Cloudgazing-Taegi Oneshot

By WhyYouGotNoJams

817 27 75

A oneshot that I wanted to make a lot longer than the ones I put in my oneshot book. Everyday on his way to a... More


817 27 75
By WhyYouGotNoJams

Yoongi has mint hair, because damn. Tae is blonde because das my favorite. Yoongi is taller and 26, Tae is 22
"Just talk to him,"

"No Hoseok, I can't talk to him,"

"Why not Hyung? Did you lose your voice box?" Hoseok complained. He was tired of hearing Yoongi rant about this unknown boy he sees twice a day, everyday.

Yoongi huffed, "What am I supposed to say? 'Hey, I see you everyday before and after work and you're really cute and I didn't mean to be creepy but I couldn't stop staring at you' No thanks, I'm good,"

"You could just introduce yourself like a normal person, and then ask him out for a cup of coffee,"

"No, because then he'll say no and slap me and call me a freak and then I'll never see his beautiful face again," Yoongi yelled overdramatically, clutching his chest.

Hoseok was baffled, where the hell did Yoongi get that from? "Whatever, I'm done trying to help you. Just don't come crying to me again about your pathetic love life. I could've been cuddling with Jiminie but I was here listening to you complain. Good night Hyung,"

"Night Hobi," He pouted.

Now alone, he sighed. It was close to 5PM, the usual closing time of his shop. He liked having it open kind of late, because he usually got a lot of customers right before closing. And also because he was sure to catch the cutie if he left at 5. But that wasn't why though, it was because of the customers. Definitely.

Yoongi closed up quickly, almost eager to stop by the park and admire the scenery. "Finally,"

He almost sprinted, but stopped himself before he could lose the rest of his dignity. So he speed walked around the corner, where the park thankfully lied.

The blonde beauty was exactly where he always was, next to a willow tree, but not under it, right by the small pond. Except he wasn't lying down, smiling up at the sky as usual, he was standing up, frowning and yelling at his phone.

The boy, to Yoongi's suprise, threw his phone at the ground, pushing his back to the tree and sliding down, wrapping his thin arms around his legs.

Just as the mint haired male reached for the gate, his phone went off loudly, scaring both him and the ethereal boy. Yoongi swiftly grabbed his phone, answering without looking. He turned his back to the boy, sadly dragging his feet back to his apartment. "Min Yoongi," He said.

"Yeah I know Hyung. Where are you? It's getting late and you aren't home yet,"

"Oh, hey Namjoon. I'm on my way back now, I got held up at the shop,"

He heard Namjoon scoff, "Held at the shop my ass. You were creeping on that poor boy you always talk about at the park, huh?"

"Well I would've talked to him if your clumsy ass hadn't called," Yoongi declared, kicking a rock with a pout.

"Yeah and I hate crabs,"

"Shut up Namjoon. I'll be home in like 5 minutes," He hung up, not giving the other a chance to say goodbye.

"Goddamn it," He muttered to himself, upset that he just left the boy, who was clearly upset, alone. But it was too late now, he really just wanted to go eat and then pass out on his comfy bed.

The door to his apartment opened creakily, alerting Namjoon of his presense. "Took you long enough grandpa,"

"Shut your mouth you disrespectful long limbed buffoon,"

"Damn why are you so cranky?" The purple haired man asked, setting the table for dinner.

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi replied, "Maybe because I was finally about to talk to cutie and you ruined it,"

"Sorry I was concerned for your health and safety Hyung. Now the food I ordered should be here soon,"

His eyes softened, "Joon I would have made food, you didn't have to spend your money. I know you're saving up for a ring and every cent counts,"

Namjoon had been wanting to propose to Jin for the longest time, but they struggled to find the extra money, rent was extremely expensive and the music shop only brought in so much. Yoongi owned it, while Namjoon and Hoseok were his only two employees.

"It's alright Hyung. I..I actually just bought it. I'm proposing on Saturday,"

Yoongi smiled, "Good on you man. But are you ready? Today's Wednesday,"

"I've waited long enough, he deserves the world. I'm ready to give it to him," Namjoon exclaimed, bright smile lighting up his face.

They ate quietly, Namjoon texting Jin and Yoongi focused on looking through job applications. He needed some more employees. As good as Namjoon and Hoseok were, they couldn't do everything at once, and Yoongi would like just one day off. That's the thing when you run your own small business, you don't really get days off.

