hurt somebody | teen wolf

By lilacskieswritings

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public service announcement
hurt somebody


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By lilacskieswritings

Welcome Back to Beacon Hills 

Everyone watched as Piper McCall made her way through the hallways of Beacon Hills High School. All staring at the brooding girl who expressed no emotion as she looked at the familiar lockers. Identifying the one she used to own herself.

The McCall wore dark blue jeans that she knew hugged her in the right areas, matching them with a black tank top and her signature black leather jacket. Her outfit choice already making the statement that she did not tolerate bullshit. Piper walked over to her little brother, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face as she tapped his shoulder.
"Hey," She greeted, waiting for realisation to settle in. Scott McCall turned around instantly, an expression of pure shock on his face as he matches the voice with a face he hasn't seen in years.

"Piper!" Scott yelled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a hug. The McCall returned the hug, letting her guard down as a grin slowly formed. "What are you doing back in Beacon Hills?

Piper huffed, tucking her brown hair behind her ears as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the lockers. "I graduated and couldn't be bothered to anything else in New York, and besides, I needed to see how my little brother was doing."

"SCOTT! HEY!" A voice yelled over the crowded hallways. An old forgotten feeling bubbled inside Piper as she watched a scrawny boy push through the end of school crowd. She raised her eyebrows in amusement as he stopped and looked at her in confusion. "OH MY GOD! PIPER!" Realisation fell upon him face as he started running over to the McCall's.

"Good to see you again, Stilinski." She stated, holding back a laugh as Stiles looked at her in disbelief. Remembering the last time, her saw her – she was still going through puberty. It definitely worked.

Piper looked up from Stiles and rolled her eyes as she noticed the lingering eyes from horny teenagers in the crowd. People either gossiping to each other or whispering disgusting things under their breath.

One boy, who Piper commends for their bravery, walked up to her, ignoring the other two boy's presence and smirked. "Hey, did you just move here?"

Piper raised her eyebrows again.

"Cause I would love to show you around," The boy stepped closer, getting too close for the McCall's liking as she scoffed and pushed him away.

"Sorry. I'm not interested," She responded.

The teenager didn't move, taking her rejection in a different way as he stepped even closer to her, "Playing hard to get?"

Scott could sense his sister was uncomfortable and as he is about to step in, play the role as the protective brother. His sister acted quicker than him. Pushing the boy away and wrapping his arm behind his back, "I said not interested. Get it?" She snapped, pushing him away, letting the boy stagger back to his friends.

Stiles and Scott shared the same surprised expression, the Stilinski stepping back in slight fear as she began, "Holy shi-"

"Don't finish that Mr Stilinski," A teacher sent a pointed look at the scrawny boy.

Stiles sent a thumbs up to the teacher and looked at Piper in shock, "Where did you learn that?"

Piper shrugged, not thinking much of her actions as she popped a piece of gum. "Did some training in New York, thought it might be useful."

The Stilinski nodded, setting himself a mental reminder to never get on the older McCall's bad side. "You know," He thought aloud. "You remind me a lot of someone, I just can't pinpoint who."

Piper looked at her brother, "I walked from home here, so I'll need a ride." Scott thought for a few moments before remembering his plans with Allison.

"I'm studying with Allison tonight," He stated.

Piper raised her eyebrows at her brother, "Allison?" She asked, not bothering to hide her obvious curiosity.

"Scott's girlfriend." Stiles answered for his best friend with a goofy smirk.

"Well, look who's no longer making out with my stuffed teddy bear. Scotty's got a girlfriend," Piper teased, bumping her brothers' shoulder as his cheeks tinted red.

"Stiles can give you a ride home," Scott stated, wanting to divert the conversation away as he tried to cool himself down.

Piper nodded, saying goodbye to her brother as she followed his best friend to his car. Gaping when she saw the infamous blue jeep. "No way the sheriff trusted you with this!" She exclaimed, admiring the beauty of the car.

Stiles sheepishly grinned, "I begged a lot and promised him that I would stay out of trouble if he gave it to me."

