βœ“ | TWO YOUNG HEARTS◦𝒑𝒆𝒕�...

By samwnchesters

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TWO YOUNG HEARTS ━━ ❝ The beautiful thing about young love is the truth in our hearts that it will last forev... More



599 15 9
By samwnchesters


"—CAPTAIN AMERICAN IN MY BASEMENT, I SWEAR ON MY SISTERS CATS LIFE." Alissa's face scrunched together in confusion and slight fear, quickly backing up to stand in front of the door leading to the basement, her head poking in to hear the conversation that was going on. "He wasn't in his suit or anything, but why would he be? He's still in hiding, and I doubt he wanted anyone to find him, but I did."

"No way," Nate's voice came next, sounding disapproving. "Captain America was not in your basement. He's probably in Switzerland or something, not New York," the boy said, shaking his head.

Xavier gaped, turning to his best friend in hopes of him siding with him. Instead, he saw Brian playing a Buzzfeed quiz—Which Avenger Are You?—rather than listening to Xavier and Nate bicker back and forth about whether or not the infamous Captain America was hiding out in the Michaels' home just two streets over from their own two nights ago.

"Dude," Xavier swatted Brian's phone out of his hands, the device thudding against the floor at his feet. Alissa winced at the sound, awaiting Brian's reaction.

Brian let out a screeching sound only seconds afterwards, quickly picking up his phone and smacking Xavier's neck in the process, the boy frowning at the stinging sensation in his neck.

"Dude," Brian bitterly mimicked, glowering at the curly haired boy across from him. Alissa held back a laugh, taking a few steps down into the depths of the basement and sitting on the stairs, still undetected by the three boys. "What the hell was that for?"

Nate sighed, rolling his eyes. "He's upset you're not taking his side," he informed his boyfriend. "He just knows you're gonna side with me, your loving and wonderful boy—"

"I'm not taking either side. If it was Spider-Man, then maybe I would, but it's not, so, I don't really care," Brian honestly said, ignoring the offended looks that washed over Xavier and Nate's faces at the harsh truth of his words. Alissa swallowed back a laugh, laying her head on her hand.

"What about Spider-Man?" Peter's voice suddenly sounded, making Alissa jump. Peter quickly rushed down the stairs as he thought she was gonna fall, but her feet stayed planted, her eyes and lips widening with how close he suddenly was to her. His breath fanned her face, her breath catching in her throat.

She hated the fact that he still made her feel breathless.

Peter smirked at her reaction, gazing down at her.

"Get a room," Xavier gagged, interrupting the couple and sticking his finger to his tongue to show his distaste. He quickly stopped and scrunched at the taste of his finger, not wanting to know what it was he was exactly tasting. Nate grimaced as well, but didn't say anything as his body scooted closer to Brian.

Alissa shot him a dark glare, clearing her throat, feeling Peter's hands leave her hips. She didn't even realize they were there in the first place. "It's nothing, Pete," Alissa dismissed, finally remember what Peter had asked in the first place. "Xavier just thinks that Captain America slept with his Dad."

Xavier gasped, eyes widening. "I do not! I said he slept in my basement! There's a huge difference there, Al," he defended, even more so than she was originally expecting. "My Dad doesn't like men. Plus, he doesn't even like men who like men."

All of the air was sucked in the room at the statement, Alissa and Peter's eyes darting to Brian and Nate who looked the most hurt at the sudden statement. Xavier sank down on the couch, frowning, his eyes dropping to his hands to avoid having to look his best friends in the eyes. Brian bit down on his lip, his own gaze failing to meet anyone else's in the dimly lit room. Alissa snatched up Peter's hand, the boy not hesitating to grip hers just a little more tightly for comfort and reassurance.

"H-He doesn't?" Brian's bottom lip trembled as he spoke. Xavier didn't answer. He lowered his head more, closing his eyes. "Is that—Is that why we weren't invited to your Christmas party this year? Why you haven't been coming over as much anymore? Is that—"

"Yes," Xavier solemnly replied, voice barely audible. Brian let out a shaky breath, his hand finding Nate's as the two of them frowned together. Xavier lifted his head, unshed tears welling in the corner of his eyes. "H-He. . .he just doesn't get it, B, Nate. I—I tried explaining it to him, that you're still the same you, but he doesn't want to. I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, both of you. I wish there was something more I could do."

