Origins of a White Rose: A Hu...

By ganseys-mint-plant

26.7K 653 36

"Once a upon a time there was a girl met the President. She didn't realize at first who he was but as soon as... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

1.2K 30 0
By ganseys-mint-plant

One day later...

"We may be approaching the end of the 24th Hunger Games!" the announcer cheered.

"Call Paris," I ordered my personal screen. The party at Gamecenter was getting growing, everyone growing anxious.

Maia didn't know it, of course, but she was approaching the base camp of Keld and Slatia, the two remaining tributes. Keld and Slatia were out, however, searching for fresh water.

Paris answer the call and appeared in his bedroom, a girl hidden beneath his sheets.

"The Games are almost over," I said.

"I should hope so considering you woke me up," he said.

"Get over here please," I said. I hung up on him and set my screen to a map of the arena and footage of Maia. She was still carrying all of her gear up the steep terrain.

She was so close to winning, only fifty yards from the cave of Keld and Slatia who had developed a romantic relationship. That had gotten the audience's attention.

"Come on," I whispered.

A few minutes later, Paris was sitting beside me and Maia had stumbled upon the cave.

She crept inside, a flashlight lighting her way.

She saw the campfire and what few materials they had.

There was an eerie smile on her face, made creepier by the glow of the flashlight.

She shined the light around the cave probably looking for a place to hide and ambush them.

But then she had an even better idea. She unshouldered her backpack and began digging around. Then she pulled the capsule the salami had come in and placed her own flashlight inside. She walked outside the cave and set the capsule on the ground.

Then she walked back inside.

The footage of her turned to night-vision. She had her bow at the ready, quiver on her back, and throwing knives at her belt.

"Your sister is genius," Paris said. A waiter passed by. Paris caught him by his arm. "A bottle of champagne please and two glasses."

Everyone was on edge as the footage changed to Keld and Slatia who were making their way back from a nearby spring, hand in hand.

"They are so adorable," Paris noted.

"Sure," I said. They were so close to the cave. Could they walk any faster?

A few minutes later, they were just outside the cave. The girl, Slatia, saw the capsule first.

"We've got a parachute!" she cheered.

The footage cut to Maia who was grinning beyond measure.

The boy wrapped his arms around Slatia from behind, watching over her shoulder, as she opened the capsule.

"A flashlight," she said, perplexed.

"But we've got one of those," he said.

She looked back inside the capsule.

"No note," she noted. She handed him the flashlight and clicked it on. The light shined into the cave, illuminating Maia.

The first arrow sunk into the Keld's eye, killing him instantly. Slatia began screaming and running but Maia was faster.

My sister fired the arrow that ended the 24th Hunger Games.

Paris jumped up yelling and screaming.

I knew better.

The worst was yet to come for her, if she truly had any heart. She would regret and everyone of those kills.

There was the sound of cannon fire and then the Panem anthem was played. The screen switch to the Panem logo then cut to footage of Cori, standing in the white room.

"Congratulations to Miss Maia Luxeri for her impressive win today. While the Games have concluded, let's take a moment to consider the importance of the Games and the sacrifice the young tributes have made to remind us all that freedom does have a dangerously high cost. We will see Miss Luxeri soon for her after-Games interview, tomorrow night. I know we all look forward to that. In the mean time, enjoy the rest of you evenings."

The screens switched back to the logo temporarily before beginning the after-Game review. It showed all the "exciting highlights and every death."

Paris popped the cork off the bottle of champagne pouring a glass for each of us. People slowly milled over, congratulating us and some even thanking us for leading Maia to victory.

The party at Gamecenter would continue long after Paris and I would be required to return to the Training Center to receive Maia. Right now, she was probably in a hovercraft being taken to a hospital.

I sipped at my champagne watching as Vine's death was replayed, this time in slow motion.

It was a disgusting game and somehow it had just become another aspect of my life. I had to face that fact that I was most likely going to do this every year for the rest of my life.

Sadly, the only other victor from District 1 killed himself shortly after his victory.

But next year, I would be joined by my sister, for better or for worse.

A message appeared on my screen.

Mansion? Please?

I dismissed it.

He could wait until I finished my drink.

Paris was being slipped bags of money by various people.

"Got your hands full there?" I asked.

"Sorta," he said, a stupid grin on his face. I rolled my eyes. "You want some?"

"I'm perfectly fine, financially. Thank you though," I said.