"Has that promise been kept?" Piper asked knowingly.

The Stilinski thought back to when he asked Scott to go into the forest with him to look for a dead body. He thought about all the trouble they've been getting themselves into ever since. "Yep, I've turned over a new leaf," Stiles responded, getting into the front seat and started the ignition.

He reversed the car from the parking lot and began to drive towards the exit before his actions came to a tire screeching stop as an awfully pale man comes out in from of the vehicle. "Oh my God," Stiles said, identifying the man instantly as the two made eye contact. Piper looked at the man who seemed like he had no plans on moving anytime soon.

Her thoughts came to halt as Stiles started to honk the car horn obsessively, gaining the attention of everyone in the parking lot. "Are you okay?" She turned to Stiles, who showed no indication of stopping his movements.

Piper decided that enough was enough, as the cars started to line up behind them. She ignored the Stilinski's calls for her to come back as she left the car and stood beside the man. Going for the easy approach, Piper looked at the pale man, "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice soft.

The man turned his head to her, looking at her in surprise but did not reply. Piper stopped her movements for a moment, instantly recognising the man. "What-" She began but stopped as he collapsed to the floor.

Piper quickly bent down beside him, checking his temperature. "Fuck, your awfully cold," she stated. More car horns are now beeping, the owners wondering what is stalling them.

Scott soon came running to the two, "What the hell?" He asked, looking at Stiles who was now getting out of his car. "What are you doing here?" He asked, kneeling down beside his sister.

Piper scoffed at her brother's lack of manners and hit him upside in the head. "You know, it's usually polite to ask, 'how are you feeling?' in this sort of situation."

"I was shot," The man huffed, his breathing uneven.

Stiles, who finally joined them, stated, "he's not looking so good, dude."

Scott knew his sister was around and this situation was about the new life he was dragged into. A life he never wanted to introduce to his mother or his sister. But, it was too late – apparently. Now, he knew that Piper would ask many questions and that he would be the one who'd have to answer. Nevertheless, Scott asked, "Why aren't you healing?"

"I can't." The man stated. "It was a different kind of bullet."

"A silver bullet?" Stiles questioned.

"No, you idiot."

Scott then remembered what he had heard the night before. "Wait. That's what she meant when she said you had forty-eight hours."

The man's head shot up at those words, "What? Who said forty-eight hour?"

"The one who shot you," Scott replied in an obvious tone.

Piper rolled her eyes, "I think he was looking for specifics." Piper wasn't stupid. She knew that the two boys that she's known almost all her lives were hiding something from her and she had a sneaking suspicion that it was something abnormal. Her suspicions were proven correct as she watched the man begin to struggle. His eyes clenching together before reopening. When she saw the blue eyes, the eyes that illuminated at night, she wished she could unsee them. She wished to have been wrong about this because then she noticed that both Scott and Stiles had not flinched from the sight. Instead, she noticed that they both looked at her in fear, waiting for a shocked reaction.

Before anyone else could say a thing, the man started to struggle, his eyes clenching together before reopening. This time, his eyes were bright blue, illuminating in the sun.

And that sight alone, proved Piper's suspicions.

Scott and Stiles looked at each other in horror as they glanced over at Piper, waiting for a scared expression, a scream or even for her to faint. However, she did nothing, the McCall girl looked at the eyes, blinked, and then proceeded to mutter a few curse words under her breath.

"Stop doing that," She hissed, worried about the attention that they could gain.

The man looked over at Piper, wondering who she was and more importantly why her heart wasn't beating rapidly, she wasn't expressing chemosignals filled with fear. She seemed normal.

"I can't." He growled, his eyes continuously shifting.

By now the honks had gotten loudly and in quicker frequency as people begun to yell at them. "Derek, get up." Scott commanded.

"Help me put him in my car," Stiles said, whilst grabbing his keys and opening the door to the passenger seat.