"Thank you Namjoon, have a nice night"

"No, thank you Hyung. Without you I wouldn't be where I am. Sleep well"


"Hyung! It's 8 AM, you have to open the shop in 2 hours," Namjoon shook him, elicting a frustrated groan.

"Leave me alone Joonie, I just wanna sleep,"

"But then you won't get to see park guy this morning,"

Yoongi shot up, glaring at Namjoon when he stiffled a laugh. "I'm not up because of that. Now get the fuck out so I can get dressed,"

The older rushed through his morning routine, wanting to leave as quick as possible. By the time he was halfway to the park, he realized he was an hour earlier than usual and Namjoon had lied to him. It had only been 7 when he woke up, 7:30 by the time he left.

"Fucking hell, the sun's barely up," He cursed throughout his walk, mood dampened.

His mood fell further when he reached the park and no one was there. No head of messy blonde hair, no adorable boxy smile and no oversized sweaters drowning the boy's petite frame.

"Damn, I was going to talk to him,"

Yoongi opened the door harshly, stomping his way to the 'Employees Only' room to throw his stuff on the table. He ripped open a breakfast bar, munching angrily and leaving the wrapper on the table for someone, presumable Hoseok, to clean up.

Opening was rough. He dropped multiple boxes on the way to restock items, tripped and knocked over 2 display cases, and almost broke a window by throwing stuff out of anger. By 10 AM though, he put himself together enough to open.

"Morning Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok said as he cheerfully entered.

"Morning Hobi,"

"Where's Namjoon?"

Yoongi shrugged, "I don't know. He's supposed to be here around 11:30 though,"

"You guys live together,"

"And the bastard tricked me into leaving an hour early, so I don't even care,"

"Petty bitch," The orange haired male laughed.

"Learned from my hyung,"

Hoseok chuckled, disappearing quickly into the employee room to set his bag down. "Well Jin Hyung is petty. But we can talk about that when there are no customers,"

Yoongi snorted before clearing his throat, getting into work mode. 'Work mode' meaning fake plastered smile and cheery voice.

Because of his bad start, Yoongi's day passed slowly and sadly. Even Hoseok's bright personality failed to turn his mood around. All he wanted was to see the cute smile he was accustomed to seeing twice a day.

But his day did eventually come to a close, Hoseok showing himself out after laughing at Yoongi's sullen expression.

"What a dick," He said, continuing to wipe down all of the displays, making sure everything was sparkling clean.

The doorbell rang as he finished wiping down the front desk, "Sorry, we're clos- oh," He paused, mouth falling open.

Cute blondie stood in the entrance, eyes red and swollen, body shivering and decorated with large bruises and open wounds. "Hel-hello. I'm s-sorry. I was j-just wondering i-if I could stay here for f-five minutes? I just n-need to hide from so-some people,"

Yoongi nodded without thinking, rushing towards the boy and gently tugging him in. He shut the door and closed the blinds, not wanting whoever was searching for the precious boy to find him. "Would you like something to drink? I have some coffee," He paused when Taehyung grimaced, "Ok, so not coffee. Um, hot chocolate?"

Why he had hot chocolate in his music store, he didn't know. But he sure was glad he did when the small boy nodded hesitantly. "I'll be right back,"

Hot chocolate thankfully doesn't take long to make, so he was back in front of the smaller male in no time. "Here,"

"Thank you," He smiled, causing Yoongi's breath to hitch.

"U-uh. What's your name?"

"Kim Taehyung! Whats yours?"

"Min Yoongi, nice to meet you Taehyung,"

"I can think of nicer ways. You finally talking to me at the park could've been one,"

Yoongi flushed bright red, stumbling over his words, "Y-you knew I w-was there?"

The way Taehyung giggled made his heart skip a beat, "Of course, I'm not totally oblivious,"

"I am so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it," The blonde smiled, "I'm just curious, why?"

"Oh, uh. I just thought you are really pretty and I couldn't help it, and I know that's really creepy but I have no self control. And I thought it was interesting that you were always in the same spot at the same time doing the same thing every day,"

Taehyung grinned, blushing, "You semi stalked me because you think I'm pretty and kind of interesting?"

"I wasn't stalking you, I've only ever seen you at the park, and I only ever see you there because it's my favorite park," He defended.

"It's mine t-"

Taehyung was interrupted by loud banging at the door, scaring both of them.


The blonde's blood drained from his face, looking at Yoongi with panic. "Please don't open the door," He whispered almost inaudiably.