"It's-it's not your fault your dad's behind the times," Nate softly spoke. Alissa nudged Peter, eyes glancing to the door leading back into the kitchen. He silently nodded, offering a sad smile as they quietly walked up the staircase, leaving the three boys to have a more private conversation without anyone listening in and possibly witnessing some hot tears.

Alissa gently closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh as she faced Peter. "I just thought his parents were making him visit their grandparents more or something," she mumbled, leading him into the living room. Only and Alissa and Brian were home at the moment, making it easy for Peter and Alissa to enjoy some time alone in the openness of the living room. Much to Alissa and her parents dismay, they'd gotten roped into work by none other than Norman Osborn himself that day; the day before Christmas Eve, and they had no idea when they'd be leaving. "They're getting old now, and it's just—I feel so bad. His Dad always loved Brian like he was his own. And now that he's opened up more. . ."

"Brian's still the same kid he's always been, and if he can't see that, then he's not worth Brian's time or tears," Peter said, plopping down on the couch with Alissa. "He's still a total dork, but he's a very lovable one."

Alissa giggled, offering Peter a playful glare when he rested his legs on her lap. She sighed, patting his leg and slouching back against the cushions. "How's your shoulder doing, by the way? Is it feeling any better?" She curiously wondered. A couple days had passed since he was stabbed and dumbly found himself getting patched up by none other than his girlfriends oldest brother.

Peter grinned, pushing up his sleeve to show her that it was almost completely healed. Her eyebrows shot up. "Wow, I-I—That's amazing, Peter," she breathed, her hand gently tracing over the skin. "I wish I had that kind of healing powers. Do you know how many fights I would start if I knew I'd heal within a day or two?"

Peter snorted, eyes crinkling at the corners. Alissa's smile widened, her gaze absentmindedly trialing to the TV. Her eyes lit up when she saw the face of Joey Tribbiani from Friends onscreen, the excitement taking over her features as she excitedly patted Peter's knees. The boy chuckled, flicking his wrist, snatching the remote from the coffee table, the whoosing sound capturing Alissa's attention.

He grinned, turning it up for her. "You know, I would be jealous him, but he's kind of old—"

"—He still looks good," Alissa interjected, "He just gets better with age, like Captain America."

Peter raised a brow, "He doesn't really age, though."

Alissa sent him a playful wink before her attention was snatched back by Friends. "I know."

Peter pursed his lips, but he didn't say anything. He may have felt a little jealous, but he knew Alissa loved him and that she wouldn't trade him for the world. At least, he hoped so. From the way her eyes shined and her lips twitched from smiling so much at Joey, he was starting to feel a bit worried. But soon enough, Alissa was snuggling into his side, having pushed his legs off and made him scoot so she could lay beside him. Peter beamed, kissing her temple when she rested her head against his chest, letting out a content sigh.

Peter's hand found its way to Alissa's hair, his fingers softly running through them, making her grin. Her hand traced intricate patters on his shirt, her other playing with Peter's fingertips. The boy held back an adoring smile at his girlfriend, his fingers still stroking her soft hair.

Those were the little moments that Peter would always treasure. He was never sure how long those sweet moments would last before he had to head out, but he always made sure to cherish his time with Alissa, never knowing what could happen after he walked out that door. He didn't like to think of the negatives, and when he was with Alissa, he made sure to focus on all of the good, having no trouble with the love of his love at his side.

Alissa scooted closer, surprising Peter with a kiss on the lips before she settled back down. Peter flicked her ear, hearing her gasp as she turned to him, "Tease," Peter taunted. Alissa stuck her tongue out at him, Peter reaching up to flick it.

She gagged, swatting his hand away. "Ew," she giggled, shaking her head.

Peter joined in the laughter, shrugging. "Don't tease me and I won't have to retaliate," he remarked.

Alissa only rolled her eyes, "I'm sorry," she deadpanned. "It was not my intention to tease you."