Piper and Scott both took one of his arms and wrapped them around their shoulders, taking his weight upon themselves. The two carefully sat the man – Derek. Into the seat before, Piper made her way to the backseat.

"What," She asked, confused by the looks she received from Scott and Stiles.

Stiles jumped into the driver's seat. "Maybe we should drop Piper home first," He suggested.

The girl in leather scoffed and shook her head. "No, what the hell! And let you two deal with this sicko?" She gestured to Derek.

Scott sighed, knowing how stubborn his sister could be. "Pipes, I know you must have a lot of questions but right now, I can't explain. You just need to trust me. It's much safer for you if you let Stiles drop you off."

The older McCall rolled her eyes, "Fine, Stiles can drop me off," She began, noticing her brother's shoulders relax. "He can drop me off at the hospital and I can tell mum that you're hanging out with werewolves in your free time," She finished.

"Wha-"Stiles trailed off, not believing those words came out of Piper's mouth.

"How do you kno-"Scott asked, his throat immediately dry.

"We can both explain later," Piper stated, turning her attention to the man. "First, we need to fix this."

The younger McCall didn't want to wait for an explanation. He wanted to know now. He wanted to know, how. How did she know? How long did she know for? A million questions were roaming in his head but he knew that Derek's life was on a line. "What do I do?" He turned his attention to the Hale.

"I need you to find out what kind of bullet they used," Derek wheezed.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that?" He asked.

"Figure it out!"

"Hey, jackasses. Are you done? Some of us have places to be!" A boy from the car behind them yelled.

"Stiles, you need to go." Scott stated, shutting the passenger door and sending one last look at his sister.

Stiles groaned and started the ignition, "I hate you so much for this."


"So, tell me more about this Allison chick," Piper asked whilst staring outside the window.

Derek stared at her in disbelief, to which she responded with a glare.

"Fine then, tell me how you know Derek Hale." She questioned, kicking the back of his seat, a smirk appearing as the action made him jump.

Stile's eyes widened, "How do you know Derek Hale?" He retaliated.

The brunette rolled her eyes, "I went to Beacon Hills High school, too. He was a senior around when I was a sophomore. Besides, I knew Laura." She responded.

The name of his sister caught his attention as he turned around in his seat and looked at her. "You knew my sister? Who the hell are you?"

"I'm Piper, Scott's sister," She smirked, revealing in the shocked expression that came over his face.

Stiles then lifted up his phone, revealing a text from Scott. The boy huffed and returned his focus back on the road. "Try not to bleed out my seats, okay?" Stiles complained. "We're almost there."

Piper sat up straighter, pushing her body forward. "Almost, where?" She asked.

Stiles tapped the steering wheel, anxiously as he answered, "The Hale House."

Derek turned his head to Stiles, "What? You can't take me there." He stated.

"Yeah, not to sound rude but isn't it meant to be burnt down?" Piper commented.

"I can't take you to your own house?" Stiles rolled his eyes, ignoring the brunettes remark.

"Not when I can't protect myself." Derek stated,

The McCall snorted, "Clearly if you got shot, protecting yourself isn't your strong suit."

The Hale growled at her comment however felt to weak to do anything. Stiles huffed and directed the car to the curb, turning off the ignition. He then turned to Derek.

Piper watched the intense stare, "Are you two going to make out now? Because, I'm not a fan of gay porn or interested in a threesome," She teased, earning a glare from both of them.

"What happens in Scott doesn't find your little magic bullet? Hmm?" Stiles snapped, whilst turning to back to Derek. "Are you going to die?"

Piper pushed herself further forward, wanting to be in the conversation.

"Not yet, I have a last resort." Derek replied.

"Which is what exactly?" She asked skeptically. The Hale lifted up his sleeve, revealing the wound. The McCall hissed at the sight, recognizing the bullet exactly. Except before she could open her mouth, she Stiles beat her to it.

"Oh, my God! What is that?" He said whilst disgusted, directing his eyes away from the wound instantly. "Is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out."

