anyone to figure who i really am.
"Thank you, Mydoriya. And if any of you are here to make friends, you might as well just leave. Now, everyone, get into those suits and meet me outside the school" he said pointing to boxes with our sizes.
Everyone was dressed and outside when they all asked with confusion "A quirk assessment test?"
"But won't we miss orientation?" Ochako questioned.
I smirked. I know how Eraser thinks. That was when i heard him think
"The kid knows why. He really is a good candidate to become a future pro hero. I guess i will just nod so he knows he is allowed to explain"
Right after, he nodded to me, signaling i could explain. I nodded back and took a step forward so everbody could see me.
"Mr Aizawa and honestly same here, think that we shouldn't waste time on traditional rituals that have no use and wants to see the potential we all have in person. In his eyes, orientation is a waste of time compared to testing us all to see whether or not we should become pros" i responded to the class's confusion.
"This kid is pretty similiar to me. And i honestly couldn't explain it any better" he thought.
"That's a load of bull! Stop acting all high and mighty, shitty Deku!" Bakugo yelled with frustration.
"He's right, if you really want to make the big leagues then you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies"
Everyone inhaled with shock.
"Here at UA we aren't tethered to traditions. That means i get to run the class however i see fit."
The crowd was surpised again. Like dayum, this is UA after all.
"You've been taking standardised tests most of your lives. But you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we are all created equal by not letting those with the most power excel.  One day the Ministry of Education will learn. Mydoriya, you managed to get the most points during the Entrance Exam" he pointedly looked at me. I pretended to look startled at the sudden call-out. "What was your farthest distance ball throw during Junior High?"
I internally smirked. This guy knows i was quirkless up until a few months ago. He just wants to see how i react to being put on the spot.
"Considering i was quirkless, my record was not as high as all my classmates might have been as i scored 11.3m" i responded calmly. I sensed a small grin from him and i smiled.
"Right, try doing it with your quirk. Anything goes just stay in the circle. Go on we're wasting our time"
I walk into the designated circle and say "Sure, Aizawa-sensei". I stretch my arms and mentally do the calculations for a trick i was working on a few days ago at Dagobah beach. It's where i aim the ball at a precise angle and throw it with full strength - it goes around the entire planet and back to me.
"Oh and Mr Aizawa?" I look back at him.
"What is it, problem child?"
"I knew you were going to do this quirk assessment test"
His eyebrow was raised. Why? Because he had only planned this yesterday. Meaning i predicted it.
"And i worked on a little move"
I smiled and threw the ball at the right angle. I turned around and 30 seconds later i had my hand up, ready to catch the ball. I did it perfectly. Everyone was gaping and Mr Aizawa was wearing a small grin.
"I like this child" he thought.
"You scored 40,075.017 km. The circumference around the Earth."
"Yes but i know that Uraraka will be the one to score the most in this part of the activity. I estimate it will be infinity to be exact"
Everyone gasped, except from me, Bakugou and Aizawa of course. While Bakugou was speechless but glared at me, the class cheered me on.
"Yes! We get to use our quirks as much as we want!"
"That's what I'm talking about!"
"That was so cool Mydoriya!"
"Cool, bro!"
"This is going to be such a fun year-"
I looked at Eraser and gave him a look, i was thinking the same as him. He looked down then looked at the class.
"So you think this is going to be fun, huh?" Everyone was startled by his attitude and stopped.
"You have three years to become a hero. You think it's all going to be games and play time?" He was now wearing a shit-eating grin. "Idiots. Today you'll compete in 8 physical tests to engage your potential. Whoever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately"
Everyone gasped, "Immediate expulsion?" they all thought. But i knew it was only if he didn't see potential in them, but if he did, he would brush it off saying it was a 'logical ruse' of some sort. I showed him my own shit-eating grin and we both grinned in agreement.
"It's like i had a son that that i have re-united with. It's hilarious" he thought. I can agree. He is one of the few heroes i don't hate. I stopped grinning before anyone could notice anything. I went back to normal and he continued "Like i said, i decide how this class runs. Understand?"
He said it while pulling his hair back.
"If that's a problem then you can head home right now."
I grinned as was half of the class including Bakugo, while the other half were flooded with confusion, shock and misery.
"A huge test on the first day of school?"  they thought.
I internally snickered. Though i may be a villain. I am undercover. So why not have a bit of fun and competition while here?
That's when Uraraka decided she didn't like that.
"You can't send one of us home! I mean, we just got here! Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair."
It's life-
"Oh and you think natural disasters are?" he replied.
Harsh but i can't talk. There was was even more shock, they couldn't believe him. The truth is, they don't like how truthful he is. Why? Because they aren't used to the truth.
"The power-hungry villains, hm?"
Okay, i admit, a lot of us, and i mean a lot of us are power-hungry. I mean I don't care about power. I care about making the world better - one way or another.
"Catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No. The world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to cut back that unfairness. If you wanna be a pro you're gonna have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond, plus-ultra style. Show me it's no mistake that you're here."
I heard a variety of different thoughts. There were those that doubted:
"I don't approve of this kind of method but UA is the top hero course" is what Iida thought. Then there was those who were straight up:
"Time to blow these nerds away" you can already guess who thought that.
"Now then, we're just wasting time by talking, let the games begin" Aizawa finished.