Peter narrowed his eyes, watching her lips try not to lift into a smile. "Liar," he said, making Alissa laugh. She laid her head back down while Peter shook his. "It's not nice to tease, especially your boyfriend."

"Are you saying you'd rather me kiss someone else in order to tease them?" Alissa suggested, not looking up to see his reaction. "'Cause I wouldn't."

Peter scooted down into the couch, Alissa raising her head once more to look at his face. He had a pout jutted out, eyes on the TV, refusing to meet Alissa's brown orbs. Alissa sighed, leaning forward to peck his lips. He didn't budge, making her frown.

Was he really upset over her playful teases?

"Hey, I'm sorry," she apologized, kissing him again. "I was just kidding, Pete." She leaned forward, not expecting him to kiss her back. She let out a yelp, laughing as she felt herself lay on her back, Peter slightly hovering over her. She giggled, his face inches away from hers."Do you forgive me?"

Peter sighed, faintly laughing. "I never could stay mad at you," he said, dipping his head back down to meet her lips. Their eyes fluttered closed, Alissa's hands cupping his cheeks with Peter's on both sides of her, holding himself up. Alissa titled her head, her hand going up to play with his hair when Peter pulled away. "I love you," Peter murmured, Alissa's racing heart fluttering around in her chest like a butterfly.

"I love you too," Alissa whispered.

Peter grinned and made a move to kiss her again, but the TV made a scratching sound, capturing their attention. Peter moved to the side, Alissa sitting up next to him. Friends was suddenly gone and a breaking news sign appeared in front of a news anchorwoman.

Alissa and Peter shared an unsettling glance, an uneasiness bumping around in their stomachs.

They knew whatever it was wouldn't be anything good, and that it most likely involved a certain blue skinned villain that Spider-Man was constantly searching for during his late night watches when the villain was most active. It seemed like Electro had been around forever, but it was only a month or so, but it was enough to cause a lifetime of damage in his wake of destruction. 

Alissa felt her heart drop into her stomach at the sight of Electro attacking Oscorp Industries. Alissa's, eyes darted to Peter, fear clouding her enlarged orbs. "Peter, my Mom and Dad are there. They-They got called in for something and they might—"

"Hey, it's okay," Peter was quick to assure her, cupping her cheek, silencing her long enough to let him speak. "I'll get them out. Nothing's gonna happen to them. Not on my watch."

Alissa nodded and leaned in towards Peter, quickly pecking his lips one last time before he rushed out of the front door and sprung into action as Spider-Man.

Alissa's thumbnail found its way in between her chattering teeth, her leg involuntarily bouncing on the ground as the video showed Electro attacking an officer that attempted to stop him by coming at him from behind. Pulses shot out from his hands when he focused back on the tall and looming building, shards of glass shattering around him. It seemed not to bother him as he ran inside, Alissa closing her eyes as fear and doubt overtook her.

'Please let them both be okay,' she thought, thinking of all of the good times with her parents as she hoped Peter would be able to get to them in time. 'Please, oh, please, don't hurt them. . .'

° ° °

"Please, someone, help us! We're in here!" A female voice cried out of a lab room, sniffles echoing after. "Anyone, please!"

Peter quickly hurried in at the desperate plea of a distressed woman, halting in his tracks when seeing a fallen cabinet piled on top of Scott Caverly. Kelli was right at his side, tear stains on her splotched cheeks and hand tightly gripping her husbands, too weak to move the heavy equipment. The lights flickered on and off, other lab technicians luckily having gotten out of the building around.

Peter hurried into action, webbing the table and carefully pulling it off of Scott, slowly and gently. Kelli watched with wide eyes, whimpering when Scott groaned in agony once the weight was lifted. His right hand slid down to his side, bruised and most certainly broken from being stuck under the table. Peter grunted as he shoved the table away from them, crouching down to be at Scott's side.

