Rodrick Heffley x Reader

By notbungacow

192K 3.5K 6.7K

You're a member of Lรถded Diper. You've been their bass guitarist for as long as the bands been together. Ever... More

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final authors note <3

๐ŸŽต๐Ÿฅ~โ„‚๐•™๐•’๐•ก๐•ฅ๐•–๐•ฃ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™~๐Ÿฅ๐ŸŽต

7.3K 163 219
By notbungacow

A/N: Content warning: CRINGE!!! I WROTE THIS WHEN I WAS 15 AND IVE NEVER DRANK IN MY LIFE SO ITS BAD!!! also underage drinking and harassment

Rodrick looked at Heather confused. "Uh, hi?" He questioned her motives.

"Hey, " she said sliding her hand on his neck. He politely brushed her off. "Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"Uh, no, " He gave her an awkward smile. He looked at Y/N from across the room. She wasn't paying attention to what was happening but Rodrick knew what he had to do. "Actually, yes there is. I uh, I don't like you like that, "

"Sure you don't, " She said pulling herself closer to him.

'Yikes, ' Rodrick thought to himself 'How am I supposed to get outta this one?'

"Look, Heather, " He said pushing her off of him. "I already tried to ask you out and you humiliated me. I told you I'm not into you so back off, " He started to turn away from her.

Heather huffed. In the blink of an eye, she came up with a plan. She was only doing this to mess with Y/N so it didn't really matter to her what Rodrick thought. She very quickly pulled her lipstick from her bag, threw it at Y/N to get her attention, and as soon as she was looking Heather turned Rodrick around and kissed him on the mouth.

Before Y/N could piece together the details she stormed off to find Beck.

Rodrick shoved Heather off of him and wiped off his mouth. "I think you should leave, " He said as he grabbed her by her upper arm, "Like, right now, " He dragged her to the front door and threw her out. Even though he didn't realize that Y/N had seen what happened, he still felt really guilty about it and set off to find her.

Meanwhile, Y/N found Beck on the back porch talking to some strangers. "Did you bring alcohol?" Y/N asked in a serious tone.

"What? No! Rodrick said I couldn't so I didn't. I would never-" Beck was interrupted.

"I want some, " Y/N clarified.

"Well in that case, " Beck said opening up her jacket to show an array of flasks. "Which one do you want?"

"Whichever is the strongest, " She huffed as she sat herself down next to Beck.

"That would be this bad boy, " She said pulling out the smallest flask. "Be careful though you don't normally drink so it might be a little..." She watched as Y/N gulped down the entire thing. "Strong..."

Beck was right. Within two minutes Y/N was completely wasted and since Y/N's luck was horrible, that's when Rodrick found her.

"Hey, Y/N I was just-" He paused and looked at Y/N who was wobbling everywhere even though she was sitting down. "Are you okay?" He asked pulling her up to her feet.

"No, leave me alone, " She whined. Y/N squirmed away from him and fell backward on her ass. Rodrick knelt down next to her. He sniffed the air. He knew exactly what he smelled and gave a death glare to Beck.

"After this party, You are so dead!" He growled under his breath.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, " Beck rolled her eyes. Rodrick clenched his fists. He looked at Beck and then at Y/N and then back at Beck.

"UGH!" He loudly groaned. He started pacing. "Why did I ever trust her? I knew she was going to do something like this and I just let her..." He continued mumbling to himself.

"Relax String Bean, " Beck said while standing up. "Nobody's dying or anything, "

"Y/N looks like she's about to!" He argued, "And if my parents find out then I will too!"

"You worry too much Rodrick, " Y/N slurred from the floor of the deck. He looked over at her. 'Even when she's completely plastered she still finds a way to be adorable, ' He thought.

"You do too, normally, " He said with a soft smile. "You're just too drunk to realize you should be freaking out right now, " He tried to help her up again. She stumbled and fell onto Rodrick but quickly pushed herself off of him and fell down again. Rodrick let out a sigh of annoyance. While Rodrick was busy with Y/N, Beck slipped away into the kitchen.

"C'mon man, Work with me here, " He groaned trying to hoist her up.

"Why don't you go make Heather stand up, " She slurred while falling down again. She laid down with her head hanging off the edge of the deck. Rodrick sighed and sat down next to her.

