Bite or Howl

By barbziecult

162K 4.9K 296

I could feel its presence from behind me. I tried walking faster, but I could feel it slowly pacing near me... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 13

3.3K 113 1
By barbziecult

Phoebe POV

"Felix? Lupus? I'm back." I shout, closing the door behind me, and stepping into the hall. I had spent the entire night at Mount Verona palace so I wouldn't change my appearance in front of anyone but Chase and Nick. Catherine had gotten it fixed for me though, she managed to reverse the spell and help. There was a big clatter of noise from the other side of the hall where Lupus's room was. "Lupus?" I call, stepping into the room. When I approach the door frame, there are several maids and servants vacuuming and clearing out Lupus's room. The room is empty. No bed. No wardrobe. No Lupus.

"What is going on here?" I ask them. They do not answer. They continue cleaning as if I weren't even there. "Excuse me?" I say a bit louder. Maybe the vacuum is a bit too loud. They still don't respond. I walk in front of a maid and speak, "Excuse me, what's going on?" She looks at me, but then quickly turns away. "You can't just ignore me." I say in disbelief.

"They don't take orders from you anymore." A harsh voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Felix in his black suit, dressed up nicely. "What do you mean?" I question. "I said, they don't take orders from you anymore." He repeats rather patiently. "What do you mean they don't take orders from me? Where is Lupus?" I raise my voice. "Hush. Phoebe." He growls.

Phoebe. He'd never called me that before. It was always Little Sis.

"Your friend has been disowned. Removed from the palace. He's in one of the dungeons, waiting for you to go pick him up." He explains, looking down at his watch. "Why? What did he do wrong?" I ask, confused. "Nothing. You are the one who's done wrong. And you too, have been disowned. From the palace. From your position. From me." He replies, keeping his voice steady and smooth as if he couldn't care less about kicking out his own sister. "What are you talking about, Felix?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Phoebe Wolf. Or should I start calling you Phoebe Ashgray from now on?" He smirks. Ashgray. That's Chase's last name. "A queen can't be part of a werewolf clan, can they?"

I stop for a moment. Once again, I have no words. "Oh Phoebe," He smirks, pulling me closer to him and laying his hand on my head, pushing it against his chest. "I'm actually quite offended you thought you could move past me." I pull back, a million thoughts running through my head. "Felix, I-"

"No. No need for an explanation. I get it. He's your mate." He replies. "No but Felix I-"

"Phoebe, shut it." He yells, out of nowhere.

"I don't need your dumb explanations all the time!" his voice travels around the hall, bouncing back on walls and travelling around us. It scares me. "You are not my sister anymore. You never were. You were always the disgrace. To our family. To our name. To our kingdom. To the entire werewolf civilisation!" His voice echoes through the entire room, causing me to shake.

He catches on my fear and smirks. "Get out of my castle while you still have a chance, you are no longer welcome, your highness." He teases. I shake my head and bite my cheeks. "What happened to you, Felix?" I whisper. "Get out, vampire." He hisses between his teeth. "Get out and never come back again." He whispers while shaking his head then he turns around and leaves the room. I watch his back slowly move towards the door as another maid comes into the room and hands me a bag of my things. 'The rest of your things are in the dungeon with your omega.'

A note reads that's placed on top of the bag. Oh great, they can't even talk to such a disgrace like me. I see how it is.

I take one look at her before turning around and storming to the dungeons to find Lupus.

A few guards watch my every move as I walk down the halls of the palace. "Lupus?" I yell as I enter the dungeon. "Lupus where are you?" I ask, looking inside every cell. "Phoebe! Is that you?" I hear his voice echo at the very end of the hall. "Lupus!" I yell as I run towards his cell. He's sitting at the very edge of the cell, his hands hanging out from the bars. His face is all scarred and filled with scratches. His right eye is completely black and he's got a cut that goes right through his lip. "Oh God Lupus, what happened to you?" I quickly kneel down in front of him and take his face in my hands. "I'm so sorry Lupus, you don't deserve this." I cry.

He smiles weakly but then winces in pain as the cut on his lips opens. "Pheebs, I'd take a punch for you any day." He replies weakly. "Or two, three. I lost count after the third one." He laughs.