"Sir, Miss," Peter began to say, "A-Are you hurt anywhere else? I need to get both of you out of here as soon as before—"

"Peter, please," Kelli interrupted, shocking Peter at the sound of his own name. There was no way Kelli nor Scott could have known he was the boy under the mask of Spider-Man. However, as he glanced over the faces of Alissa's parents, he could see it in their glossy eyes. With a heavy sigh, he let his hand tug off his mask, frowning at the adults. "I-I need to get him out of here, but I can't do it all by myself," Kelli said, bottom lip wobbling. "No one else would help us, not even Norman."

Peter understandingly nodded, turning to Scott. "Are you hurt anywhere else? If you could injure you by moving you—"

"I'm fine," Scott whispered, thickly swallowing, a heavy breath leaving his lips, "Just—Just get me out of here. P-Please, Peter."

Peter nodded and tugged the mask back on. "Mrs. Caverly, get out of here." The woman went to protest, but Peter shook his head. "Please, I don't want you to get hurt, too. I can get him out on my own, but you have to trust me. Have I ever given you a reason not to?"

She bit her lip and shared a look with Scott, her husband encouraging her. "Go, Kel, I'll be fine." Kelli bit back a sob and firmly kissed Scott's lips, rushing out of the room and towards the emergency exit with one last glance at her husband and Peter.

Peter shakily breathed out, wasting not him on sliding his hands underneath Scott, "I got you, Mr. Caverly," he assured the man, sounding a little strained as he hoisted him into his arms. Scott clenched his teeth together as he was lifted, barely about to offer a nod for Peter to continue moving. "I'm not gonna let anything else happen to you, sir."

"W-We were wrong about you, kid," Scott said, "Y-You're good, Pete—S-Spider-Man—and I'm. . .I'm sorry it took us so long to finally realize."

"It's okay, Mr. Caverly. You have every right to hate me," Peter said, running down the hall. He slightly stumbled, but he caught his footing before he fell and leapt over a knocked over medicine cabinet, not sparing it another glance. The lights flickered again. "You may think I'm not good enough for Alissa, especially now that I'm Spider-Man, but I do love her. I always have."

Scott cracked a pained smile at that. "I know you do, and you are good enough for her. I'm glad she has you to fall back on if—"

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," A new voice buzzed to life in the flickering room, Peter standing in front of the door leading to the emergency staircase. "If it isn't the two people I hate the most."

Peter crouched down, gently setting Scott on the floor and off to the side. "Please, stay here, Mr. Caverly," Peter whispered. "Don't move."

Scott grabbed his arm to try and stop him, but Peter easily shrugged him off and turned on his heel to face Electro. "H-Hey, Max, how are ya, buddy?" Peter tried, letting out a little laugh. He and the police knew Electro's true identity, but any place his former self would have went, he couldn't be found. He was only on the grid when he wanted to be, and so they could never find him. "I haven't seen you in a few days. I thought maybe you realized how awful all of this is for—"

"Shut it, Spider-Man," Electro snapped hatefully, hands out at his sides. "Or should I say. . .Peter Parker?" Peter noticeably shifted at the sound of his name coming from his enemy's lips. Electro wickedly smirked. "Yeah, I know who you are, and I know who your little lady friend is, too."

Scott's eyes widened, hissing out as he scooted forward to stand. Peter tensed up, eyes twitching at Electro's statement, "You leave her out of this, Max," Peter firmly snapped, hands clenching at his sides. "She doesn't have anything to with this. It's between you and me. No one else needs to get involved."

"That isn't so true," Electro said, stepping closer. He nodded towards Scott, seeing the man struggle to stand, "Him and his wife made me into this. They did this to me, and then, they refused to fix it!"

"No, they didn't, and they only couldn't fix it because you didn't give them the chance," Peter denied, moving to stand in front of Scott, hoping the grown man would back down. "This isn't anyone's fault. C'mon, Max, just stop this. I can help you."

Electro shot a blast, knocking Peter into a glass window, his body hitting the wall. He groaned, shaking off shards of glass from his body as he stood. Electros attention flicked to Scott, straightening up when seeing the man standing before him, blood trialing down the side of his temple.

"You better stay the hell away from my daughter you—" Electro shot a blast at nearby cabinet, Peter letting out a yell as he tried to stop it before it knocked Scott back into the wall, but he was too late.

