Behind the Scene || OffGun fa...

By Oongya_Oongya

74.3K 2.6K 590

I thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 2

4K 154 17
By Oongya_Oongya


P'X said after Off and Gun kiss multiple times on the floor for the last scenario for their series

“ Thank you everyone for the hardwork! ”

P'X added after he stood up from his chair, all the staffs are congratulating both Off and Gun for their job well done and both of them are returning those congratulations back to the staffs who worked hard behind the scenes.
Everyone is tired but happy that finally they finished the last take for ‘ Theory of Love ’ and all they have to do is wait for the response of the fans.
Off is still standing on the same spot where he just kissed Gun multiple times where that part is kinda you know-- not on the script? But hey the people doesn't really complain so as P'X so it's fine.

“ Papii , You coming? ”

Off was pre occupied that he didn't even notice that everyone in the set is almost gone, already cleaning and about to leave

“ uh yeah, where? ”

Off asked as he come closer to Gun whose holding his little bag with his hands also about to leave to where he's about to go

“ In P'X house? You forgot? Where having some kind of celebration in his house ”

Gun said while fixing his hair with the help of his phone, Gun stop what he was doing and looked at him

“ so are you coming? ”

Off just stare at Gun's face with his usual face you know that blank face.
A lot happened in Off's life after the first series the he and Gun first paired. Off himself didn't know that the public will like it hence he didn't know that they will be much popular than the lead couple of the series.

He has a fanbase now together with Gun that they called ‘ Babii ’ actually only Gun himself thought about that he just said yes when Gun suggested that coz he know Gun will sulk if he disregard what Gun wants, but when they ask during an interview why their fans called babii? He will just said that both of them come up with that name coz it's cute and other lies for the MC's of the show to believe he can't just say that Gun wants it and he will sulk like a kid if he didn't get what he want.


Gun called Off but this time you already know that the boy is irritated, Gun doesn't like to wait especially if he called Off multiple times and no response from the latter

“ so are you coming? If not I'm leaving with them ”

Gun said with a furrowed eye brows but unconsciously pouting his lips, not that thing you see in some Korean Drama that female lead will pout her lips like a duck? Not like that, Gun's lips is really pouty and full so he tends to move it like he was pouting when he's irritated or mad. And Off's find it cute of course who wouldn't

“ calm down, I'm coming I'll just take my car keys or you want to take your car? ”

“ I want to take my car, but how about yours? ”

“ Oh! ” Off said as he hit is hand with the other as if he remember something

“ Alaya? (What) ”

“ I forgot I didn't bring my car, my bad so let's go? Where's your car? ”

Off said with a goofy smile on his face, the truth is his car is with him but he parked it near a convince store where their location is but he didn't say that coz Gun is already irritated and he don't want Gun to sulk the whole ride to P'X house

“ You're really old now Papii you know? ”

Gun said while scrolling on his phone probably busy with his IG, while clinging his arms with Off's arms still busy with his phone and started to walk dragging Off with him. Off just smiled on what Gun said to him, calling him old is Gun's habit now.

He can't say no to him or he has to deal with a mad Gun for a week and he didn't want that.
Those few years with Gun change him and how they treat each other. Let's start with the Papii calling thing, at first Off is really uncomfortable when the boy called him that for the first time like why would you call Papii your co-star out of the blue? That's when Gun explained him why he calls him papii...

“ Papii! ”

Off heard Gun's voice but he just ignore it ,he thinks Gun was just messing around with the other staff playing something or what and Off don't want to get involved again, the last time he played with Gun and the boy losses Gun really sulk that it affects their work. And he don't want another word from the director that he needs to keep Gun accompanied and shit. Gun is not a kid for crying out loud. So keeping his distance from Gun is the best way for now

“  Papii! ”

A smiling Gun in front of him just popped up ,he doesn't know what direction Gun came from but he's annoying Off . Seeing Gun smiled like nothing happened a week ago makes Off to be irritated more with his Co-star

“ why didn't you look when I call you? ”

Off just give him a smug look and doesn't even bother to answer, he just focused himself reading the script even though he already reads it a million times but still he really needs to read it.