Derek continued to breathe heavily, the excruciating pain becoming worse as the dark veins travelled closer to his heart. "Start the car. Now." He wheezed.

"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look," Stiles responded, a burst of confidence running through him.

Piper sighed and held the bride of her nose in aggravation.

"In fact, I think if I wanted to, I could drag your little werewolf ass into the middle of the road and leave you for dead."

The McCall cracked, lifting her head and darkening her expression. "Start the damn car, Stiles. Or I'll make you won't have a Stile's Junior." She growled.

As the words left her mouth, both Derek and Stiles looked back at her. But she was no impatient, letting her impulsiveness take over. "Now!" She yelled, her voice threatening.

Stiles gulped and reluctantly started the engine again.


It was now dark, Stiles was on the phone with Pipers Brother. "What am I supposed to do with him?" The scrawny human asked.

Piper looked over at Derek, "Nordic Blue Monkshood."

Derek met the brunettes eyes, "What?" he sighed, the pain agonizing by now.

Piper moved closer to his ear, repeating, "Nordic Blue Monkshood. It's what you were shot with." The werewolves eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Like death!" Stiles exaggerated to Scott through the phone about Derek's smell.

"How are you so sure that it's that type of wolfs bane?" Derek responded back, shifting slightly to see her.

"Trust me!" she hissed and sat back when Stiles handed the phone to Derek.

"You're not gonna believe where he's telling me to take you." Stiles muttered.

Derek took the phone with his good hand and raised it to his ear. "Did you find it?" he asked.

Piper rolled her eyes at Derek's stupidity.

"If you don't find it then I'm dead, all right? Then think about this. The alpha called you out against your own will, he's going to do it again. Next time you either kill with him or get killed. So if you want to stay alive, then you need me. Find the bullet." Derek dropped the phone and hung up.


Stiles phone beeped as the back entrance to the Vet raised. Derek dropped onto of a pile of animal food, weakness about to over power him. Piper searched her back backpack and revealed a small rag, going over to Derek she began to dab his forehead. "What are you doing?" Derek wheezes. Piper didn't respond, biting back a snarky remark as she continued to remove the sweat from his forehead.

Suddenly Stiles turned around, "Does Nordic Blue Monkshood mean anything to you?" He asked. Piper sent Derek an obvious 'I told you so' look, a smirk appearing when Derek's jaw clenched.

"It's a rare form of Wolfs bane, he has to bring me the bullet." Derek responded. Stiles watched as Piper assisted Derek, realizing suddenly who she reminded him of. Both brooding adults who have a lot of anger and the occasional hint of sarcasm.

"Why?" Stiles questioned.

Piper stood up and throws the rag away, "because he's going to die without it."


Stiles, Derek and Piper made their way through the Vet until they find the treating room, the older McCall dropping her bag to the ground and looking over to Derek who was taking his shirt off, she noticed the tattoo on his back. "You know that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night's sleep couldn't take care of," Stiles rambled while Piper cringed at the wound.

"When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me," Derek responded, trying hard to ease the pain for his own self. The wounded werewolf starts to go through the cabinets in the Vet, searching for something in particular.

"Positivity just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles mumbled.

Derek continued  to open multiple cabinets still searching, "If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time, last resort.." Derek trailed off, opening one of the drawers.

Piper quickly caught on, "Which is?" Stiles asked. The older McCall grabbed the hair tie she had left on her wrist and started to put her brunette locks into a high pony.

Derek turned around with a doctors saw, looking at Stiles in particular. "You're going to cut off Derek's arm," Piper beat him to it. Stiles gaped, tripping over his words.

Derek slid the saw over to Stiles who grabbed it with a shaky hand. Turning the machine on, the scrawny humans heart began to beat louder and louder. "Oh, my God! What if you bleed to death?" Stiles questioned.

Piper walked over to Derek as she saw he was struggling with a blue ribbon. Again without saying a thing she began to help, grabbing the ribbon and examining where the bulging veins disappear. "It'll heal if it works," Derek choked out, not because of the pain but because he is paying attention to Piper more.