But Yoongi heard it and shook his head. "There's a back door in the employee room, it should be open right now. Stay in the back alley until I come get you,"

"Yoongi I don't know what you're doing but I wouldn't do anything crazy, messing with those guys is a bad idea,"

"We'll talk about it later, just go," The banging hadn't ceased, the door probably about to break any second.

Once he heard the door behind him close, meaning Taehyung was safe, he ruffled his hair slightly and wrinkled his shirt, making his way towards the loud banging.

He opened the door with slightly squinted eyes, "Can I help you?"

"We know Taehyung is here," The man was much taller, and much buffer than Yoongi, as were the 2 behind him.

"Listen man, I don't know who the fuck Taehyung is, and your incessant knocking on my door woke me up from a great nap. Whoever you're looking for isn't here, so please leave,"

The man looked him up and down, surveying his hair and clothing, the dark circles under his eyes helping convince the stranger of his alleged nap.

"Whatever dude. But if we find out you're hiding him, you'll be in a world of hurt," The man snapped his fingers, the two on his heels like puppies as he left.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at their backs, slamming his newly damaged door shut. He walked towards the back door, concerned when the back exit was kind of ajar. "Taehyung?"

He reached for the door to open it all the way, when the blonde came barreling in, tear stained face buried in his chest. "T-thank you Yoongi,"

"No problem. But why were they looking for you?" He led the smaller back into the shop, sitting him back down on the couch in the corner.

Taehyung looked conflicted, "One of them is my ex, presumably the one you talked to. Last year he cheated on me, so I broke up with him. He wasn't very happy and just won't leave me alone, no matter what I do,"

"What about going to the police?" Yoongi suggested, suddenly feeling the urge to go find that man and beat the shit out of him.

The boy snorted, "You think I haven't tried? They won't do anything, because he hasn't hurt me yet. Which is fucking stupid. He follows me everywhere and beats everyone who asks me out up,"

"Damn so I'm going to get beat up? Shit! I didn't mean to say that out loud,"

"You're going to ask me out?"

Yoongi sighed, "Well I was going to soon. I was working up the courage to talk to you this morning, but I was a little to early to catch you. I won't ask you now, because you're crying and your ex just was at my door, but I will eventually,"

Taehyung threw his head back in a laugh, wiping his tears away with his sweater paws. "You could just ask me now, my answer will always be the same,"

"Ok then. Go on a date with me Taehyung, please?"

"Sure, I'll go on a date with you. You are pretty hot,"

Now it was Yoongi's turn to laugh, "Nice to have some validation every once in a while. Especially with Jin around to deflate your ego,"

The smaller perked up, "Like, Kim Seokjin? Tall, brown hair, unfairly broad shouldered Kim Seokjin?"

"Yeah, how do you know him?"

"That's my brother,"

"Oh. You don't act like him. Thankfully,"

"Wait how old are you?" Taehyung asked.

"26 why?"

"Because you said Jin, not Jin Hyung. And Hyung is ancient and I don't wanna date an ancient guy,"

"Jin and I are basically the same age, I'm barely any younger. I only say Hyung when either him or Namjoon is around,"

"Looks like I'm going on a date with an ancient guy then. Oh well, at least he's hot,"


Yoongi waited anxiously at his front door, phone clutched in his hand. He paced back and forth, pissing Namjoon off. "Hyung I swear to god if you don't stop I'll get Jin to hit you with his frying pan,"

"I'm sorry Namjoon-ah. I'm just really nervous,"

"I can tell. Don't worry, he'll text you soon. You know you never told me his name," Namjoon said, eagerly leaning forward.

Yoongi paled. Taehyung had told him how protective Namjoon and Jin were of him, like he was their kid. "Taehyung,"

"Oh that's a nice- wait," The purple haired man rose from the arm chair, crossing his arms over his chest dangerously, "Did you say Taehyung?"

"Yes. And yes it is your future brother-in-law. I'm taking Kim Taehyung on a date," He swallowed, bracing himself for the verbal onslaught sure to come.

But it didn't come. Namjoon judt gently smiled at him, bringing him into a tight, bone crushing hug. "Thank you Yoongi. As long as you don't hurt him and he doesn't hurt you, I'm happy for you. Just don't turn out like Minho,"

"His ex?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"He's the one who broke the shop door,"

"That fucker seriously needs to leave my baby bear alone," Namjoon fumed, hands still clutching Yoongi's shoudlers.

Yoongi winced, "Namjoon let me go,"

"Oh shit sorry," He apologized, "You know you can text him first, ask him if he's almost ready,"

"No. No I'm good, he'll text me when he's ready to be picked up. Oh fuck. Doesn't he live with Jin Hyung?"