The staff is right when she said Gun will chewed him alive during the shoot, Gun is an incredibly good actor, he hates to say that but it's true during their first scene he cant help but stare at Gun while he acts that he forgot to speak his lines. He doesn't know why Gun needs to settle in GMM tho? Like GMM is not a bad agency but it's not as big as the other agency here in Thailand? If he is as good as Gun, Off would probably choose the the most well known agency.

“ oi! Papii! Look at me! na ”

Now Off is looking at him,

‘ why the hell you call someone that name? ’ Off said to himself, He thinks it's weird and unnecessary

“ what did you just call me? ”

Off ask the boy in front of him, Gun is sitting infront of him and now smiled a lot more he pulls the chair he was sitting to come closer to Off making the guy more uncomfortable

“ Papii! ”

Gun said proudly, Off didn't know why but he really gets annoyed when he sees the boy smile like that
‘ does this boy don't how to be sad? ’

“ why would you call me that? ”

“ it's cute and I like it ,Gun thinks it suits you ”

“ Don't call me that, it's annoying ”

“ no can do ” Gun said while shaking his head in disagreement

“ I want to call you that because I like it and it's a good name, our series called Senior secret love: Puppy Honey. So calling you Papii is like a memory for me and to you also that it's our first series together ”

“ and probably the last ” Off whispers to himself and continue to read his script but the boy heard it

“ No! This will not be our last series ” Gun said clearly not satisfied on Off's answer

Off sighed again ‘ this boy didn't get it did he? ’

Off points his fingers to Gun

“ it's not your last, but mine ”

Off said after pointing his finger to himself, he knew this will be his last series to be paired with a great actor like Gun is not a help for him. Before the shoot, he really is determined to give his all to this series coz it's his last shot but seeing Gun acts and how the director's like it? Off looses all his hope.

He thinks that maybe after this series he can find a job that is more suitable for him, really acting? What was he thinking anyway.
When he looks at Gun he saw pity on the boys eyes, like Gun is about to cry

“ what? ”

“ Don't say such things like that, we will have a lot of series together and you will have your own as well ”

Off just shook his head, he didn't know what to say to Gun, but for him it's over so he needs to tell Gun without seeing him cry coz he'll be doomed if others see Gun cry, especially if it's because of him

“ Look, I'm not a good actor as you okay? I can't be as great as you. After this series? I guess there will be a lot of offers for you but as for me? I'll quit maybe I'll just watch you-- ”


And with that Gun leaves Off clearly he's mad, and that's not a good sign. When Off look around all of the staff are looking at him even his other co-stars are now looking at him like asking what happened to Gun

“ Hehe he's just telling me some line don't worry ”

Off said to everyone and they continue the work they are doing

‘ I need to find him ’

Off looks for Gun and found him at the back of the school building not too far from where he leaves Off. He sitted beside Gun but not too close coz he didn't know how to approach a mad Gun Atthaphan

“ Hey ”

“ ... ”

“ I'm sorry ”

“ ... ”

“ Hey ”

“ ... ”

Off sighed, he's annoyed right now this is the first time he is the one who needs to console a person even Mild didn't got a console from him. He needs to make Gun understand that acting is not for him.

“ Gun, I'm sorry for making you upset but that is the truth I'm not a great actor as you are. Even if I want to stay in this industry I can't ,I don't have that capacity to beat all that good looking and great actors out there.

I'm just making a fool out of myself to think that I'll be as good as the others ,that maybe I just need to get to used with this new kind of thing. But Gun no, I can't keep up, I can't enhanced my skills and even if I can enhance it? There will be always a good looking new comer that will steal the show. We can still be friends after the series if that is your concern ”

Off said truthfully, but the friend part? I don't think so, it's difficult for him to handle Gun.

When he looks at the boy Gun is staring at him, for the first time he can't read what's in Gun's mind well he can't really read Gun's mind but today Gun is just looking at him with a blank expression and in a blink of an eye that face disappeared and the usual face of Gun is facing him.