"Look, I don't know if I can do this." Stiles groaned, watching at Piper begins to tie the blue ribbon around Derek's upper arm.

"Why not" Derek growled, Piper ties the ribbon tightly.

"Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles explained, starring at the wound again as Piper finished a double knot.

She stopped and raised an eyebrow at Stiles, "You faint at the sight of blood?"

"No. But I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!" Stiles replied, "why can't Piper do this?"

The brunette looked at Stiles and scoffed, "I have to hold him down so he doesn't turn in the process."

Stiles stared at her in disbelief, "Have you seen the size of this guy? What makes you think you can hold this down?" Stiles motioned to Derek.

Piper shrugged, "I have my ways."

"All right, fine. How about this? Either you cut off my arm, or I'm going to cut off your head," Derek threatened.

Piper finished her work on Derek's arm, she made sure that it was going to hold. "Okay, you know, I'm so not buying your threats anymore-"

Piper grabbed Stiles ,shirt and pulled him across the table, "Oh, my God! Okay, all right. Brought, sold, totally I'll do it. I'll do it!"

Piper let go of his shirt when she heard Derek struggling behind her.

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked. Derek didn't answer, instead he coughed up a black substance, making Piper cover her nose from the smell and Stiles to gag. "Holy God! What the hell is that?" he complained.

Derek heaved for air, "It's my body, it is trying to heal itself."

"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it," Piper exclaimed, examining the liquid. "Now, you've got to do it now."

Stiles looked at Derek then the saw, his eyes going back and forth. "Look, honestly, I don't think I can-"

"Just do it!" Derek grunted, the pain getting worse.

"Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. Oh, my God!" Stiles yelled picking up the saw, and aiming it at the blue ribbon, Piper got into position, her hands getting a strong hold on Derek's shoulders.

"All right, here we go!" Stiles yelled, the saw touching Derek's pale skin now.

"Stiles?" a different voice spoke.

"Scott?" Stiles replied. Scott ran into the room, seeing the image that was currently going on.

"What the hell are you doing?" Scott yelled. Piper took her hands away from Derek's shoulders, standing back at the sight of her younger brother.

Stiles dropped the saw thankfully, nervously chuckling. "Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares."

Piper looked up her brother, her eyebrows furrowing. "Did you get it?" She asked, Scott dug around in his front pocket, pulling the gold bullet out and handing it over to Derek. The wounded alpha examined the bullet, his balance off though.

"What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles asked, starring at the saw still thankful for not having to use it.

"I'm gonna.." Derek muttered, repeating the phase over and over, each time his voice getting softer. Derek's hand dropped to the table, the bullet falling out of his hand.

"No, don't. No, no, no!" Scott yelled while trying to catch the bullet, Piper watched as it falls on the ground and rolls down the drain. She glanced over to Derek and watching him as he collapsed on the ground, his eyes closed.

Scott fell to the ground as well, his hand trying anxiously to pick up the bullet. Stiles and Piper rushed to Derek's side, "Derek? Stiles asked. Piper looked at him, not sure what to do.

"Derek, come on. Wake up! Scott, what the hell are gonna do?" Stiles freaked out, his heartbeat racing once again.

Piper's brother was still struggling to reach the golden item, his voice coming out at strained as he replied, "I don't know! I can't reach it!" Piper clutched Derek's face, before moving to his pulse.

"He's not waking up!" She examined, her voice subtly laced with worry. Scott continued to strain his hand, the tips of his fingers grazing over the gold metal of the bullet.

"I think he's dying, I think he's dead!" Stiles exaggerated.

Piper looked up at the scrawny human with annoyed eyes. "He has a pulse, its not big but its enough to know a werewolf is alive."

Scott listened to his sisters words before become confused and worried, it dawned on him then that his sister was more involved in this world than she initially led on, the way she was composing herself in this situation made it seem as if she knew a lot about this, probably more than Scott himself did.

