Ghostly Wish-(BOOK 3 OF SILVE...

By miss_phee

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Kaylee Aubery Skyle hated the past, much rather living in the present and future. When an old ghostly ally re... More

Winds Of Change
Ghost Story
Stiix and Stones
The Temple On Haunted Hill
Kingdom Come
The Crooked Path
Grave Danger
The Lloylee Oneshot You Waited For
Curseworld- Part 1
Curseworld- Part 2
Public Enemy Number 1
Misfortune Rising
On a Wish and a Prayer
My Dinner With Nadakhan
The Last Resort
Operation Land Ho!
The Way Back
The End
Reversed Time


337 8 9
By miss_phee

Kai grunts as he tries to use Airjitzu to reach a flag.

"Seriously!" Kai groans, and tries again, but misses.

"Aww, just short. Like your temper, Kai." Ronin jeers.

"Let me try. I'm for sure better Airjitzuer than you, Kai." Jay boasts.

"Oh, yeah? And when did that happen?" Kai snaps.

"Like, now!" Jay misses the flag and screams as he falls.

"Oh, yeah. That was so much better than me." Kai sarcastically says.

" was," Jay says.

"That wasn't Airjitzu, that was Failitzu." Ronin laughs.

"Or Stupiditzu," Kai adds.

"To master the powers of Airjitzu, we must uplift, not put each other down, Ronin." Sensei scolds. 

Ronin takes a bite of an apple. "You close shop for a week, you gotta let me have some fun. Aren't Nindroids supposed to be precise?"

"These new suits are heavy. Why can't we just use our old ones?" Kai groans.

"These are embedded with Deepstone. They will protect you from being possessed." Sensei informs.

"Yeah, well, maybe the name 'Airjitzu' isn't uplifting enough. Maybe we need something more inspiring, like...Cyclondo!" Jay flies above the flag.

"Miss. Again." Ronin says, and Jay takes his apple instead. "Hey!"

Jay laughs. "Cyclondo." He takes a bite. "Mm."

"Well, you guys just haven't had any proper training yet." I twist, and Airjitzu up. I grab the flag, and float down. "You'll get it soon boys." I leave the deck. I faintly hear the sound of Kai's voice, before leaving the room.

"Show off."

"Kaylee!" Nya runs up to me, clad in her new ninja gi. It's funny. I wished for a girl on the team, and I guess I got one.

"Yeah?" I turn around.

"Do you know where Cole is?" She asks.

"No, he wasn't with us at practice, why?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Sensei told me to get him." She informs.

"Okay. I don't know though, sorry. Anyways, I like the new suit. Suits you well." I compliment.

"Thanks, it's my favorite color! See you later." Nya waves, and I make my way to Misako. Cole's been... doing not well. He shut us all out, and now, we don't know where he is, just that he's on the ship. 

"Hey Misako." I wave, walking down to her table, sprawled with various notes and whatnot. "Any luck?"

"I have found it, so can you go get the others?" Misako asks, barely even looking up from her papers.

"Okay." I leave to the Bounty's deck. "Misako's deciphered the next clue. Spread the word." I say, and they nod.

"We'll be down there shortly." Sensei Wu replies.

"Alright." I saunter down into the briefing room, as Misako readied the projector. The others come down, Cole being one of the people.

"How are you?" I ask, walking up toward him.

"Much better. Now let's hear about the second symbol." Cole smiles, and I sit down next to Jay, as Cole sat next to Zane.

"Now that both Morro and you have Airjitzu, it's time to turn our attention to the second clue, the Sword in the Cloud." Misako starts.

"Me senses tell me it could be many a swords. Thar be the Fire Sword, the Sword of Destiny, the Golden Cutlass..." Zane says, in a pirate accent.

"I thought you said you fixed his voice?" Kai whispers.

"I did. And then I made it better." Jay replies.

"...the Sword of Invisibility, the Sword of Invincibility..." Zane continues.

"You're right, he is better." I snicker, and we try to keep ourselves from laughing out loud.

"...the Blade of Ruin." Zane finishes.

"Aye, Zane. And to add to your colorful account, there are many more swords, but it wasn't until Morro and his allies commandeered Nya's Samarai Mech that it all became clear. It's the Sword of Sanctuary, protected in the Cloud Kingdom." Misako explains.

"Heh, Cloud Kingdom? I know every square inch of Ninjago. There ain't no place called the Cloud Kingdom." Ronin scoffs.

"You're right, it isn't in Ninjago. It's in a parallel Realm that can only be reached through the Blind Man's Eye." Sensei informs.

"The Blind Man's Eye? You mean the powerful storm cyclone above the clouds? But its altitude is far too high for the Bounty to reach." Nya says.

