The Billionaire's Hair

By gharials69

782 61 214

"With fame and money comes a lot of things, but your fallen hair is not one of them." - Sun Tzu probably. Ern... More

O1: The Billionaire's Daily Routine
O2: Typical High School Stuff
O3: Garden Musicians and Basement Inhabitants
O5: Hair That's Fallen Never Returns, Much Like Your Comrades At Stalingrad
O6: Missing Affluences & Pea Allergies
O7: Where There's A River There's A Cause

O4: Bathroom Misfortunes (& Goat Lung Mishaps)

81 9 26
By gharials69

Earlier that day

Riley skids across the road on her bike, pedaling extremely fast because she was extremely late. It's not her fault her embarrassing dads had treated her to a decent breakfast on her first day of senior year. She drops her bike in the parking lot and runs towards the school and nearly bumps into the Michaelsons' obnoxiously large limousine.

She sighs and turns to walk around it when she catches sight of the Michaelsons' daughter filming something on her phone and also her gay friend attempting to gay wink at a girl a few feet away.

"You're not gay, are you, kitten?" she hears a male voice say from the front of the car. The voice belongs to the Michaelson boy, leaning on the hood of the limo without a shirt, and his red eyes gleaming at her.

Riley feels some drool slip out of her mouth and hurriedly rushes to wipe it off and then she realized what the boy had just asked her. "No! Of course not. Why do you care anyway, dickhead?" she asks him because boys who attend the first day of school without a shirt are probably dickheads.

The boy smirks, unbothered, "I'm River," he says. "I like full moons and smirking." He smirks again. "Do you ever stop smirking?" she asks. River smirks and shakes his head no.

Riley is just about to scramble this boy's brains with a witty comeback when the bell rings and she hears the principal's voice over the loudspeaker. "This is not over yet." She gestures between herself and River who winks and says, "Sure, baby girl."


Sean Mondays did not go to teaching school to be teaching a bunch of ungrateful brats who drove over to public school with a fucking limousine and who decided that clothing was optional during class.

"For the last fucking time," Sean emphasizes, his hands motion a ball. "The earth is round, Taylor.

"But how does that explain the ground being flat?" Taylor retorts, with a smirk. 

Sean lets out a guttural growl before ramming his head into the blackboard violently. At that moment, a shirtless guy enters the class. 40 minutes late. 

"River, why the fuck are you here now and why are you shirtless." He moans before sliding down to the floor into an exhausted heap of tiredness. There was too much pent up rage in their geography teacher especially after listening to detailed flat earth theories and the entry of strange shirtless boys who came to class in the last five minutes and smirked at him.

Riley's eyes widen from across the class as she continued to wipe drool out of her mouth. River walks over and kicks the guy sitting next to Riley and while he protests, he punches him in the face, knocking him out effectively. 

"Oh my, looks like the only empty seat here is next to you!" River's lips slightly twitch upward. He wipes the blood off his knuckles and shoves the the unconscious classmate across the floor and into a closet where he shall remain until he has the courage to come out.

"You just knocked out a guy for this seat." Riley replies, drawing conclusions from her very observant, witty nature. 

"Did I? I didn't notice that." he replies before he shoves a hand down his pants and brings out a banana. "I thought Jared just liked the closet." a few tortured groans are heard from the closet.

The bell rings, and with that all 30 kids just fly out of the class at one once, crowding the doorway and blocking the door with their bodies while Sean just sighs and turns to look at River and Riley who for some reason seemed quite engaged in their conversation and did not notice the bell ringing.

"River. I need to speak with you." Sean says, fixing his glasses and regaining composure.

"Really? You're not like the other girls? Damn, that's sick." River laughs to something Riley just said while she smiles along, while twirling her brown locks around her finger.

"Riley? Can I have a moment please?"

"OMG. Don't eat it like that!" Riley squeals as River bites into an unpeeled banana which Sean was sure he pulled out of his pants. 

"River, you dumbass. Are you even listening?" Sean's voice booms in the now empty room, bringing their attention to him, finally.

"What?" River asks, somewhat bored now. 

"You're failing all your classes. And you're too dumb to have passed 5th grade. You can't graduate at this rate." Sean says, trying to seem a bit concerned. "Riley, since you're the smartest in the grade and the only teenager who cares about your GPA and you don't stay out all night partying on weekends but stay at home binge-watching Netflix shows while eating junk," he takes a deep breath, "you will henceforth be tutoring River, the dumb bad boy."

Riley's eyes widen, it feels like her world was crumbling around and also why was her geography teacher so invested in her personal and non-existent social life.