Scott's body hit the wall with an echoing thud, rendering him unconscious, or, worst of all, maybe even killing him.

Peter wasn't too sure at the moment.

Peter closed his eyes, forcing himself not to cry at that possibility as he stood back up. Electro sent Peter a slick smirk. "I sure hope you kissed your little lady goodbye because it's gonna be the last one she ever gets."

Peter shot up web, but his body locked up when Electro shot a current at him. A loud scream broke out from him as he fell fell, wrists writhing as his web-shooters shorted out from the electric current. He cried out in misery, unlatching the gadgets and tucking them into his belt. He winced at the burning sensation that seeped into his wrist, but still he got back on his feet, determined, and quite pissed.

He couldn't be defeated, not just yet.

Alissa needed him.

Peter jumped out into the hallway, biting his lip as he glanced over to where Scott was laid. With a sigh, he rushed over to the man and sprinted back down the hall after picking him up, spotting a broken window in the lab room. Without a second thought he jumped out, happy that he wasn't too high up that he needed to make a web as he swiftly landed on the ground.

He saw Kelli sitting in the back of an ambulance, a thick blanket draped over her shoulders and a bandage taped over her cheek. As if she felt a stare, the woman turned on her head and spotted the superhero, roughly pushing past a set of officers that tried to stop her. Peter carefully set Scott on the ground, and then he took off.

° ° °

When Peter arrived to the Caverly home only minutes later, he was surprised to find everything rather. . .normal. Nothing was wrecked nor did Brian or Carter look worried as they lounged around in Carter's room, bickering about what video game they should play next. Xavier and Nate were no where in sight, most likely back at their own homes—which was a good thing as Peter decided to crash through the window, tumbling around on the floor.

Carter and Brian screamed, grabbing onto each other like their lives depended on it. Their screams ceased to a stop when they saw Spider-Man stand in front of the TV. Brian grinned and Carter groaned, his head falling into his hands. Brian hit the side of Carter's head, standing up and motioning to the red and blue suited hero standing before the. "Why are you groaning? It's Spider-Man, Carter. There's an Avenger in our house! Holy shit!"

Carter lifted his head, stealing a glance to the hero. Peter slowly shook his head, asking for him not to tell Brian. If it wasn't for Peter, then it would be for Brian. His favorite superhero was Spider-Man, and while it wouldn't upset him that it was actually Peter underneath the mask, it would have taken away the excitement of not knowing who it was, but he liked him anyways.

"Yeah, it's-it's great," Carter noted, going to his feet. "What can we do for you, man? Hopefully it won't take too long 'cause you're gonna have to replace that window real soon."

Peter nodded, clearing his throat. "I need to talk to you, alone," he told Carter. He faced Brian, seeing the disappointment clearly. Peter went to offer a sympathetic smile until he realized Brian wouldn't be able to see it. "I'm sorry, kid, it's urgent."

"It's okay," Brian said. "I have a feeling you kind of like-like my sister, so, hopefully you'll keep bringing her home so I can see you."

Peter breathed out a nervous laugh, waiting for Brian to leave and shut the door. Once he did, Peter yanked off his mask, Carter's face falling at the redness that ringed the boy's eyes and the fear in them. "Where's Alissa?" Peter demanded to know.

Carter frowned. "Uh, in her room, I guess. Why?" He slowly answered, blinking as Peter hurried out of the door. Carter raced after him, watching as Peter pushed opened Alissa's door to find it completely empty. They both stepped inside, Peter's heart thunking in his stomach when he saw a large and flickering message on Alissa's computer screen, waiting to be seen by him. "Peter, what the fuck's going on?"

Peter slowly stepped forward, sinking into the desk chair. Carter followed suit, standing behind him and reading the message aloud. "Are you ready for the most shocking ending yet, Spider-Man?" Carter tilted his head toward Peter. "What the hell does that mean, Peter? Where's Alissa? Who's—"

"Get out of here, now, and take Brian with you," Peter sternly ordered, pushing the chair back. Carter went to grab Peter, but Peter snatched Carter's wrist, twisting it slightly. Carter hissed out in pain, going to curse at the boy, but Peter wasn't going to have it. He wasn't going to let anyone get in his way or get hurt because of him. That had already happened once in one of his most recent fights with Electro and he wasn't about to let it happen again. "Now, Carter. Leave with Brian, and don't come back until I say so."

