In Sickness and Health: Todob...

By Todorokiisaweeb

6.5K 232 111

Todoroki is class 1A's resident badass. He's quiet, calm, cool, and collected. However, he doesn't talk much... More

More Questions Than Answers
Bakugou has a question and Todoroki wants soba

Bakugou VS Old man

1.3K 62 36
By Todorokiisaweeb

The air outside was cold and crisp, a puff of vapor appearing in front of Shouto as he let out a deep sigh, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm.  It still cloudy and gray outside, but the snowfall had stopped, leaving large piles of the fluffy substance everywhere. The weather was a huge dampener on the whole city it seemed, as few people where out and about. Everything was rather quite. Everything.....except for Katsuki Bakugou.

"WALK BEHIND ME YOU FUCKING EXTRA!" Bakugou growled, looking at him with angry red eyes. 

Classes had ended for today, nothing really exciting having happened today, just the usual shenanigans from the 'Baku-Squad'. Now Todoroki was walking with Bakugou to introduce him to his father at the agency. They where both still in there uniforms. However while Todoroki was only wearing a coat and some ear muffs in addition to his uniform, Bakugou practically smothered himself in garments. To Todoroki, he looked like a giant, angry marshmallow, not that he'd ever say that out loud. A trip to recovery girl wasn't on the schedule today. 

Bakugou walked past him, angrily muttering curses. The reason he was so particularly angry was because of Todoroki's abhorrent communication skills. 

"Meet me after school" Todoroki had said this morning before class had started. After class all he said was:

"Follow me, my father wants to meet you at his agency." And promptly turned on his heels, leaving Bakugou to be very confused. Was he an intern now? Or was this just a first time meeting? Was he immediately going to be accepted or did he need to do something first? The more Bakugou thought about it, the more irritated he became, until he snapped.

"What the hell are we doing exactly you stupid peppermint fuck?" He barked at Shouto, who seemed completely unaware of Bakugou's seething rage.

"Uhhhhh, going to my fathers agency?" He responded, tilting his head in a confused manner.

"I know that you fuckwipe, but what happens when we get their?  You just said he wants to meet me, which is very fucking vague so explaining that shit to me would be fucking helpful." Bakugou seethed. 

"Oh. Sorry, my bad." Todoroki apologized.

"Yeah your fucking bad! Now explain!"

Todoroki really did mean to explain, he was just lost in thought, still angry about yesterday with his dad.

"Well he wants to meet you, see if your really worth it or not I guess. You just got to convince your battle skills and your brains out weigh your terrible attitude." Todoroki finally explained, getting a very pissed off Bakugou in return.


"That you have a terrible attitude, or, that my dad thinks so at least. I don't know if this is true or not, but knowing my father he probably thinks your just some asshole who wants to intern with him for the huge popularity boost." 

Bakugou was surprised at Todoroki's reply. Because in a way, it sounded like Todoroki was saying his attitude wasn't terrible. But right now he needed to be more concerned with what Endeavor thought of him. 

"Well I'm gonna make sure he realizes that I don't really care bout his popularity as much as I do his skill." He mumbled, lost in his thoughts, marching down the road as best he could in his castle of coats and jackets. Which, was still very hilarious to Shouto. But Bakugou wasn't dumb,  he must know he looks ridiculous, so why would he wear all the gear anyway?

"Hey Bakugou?"

"What you stupid Pepsi bottle."

"Why are you wearing so many coats?" 

"Because unlike you I can't fucking control my body temperature and it's fucking cold as shit outside you brainless monkey."

"But the others from class don't even wear that many, so why do you?" 

"CAN YOU STOP ASKING QUESTIONS LIKE A HELPLESS FIVE YEAR OLD!?" Bakugou exploded, annoyed beyond belief. Todoroki sighed, giving up on the angry child. He instead busied himself with looking around at the city. It was early December, so people where getting ready for the holiday season, Thanksgiving had just passed but little evidence of that remained. While most stores hadn't put up anything yet, a few looked like they had dropped Christmas bombs inside. Large wreathes and ornaments hung from the celling and snowflake decorations where every wear. Shouto personally hated Christmas. The fact that they had to take a break from school was  horrible and a wast of time. Plus the true meanings of the holidays have been commercialized, now it was all about who could give you the biggest gift. And worst of all, the slew of terrible memories from previous years haunted him. 