Namjoon smirked, and Yoongi groaned. "He's going to kill you. Don't worry though, I'll plan your funeral," He patted Yoongi's back with a light smile.

As Yoongi opened his mouth to complain, his phone dinged. Panicked, Yoongi threw it to Namjoon, who caught it shakily "Do something!"

"It's your phone, it might not even be him so calm the fuck down! He's not dangerous why the hell are you so scared?"

"Because he's the most precious person I've ever seen in my life? He's adorable and I just want to smush his cheeks and spoil him rotten even if I have no money?"

Namjoon rolled his eyes and handed the phone back to Yoongi. "I know. I feel the same, except in a brotherly, almost fatherly way,"

Yoongi nodded. Then his phone chimed again, reminding Yoongi of his reasons to panic once again.


Hyung! I'm ready!
Sent 3:43

Sent 3:47

Yoongi Hyung <3

Sorry Tae, Namjoon was talking my ear off, like usual
Sent 3:48

Tell Hyungie I say hi!! And I miss him and he doesn't come over often enough!

"Taehyung is pissed at you,"

Yoongi Hyung <3

Done! I'm leaving now, see you soon baby
Read 3:50

Yoongi breathed in, and out, in, and out. He stood on Taehyung and Jin's porch, shifting from one foot to the other. He hesitated to knock on the door, lifting his arm before placing it back down to his sides.

"Dipshit just knock, it's not that hard," He whispered to himself.

He didn't have to, Jin opened the door with a scowl, suprise flashing across his features at the sight of Yoongi before hardening once more. "You're the hottie Taehyung won't stop talking about?" Jin said, sounding disgusted.

The distant sound of Taehyung whining, "Hyungie! Don't expose me!" made Yoongi smile softly, Taehyung's voice enough to rid him of his nerves. Well, most of them.

"Hello Jin Hyung, nice to see you too,"

"Um no. It isn't. I don't like you right now," The brunette scowled.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're taking my baby on a date! He's too good for you, no one deserves him,"

Yoongi felt happy hearing that, oddly enough. It was good to know that the boy had people to care for him, to tell others off in his steed. "I know. But I can promise you I'll do my best to be as close to good enough as I can get. He deserves the world,"

"You got that from Joonie,"

"I heard him say it, yes. But he doesn't own that phrase, so I didn't steal shit,"

Taehyung appeared behind Seokjin's shoulder, just the top of his fluffy hair visible because of his height. Yoongi's breath hitched in anticipation. 'He probably looks beautiful, just like always'

"Hyung stop. Can't you be normal for once in your life?" He pouted cutely.

"Baby bear, I just needed to make sure Yoongi knew what I thought of him,"

"Ok, sure Hyung. But we need to go now, love you!" The blonde stood on his tip toes to kiss his brother's cheek, elicting a coo from said brother.

Yoongi couldn't stop smiling at the scene, it was cute. It was cute how close they were, how Seokjin treated Taehyung as his child.

Before he could stop himself, he reached for Taehyung's hand, taking it into his own. He tugged gently until the younger followed down the steps.

"Taehyung, you look gorgeous," And he did.

"Thank you Hyungie," Taehyung blushed. "You look very handsome,"

Yoongi smirked, "Thank you baby,"

(A/N: Without the hat)

He watched Taehyung stuff his face in his sweater paws, squealing quietly. "Oh my god stop being so cute. I swear my heart's going to explode. Do you want Hyungie's heart to explode?" He questioned, laughing gently when Taehyung immediately shook his head, yelling 'no' over and over again.

"I'm sorry Yoonie Hyung! I didn't think I was being cute!

"Baby, you're always cute,"

Taehyung pouted, "No 'm not," Before Yoongi could retort, he continued, "So where are we going?"

"So I heard that you really like art?" He kept bothering Namjoon for days until he cracked and told him what Taehyung liked.

The smile that lit up Taehyung's face made it hard to tear his eyes away. "I love art!'

"Good," He hummed, "Because I'm taking you to an art museum,"

"Really? I've always wanted to go, but I haven't been able to save up enough money,"

Yoongi wasn't about to tell him that it cost him this week's worth of groceries to buy the tickets. But it's ok, Namjoon understood and offered to buy the groceries this week.

The date went smoothly, Taehyung running around, in awe of the artwork, Yoongi following with a fond smile, in awe of his beauty.

"Thank you Hyung. Next time can I take you somewhere?" The boy asked when they were back on his porch.

Yoongi grinned at the mention of next time. "Of course. When is next time?"