Peter let go of Carter, sighing as the older boy headed out the room with one last glance at him before he retrieved Brian, letting a lie slip past his lips to convince him to leave. When the front door closed and their voices faded into nothingness, Peter breathed out and carefully stepped into the hall, freezing when the hairs on his body stood up, his spidey senses letting him know that something was up. Mere seconds later, the lights in the house went off and he pulled on his mask, the night vision mode taking over to allow him to still see.

"Oh, Precious Peter Parker," Electro's voice darkly cooed out into the home, his voice sounding like it was coming from all over the house. Peter continued to tip toe around the house, the hairs on his arm continuing to stick up as he latched onto the wall and crawled down to the first floor, his eyes scanning the home for any sign of Alissa. "You should be more careful when you're sneaking into your girlfriends room. Someone might be watching. . . waiting. . .to find out who you really are, and boy am I glad I did. Your girlfriend, she's really pretty, too. It's a shame she has to die."

Peter dropped down from the ceiling, his anger getting the best of him. "I said to leave her out of this, Max!" Peter hollered. "This doesn't involve her. You know that, so, why don't you just let her go, alright? Let's settle this just between you and me! What do you say?"

The lights switched on, and that was when he saw Electro standing in the kitchen, Alissa standing next to him with her hands tied behind her back. Peter saw a pair of gloves on Electro's hands, making him wonder if a part of his didn't want to actually hurt Alissa, but another part said he did it just so he could wait to kill her when Peter was there to witness it.

"Why would I do that?" Electro asked, tilting his head to the side. Alissa let out a whimper, eyes silently pleading to Peter to help. "You took everything away from me, and so did her parents when they refused to help me. You're all just selfish," he snapped, stepping closer to Peter. Alissa gulped, watching as Electro moved from her side. She wouldn't dare move away. "It's time you pay for what you did to me. And to make sure you all do, I'm going to kill the one thing you all love."

"But I helped you," Alissa whispered. Electro turned his head, Peter discreetly
shaking his head. "Y-You really don't remember? It was late one night and you dropped your blueprints, and I helped you pick them up. Don't you remember, Max?"

Electro frowned, eyes glancing down. "I-I think I do," he said, hesitantly meeting her gaze. "You remembered my name?"

Alissa softly nodded. "Of course, Max."

Electro hesitated, facing Spider-Man. It was like an internal conflict was going around Electro's head, trying to completely remember his encounter with Alissa. Alissa's eyes then met Peter, her eyes briefly flicking to Electro as she cautiously took a step back. Electro didn't hear it, his mind still trying to work out her face.

And in one swift movement, Alissa turned around on her heel and bolted down the hall. Electro whipped around, letting out a yell when a chair hit him in the back. He grunted and turned, eyes narrowing at Spider-Man. "I guess you're gonna have to find her first!" Peter loudly shouted, hoping Alissa would get the hint.

Electro shouted in a fit of rage, spitefully blasting at Peter, but he quickly dodged it. Peter wished he had his web-shooters available to use, but there was no time to fix them when he was already fighting his enemy who was hellbent on killing him, and the girl he loved. Peter ducked again when Electro tried to hit him with another blast, flipping over the table before Electro could hit him.

"Don't make this hard, Spidey," Electro said, voice slightly fading as he rushed after Peter who ran down the hall. Peter lurched forward into the front door when he was hit right in the back, whimpering as he fell to the ground, withering in agony.

He rolled over, eyes landing on Electro. The man lowered his hands and crouched down, smiling as he suddenly shrank and sizzled into the outlet next to him. Peter gasped and sprung upwards, fumbling to his feet and crawling up the stairs. He bursted into Scott and Kelli's room, jumping back when Electro nearly hit him with his balled up fist. Peter panted out a heavy breath as he bent backwards, slightly surprised that Electro was resorting to hand-to-hand combat over his electric blasts.