"What time do we have to be back? It's been so long since one of my tributes actually won," Paris laughed. I did have to give him credit for being a relatively normal Capitol citizen. He had blonde hair and blonde eyes and didn't seem to have done anything to crazy to his body.

"I don't know," I said, setting down my empty glass. "But I have to go."

I got up, making my way towards the elevator.

It was almost seven at night when I got to the mansion. There weren't many lights on in the house as the car pulled up front.

The doors opened for me as usual but Cori was waiting for me, which was unusual.

"Hello," I said. It sounded awkward. I felt out of place. The main entrance was very dark but his white suit seemed to almost glow.

"Congratulations," he said.

"I suppose I should say thank you, Mr. President," I said.

"Don't say it like that," he said. But it sounded like he was almost begging me.

"I must be honest," I said, walking towards him. "I have no idea what's going on between us."

"I can understand that," he said.

"So, if you wouldn't mind telling me where I— we— stand-"

"I'm in love with you," he said. "I'm tired of denying it to the world."

I smiled, slightly.

"I love you too," I said.

"Everything I said in that room," he said, "I regret it all. I know it's not true. I know your sister was just trying to survive."

"I'm glad you realize that," I said.

"And I can't wait to meet her," he said.

"I know she can't wait to meet you," I said.

"Does she know?"

"Know about us? Goodness, no. She would probably faint," I laughed. He reached his arms out and I stepped into them.

His hug was a relief.

"We're going to fight, my dear Cassie," he said. "But I must ask you in advance to forgive me."

I nodded, my face against his suit.

"Do you think you'll ever come meet my parents?" I asked him.

"Meet your parents? I must admit, I never thought about it," he said. "You could have them here—"

"You don't want my siblings and my parents here," I said. "I wouldn't want them here. It'd be chaos."

"So beside Maia there are two others?"

"Yes, Bastion and Hale but you don't want me to bore you with details."

"Oh yes, I do," he said. "I didn't have siblings growing up so the idea is foreign to me. And I love it so far."

I sighed and began.

"Maia is the second-oldest, me being the oldest, of course. Hale is my oldest brother. He's 11 so he'll be in the Reaping next year. He's a strong boy. If he was picked, I'm sure he'd do well. But I'm not sure he has Maia's ingenuity."

"It would be very odd if he was picked as well," Cori said. I hadn't realized it but we were dancing, doing the box step, to music that wasn't even playing. I smiled.

"Yes, it would but the chances of getting picked in District 1 are five times higher than those in any other district the way we do it," I said.

He made an "mmm" noise and I continued.

"Then there's Bastion. He's very small for his age and his instructors aren't pleased with the way he's been training. He'll never be in the Games," I said. "That we know for sure."

"You have the right to forfeit, correct?"


"So why didn't you?"

"I wanted to bring pride to my family," I said. "My father is a combat trainer and it would seem odd if none of his kids were ever in the Games. Besides, I had trained my entire life for that moment; there was no way I was going to give it up."

"Do you regret it?"

"It brought me here to you, didn't it?"

"And even after all of the pain and heartbreak I've caused you, you're pleased with me?"

"Of course," I said. But a seed of doubt had been planted in my mind the moment Cori had told me my sister had to be killed.

I tried to smother the thought.

"Then I'd say I got lucky with you," Cori said.

"I'd say you did," I said.

"Would you mind staying here tonight?"

"I can't, darling. I've got to be at the Training Center soon to receive Maia. I don't know exactly when but—"

He cut me off, pressing his lips against mine.

A spasm shook through me and I reached up, my fingers playing against the back of his neck. I could feel the goosebumps on him.

His hands were on my back, pressing me into him.

"You'll come back later?" he asked, running kisses along my neck.

I took his head in my hands, pulling him away from my neck, despite how amazing it felt.

"My sister comes first tonight, I'm afraid. But I will try and make it back here," I said.

"You'll be gone for awhile won't you?" he asked.

"I'll probably go with Maia back to District 1. I don't know, the details aren't sorted out yet."

"I want you back here after the Victory Tour."

"I'll stay here the night we're in town during it, okay?" I said.

"I won't see you for at least two weeks, Cassie," he said, his hands in my hair.

"I'll make it worth your while when I return," I said. He raised an eyebrow. I winked at him.

"I suppose you must go," he said. I nodded, solemnly.

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him one last time.

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