No pov
Test 1: The 50m dash:
1st: Izuku Mydoriya
2nd: Tenya Iida
3rd: Katsuki Bakugo

Test 2: Grip strength
1st: Izuku Mydoria
2nd: Mezo Shoji
3rd: Rikido Sato

Test 3: Standing long jump
1st: Izuku Mydoria
2nd: Katsuki Bakugou
3rd: Yuga Aoyama

Test 4: Repeated side steps
1st: Izuku Mydoriya
2nd: Minoru Mineta
3rd: Tsuyu Asui

Test 5: Ball Throw
1st: Ochako Uraraka
2nd: Izuku Mydoria
3rd: Katsuki Bakugou

Test 6: Sit ups
1st: Izuku Mydoria
2nd: Shoto Todoroki
3rd: Katsuki Bakugou

Test 7: Seated toe touch
1st: Izuku Mydoriya
2nd: Shoto Todoroki
3rd: Momo Yaoyorozu

Test 8: Long distance run
1st: Izuku Mydoriya
2nd: Tenya Iida
3rd: Katsuki Bakugou

Everyone was back in a crowd again and Mr Aizawa showed the results:

1st: Izuku Mydoriya
2nd: Momo Yaoyorozu
3rd: Shoto Todoroki
4th: Katsuki Bakugou
5th: Tenya Iida
6th: Fumikage Tokoyami
7th: Mezo Shoji
8th: Mashirao Ojiro
9th: Eijiro Kirishima
10th:Mina Ashido
11th: Ochako Uraraka
12th: Koji Koda
13th: Rikido Sato
14th: Tsuyu Asui
15th: Yuga Aoyama
16th: Hanta Sero
17th: Denki Kaminari
18th: Kyoka Jiro
19th: Toru Hagakure
20th: Minoru Mineta

Btw, he hasn't done anything pervy yet so it has the same plot when comes to the expulsion thing or not. This is also very important to the story.

Deku's pov
Everyone stared at Mr Aizawa.

"And i was lying, no one is going home"

I snickered as quietly as possible.

"That was just a rational deception so you gave it your all on the tests"

