The Pursuit of Happiness (Pat...

By Pentaholic2011

18.8K 389 8

Kayleigh has lived her whole life trying to make a mind of her own. Even with being raised in a city where ed... More



457 9 2
By Pentaholic2011


Patrick returns from a few games out of town and insists that I hang out with him once when he was back. So I try my best to get all my studies done so by the time he was here I was available.

Once he does get back he informs me that his family was on their way into town and he wanted them to meet me. Why? I'm not quite sure, and honestly I was scared to know what he was telling them about mr. I'm sure he's talking me up to something I will never be able to reach. He sees me as someone greater than I am and I don't know how many of his friends meet his family but I know this situation is a peculiar one.

Like a typical man he left out the details of this hang out he had planned and put me in a difficult position. We decided to just be friends for now and that decision was made mutually. I can focus on finishing school and him on hockey while still being able to hang out and get to know each other. It wouldn't be hard for me for I was a professional at hiding my feelings, even from myself sometimes. But meeting his family was a big deal together or not and I wasn't ready for any of this.

"I know you didn't go to college but this is a airhead moment, even for you" I accuse as I drive us back to my place so I can change and put on a little makeup.

"Wow, do you have any faith in me" he scoffs.

"Sometimes Patrick, I'm not so sure. Part of me is interested because I know not even you know what's going to happen next and that's exciting. But sometimes I'm afraid that you don't even know what you're doing with your life day to day" I admit.

"Is that so bad? I like to live in the now, go with the flow" he defends.

"My dad always told me that if you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything. If you just go with the flow then how do you create your own ideas and ideals" I question. 

"I don't really have any I guess" he shrugs.

"Doesn't that worry you? You wake up and for what? What's a reason you put on that hockey sweater and continue to play" I question.

"My family, actually" he starts. "They mean they world to me and hockey is a big part of us. It's what brings us together and makes us a family. When I was in Switzerland waiting for the lockout to end my mom and sister was with me, my dad trained me my whole life and my other sisters have been there for me every step of the way. They love me more than they will ever admit and I love them just as much" he says.

"See, was that so hard to admit" I ask.

"No. But you make life a little bit easier" he claims.

We get to my place and I change into something nicer and apply a little makeup. We didn't want a repeat of Chicago cut when I was sitting in there looking busted. Patrick looks around my tiny apartment trying to make sense of the mess of notes and ideas I had spread out all over the place. "Does your brain ever stop" he questions.

"Never. And sometimes it sucks like when I try to go to bed and I try to sleep but I get these ideas. Thoughts of ways to make this world a better place and it gets me so excited I can't sleep" I say.

"I'm honestly jealous, I wish my brain came up with things like this" he says as he looks over my scraps of paper I wrote ideas down on.

"It's both a blessing and a curse. But once I get my degree these dreams I have at night will still be here when I open my eyes in the morning and it'll be worth it" I smile.

I finish up and we head on out to a nice restaurant to meet up with his family. From the way he talked about them I know they mean the world to him. Maybe one of the few things in life he actually cares about because lord knows there isn't much else.

We walk into the restaurant as he places his hand on my back and walk us over to where his family was waiting. As soon as I feel his hand I look up into his big blue eyes and he gives me a reassuring smile. I wasn't nervous for I loved meeting people, I loved learning about Patrick and getting to understand him more. But I wasn't so sure about the way that my skin warmed up where he touched me and how he made it just a little harder for me to breathe when he did.

Once he realized what was happening he removes his hand and I let out a little sigh of relief. I introduce myself to his sisters and parents before we sit down at the dinner table. We order our food and start some small talk.

"Patrick says that when you graduate you're planning to stay here and help people in the city" his mom Donna starts as I nod.

"It wasn't my plan originally. But Chicago has my whole heart. I love Alexandria and my family who are there, but this is a place where I make my difference. The opportunities here are too good to pass up" I insist.

"What are your plans" she wonders.

"I don't even know where to start" I smile. "Right now I'm in a few programs that allow me to make a difference already. We raise funds for schools who need money for desks and chairs and PE equipment and things like that. I'm also in a group that works on social rights like same sex marriage and women being paid equally and protecting the little black girls and boys in the city.

There's so much I can do, that I can already do. I can't wait to get started" I insist.

"You have some pretty big dreams" Patrick's sister Jackie notices. She was closest with Patrick, at least according to him. And I know she's protective over him, but I wasn't here as someone who is passing by. I was here to stay.

"I do" I smile. "But I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope every person gets to dream a little, create something in their minds that makes them happy. Even if their dreams stay a dream, at least there's a reason to keep going" I say.

"This explains why Patrick started making sense, it's because he hangs out with you" he sister Erica teases.

"Hey" he pouts and I laugh.

"I have to admit Patrick isn't someone I usually hang out with. In a lot of ways we clash on ideals and morals. But I gotta hand it to him, he is on his way to becoming someone that a lot of people enjoy having in their life's. I know I do" I say as I smile at him. He smiles back and I swear there was this sparkle in his eye.

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