There was one good thing though. The food this time of year was amazing, and while it was quite ironic, Shouto was able to enjoy his favorite peppermint candies in earnest this time of year. He had always had a sweet tooth, and Shouto couldn't see anything wrong with sugary Christmas sweets. Cookies, cakes, hot chocolate, and much, much more. 


Maybe he should buy something to treat himself on the way back to the dorms.

"Hey moron."

Or maybe a stop at Starbucks for some nice hot coffee....


Shouto's thoughts where abruptly ended when Bakugou shook his shoulder harshly. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you today!?" Bakugou yelled in his typical dick manner. Except, Todoroki realized there was actual genuine concern in the question. 

"Well!? Your never this fucking clueless icyhot!?"

"Just a lack of sleep I guess." Todoroki lied.

"Well then get some fucking sleep idiot! Your all ready clueless on a good day I can't handle you becoming Kaminari level stupid." Bakugou grumbled, and Todoroki could see he was worried, even if he used a slew of insults to try and hide it. Guilt tugged at Todoroki as he related he had just become a burden on his classmates mind. He needed to stop being so emotion and just get over yesterday's events. He's looked up to see the reason why Bakugou had yelled at him, they had arrived at his fathers agency. Bakugou pushed past Todoroki walking into the building, Shouto right behind them. It wasn't wrong before Bakugou realized he had not fucking clue where he was going and begrudgingly let Shouto walk in front of him. They quickly took off there coats, Bakugou taking more than a minute to peel off his many layers of clothing, before they walked upstairs.

Soon they where up at Endeavors office, and Todoroki opened the door to reveal the fiery man. Shouto shoot him a cold glare, still pissed off, but shoved that aside for now.

"Father, this is Ground Zero." They both exchanged stiff quick, almost awkward greets before his father asked him to leave. He walked out closing the door with a soft thud. Now it was up to Bakugou to get his internship here. Todoroki was actually rooting for Bakugou, not that they where friends or anything but he was exactly what Todoroki needed. And god forbid Endeavor let someone form outside UA intern like that wind guy. But it wasn't up to him, so he'd just have to wait and see.

 Bakugou meanwhile faced Endeavor with a harsh glare.

"Have a seat, Im just going to ask you a few questions to see weather or not I'll let you intern here." Endeavor said icily, the distaste in his throat obvious. Bakugou wanted to let a snarky comment out but he couldn't, not that he was gonna kiss this guys ass either. He sat down on a big ass leather chair, facing the tall man in front of him. Endeavor sighed.

"I'm just gonna cut straight to the point, I've seen you before in both the sports festival an in Shouto's remedial training. I believe you just want to intern with me because I'm the number one hero, am I correct?" Endeavor asked bluntly. Bakugou's eyes widened, and he let out a loud laugh. 

"What's so funny might I ask?" Endeavor almost growled, clearly very pissed.

"Oh well multiple things sir" Bakugou replied with sass. 

"First of all your social skills are so terrible and they are almost an exact replication of your sons. And second, you think the main reason I came here is because your number one? I honestly couldn't give a damn about that old man. Sure interning with you would give me a big popularity boost, and that's defiantly part of the reason, but if I didn't think you could teach me anything useful I wouldn't be here. Besides if not for you I would have interned with Miriko and she's not far behind you." Bakugou explained, very amused. Endeavor was stunned, but didn't show it keeping his expression neutral. The fact that this child just called him an old man was ballsy as hell but quite funny to Endeavor. But Bakugou wasn't done.

"Also maybe you shouldn't judge someone off of what they where like two years ago FYI. People change and I'm sure you of all people know that."

Endeavor couldn't even hide his stunned look. Now it was his turn to chuckle, because this student just called out the number one hero like it was nothing. When he had walked in here, Endeavor had expected for Bakugou to be an ass kisser, only caring about something when he needs it. How wrong he fucking was.

"I gotta admit it kid, you've got spunk. Don't think I've ever had a toddler tell me I was wrong before." 

"Who the fuck you calling a toddler?"

"Who the fuck you calling old man?"

Bakugou could only shrug at that, shut his expression changed from anger to a shit eating grin, knowing full well he was on his way to an internship.

"However, I have to ask what skills you think I can teach you? Your battle skills are all ready very impressive and better than a lot of pros." Endeavor questioned.