I snickered again except it was slightly louder so Eraser heard and shot me a look. I gave him my own look that said 'Carry on, bro. I didn't say anything'. He discreetly rolled his eyes. Meanwhile, everyone shouted "What?!".
"I am surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry, i guess i should have said something" Yaoyorozu responded.
"That's not true" i blurted out. Well, 'blurted', i was not going to let her think she was right.
"What do you mean?"
"Problem child-" Aizawa looked at me like 'what chu going to do now, huh?'.
"Nu-uh. He was going to expel the student who came in last if he didn't see any potential in them. I predicted that if the student had potential in his eyes, he would brush it off and say it was a "rational deception"." I said and proceeded to use speech marks with my hands for "rational deception".
Everyone was once again shocked at how much knowledge i had and how i can predict everything. I didn't even use my 'quirk'. And they knew that. Oh well. I can't exactly be a cinnamon roll anymore. But i can manipulate everyone in to thinking that i would never be a villain at least. Right after i finished explaining, dear old Katsuki yelled "Stop lying and acting all cool, Deku, you bastard!" and ran at me with explosions firing from his hand, i looked at Mr Aizawa, asking if i could handle the situation myself - he nodded. As soon as Bakugou was close enough i grabbed his arm and threw him over me i had him pinned down, he was facing the ground and i took his hands behind his back with one hand and my other was around his neck. Everyone gasped.
"If i were to be a villain in this situation  - you would be dead" i said calmly.
"Hehe, i like this problem child, he's just as harsh as me" i heard Aizawa think.
I smiled and moved Bakugou's head so that he could see me as i crouched lower.
"This is UA. You aren't the top dog anymore, Katsuki. I am. And so is Momo and Shoto. They are better than you in general - so far. If you want to be better than everyone, work for it. If you already do work for it - work harder. Here, you can't shove explosions in people's faces to intimidate them. No. Then you'd just be making a fool of yourself. You have to put in the effort instead of taking the easy way of life." I take my head back up while still on top of him - struggling. I stand up and grab him so that he is up too. He would never take my hand, no matter the situation. I face the class while Bakugou stands, trembling in shock.
"This isn't fun and games. Like Mr Aizawa said, if that's a problem you can go home. Whatever happened in Junior High or at any other age other than now doesn't matter. Whether you were a top dog like our dear Katsuki or you were bullied and beaten to the ground. Here, you turn over a new leaf."
I walk back to my place while Aizawa could no longer hide the smile he had.
I gave him a look that said 'Going to keep teaching this class or what?'.
He snapped back in to reality and ended the lesson with.
"That's it, we're done for today. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over before tomorrow morning"
Everyone exhaled with relief after Mr Aizawa ended the lesson. The tension was so thick you cut it with a knife. That meant it was true. He looked back at the class after he started walking away.
"Things are going to be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared"
And with that he was gone.
After classes
I was walking back home. This is a great first day. That's when Iida caught up with me. Lemme see what he wants.
"I am going to talk to Mydoriya about Mr Aizawa's methods. I want to know his opinion" he thought.
Jeez. Sure. Okay then.
"Hey Iida. How are you?"
"I am good, Mydoriya. But i wanted to ask you something."
"Sure, fire away"
"I was a bit concerned as to what Mr Aizawa's approach was in class. But i trust the school's judgement, UA is the top program. What do you think?"
"I think it was great. Though, not many of the teachers here are like that. I think that he is a kind person in his own way. He thinks that letting a child dream about something that won't happen is cruel. So he stops it right before it can escalate."
Iida thought hard but was interrupted by Uraraka who was running to us from behind.
"Heyyy, you two! Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!"
"Oh, you're the infinity girl!"
"Guess i should intoduce my self properly. I am Ochako Uraraka. You're Tenya Iida. Omg. So what Deku said was true then? You are from the Iida family!"
I cringed at the word, 'Deku'. Okay, react to how i would in junior high. No. Back then i pretended to cower in fear. Let's just go.... surprised.
"Uh, yeah? Isn't that what Bakugou called you? During the fitness test! He said "'Deku, you bastard!' Right?" She responded.
"Well my name is actually Izuku. Deku is what Bakugou calls me to make fun of me."
"That's unsportsmanlike" Iida commented.
Uraraka put her hand behind her head and said
"Oh, I didn't realise that, I'm sorry. Ya know what? I like Deku. It can make a great hero name!"
Ugh. I don't like the idea but i am undercover. So i guess i will go with it.
"Sure. I don't mind. But it'll take some getting used to. Being called it not to make fun of me but to acknowledge me. But I'll get used to it" i replied.
"Just like that? But weren't you just saying it was an insult?" Iida said, confused. I chuckled.
We walked to the station. My first day at UA.
What a great day.

I want to know what you think if this new kind of way of writing is better. The pros are that: i use real references from the anime, 3000+ words instead of 1000+, closer to the canon anime (the majority of this chapter is copied word for word from the anime) etc. And the con is that it takes longer to upload. Tell me. I am stuck.

If you don't want smut, I'll do fluff. If you want smut, that's what you get. I just want my readers to best enjoy the story in the way they would like it.

Update, no more ship requests because the chosen ship was DekuShin.

Other than that, thank you for reading!

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