The Hunted { old version }

By TeaNHeartache

3.9M 169K 9.2K

They call them enforcers-They are the ones that come in and clean up when laws have been broken. They are the... More

Take a Bite
You Can't Hide From the Wolf
Secrets Between Prisoners
History Repeats Itself
Enforce This!
The Scapegoat
Clearing the Air
I Knew I Smelled Trouble (Part 1)
I Knew I Smelled Trouble (Part 2)
Rules of The Pack
Tumble With the Enforcer
The Great Escape. Not.
Bare My Mark
Tame My Mouth
Dirty Blood?
Whose Got a Better Plan?
The Kiss of a Fey
I've Got the Devil's Touch
Howl Like Wolves
Just Call me Little Red
I Touched The Butt
Who Do You Think You Are? Casanova?
What's in a Name?
Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave...
Control is Overrated
Sleeping Arrangement
Take On Me
Eat Your Words
In The Neighborhood
Hot and Steamy
Oh That Sexual Healing
Can We Make This a Covalent Bond?
The Shift
Queen Bimbo Vs. Raging Death Machine
Something Only Fools Believe In
Submission? What do I look like to you?
Add That to Your Vocabulary
Who Is The Real Monster?
Missing In Action
Heart of Darkness
The Things That Bind Us
Just a Touch of Silver Makes The Naughty Wolf Cry
The Return of The Devil Touched Girl
We Must Be Killers
This isn't The End
My One and Only Alpha
An Unforeseen Enemy
A Homecoming
Claim Me I'm Yours
Epilogue: In Light of The Full Moon
It's not over! DON'T WORRY! :P
Update | Rewrite

What If a Spy Was One of Us?

80.8K 3.7K 181
By TeaNHeartache

“Are you freaking kidding me?!” Gideon pushes back from the table standing up. Sasha spun around quickly in surprise and then laughed nervously, “Hey, wolfy.” She says trying to sound relaxed. I am trying to keep from face palming. Sure we had meant to find them but this hadn't been the exact way I wanted to talk to them about it. I look around the table at all the faces and they look like they’re all on the verge of freaking out on us, and I can’t blame them for the way we burst in like that. 

I notice that Victor is at the table he is looking at us without any suspicion. I watch him lean over and whisper something into the ear of the older gentleman next to him. The man looks at me with a curiosity as Victor talks to him and I wonder what he could be saying. A couple of the other men at the table stand up, “Protect the Alpha—“ One of them says. Another man stand up near the older gentleman, “Elder—“ And I know now that we’ve really put ourselves into the dog house this time. Shit!

I don’t have a moment to think before I hear voices outside, “They ran in there!” I hear someone say and I know our pursuers have found us. Double shit! I turn away from the table and face the door but Sasha keeps her back to the door, it’s like we’re in some kind of stand off. The door bursts open revealing a big muscular man and the Beta, and he looks down right ready to murder me. I know he’s going to attack me but before I can even react he his fist comes colliding to the side of my face with so much force that I go right down to the ground. I don’t have a moment to adjust before he has his hand around my throat and is lifting me up off the ground. 

My airway feels restricted and I squirm in his hold, “You stupid whore! I’ll kill you! That’s the last time you’ll make a fool of me!” He yells in my face as I claw at the hand around my neck. His hand tightens and I narrow my eyes on him, “Go. to. hell.” I say through gasping breaths as I kick out with my right foot as hard as I can right to his junk. He let’s go of me and I fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes, coughing and gasping for air. He’s on the ground in front me groaning and holding himself, “I’ll. Kill. You.” He growls between breaths at me. 

“Creep if you don’t let go of me I’ll break your arms off and beat you to death with them!” Sasha growls. I look over to find the muscular man is holding tight, her arms pinned to her sides. A low menacing growl echoes through the room, “If you don’t put her down and step away, you’ll really wish you had.” Gideon sounds deadly serious. The muscular man hesitates for a moment and then does what Gideon asked him to do. He takes a slow step back and Sasha spins quickly lifting her leg as she did and gave him a good spinning kick to the side of his head. He goes down with a grunt.

A laugh echoes through the room followed by some soft clapping, “Quite amusing—“ I look towards the voice and the older gentleman near victor is standing now, “Now I’m curious why we have a Fey locked up beside a—“ his eyes flicker to me, “Rogue.” The room falls quite for a moment and then erupts into voices. Everyone astonished by the fact that I’m a rogue and that the Enforcers had seemed to already knew that. One of the wolves, “Why didn’t you kill her? She’s a rogue isn’t she? Isn’t it your job to keep the law? What is so special about her? Unless she’s your whore!” His words are followed by others agreeing with him. It makes me feel angry that they would think I’m only good for some kind of cheap pet. 

“You don’t talk about my friend that way bud, or I’ll cut that tongue out of your mouth!” Sasha says jabbing her finger at the one who had called me a whore. I push myself up off the ground slowly but this only seems to be met with suspicion as If I’m readying myself for an attack. “Elder!” One of the wolves takes a step towards us aggressively. Mikhail seems to have had enough with everyone and lets out a very loud growl, “They are with us and if anyone has a problem with that then you can fight me.” He says standing up from the table next to Gideon who has yet to back down. The Alpha stands up, “How do you know she’s not some kind of spy? She could be working with them and could be leading them right to us!” Mikhail and the Alpha face over over the table but before it can come to anything serious the Elder lets out another laugh, “Everyone calm down.” 