"What? Afraid of a little shock?" Electro taunted, noticing the way that Peter was carefully backing up from him with each step he took. "Thought you were a hero Spider-Man. Now, you don't have what it takes to be a hero?" Electro continued to jab at Peter with insults, taking a swing at that boy. Peter dodged, hearing the sound of Carter's door breaking open when Electro's fist collided with Carter's door, a gasp slipping through his lips when seeing Alissa spin around, back pressed against the dark blue wall.

The girl shot up from the floor, Peter noticing the way the curtain was slowly moving back and forth faintly as if the window was opened. Electro let out a menacing laugh, Peter sliding past him and going to stand in front of Alissa. "Peter, no!" She screamed, concern laced within her panicked voice. "Wait!"

"How sweet," Electro hatefully sneered. "You're willing to die for each other."

"Too bad you won't see us die," Alissa remarked, making both Electro and Peter become confused at her words. Alissa nervously looked to Peter, letting out a shaky breath, "Now, Carter!"

Carter's head suddenly popped into his room, hose in hand. Alissa pushed Peter back as the hose sprayed, preventing Electro from escaping through any outlet his eyes may of found when the water pelted his skin.

The man began to scream out in pain, his body beginning to shorten out and spasm as he collapsed on the floor. Alissa scooted against the wall, chest moving up and down, lip tugged between her lips as she watched fearfully.

Electro's body began to glow more blue than before, making Alissa wince at the brightness that encased the room. Peter's eyes widened and he hurried over to Alissa and took her hand, nudging Carter back so they could climb out the window. Electro's screams got louder as the hose Carter dropped continued to bombard him, water seeping into the floorboards.

Together, the three teens hurried down the deck hangover that was just under Carter's window, trying to get away from the house before Electro exploded. Peter cautiously glanced back at the room, the hairs on his neck sticking up.

Alissa tapped his hand, already feeling the same thing Peter was. He followed her gaze to their covered pool a few feet away from them, Carter shaking his head at the mere thought when he saw what they were both looking at. "No fucking way," Carter said, shaking his head.

"There are worse places to land," Alissa tried. "We'll be fine, I think."

"It's still frozen, Alissa!" Carter sneered, head still frantically shaking side to side, "I'm already freezing my ba—"

"Now!" Peter shouted when a bright blue light illuminated from Carter's room, a boom resonating behind them as Alissa grabbed onto Peter and Carter's hand, the three of them jumping off of the roof and toward the pool with an unsureness of whether or not they actually beat Electro or not lingering in the back of their minds.

° ° °

This only took me four freaking hours to write, and I'm not too upset with it overall!

Also, the part with Peter just (basically) leaving Scott for Kelli to retrieve was kind of homage to when Spider-Man brings Norman's body back to Harry and Harry sees Spider-Man doing so, thinking that he killed him and was just leaving him there! But of course Peter didn't kill Scott lmao. Now, don't think too much into it either, or do, I don't really know. I mean, I do, but I'd like to hear you thoughts on what it might mean for Scott!

Please tell me what you thought of the fight. I'm really not too sure about it because, while I do enjoy writing fight scenes, I've never written one where the character shocks people and can practically kill someone if they touch them, so, I tried to be very careful, but also realistic with the fight! I already knew Carter wouldn't just leave knowing his sister was in trouble, so, I hope that was okay, too! And I did want to be original with the fight scene, but I wasn't exactly sure how they could defeat Electro without taking the idea from the Amazing Spider-Man movie, so I did some research and saw in one comic, Spider-Man defeats Electro by spraying him with a fire hydrant, so, I kind of used that idea, but altered it a bit! I also wasn't sure if it would kill him, and I do know if he did or didn't, but y'all will have to wait until the next chapter to find out, sorry!

Anyways, please let me know what you thought of this chapter! I tried very hard with this, and there's only one chapter left plus the epilogue! Yay!

I'd love to know what you all thought of this book overall and/or what will happen in the last chapter of the epilogue!

— p.s. I'm sorry for such a long author's note, but I really wanted to point some stuff out and explain a few things so I hope that's okay.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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