“ Papii that will be the last time I'll you hear say that ok? You're a good actor and we will be successful together ” Gun smile again

Off just can't help but nod. He doesn't know why but at that very moment it's like Gun is all he can see everything around them becomes a blur, a non existent air.

“ Ja, come on Papii I'm hungry let's eat I saw a lot of food earlier ”

Gun said as he stands up pulling Off to stand up

“ You still call me like that? ”

“ either you let me or I'll sulk, choose ” Gun said both hands on his hips, Off didn't knew that Gun is sassy as her girlfriend sometimes.

“ fine fine call me what ever you want ”

“ Good, now stand up coz I'm hungry ”

Gun said as he holds his hands, but Off quickly shake his hands getting rid off of Gun's hands on his

“ you can call me Papii but still no holding ”

“ what ever ”

That's how the Papii calling thing started.

A few years with Gun and a lot of changes happened, especially Gun's attitude towards him. Gun is still the cute person like before but now he shows Off a lot of his side, the cute and the sassy ones is always been used.
Inside the car Gun is still busy scrolling through his sns accounts

“ what are you doing? ”

Off asked while slightly glancing at Gun's side to check if he still using his phone.

“ twitter ”

Gun simply answered, you see Gun
can't talk when he's busy with his phone he's too engrossed on what on his phone that talking while using a phone is unnecessary for him.

“ Papii eyes on the road ”

He heard Gun said still eyes fix on his phone, Off didn't notice that he's been looking for Gun almost a minute now and doing that while he's driving is not safe. But if it's Gun that you'll stare at? You'll definitely forget that it's inappropriate

‘ I don't want to stare at but I'm staring at him? ’ Off joked and chuckle to himself

“ You know Papii it's bad if you're talking to yourself like that it's not healthy, you can talk to me you know? ” Gun said laughing at him

“ you heard me? ” Off said a little bit embarrassed

“ of course, so please stop doing that you look like crazy ”

Gun said as he continue scrolling through his phone. Off just smile and fixed his gaze on the road to avoid accidents.

Off still can't believe that after that day, when Gun said they'll be successful together he didn't know that it will actually happen. During the airing of their series a lot of people especially the SA- Y (fujoshi) love their so called chemistry. Off didn't know what they are saying about chemistry he just did his best with that series, he just want to work hard in front of Gun so the boy won't notice that he's really giving up on showbiz.

He remember that time when their series is still airing on television whenever there's no shoot he will sneak out of GMM building to find a job, he didn't tell this to his manager maybe because he knew his manager doesn't care so why bother to tell?

He was walking through the busy streets of Bangkok hoping to find a decent company who's kind enough to hire him without experience but back then he didn't know that he's already well known. Off doesn't really watch TV at that time maybe because of stress and pressure? So watching television is prohibited for him.
He was walking out there and suddenly

“ Papii!! ”

He heard a girl from somewhere, but he didn't bother to look coz he knows it's not him, yeah maybe he let Gun call him Papii but except Gun nobody calls him that way.

“ Papii!! ”

He heard it again but still didn't budge to look

“ that girl really should know where he is going ”  Off said to himself.

He thought that the girl is lost and calling his father which she called ‘ papii ’ like Gun do. Off is currently now in a food court inside a mall he felt a little bit hungry that's why he stopped by to have some lunch. While eating his food, his other hand is busy scrolling on his phone looking for a job.