The two of them give each other hard looks but relax a little as they look towards the Elder. He has a wry grin on his face, “These Prisoners aren’t going to do me any harm. Are you?” He looks towards me directly. I shake my head, “No sir.” His eyes grow a little softer for a moment before he looks away, “Word to the wise she’s Mikhail’s mate, so I would watch how you talk about her.” He comments as he takes his seat again. I look to Mikhail and his eyes widen in surprise for a fraction of a minute before he put his face back into that scowl I was becoming accustomed too. There is some more hushed whispering, “Is this true enforcer?” The Alpha asks. Mikhail clenches his jaw tightly before nodding his head. 

The Alpha says something in another language but it sounds like what you would say if you were telling someone you pitied them. I rolled my eyes, “Hey look, just because I’m a rogue doesn’t mean I’m anything like the rogue’s your used too okay?” the words are rushing out of my mouth before I can stop them, “You think you’re any better than me? What’s with the boy I saw earlier, you think it’s right to make slaves of people? Killing innocent people because you think they’re monsters before you even know the truth—I’m not the one in need your pity.” I feel my body shaking under the force of my frustration. 

The Alpha turns to me his eyes flashing in anger for a moment but the Elder’s clapping draws in his attention away from me. I look toward the elder, “Well said, well said. I agree with you my dear. I do not think you are like any other rogues we’ve ever met before which makes me that much more curious about you.” He motions for me to step closer with his hand, “You came here for a reason did you not? Let’s hear it.” 

I look over to Sasha who is giving me big eyes but also motioning for me to say what we came there to say. I hadn’t meant for it to be so public but I guess I have to take what I can get. I clear my throat, “I believe—I mean we believe that there is a spy among your ranks…” The room becomes full of whispers but the elder silences them quickly by raising his hand, “And what has led you to this conclusion?” 

 “Well, it seemed to us that the fact that the vampires were involved and seemed to be waiting means they knew a head of time that the enforcers were going to be where they were. They clearly wanted to kill them but for what purpose I’m not sure—“ I say and the tension in the room seems to get heavier. The Elder seems to go into a thoughtful moment over what I’ve just told him. The Alpha interrupts, “You can’t seriously be thinking to believe her sir? She’s a rogue, for all we know this is just another one of there tricks.” He’s trying to throw suspicion on to me which isn’t like it would be hard, but it seems odd to me that he wants to cast so much doubt on me. I look toward him with narrowed eyes my wolf growling inside of him. There was something about him that seemed familiar to me but I couldn’t place it. 

Sasha jumps in to my defense, “Do you really think she would lie about it? Look we could have left them to die but we saved them. We could have escaped from here but we came to warn all of you. Are those really the actions of a guilty person?” Her reasoning makes sense of course she has to add her own flare to it, “You wolves can’t really be that stupid can you?” I mentally smack myself, and you were doing so well. 

The Elder raises up out of his seat, “I agree that it would seem a bit too coincidental, but there is still not enough proof. However I have heard you and I will look into the matter closer.” His voice is firm but kind. I nod my head and take a step back away. He looks around the table, “It would be best to be on high alert until otherwise notified. If there is a traitor then I’m sure another attack is imminent. You’re dismissed, you know what you need to do.” The room is full of the sounds of chairs scraping against the ground. The men make there way toward the exit, giving looks toward Sasha and I as they pass by. The Alpha approaches me with a hard look pausing for a moment, “You think you are safe because of that dirty blooded Enforcer?” He puts his hand on my shoulder and I feel a shiver down my spine and my wolf is begging me to tear into him. 

“He’s not always going to be around—“ He says in a soft voice so that only I can hear, “I think you should be more obedient from now on. You wouldn’t want anyone else you love to end up dead would you?” I look up into his eyes at this in surprise and I only saw evil. My heart slowed in my chest and I said nothing to him which only made him smile, “You look just like your mother did.” He leans forward and whispers into my ear. My heart stops, he knew my mother? How did he know her? Before I can say anything Mikhail grabs the Alpha’s hand and removes it from my shoulder. The Alpha looks toward him still smiling, “Oh you’re so scary Mr. Enforcer.” He says sarcastically as he pulls his hand free and looks down at me one more time. He walks away from us grabbing his Beta as he went.

I looked up to Mikhail who was watching the Alpha as he went with a very serious expression then he looked down at me, “Elena—“ He says my name and I flinch a little and look down at my feet, “I know. I disobeyed you again.” I say dryly. He let’s out a sigh and then the next thing I know he’s wrapped his arms around me and he’s holding against his chest. I stiffen up in surprise at this, “What are you doing?” I ask my voice muffled into his chest. He takes a moment to reply, “I don’t know but just let me hold you like this for a minute okay?” I relax a little at his words and let myself accept the feelings of ease that are flowing between us. I nestle my face deeper into his chest, the warmth of his body spreading over me like a blanket. It’s weird I hadn’t noticed how tired I felt until now. I don’t know how long we stood like that it could have been five minutes or an hour but I felt my eyes growing heavy and my muscles relaxing. 

“Elena?” his voice sounds far away and I smile to myself feeling contentment for the first time in a couple days, “Just a little while longer—“ I say back to him and his arms tighten around me as if understanding. I feel the lack of sleep calling to me and it’s hard to resist. “Why don’t you take your mate somewhere safe, let her rest. It looks like she needs it…” I hear a deep and gentle voice say as Mikhail scoops me up into his arms. I don’t have the strength to fight anymore so I let him carry me away.  

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