"Just hold on!" Scott yelled out, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Slowly he felt his claws extending and soon he was in reach of the bullet.

With careful movements Scott picked up the bullet and raised it through the drain. "I got it! I got it!" He yells, Stiles looked at the unconscious werewolf still worried.

"Please don't kill me for this!" He begged, wrapping his hand in a fist, and going in for the punch without a second thought. "Ow! God!" Stiles whined,  his fist sore due to the harsh impact and incorrect fist he used.

Piper sighed and pushed him away, with out a word she clenched her hand into a fist, raising her arm to create power and punched Derek in one quick movement, this time the werewolf did wake up. Derek took one look at Piper before looking over to Scott, the two pushing him up to his feet. "Up!" Piper commanded.

Derek opened the bullet with his teeth breaking it, the power infused within it spilling onto the table. Piper handed Derek a match, wavering off his confused expression her younger brother watching in amazement as Derek lit the powder.

Large sparklers ignited followed by a blue essence. Derek collected the contents into his arm, the veins firing a red deadly color. The injured werewolf braced himself for intense pain before placing his other hand over the wound, digging the powder into his arm.

"Step back," Piper warned pulling Stiles behind her. Derek began to scream in agony, staggering across the room before falling onto the floor. His screams turned into growls as the wound healed itself. All the veins disappear back into the wound, the same blue essence that once came from the bullet now being seen once again. Within a blink of an eye the wound was gone as if it never existed.

"That was awesome! Yes!" Stiles cheered, earning judging looks from the two McCall siblings. Piper held her hand out for Derek to take, pulling him up from the ground ease, surprising the werewolf with her strength.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked in concern. Piper snorted at the stupid question, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Except for the agonizing pain?" Derek responded.

"I'm guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of heath," Stiles spoke, his voice laced with a condescending tone. The healed werewolf shot him a look.

"Okay, we saved your life, which means you're going to leave us alone," Scott negotiated. "You got that? And if you don't, I'm gonna go back to Alison's dad, and I'm gonna tell him everything."

Piper cuts him off, placing her hand up telling him to stop. "I'm sorry, did I hear you right? You're going to tell your crushes dad about all this?"

Scott turned to his sister, running a hand through his hair and sighing. "I don't know!" He responded getting aggravated. "How do you even know about this?"

Everyone's attention turned to the only girl, all waiting for a answer to the question they kept thinking about all day.

"After I moved out of Beacon Hills, I met a group of werewolves. The Hybrids, all of them not fully werewolves but instead half half, I stayed with them a while and learnt a few things from them, one of them being how to defend myself. Skip a few years, it was a late night and I was out and when I came back the whole pack was slaughtered." Piper explained briefly, leaving out a few crucial moments.

Derek listened to her story carefully, recognizing the details and connecting the dots. "Holy crap, Piper knows about the supernatural." Stiles gaped.

Piper then turned to her brother and Stiles, "Okay, how the hell did you two get into this mess?" She looked at the two with a harsh glare, one she knew would force them to crack.

Stiles squirmed under the gaze of the older McCall. Scott knew he couldn't hide anything from Piper, not that he wanted to anyway. "I think it would be better if I show you." Scott mumbled. He turned his head down, his shoulder moving up and down as he drew in a breath, before making eye contact with Piper once again. This time, his eyes were bright yellow - ones Piper clearly detected, beta.

"You got bit!" She snapped, her anger channeling from the worry she felt for her brother being hunted or having to face the dangers of being in a supernatural. Scott's eyes flashed backed to their natural color, sending his sister a sheepish expression. "When?"

Scott and Stiles shared a look between each other, Scott scratching the back of his head before answering, "We were looking for a dead body."

To say Derek wasn't completely entertained by the event occurring before him, would be a lie. He was intrigued by the girl who seemed to know all about the supernatural story. And despite Derek knowing that the contents of her story was true, he still felt the feeling that she wasn't telling the whole truth. 

"So much for staying out of trouble," Piper snorted, sending a look to Stiles. "Who's your alpha?"