"Unless we ascend the tallest mountain in Ninjago. The Wailing Alps." Misako replies.

"Yes, the Wailing Alps. When the Blind Man's Eye passes its peak, you five Ninja will jump into the eye of the storm using Airjitzu to cross over into Cloud Kingdom to take possession of the Sword of Sanctuary." Sensei says.

"Whoa, whoa, Sensei, you're throwing around some big words here, but I think you got one wrong. It's Cyclondo, not Airjitzu." Jay corrects. We all groan audibly. 

"So this Sword of Sanctuary that we're after, what makes it so special?" Cole diverts the subject quickly.

"It's special because reflected within its blade, you can foresee your next opponent's next move." Sensei says.

"And whoever gets it will have a huge advantage. Lights please." Misako asks, and Nya turns the lights on. "This is about more than finding the next clue to the Spinjitzu Master's Tomb. This is about saving my son. You cannot fail." 

"Don't worry Misako. We'll do our absolute best, and beyond." I assure.

"Let's gear up. We have one big mountain to climb." Kai replies. We take off to the mountain, and as we got there, the Bounty began to freeze up.

"It's getting really cold." Jay shivers.

"Freezing if you ask me." Kai says.

"Guys, we need down below. Without your mechs, you'll never be able to survive the extreme conditions on your own. I've also installed headsets into your hoods for easy communication. Try it out." Nya says, leading us down to where 5 mechs were.

Jay clears his throat. "Tell me, Zane, how tall is this mountain?"

"The precise elevation of the Wailing Alps be well over three leagues and twenty-eight fathoms." Zane replies.

"Zane's so much cooler." Jay snickers, as I laugh happily.

"Remember, once you get to the peak, you'll only have one shot to shoot the Blind Man's Eye. Don't miss." Ronin says, getting all serious.

"You've ruined the vibe Ronin." I groan.

"I don't know, guys, you had time to practice. Maybe I should sit this one out." Cole sighs.

"Don't even think about it. You may be a Ghost, but you're still part of the team." Kai says.

"And if it weren't for you getting the first clue, we wouldn't even be here." Jay reasons.

"So what are you gonna do, Cole? Are you in, or out?" Nya asks.

Cole pondered for a minute. "Open the hangar doors." He says. 

"Opening hangar doors!" Ronin informs, as a blast of cold air hits us. These parkas actually work!

"Whoo-hoo! Haha. Is anyone else getting a tingling feeling?" Jay cheers.

"Yeah. Frostbite." Kai mutters.

"Drop 'em!" Ronin says.

"Ninja, snow!" We cheer, falling on the mountain, but Cole falls into the snow.

"Cole, are you okay?" I ask.

"Gotta work on that landing. Hey, you sure you want me along? I can hardly control my new body, let alone this piece of metal." Cole groans.

"Hey, we all have our bad days. We'll pick you up so next time you can return the favor." Jay says.

"Jay be right. The only way we're gettin' up ye mountain is if we be a hardy crew." Zane speaks, and I try not to snicker.

 "This isn't about who's a Ninja, a Nindroid, or even a Ghost. Above all else, we're brothers and a sister. And as iron sharpens iron, sibling sharpens sibling." Kai says.

"All right, brothers and sister. Let's do this." Cole cheers. We make our way up the mountain. "Heh. Not so bad when you get the hang of it." 

"So this Sword of Sanctuary. You really think you can see all of your opponents' attacks? If we had that kind of power, not even Morro could stop us." I say, walking next to Jay.

"But if Morro got his hands on it, nothing would stop him, which is why we cannot fail. We just have to keep climbing. Ugh, Zane. How much further is it to the top?" Kai asks.

"Thar be a long way. At least a hundred thousand steps up." Zane informs.

"A hundred thousand? Good thing I'm not counting." Kai groans.

"267, 268, 269, 70, 71, 72, 73-oh, look, a little goat!" Jay gushes, turning around to a Walliper.

"That's not a goat. Don't you remember? We rode one of those." Kai says.

"Its got horns. It's a goat." Jay retorts.

"Even giraffes have horns. And that's not a goat. It's a Walliper." I say.

"A Walliper? No way. Maybe it's a cow." Jay shakes his head.

"I'm about to have a cow." Kai mutters.

Zane stops ahead of us. "Arr, look! Tracks!" He says, pointing to footprints.

"Maybe another Walliper?" I say.

"Or a cow!" Jay adds.

"Pixal has analyzed ye tracks. We not be the first ones to climb this pass today." Zane informs.

"You think it was Morro?" Kai asks.