Riley tears out of the room before the tears could fall out of her eyes, dodging River's muscular chest as he attempts to stop her. She shoves him aside and runs in the direction of the bathroom, ignoring the strange looks she was getting from the janitor.

She rushes to the last stall and locks herself in, leaning back against the bathroom door and sobbing into her hands, loudly and grotesquely. She pauses when she realizes there's someone in the next stall making unsettling splashing sounds. This makes her come to the conclusion that someone must be having a really bad bowel day and she cries harder.

Chelsea was not good at flirting. And she really wanted to try with Brighten, which was the name of the pretty girl she had seen earlier, how she obtained her name was really none of your business. Brighten seemed to be the kind of girl who enjoyed a compliment, so the first class they had together, she decided to take a shot at it. 

While Brighten hesitantly poked at a pair of goat lungs, Chelsea clears her throat and leaning against the counter, tries to think really hard of some cool pick up line but ends up saying the first thing that crosses her mind.

"Hey, Brighten?" Chelsea says, making Brighten glance back at her. "Are you a goat? Cause I really want your cheese ;)"

As soon as these words leave Chelsea's mouth, she is filled with an acute sense of regret and loss as she watches Brighten's face drop in slightly escalating horror. 

"UHHH, nature's call!" and with that Chelsea runs out of the lab, hurtling towards the first bathroom on the floor.

Like her mother always told her when she was a little girl, "Chelsea, my dear, you're a strong girl. Real women never let their emotions interfere with their bowel movement." Chelsea always got diarrhea after experiencing intense emotions. What she felt now was more intense than the one time she got kicked in the groin by a cow. 

Now she was here, shitting in the dilapidated stall while listening to some girl having a breakdown in the next stall. What the fuck was this day anyway?


As the bell rings for the last period of the day, Tiffany is at her locker, aggressively texting Chelsea as to where the fuck she'd been for the whole day while shoving her books back in when someone slams her against the locker door and she looks up to see Taylor's smirking face.

"Hey babe," Taylor greets her. "Are you gonna come to the garden concert with me tonight?"

Tiffany was, in fact, planning to go alone clad in garden boys merch head to toe, with glow sticks and cardboard posters she made with their 3D printer which she had pulled an all-nighter for. But now there was a better task in front of her. 

"Sure, what's your size?" she stammers. "Y-your T-shirt size I mean."


It was the end of the school day.

All the hallways have been emptied, mostly because of the strange PDA offered by the principal and the janitor. Riley is walking home (after making sure the Michaelson's limousine has left the parking lot). She has dried tear tracks on her face and has stepped into dog shit twice while trying to walk 30 yards. She couldn't believe what terrible misfortune had befallen her, cursed to tutor the hot bad boy. Wait did she just think that? Hot? She immediately exorcises the thought with spiritual Clorox. 

She is two minutes away from punching herself in the face when she notices a blurry figure heading towards her, speeding closer to her in a pink blur. And by speed she means, terminal velocity. Before she knows it, it's right before her and she collides with the rider. 

Riley opens her eyes to find herself on top of a shirtless boy. She's flustered and gets up and is about to apologize till she sees who it is. River.

He winks at her, smirking again. She is just about to kick him in the nuts, which would have been quite the record for River, (being kicked in the groin by two girls in one day? Simply scandalous),  when he reaches out to clutch at her arm. 

"Don't- don't do that." he breathes out, clearly affected by his scootering activities. "What do you want, then?" Riley snaps at him, impatient to get this over with as quick as possible.

"Well... I'd like to apologize for today." River says gritting his teeth as though the words were being pried out of his mouth. She raises an eyebrow, from her extensive knowledge of these kind of hunky stud- muffins, she knew that bad boys, they never apologize. But River, oh River, he was different wasn't he? He wasn't like the other bad boys, just like she wasn't like the other good girls.

Whatever his soul is made of- 

River snaps to get her attention, his smirk replaced with a smirk-like smile, "So... if you've accepted my apology, would you like to attend an event with me tonight?"

Riley would slather herself in honey and run naked into a bear cave for this boy, so agreeing was obviously the only option. 

She schools her expression into what some might consider chill and responds with a casual, "Su-sure, when?" Never mind what the actual event was, it simply did not matter.

As long she was with her (not really) bad boy, everything was going to be fine.


a/n: goat cheese reminds me of heidi. not the terribly made anime either. it tastes good tho, goat cheese. blue cheese is for the fancier, it looks like ballsack mould though. oh ya and the scene where heidi pushes clara off the cliff in her wheelchair, SIIIIIICK

and above is the image of River's ride.  feel free to comment if you've previously used a similar form of transport.

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