"Well your quirk and mine are very similar in destructive power, while I do have my style of fighting, I might be able to learn something from your hellfire quirk." Bakugou responded earnestly. Endeavor didn't really have to think about what to say next.

"Well I don't see why I shouldn't let you intern. You are much different than I thought you'd be." Endeavor said as Bakugou fished the contract papers out of his bag. Endeavor was impressed at just how confident this child was. Not arrogant, confident. His first impression of Bakugou's first year self was that he was an insecure thoughtless bastard. But now he just seemed more confident in his own self. 

"Well then maybe you shouldn't think." Bakugou sneered, handing the pro hero the papers to stamp.

"You really should work on your attitude." Endeavor sighed, stamping the paper quickly.

"Says the Hero known for being Intimidating and cold." Bakugou countered, standing up. Endeavor let another chuckle slip. 

"Well now your actual internship work begins, Shouto is in charge of the case that you're on starting now. You'll both work together to bring said villain into custody." Endeavor explained as Bakugou walked towards the door.

"Okay, understood old man." Bakugou mocked, opening the door to see Todoroki on a small chair.

"You should stop calling me that."

"Ok then.....old man." Bakugou said before shutting the door. Todoroki sat completely still before asking :

"Did....did you just call my father an old man?" 

"Yeah? Oh an I got the internship so he said I'm on the same case as you so lead the fuckin way you brainless peppermint " Bakugou smirked, enjoying Todoroki's dumbfounded expression. Shout was truly confused at how Bakugou managed to both be rude to his father and get the internship without dying. He decided it must just be Bakugou's special talent and shook it off. There where more important things at hand now. 

"Right, we are going outside now, I'll fill you in once we start walking." Todoroki spoke, standing up to once again travel to the first floor. It was difficult for Todoroki to not laugh when they got the the coat closet, Bakugou having put on so many different layers it was comical. They strolled outside, the weather seemingly colder than before. Shout had to increase the heat on his left quite a bit to not freeze himself. 

"Alright, we're outside halfie, what are we dealing with exactly." Bakugou asked, as Todoroki lead them in a different  direction.

"So about two weeks ago there was an attack where people lost control of there bodies and quirks. The villain never showed themselves so we don't know what they look like or the specifics of there quirk, after that incident many other little incidents happened all over the city. The police reports, witness reports, and victim reports are all useless. The police and witnesses just reported how people lost control almost instantly, dropping to the floor before being picked up by an invisible force. The victims didn't really remember much, all of them saying there head was fuzzy. They only thing I have been able to see is in the photos of the incident there are extremely small threads all over the place, leading me to believe there quirk has to do with puppets. So right now we are going to four of the incident locations to see if we can figure anything out." Todoroki let out his lengthy explication, Bakugou looking annoyed.

"So we have basically nothing to go on." Bakugou commented. 

"Yeah, today we are just trying to see where the villains attacking from, or maybe even there hideout if they are one. We just have to look inconspicuous while doing so. We can't stay at each location for long. Don't want the villain to know we are up to something." Todoroki replied.

"So what, we are just supposed to look like we are hanging out?" Bakugou asked. Todorok hadn't really thought of it that way, because he never hung out with anyone.  He suddenly felt very awkward.

"Uh, yeah I guess." 

There was a moment of silence before Bakugou spoke up.

"Ok this isn't gonna do, you are an absolute fucking terrible actor. If I where I villain I'd be long gone by now." 

"What do you mean?"

"Icyhot, I know your socially inept but use that facing head of yours, you and I are both very popular rising hero's about to graduate from U.A.. If we don't want to let the villains know we are on there ass you might want to actually try holding a conversation with me. Your expression is so serious as too like would a smile fucking kill you?" Bakugou pointed out, which just made Todoroki even more awkward. 

"Well if I'm so fucking bad at this why don't you start a conversation instead?" Shouto fumed, annoyed and a bit embarrassed. Not being around people came at the cost of social skills, and while it was necessary to be alone, it was still embarrassing that he wasn't great at social interaction.

"Fine. Why in the actual fuck where you cocooned in blankets the other day? You can l heat yourself up with your quirk?" Bakugou asked, sounding genuinely curious.