"Who else is crazy enough to be at this altitude. If he's ahead of us, we're bound to cross paths." Jay replies. We hear a wailing sound.

"What's that sound?" Cole asks.

"Wind gust! Anchor down!" Kai yells. We grabs onto the ground, but the wind is too strong, threatening to blow us off the mountain. 

"Hold on, everyone!" I yell.

"I can't hold on!"  Cole yells, but Zane catches him with his grappling hook. "That was close. I owe you one." 

"Come on, there's still a lot of mountain to go." Kai says. 

"Ugh, once we get Lloyd back, I'll bitch slap him for making us go through this. After I kiss him. And hug him." I groan.

"Well, don't do it in front of us. It's just you guys flexing on how we're still single." Cole says.

"Careful there Cole, maybe I'll bitch slap you too." I joke.

"Haha, yeah right." Cole snickers.

"Anyways, on the topic of Lloyd, how are you faring Kales?" Kai asks.

"I told you not to call me that!" I sigh.

"Come on! Answer the question already! I need to know the tea!" Jay begs.

"You've been watching to much FRIENDS I think." Cole says.

"Answer the question!" Kai asks.

"Okay! Well, I haven't really sat down and thought about it much, since the y'know, crazy stuff that has been happening. But I really do miss him. I would literally give almost anything to have him here." I sigh.

"Hey, I know it's hard but soon we'll get Lloyd back, and then you can shower him with loads of affection. And bitch-slap him." Jay says.

"Haha, that was a joke though." I laugh. A loud screech was heard over the canyon, and we look up.

"Now what's that sound?" Jay groans.

"Another gust?" Cole asks.

"Worse. Avalanche! Here it comes! Hold on!" Kai yells, and we all anchor down, but to no avail, as we all get caught in the snow.

"I can't control my mech!" Cole yells.

"Me either!" Jay screams.

"The avalanche is too strong!" I shriek.

"No!" Jay hits a boulder, breaking his mech. He then lands on one of the pieces of his mech, using it as a sled. 

"Jay, take my hand!" Cole yells. Jay tries to hold his hand but he passes through it. 

"Concentrate, Cole!" He yells.

"AHHHH!" I shriek, as my mech hit a tree and I'm sent flying into the snow, landing on Jay's sled. "Good day huh?" I pant.

"Totally." Jay nods.

Kai jumps off and grabs a tree branch. "I got it. Hey, guys, I-whoa!" The branch breaks and he lands on top of Jay.

"Blimey, I'm trapped." Zane yells. Cole possesses a snowball and grabs us before we fall off.

"Whoa, Cole, is that you?" I gasp.

"Just picking you up to return the favor." Cole says.

"You possessed the snow." Kai smiles.

Cole lets go of his possession. "Yeah, I guess I did."

"Haha! First, we get Cyclondo, then we get a ghost on our side!" Jay cheers.

"'Tis good to see you smile." Zane says.

"All right, so we're down four Mechs, but we're up in spirit. Still. How are we gonna catch up? We still have a lot of mountain left." Kai asks.

"How about we see what else I can do?" Cole possesses Zane's Titan Mech and starts climbing.

"Whoo-hoo!" I and Jay cheer.

"It's like your possession has given his mech boosters." Kai says.

"Boo-sters? That some sorta Ghost joke?" Cole asks, unamused.

"Haha, glad to see your sense of humor hasn't changed." Kai smiles, as we reach a wall. Cole latches onto it, and we climb up effortlessly.

"Whoa, Cole, you've transformed it into a spider mech." I giggle.

"You know, this Ghost thing isn't that bad after all." Cole says.

"Ah. The Hanging Temple. We're not far." Kai says, as we enter a frozen platform on the mountain.

"Ghoultar fight!" A ghost yells, presumeably Ghoultar. Archer Ghost aims an arrow at us.

"Incoming!" Jay yells, as an arrow makes way to us. Kai gets hit square on the shoulder.

"Ugh!" He grunts.

"Kai!" Zane, Jay, and I yell.

"No! No, no, no." Jay mutters.

"What are we gonna tell Nya!" I wail, but Kai gets up, unharmed. 

"The armor really works. I didn't turn into a Ghost." He gasps happily.

"Morro's getting away!" Cole yells, as Morro runs to the top of the mountain.

"And you're not!" Girl Ghost screeches and we barely dodge the icicles.

"Who's ready for some exorcise? 'Cause we're about to do some exorcism." Kai snarks, holding up his Aeroblade.

"Now that is a Ghost joke." Cole says.

"Ghoultar chop!" Ghoultar yells, using their mech. Zane attacks him with his mech.