“ uhm ”

Off stop what he was doing and look on someone that is in front of his table, he put down his phone and look at the girl. She's sweating like crazy

‘ did she run? ’ Off muttered to himself
‘ but why would she run is she in a hurry or what? ’

He cleared his throat and ask the girl coz it's pretty obvious that the girl want to say something to him

“ can I help you? Do you need something? ”

“ uhhh ”

The girl can't find the right word to say in front of Off, so Off thought that he occupied the table that's for the girl that's why she's sweating like crazy

“ aow is this your table? I'm sorry I didn't know, when I arrived here the table is empty so I thought no one is occupying it ”

Off was about to get his food and transfer to another table for him to eat peacefully and don't want to bother the girl

“ uh no! I'm not occupying it ”

“ aow ,so what do you need? ”

Off ask as he sit and take a bite with his food coz he's really hungry he knows it's rude to eat in front of strangers without inviting them but he's hungry

“ can I have some pictures with you? ”

“ ha? ”

Off look at the girl “ why would you like my picture? ”

Off is very confused right now, why would a stranger wants a photo of him?

“ You're Off Jumpol right? ”

“ yes I am ”

“ you're the one who portrays the role of P'Pick in puppy honey right? ”

The girl asked enthusiastically, but Off on the other hand is stil confused

“ yes-- ”
“ Please P'Off can I take a picture with you? I know it's your rest day but I really want to snap a photo with you just one is enough please P'Off after that I will not bother you anymore I'll just wait for the fan meet or the fan gathering-- ”

The girl didn't got a chance to finish what she is saying coz another girl is dragging her away from Off's table

“ I'm sorry P'Off. If she kind of annoy you I'm sorry , she's a new OffGun fan so she couldn't help herself to approach you while on your rest day I'm sorry ”

The other girl tell to her and give a wai before leaving, but Off is still confused on what is happening.

He stand up and approach the two girls who sitted not far away from where his table is

“ aow P'Off! ” The girl who first approach him is really smiling from ear to ear

“ can you tell me what where you saying back there? I was kind of confused ” Off said while giving a nervous laugh to the girls in front of him

“ i was apologizing for the inconvenience that my friend here bought to you ,she's kinda don't know how to control herself ” the girl explained

“ but why would your friend wants a photo of me? ”

“ because your Off Jumpol? The actor who portray P'Pick together with P'Gun. P' both of you really did a great job! So I hope more series for both of you ”

The girl said that makes Off smile he thought at least two people can appreciate his work before he quit

“ thank you nong, at least both of you can appreciate my work ”

“ what are you saying P? We're not the only one who appreciate your work ”

“ aow does your pet dog likes me too? ” Off joke and laugh to the girls , now it's turn for the girls to be confused

“ No ” the both said in unison

“ then who else? ” Off asked

“ them ”

Both girls point behind his back that's when he looks where the girls are pointing and got taken aback when almost all the table in the food court is occupied with girls who have camera on their hands pointing at him not just like any other camera you know the one with multiple lenses, while the others are holding their phone obviously taking a photo of him.
But what's the funny thing is Off didn't notice it.
He didn't notice that a lot of girls are now staring at him using their phone, well in fact he gets annoyed with that action

‘ maybe I'm too occupied with my thoughts I didn't tell they're here ’ Off thought

“ you're following me? I mean all of you? ” Off asked as he face the girls

“ yes, but we don't want to bother you on your rest day so we keep it low key as possible for you to don't notice but my friend here is really stubborn so he approach you, again sorry P' ”

That day becomes a fan gathering day for Off and the fans he feel sorry for the girls who follow him.

As a token of appreciation he gave them what they deserve, the girls who followed him got a chance to chat and talk to him they gather up in the food court and the girls really pay for that spot, that even Off can't believe that these people will spend that much money just to talk and take a photo of him.

He can't forget that day because that feels really surreal for him. After the series there's a lot of guesting and shows that is offered to the both of them.

Off has his own series so as Gun, the Puppy Honey even got a Season 2 and got an episode in Our Skyy. Off can't be thankful for the blessing that he's receiving after the succes of Puppy Honey especially to Gun, words can't express how much he thank Gun. Gun gives him hope to still work and now they are both successful and happy at least that's how he feel.

“ Papii I'm sleepy just wake me up if we arrived at P'X house ”

Gun said as he leaned his head to window of the car. He didn't wait Off to reply and drift to sleep. Off can't help but smile at the cuteness of his partner.

A lot has change through the years so as his feelings with Gun.

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