"When are you free?"

"Whenever you are," He would just make Hoseok take over for the day, he was usually capable enough.

"Then, tomorrow?" Taehyung asked quietly, regretting it as soon as it left his mouth. Tomorrow was too soon, Yoongi would never want to go on two dates in a row.

The older nodded, "If you would like. I'll pick you up when?"

"11 AM! We'll do what I have planned, then we can go to lunch!" He yelled excitedly, making Yoongi chuckle.

"Whatever you want baby,"


Taehyung ate his breakfast happily, humming through every bite.

"Is it that good Taehyungie?"

"Yes and no," He replied after he swallowed, "It's amazing as usual, but i'm also just happy because I see Yoonie Hyungie again today!"

Jin rolled his eyes, "You talk to much about Yoongi and not enough about how amazing I am,"

Taehyung giggled, "Jinnie Hyung is silly,"

"You know it bear," Jin winked.

"Hyungie what time is it?"

"Almost 10:30, why?''

"YOU NEED TO HELP ME WITH MY OUTFIT!" He yelled, leaving his plate on the table to drag Jin back upstairs.

The brunette sighed, allowing himself to be dragged. "Bear, he doesn't care what you wear. And you're just going to get grass on it anyways,"

"But I care! I wanna look cute for Yoongi Hyung!" He whined again.

"You have known him for two days,"

Taehyung nodded, opening his closet for Jin to look through, "Yeah but I've known of him for years. You guys talk about him all of the time, and you tell me how much of a good person he is, and how anyone would be lucky to have him!"

By the time Jin had picked out an outfit Taehyung deemed worthy, it was exactly 11 AM and his room was trashed.

The doorbell rung and the small blonde ran downstairs with a large boxy smile displayed on his face. "Yoonie Hyung!"

"Hi baby, you look adorable!"

"You look hot Hyungie!"

Yoongi smiled, once again taking Taehyung's hand and pulling him close. Taehyung took the lead, skipping down the street with his Hyung in tow.

The walk was filled with Yoongi throwing cheesy pick-up lines he learned from Jin, and Taehyung blushing furiously.

The elder was sort of confused when they stopped in front of the gate to the park, but he didn't question it. Instead, he let Taehyung lead him through the park until they reached Taehyung's usual spot.

"I thought we could do what I do everytime you stalked me,"

"I wasn't stalking you! I swear!"

"Stalking or not, I thought we could look at the clouds!"

"You like to cloudgaze? That's so fucking cute,"

Taehyung blushed, but lied down without saying anything. "The clouds are pretty. And you never know what you're going to see,"

Yoongi smiled, lying down with him, shoulders touching. Looking up at the sky hurt his eyes, so he settled on staring at Taehyung's serene expression. Every time the younger pointed up, deciding on what the shape was, Yoongi hummed, agreeing with him.

"You aren't even looking at the clouds," Taehyung frowned, "Are you bored? Do you want to just go to lunch?"

"No I'm good here," He grinned, pecking Taehyung on his nose.

They were silent for a few seconds, before Taehyung smiled "Yoongi Hyung, yesterday you said, 'I didn't steal shit'. You lied,"

Said man raised an eyebrow, "How so baby?"

"You stole my heart," He spoke softly. He stood up, gripping Yoongi's hand to bring the elder with him. "Now let's go get some lunch. I'm hungry,"

Yoongi was dumbfounded. Taehyung was usually so shy and easily flustered, and now he goes and says that? It left Yoongi flustered this time.

"Are you coming Hyungie?"

"Yes, yeah I am,"

"Hey baby?" Yoongi asked as the waiter served their lunch. "I like you a lot,"

"I like you to Hyungie!"

"I'm curious as to how I never knew about you before, with Namjoon literally living with me,"

"I don't know either. I knew about you, they talk about you a lot. And they have a couple of your guy's pictures hung up in the house,"

They shrugged, it doesn't matter now. They were on a date and it wasn't the first and it definitely not the last, not if Yoongi had anything to say about it.


"I'll see you Friday?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes! I'm so excited!"

"Can we go cloudgazing again?"

Taehyung looked confused, "But you weren't even cloudgazing,"

"Can we go cloudgazing again?" Yoongi repeated.

"Okay? Sure Hyungie!"


hola hoes!

so the reason i didn't put this in my oneshot book is because this is over triple the length of my average oneshot, which is around 1500 words. this is over 5000.

and i know the ending is shitty but its 10:50 at night and i have another doctors appointment at 8am.

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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