"The Blind Man's Eye! We can't let Morro jump through it without us!" Cole yells.

Kai duels with Girl Ghost. "Don't think we're not trying!" 

"Hiyah!" I yell, kicking the mech with Ghoultar in it. "I hate being useless! Why do I have no Aeroblade!" I summon my Elemental rope, and sling it across two poles, making the mech, along with Ghoultar, trip.

Jay runs, but an arrow lands in front of him. "Somebody almost got shot here. Where's the archer?" 

"On the rooftop!" I yell, pointing to Archer Ghost. 

"Ugh!" Jay throws his Aeroblade at him, but he dodges it. Ghost girl pushes Kai back.

"Kai, think fast!" Cole throws his Aeroblade above him for him to hold on to as the ground breaks.

Kai sighs and jumps to a platform before Girl Ghost can attack him. "We have to figure out how to get rid of these windbags before it's too late!" He yells, as the winds start wailing.

"Oh, speaking of wind. Anchor down!" The guys use their Aeroblade and Zane uses his mech, and I hold onto a pole, but we almost fall off again. "Now I feel like a windbag!" Jay groans.

"I wanna get off this stupid mountain! I hate heights!" I yell.

"Come on, Zane. Get this tin can back on its feet." Jay says.

"Aye, aye, gonna do it." Zane says, as Ghoultar grabs the Titan mech and shakes it. We fall off, expect for Zane. 

"Now where did the archer go?" Jay sighs.

"Behind you!" Kai yells.

"Uh-oh!" Jay dodges his arrow and uses his Aeroblade. "Haha, I got him! I got him!" His Aeroblade flies off and doesn't come back. "Aww. And I lost it."

"Come on, we have to get outta here!" Kai yells, and we run across the bridge, Zane joining us without his mech. We make our way on the bridge, but it get possessed into a ghost bridge. We start yelling as we run across the bridge.

"Come on. There's no time to lose." Kai says, and we make our way up the final mountain.

Jay spots Morro. "Ah! There he is! We're still in this race." Morro kicks off an icicle, and the guys use their Aeroblades as a shield.

"We can do this. We're almost there!" Kai yels.

"Aah!" Jay falls off, but Cole catches him.

"Concentrate. We got this." Cole says, hoisting Jay back on the icicle. 

Jay finds his Aeroblade. "Hey! I knew it'd come back to me!"

"We're gonna miss the Blind Man's Eye!" Kai points to the storm cloud getting dangerously close to the pass. 

"Oh, no. All this way for nothing." Jay sighs. The wind starts wailing again.

"We'll never make it in time!" Zane yells.

"We will if we do one thing." Kai says.

"Cyclondo!" Jay cheers, and I groan.

"Airjitzu! It's called Airjitzu!" I sigh, using Airjitzu to make my way up the mountain. "Now it's your turn!" 

"But I've never practiced it. What if I don't make it? What if I just blow off the mountain?" Cole asks.

"Don't worry. We'll catch you. Just trust us." Kai yells, as he successfully does Airjitzu. "I did it! I did Airjitzu! Now you try!" Jay and Zane use Airjitzu, flying up to the mountain with us.

"Now it's your turn! I made it! I Cyclondoed!" Jay cheers, as he lands on the mountain with us.

"Yar! What about Cole?" Zane asks.

"You can do it, Cole. We'll catch you. Remember, sibling sharpens sibling." I yell.

"The only thing sharp here is this icicle that I'm holding on to." Cole yells.

"Come on, Cole! You're the strong one! Even Jay can do it!" Kai yells.

"Oh, thank you very much, Fire boy." Jay sarcastically says.

"Cole, just jump!" I yell.

"What if I can't grab hold of your hand? I'll fall and die!" Cole yells.

"No, you won't. You're a Ghost, and Ghosts can't die." Kai yells.

"Ghosts can't die. Ghosts can't die. I'll do it." Cole jumps, does Airjitzu, and lands on us. We roll out, and we gasp for air. Wow, we actually made it.

"Oh! We did it!" Jay cheers.

"Look! The Blind Man's Eye!" I yell, pointing to the big cloud of storms.

"We've got one shot." Zane says.

"Sibling sharpens sibling." Cole smiles.

"Cyclondo!" Jay yells, and we Airjitzu into the storm.

"No. No!" Morro yells of defeat was the last thing we heard before fading into unconsciousness. We did a pretty good job.

We wake up in Cloud Kingdom.

"Did we make it?" Kai asks, as we groan, sitting upright.

"The Cloud kingdom." Cole gasps.

"Now, let's find this Sword of Sanctuary." Jay says, as we make our way in the realm.

Okay. Sorry about the long wait lol. 

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