Scott looked at Derek for answers, not entirely sure how to answer for himself. However, Piper followed his gaze, assuming that Scott meant Derek. "No way, Derek's eyes are blue - omega." Before Scott could comment on his sisters words, or ask about what an omega is, he was interrupted by the Hale.

"We have a suspicion that it's the alpha that's currently out in Beacon Hills, killing innocent people and biting random teenagers." Derek responded.

Piper nodded, "Probably trying to build up strength. Bloody hell, so glad to be back in Beacon Hills." She then turned to Scott, remembering a crucial comment her brother made. "Getting back on track, why the hell would you even think of telling your girlfriend's father about this shit.

Derek smirked, "Her fathers a hunter, you aware of the Argent's?"

The older McCall almost choked on her spit, "Allison is an Argent?"

"Better. She's Gerard Argent's granddaughter." Derek responded.

"Scott, I know your taste was questionable but this is just deadly. You know what will happen if he finds out your a werewolf?"

Scott felt his mouth dry up, shock overcoming his features "You've heard of them?"

Piper rolled her eyes, "Every supernatural has. The family are tyrants in the hunting world. I'm not too sure how they'll go about introducing Allison but knowing Gerard and Kate, they'll make sure she won't hesitate to kill simple beta by the end of her training."

"You're exaggerating," Scott defended them, only to be harshly cut off by Derek.

"You're going to trust them? After I've warned you and now your own sister has. You still think they can help you?" Derek raged.

Scott was caught at a crossroads. On one hand, he idolized his sisters immensely, she was strong and always there for the ones she loved. He knew she had a good heart despite the cold exterior front she expressed to others. But he couldn't glide over the fact that she had left him in the dark about the supernatural, about her time in New York.

"Well, they're a lot freaking nicer than you are!" Scott retaliated, his voice mimicking a little child.

"I can show you how nice they are," Derek responded, his eyes glossed over.


Piper peered over to the drivers seat, watching as Derek drove with concentration, a neutral expression upon his face. However, Piper was an observer, she noticed the little things about people. And to most people Derek would seem like he was just deep in thought whilst concentrating on the road ahead. But, Piper saw different, he noticed his jaw clenched and the bulging veins that pounded in his arms, his knuckles white from clutching the steering wheel. He was angry. Whatever was on his mind, it made him angry.

"You want to stare at me any longer?" Derek asked, taking his eyes off the road for a second to glance at the older McCall.

"Just wondering," She responded.


"Nordic Blue Monkshood. I was correct and you chose not to believe me, your choice and all but if you had listened we would have gotten it out quicker and you wouldn't feel as week. Besides, that form of wolfbane will be in you system for another 48 hours, slowing down your abilities." Piper answered, turning her attention to the scenery, taking in the familiar view of Beacon Hills.

The car goes silent as Derek returns to his thoughts, only this time they're about Piper. He recalls how she mentioned Laura, except he knows Laura never brought up a Piper to him. In his mind, Piper would be a good ally, perhaps a trustworthy person however she's lying, she holding things back. He detected it with the Hybrid Pack and he knew something was up when she could go against his werewolf strength with ease. His guard was up for her and he made a mental note not to turn his back away from her.

A few minutes later, Derek pulled up into the car park outside Beacon Memorial, the sign in front reading the 'Long Term Care Facility.' "I'll be in here," Piper spoke, stopping her brother and Derek in motion, the two sharing a look.

The Hale raised an eyebrow, "In my car?" He questioned.

Piper rolled her eyes at his concern, "Calm your tits, your precious car will still be here when you're back. No scratches, scouts honor." She held up two fingers in a salute motion, finding pleasure in Derek's obvious distaste. 

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started.2017 psa: i was 12-13 when i wrote this so it's embarrassing ☹
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𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬, 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚. [𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧...
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❝𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞?❞ 。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。 𝘕𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘭�...
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Cameron Dallas imagines :) Please feel free to leave feedback in the comments. Thanks and I hope you enjoy!