"Well yes but no, my quirk works a bit different than you think. Especially when it comes to extreme temperatures. When in extreme heat my left side will start absorbing some of that heat. Same with my right side and cold. So when in temperatures like that It's much harder to regulate my body heat. So the other day after being in that cold for so long it was much harder to get warm after losing so much heat on my right side." Todoroki responded. 

"But you're not affected right now?"

"Well yeah Im allowed to use the other half of my quirk right now."

Bakugou nodded, content with Shouto's answer. Todoroki turned forward again making sure they where going in the correct direction. Bakugou was about to smack the candy canes head so hard as the silence continued. However he was able to use what little self restraint he had left.

"You really are terrible at this aren't you?" Bakugou said, not even trying to insult Shouto.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh my fucking god icyhot. To continue a conversation you have to actually speak."

"Oh. Um......" Todoroki really was bad at socializing, and not that it would ever be really important to him, it was defiantly embarrassing him at the moment. 

"Well........why are you wearing so many layers right now?" Todoroki asked again, only continuing to annoy Bakugou.

"I know it might be hard for you to understand BUT ITS FUCKING COLD!" 

"Yeah but again, all are classmates only have one or two extra layers on. You have at least five, and it looks kind of ridiculous. " Shout pointed out. Surprisingly enough, that didn't set the blonde boy into a fit of unholy rage. Instead, he let out a frustrated sigh. 

"Can you really not connect the dots moron?"

Todoroki just looked at him, a look that vaguely reminded Bakugou of a confused puppy.

"My quirk you asshat. Can't sweat if I'm fuckin frozen solid." He explained. Now the ridiculous getup Bakugou was wearing made sense....almost made sense.

"Ok I get that, but it's not like we are going to fight a villain right now, we aren't on patrol either. So why-"

"None of your fucking business." Bakugou growled, very pissed off for what Todoroki thought was a very innocent question. 

"Hey, don't get mad at me for asking questions, you are the one that told me to." Todoroki said as they took a right to go onto a very busy street. He observes all the shops as he had been this whole time wondering what they would look like in a week, no, a day or two from now. He was sure everything would be much brighter and festive. Speaking of which....

"Hey Bakugou, do you have any big plans over Winter break?"

"No, I'm just going home for the break, why?" Bakugou sighed. Todoroki could hear the slight distain in his voice, but decided not to ask, trying not to trigger Bakugou again. 

"We will defiantly have to work at the agency over the break, it depends but we could be called in any day except for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Hope you don't mind that." 

Bakugou didn't seem to kind it at all, in fact he seemed happier at the news.

"I don't mind it at all, is there a chance we could be called in on Christmas Eve or day?" 

Todoroki was really confused by this, most people loved going and seeing there families, and Bakugou seemed more than eager to get away from his house.

"Um, I mean if it was a relatively urgent matter yeah. Why do you seem so enthusiastic about that?"

"You really don't know how to mind your business do you?" Bakugou fumed. Todoroki just sighed, leading them into a little shopping strip. This is apparently the location of the first attack, and nothing really jumped out at Todoroki. It was a very popular spot, with many little stores and stands offering foods of all kinds. Cars bustled down the small roads as small groups of people crossed the street. Compared to the rest of this city this block of shops was very alive despite the weather. There just so happened to be a Starbucks on this street with outside seating, and Shouto decided he wanted to indulge a bit. 

He gave Bakugou a look and he seemed to get the message that this was wear they where stopping. He continued his conversation with Bakugou, asking rather mundane questions about school and Christmas break. Things he thought normal people talked about all the time.  Walking inside he hopped into the short line at Starbucks he order himself  and Bakugou some hot chocolate, asking for a little candy cane as well. Bakugou snorted a little at Shouto's request, as the bastard was a candy cane himself. Both of them stood around still talking, but neither of them truly focused on the situation. Bakugou's eyes looked out the large window, scanned the area slowly, making note of every little detail, trying to connect dots that might not even be there. 

Nothing really jumped out to him at the moment, and he knew that he would need to see the other places to get an idea of some similarities. One thing was certain, the villain defiantly wasn't attack from above. The clearing was so open wide and the buildings where so low, there quirk would have to have some seriously impressive range to attack anyone hidden here.