"You saw that huh?" He groaned. Y/N nodded. "Look, that wasn't what it looked like. She kissed me. I really wanted nothing to do with her, " Y/N looked up at him.

"Really?" She asked with childlike wonder. Rodrick let out a small chuckle.

"Really, I even- " He was interrupted when Y/N quickly pounced on him and gave him a tight hug, burrowing her head in his chest. Rodrick could feel his entire face getting hot. He hesitated before putting his hand on her back. "I even threw her out of the party and everything, "

"Thanks, " She spoke softly into his shirt and hugged him tighter. "You're way too good for Heather anyway, " Rodrick couldn't help but blush harder than he already was.

"You're probably right about that, " He sighed. He looked down at her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Let's go back inside, I hate the outdoors, "

"Nature sucks, " Y/N slurred. She got off Rodrick, who stood up and then helped her stand up. Y/N latched onto Rodrick's arm so that she wouldn't fall again.

"Watch your step, " He said as they walked through the doorway. As they walked through the kitchen Rodrick heard Beck snicker at them. He quickly turned to look at her. "You did this, " He pointed at Y/N who was barely even conscious at this point. Y/N tripped a little and clutched onto Rodrick's arm a little tighter.

"Your welcome, " She mouthed to him and walked away. Rodrick subtly flipped her off. He spotted Ben in the living room and guided Y/N over there. He sat her down in a chair next to him.

"Here you go, Stay here and don't move, " Rodrick said firmly. "I'm gonna go get you some water, " He looked over at Ben who was listening to some guy tell a story. "Ben! Can you watch her for a second? " Ben nodded and came over. Rodrick was about to go to the kitchen when Y/N grabbed him by the face and pulled him close. He immediately got flustered. Their faces were mere centimeters apart.

"What's up?" Rodrick asked shakily. Y/N examined his face.

"Have you been wearing eyeliner this whole time?" She hiccuped. 

"I- uh, yeah, " He stammered. "I'm gonna go get water now, " He awkwardly shuffled to the kitchen.

"Damn, Y/N, " Ben snickered. "That was good, " He put his hand up and invited a high-five.

"What are you talking about?" Her words slurred together. Ben stared at her for a second, speechless. 'She has no idea what she's doing to him, does she?' He thought.

"That poor boy, " He mumbled. Rodrick came back with the water and handed it to Y/N.

"Here, " He said with a soft smile. Ben gave him a slow pat on the back. "What?" He looked back at Ben confused. Ben pulled him into a huddle.

"I knew you were getting friend-zoned, I just didn't know it was this extreme, " Ben joked. Rodrick lightly shoved him.

"Shut up man, " He whined. "I'm trying my best but right now isn't really the ideal time to try and win her over, " He gestured over to Y/N who was blowing bubbles in her water.

"I see your point, " Ben agreed. "Well, you have fun with that. I'm gonna go ask my girlfriend to dance, " Ben started to say something else but was drowned out by Rowley.

"Did somebody say dance?!" He shouted. He starting 'dancing' with some random girls. Rodrick looked like he was about to go into cardiac arrest.

"That kid's dead, " Rodrick was ready to rip Rowley in half when Ben stopped him.

"Dude, what are you? New? You can't mess with the chubby kid! The girls will freak out, " He shouted. While they were arguing Y/N slipped away to get more water. She stumbled all the way to the kitchen and sat down at the counter and rested her head. A random girl came up and sat next to her. Y/N couldn't see who it was and was too lazy to look.

"Woah, You look like you've had quite a bit to drink, " She remarked. Y/N groaned.

"Yep, I'm never touching alcohol again, " She slurred. The girl laughed.

"I find that hard to believe, " She said giggling. "What's your name?"

"Y/N L/N, " She responded. She looked up and held out her hand. She froze. The girl looked almost exactly like Heather.

"I'm Rachel Lewis, " She said shaking Y/N's hand. They continued talking for a while. The whole time Y/N couldn't stop staring at her. The resemblance was ridiculous but Rachel was nothing like Heather. They became quick friends.

After a while, Y/N started to get loopy and out of wack.

"We need to get you outta here, " Rachel suggested, "Where's your boyfriend?"