I shake my head and wipe the tears off my eyes. "Let's get you out of here." I whisper before getting up from my knees and onto my feet and unlocking the cell he's being locked in. When it opened, I ran inside and picked Lupus up.

"There's no point, Pheebs. Where will we even go?" He groans.

I chuckle. "Do you even know why we got kicked out of the castle?" I ask him through my laughter. "No. Felix and three guards just came into my room and started beating me up." He replies. "Oh well then, you're about to find out."

════ *.·:·. ☽ ✧ ✦ ✧ ☾ .·:·.* ════

"Phoebe! Oh my god you're okay!" Chase runs out of the car at my presence and quickly wraps his arms around me. "I came as soon as Nick told me you left. Oh god, I thought you'd be killed!" He says rapidly, cupping my cheeks in his hands. "I'm sorry." He whispers. I smiled at him. His gorgeous smile and his caring personality. "Don't be. It wasn't your fault." He returns my smile and leans down, brushing his soft lips against mine. They barely touch but when they do, it's mixed with desperation and relief.

I pull back when I hear Lupus clearing his throat. "Am I missing something here?" He chokes out in pain. "I could really use a seat, Pheebs." He groans. I suddenly pull away from Chase and assist him. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry." I let his hand go over my shoulder and lift him off the tree he's leaning on. Chase catches my gaze. "Who's this?" he asks. Lupus stumbles as I struggle to keep him up. "A little help?" I ask Chase. "Right. Nick!" He calls then moves towards Lupus and takes my spot. Nick comes out of the car and runs to help Chase with Lupus.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Lupus coughs, flopping down on the car seat next to me. "Yeah. I do." Glancing at Chase beside me. "Where do I start?" I mutter.

"Lupus, this is Chase." I introduce him. "He's the umm, he's the soon to be king of the Mount Verona Vampire coven." I say. He coughs again in shock. "What the fuck?" He asks. "Vampire?"

I nod slowly. "Yeah. But it gets better." I say, grabbing for Chase's hand. "We're getting married tonight."

I explain everything to Lupus. From the crowning of the new royals to the visions that Chase's mother had given him. He stays quiet and listens closely, taking in every word I say. "And no, he will not bite you." I finished.

His mouth forms an 'O' as he nods his head. "Wow that's a lot to take in." He sighs. "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you." I apologise. "So, umm," He starts. "What happens to me?" He asks.

I look over at Chase. "You're still my omega." I reply. "Nick wouldn't mind another pair of hands helping him anyway." Chase adds.

The car then stops abruptly. I hold onto Chase's arm as it comes to a halt. "What the heck." I hear him mumble from beside me. The small window to the driver's seat opens. "Another omega?" Nick shrieks. I hold back a laugh as Chase rolls his eyes. Lupus looks clueless. "You stopped the car, gave my fiancé a heart attack and almost gave this injured man a concussion." Chase growled. "Yes Nick. This is Lupus, my omega. The one I told you about." I explain. Nick gives him a goofy grin and squishes his hand through the small window and out for Lupus to shake.

"Nick." He smiles. "Lupus." He replies, extending his hand to meet his. "This is so fun. I've never had another omega before." He fanboys before closing the window and starting the car again.

"So what exactly is Felix's deal?" Lupus complains, scratching his head. "I don't know actually. He seemed fine the other day, dancing with me in the hall. He just suddenly changed. Lashed out." I explain, thinking back to the day I had with Felix in the West Wing. "Lashed out? Did he hurt you?" Chase asks me, checking my face. I chuckle. "Baby, I'm fine!"

"You're finally starting to use our pet names." He smirks. I grin back. "You're blinding my eyes." Lupus complains, breaking me and Chase apart. "How long will it take for us to get to your castle?" He asks. "Quite a while. You should rest up." Chase replies, looking down at his watch.

Lupus lays his head down on the window beside him, tilting his neck at an angle that will sure give him a sore neck when he wakes up. For the entire drive home, Lupus would fall asleep and wake up. And every time it was lights out for him, Chase and I would sneak a kiss. 

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