Todoroki all ready knew the villain wasn't attack from above, and he had actually come here to this location with a theory already forming in his head. He had a hunch that the attacker was below ground, possibly using the sewer system as cover and manipulating everyone from below, or possibly having dug out tunnels below the roads. Both could be true honestly. He hadn't said anything yet, the pictures giving him little evidence as the threads where so chaotic he couldn't tell where one began and the other ended. Now after looking at the area he knew he was on to something, there where many openings to the swears on the sides of the roads, way more than he could see in the pictures.

 While Todoroki had gotten lost in his own head, Bakugou went and grabbed there drinks, handing Shouto his, interrupting his thought process. Not that he minded, he was being handed hot chocolate, he couldn't be mad at that. He nibbled at the end of his candy candy, taking off a small chunk before dropping into the frothy liquid. 

"Can't believe I'm watching a candy cane eat a candy cane." Bakugou commented, taking a long sip of his own drink. Todoroki slightly chuckled at the comment, before turning to leave the now rather crowded store. Instead, he accidentally bumped into girl, almost spilling hot chocolate all over her. The only reason that didn't happen is because Bakugou yanked him backwards harshly. 

"I'm so sorry Mam, are you ok?" Todoroki said quickly, slightly embarrassed. He really was not on his game today. 

"Yes, I'm fine, so sorry about that!" The girl responded, waving her hands apologetically. She was rather normal, wearing a large winter coat like most people in the store, her long brown hair covering part of her face. Her eyes however, where admittedly weird, almost completely magenta red with a small black iris. She walked away quickly, and Todoroki was immediately aware of how tense she was. Maybe she was embarrassed too?

"Smooth icy hot, really Fucking smooth." Bakugou commented, pulling ahead of him to get out of the Starbucks and back onto the icy streets. All the other locations where on there way back to the dorms so Todorok started leading them in that direction. Bakugou followed, continuing to  harass Todoroki.

"You know, your really fucking up your whole I'm so mysterious, elegant, and cool vibe today half'n half." Bakugou spoke, clearly amused. Todoroki was now very confused, because he thought he was far from what Bakugou was saying. He could understand mysterious, and maybe even cool, but elegant?! If anyone ever paid attention they would learn that Todoroki Shouto was the clumsiest motherfucker on this earth. He had tripped over his own feet more times than he'd like to admit. 

"Is that what people think of me? I don't know how I gave anyone that impression in the first place honestly." Shouto chuckled, finding the idea ridiculous. Bakugou stared at Todoroki, bewildered.

"Well the most interaction anyone in the class manages to get out of you is in training, and your an intimidating and good at fighting so maybe connect the fucking dots you moron."

Silence followed Bakugou's statement, as they both realized what had just happened.

"......did you just complement me?" Todoroki asked, both teasing and genuinely taken aback. He expected Bakugou to blow up in his face with unbridled rage, however he was proven wrong. 

"You tell anyone that, I'll kill you you dumb peppermint bastard." Bakugou quickly turned on his heels walking very far ahead of Todoroki. Shouto smiled to himself at Bakugou's words and caught up with him.  

As they walked back, looking at all the other locations of attacks, Todoroki saw sewage entrances at both places, and he knew his theory was defiantly correct. Somewhere in the city's vast expanse of tunnels the villain was lurking. Maybe he would have to ask some of his classmates for help, as neither his or Bakugou's quirks where suited to find people. Shoji would be very helpful. Hell have to think about it all. As they both arrived Back at the dorms, it was still early. All of that had taken less than an hour, so Todoroki had planed to go back to his room to study.

"Ok so I'll work on getting the sewage system blueprints from my father.  Every Friday and Monday we miss school for the internship unless he says other wise so be ready for that." Todoroki explained to Bakugou, before walking to head his separate ways. 

"Where the fuck do you think your going? Back to your room being all emo and shit? We are working on this case together asshat, we need to figure it out together dumb ass." 

Todoroki just shrugged, and they both went to his room.

And then a again the same thing happened the next day.

And again.

Until a week later they where studying together and figuring out all the many possibilities of this case together.

And Bakugou started to think that hanging out with the snowflake wasn't all that bad. Deep down he knew that he actually enjoyed that bastards blunt manner and how he could also be super sarcastic at times. 

But Todoroki refused to believe this was anything more than a partnership. And even though somewhere, deep in his heart he was enjoying being around someone, he wouldn't admit it, he couldn't.

So he denied it, all while still hanging around Bakugou, which was the start of something that would lead Todoroki down the path he was so desperately trying to avoid.

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