"Pfft, I don't have a boyfriend!" Y/N laughed.

"Then where's your guy friend whose basically your boyfriend?" She asked.

"That's Rodrick, " She slurred "He's in the living room...I think, "

"Alright, " Rachel said as she put Y/N's arm over her shoulder and walked her over to Rodrick. "Here's your not-girlfriend, " She shoved Y/N toward him, who then immediately hugged Rodrick's arm.

"Uh, thanks, " Rodrick said not sure how to take that. Rachel looked at the two of them together.

"Take care of her, she's a good one, " She remarked. Rodrick looked down at Y/N and then back at Rachel.

"That's the plan, "

Rachel walked away and Rodrick looked over at the fireplace to see two girls kissing Rowley on the cheek.

"Wha- How? Why?" He stammered. "Y/N do you believe this bullshit?" Y/N looked at Rowley and then at Rodrick. Y/N snickered.

"Are you seriously jealous of a 12-year-old?" Y/N scoffed.

"What? No! I just, " Rodrick let out a sigh, "Yes..." Y/N giggled.

"Don't worry Rodrick, Your time will come, " She said giving his arm a reassuring pat. "Eventually, " She added.

"Thanks for the kind words of encouragement, " He said sarcastically. "I highly doubt that any time soon a girl is gonna want to-" He was interrupted by Y/N giving him a peck on the cheek. They didn't notice at the time but Greg snuck a picture of them and ran off to show Rowley.

"Don't be too sure, life's full of surprises, " She smiled. Rodrick gave her an awkward bashful smile back. She thought for a second. "Hey Rodrick, " She tugged on his sleeve.

"Yeah? " He looked down at her. There was a brief silence as they stared at each other in the eyes. 

"If we were frogs, we could sit on lily pads and- " Y/N interrupted herself by giggling  "And we could have a frog band! I could play the frog bass! AND YOU COULD PLAY LITTLE FROG DRUMS!!" Rodrick laughed.

'That was literally the cutest thing I've ever heard her say, ' He thought to himself

"You dork, " He snickered. "I have to go talk to Ben really quickly. You should hang out with Beck for a second, "

He ushered Y/N over to Beck who was sitting on the stairs playing on her phone.

"Watch her for a second, I gotta talk to Ben, " He gently sat Y/N down next to her and ran off before Beck could even respond.

"Yeah, sure, I'd love to, " Beck said to herself sarcastically. Y/N rested her head on Beck's shoulder.

Rodrick found Ben in the kitchen and ran up to him. "Dude, " He slammed his hand on the counter and scared the shit out of Ben. "Y/N kissed me again, BUT IT WAS ON THE CHEEK THIS TIME!" He beamed.

"Nice job my dude, " Ben gave him a fist bump. "Have you thought more about the fact that you totally have a crush on her or are you still in denial?"

"I- " He stammered. He knew that he did but he was too embarrassed to admit it. He gave up, "Okay, I do! Are you happy?"

"Yep, " Ben smiled, "Because now Beck owes me 10 bucks, "

"YOU MADE A BET?" Rodrick shouted. "WHAT WAS IT?"

"I bet that you would admit you had a crush on Y/N first, Beck bet that Y/N would admit she had a crush on you first, " Ben explained, "And I won, " He flaunted.

"I-, " Rodrick was so done. Ben called Beck over. She got up and dragged Y/N over too.

"Pay up, " Ben said smugly.

"No way, " Beck said looking at Rodrick.

"Yes way, " Ben said holding his hand out, "Now pay up, "

"Ugh, " She growled digging through her wallet. She glared at Rodrick. "You couldn't have just kept it yourself could you?! I swear she was about to crack!" She forked over the money. Rodrick was confused. Even after she literally kissed him he still didn't think she liked him.

"Do you really think she, you know?" Rodrick asked.

"Well...drunk her at least, " Beck scoffed while looking back at Y/N who was playing on Beck's phone at the dining table

"What are you guys talking about?" Y/N slurred.

"The stock market, " Ben replied.

"...Okay, " Y/N said before going back to playing Geometry Dash. Rodrick looked at her and smiled.

The rest of the party was a blur. The last thing Y/N remembered was getting a kiss on the forehead before falling asleep.

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