Whirlwind girl 3


64.6K 1.2K 557

-Completed- Baicao, a hardworking girl with a dream of becoming a Yuan Wu Dao champion but she unknowingl... More

All the characters of story
A new Beginning
Confession or Rejection
Enemies into friends
Ruo Bai dead or alive??
Welcome back
Heartbroken Fang Ting hao
Double trouble
Expect the unexpected
Hate to love you....
Confused Baicao
Ting hao or Ruo Bai
Baicao's Decision
Important than my life
I trust you
Want you back
The real culprit
Possessiveness at peak
The new side of Baicao
She knows everything
Memory loss
Impressing Baicao
You're someone special
Baicao's special one.
Love me till the end

Baicao's life in danger

1.3K 48 54

The next day
Ting yi- Brother, from when Baicao came over here you never took me for shopping
Ting hao- You can go with your friends
Ting yi- Oh yes,now you will only take your dear wife with you
Ting hao- How long you will tease me for that reason?
Ting yi- Until I get another reason to tease you
Ting hao- You are really very evil
Ting yi- I am your sister Only
Ting hao- Ok we will go, Baicao will you also come?
Baicao- No, I have some work you both go
Ting hao- Come you will enjoy
Ting yi- Leave her for a while, can't you be away from her just for some time
Ting hao- No, she is my life it's not possible to be away from her and by the way I was telling her to come for you only because I need to go to office also
Ting yi- Ok no problem after you go my friends will accompany me, but firstly let's go
After that both of them went away and ting hao's mother was sleeping.
Only Baicao and his grandfather was there.
His grandfather was in the living room when suddenly Baicao came over there.

Baicao- I never knew that you were such a great actor.
Grandpa- What are you saying? Ting yi come over here.
Baicao- No one is around us , you don't need to act now.
Grandpa- I am not acting, I am telling the truth
Baicao- I know everything, don't act in front of me
Grandpa- Ok if you want then
Baicao- Why you are spoiling your own grandson's life?
Grandpa- I am not spoiling, I am making his life more happy.
Baicao- Seriously, you made his life happy by snatching away all his joys, by separating us.
Grandpa- Now he hates you and today he was looking happy only during the breakfast
Baicao- Why you did all this to us?
Grandpa- Because I wanted a girl for ting hao who is of his class not like you so I did this all. And I think I don't need to explain everything to you.
Baicao- You can even harm Ting hao for yourself
Grandpa- I can never harm him I was just using it as a weapon to throw you away from his life.
Baicao- Ok thank you

And she went away from there, Ting hao's grandpa was founding it weird so he followed her.
As she went outside, she called Ruo Bai.

Baicao- I have recorded everything that grandpa said now only telling everything to Ting hao is left.
Ruo Bai- Go and tell him everything if you have any problem then contact me.
Baicao- Sure

Ting hao's grandpa heard it everything so he decided to stop them.

At ting hao's office

Baicao- Let's end this drama
Ting hao- Why? mum and Grandpa are not convinced.
Baicao- No but when I will show the proof that your grandfather was behind all this
Ting hao(loudly)- I told you many times that I love you but it doesn't mean that I don't love my grandfather..
Baicao- But I am telling the truth atleast listen to me.
Ting hao(loudly)- We will talk about it at home, I don't want to create a drama over here.

Baicao was really angry on him so she went away from there.

In her way, Ruo Bai also joined her.Suddenly some people appeared in front of them. Their face was covered and were having a steel rod in their hand.
And they started fighting, there were total 10 people but Ruo Bai and Baicao were enough for them. When Baicao was busy in fighting suddenly someone came and hit her tightly with that rod.
Baicao was immediately lying on the floor. She was seriously injured. After seeing Baicao's condition, Ruo Bai's anger was completely visible. Within a few seconds, Ruo Bai defeated everyone around him.

After that he lift her in his arms and immediately went to the hospital.
Reaching the hospital, he called ting hao and informed him everything about Baicao's condition. Ting hao was very worried so he left all his work and came to the hospital.
After sometime the whole Fang family came over there.

Ruo Bai- I want to inform you that...
Ting hao- We will talk about it later first Baicao's health is more important.
Ruo Bai- It's really important
Ting hao- Nothing can be more important than Baicao
Ruo Bai- Your grandpa was the one behind all this and even Baicao is in this condition because of him
Ting hao(angrily)- Stop it now, I have told Baicao thousand times and I am telling you also that I trust my grandfather, when mum was in coma and I and ting yi were small that time he was the one who took care of us. And you are telling me that he wanted to destroy my life.
Ruo Bai- I have proof also
Ting hao- The same proof about which Baicao was telling me. Even if anyone will come and say in front of me that my grandpa is the real culprit, I won't believe
Ruo Bai- And if your grandfather will tell all this by himself,
Ting hao- What??
Ruo Bai- Yes, see this video.

After watching the video, he was angry and sorry at the same time. Angry for what his grandfather did to him and sorry for not trusting Baicao that time.

Ting hao- I never thought that you can do something like this
Grandpa- I am sorry my child, but whatever I did was for your own benefit
Ting hao- You knew that it's not possible for me to live my life happily or I say even to live without her.
Grandpa- But I ...
Ting hao- Just stop it, I was a fool who trusted you so much. From now onwards till when I will love Baicao I will never talk to you
Grandpa- Don't say like this, I will accept you and Baicao together, please
Ting hao(with tears in his eyes)- I can't trust you the same way as I did, so it's better to break all the relation between us, you are no one to me
Grandpa- Ting hao, don't do this I beg you

But ting hao didn't said anything to him, tears escaped from his eyes, running away upon his cheeks, leaving his body as if he can not bear any other loss of his loved ones.

Ting hao glanced at Baicao from the glass with his eyes which were full of concern. He was continuously praying for her recovery.
He was very worried about her, he was biting his lower lip in worry. He was feeling like that the one whose life is in danger is him only. Just like the clouds, his mind was  in chaos. Something was bothering him. Something was hurting him.His pain was like a icy wind choking his Breath.
As the doctor came out he asked about Baicao's condition, the doctor told him that she is out of danger after hearing these words from the doctor ting hao felt like his life was restored but suddenly the  doctor said that she can even lose her memory as she got hurt in her head. Ting hao was extremely worried so he went to Baicao.

Ting hao(hold Baicao)- Baicao, are you fine? Do you remember me?
Baicao(slowly opens her eyes)- Who are you? And why I am here?
Ting hao- You don't remember me, remember that sports car you were about to get hit by my car and I saved you.

That day when I gave you a necklace

We were fighting for the trophy and then you promised me one thing

That day when you protected me from that bald man

The day when you didn't kicked me but I acted and took you to a restaurant

Do you remember, Baicao?try to remember please.
Baicao- I still not remember anything. But who are you?
Ting hao(with tears in his eyes)- I am Fang ting hao, your husband, please try to remember me..... please. Oh god! What's happening in my life?

                - Author's note
I want to tell you that we are really very close to the ending, I will only post the next part if I will get 20 votes......just kidding I will soon update the next part when I will complete it. But everyone's stories are getting so many votes but I never got more than 10. Can't I get atleast 15 votes please.
And I can make the ending happy or  even sad, it depends on my mood. If I will be in a happy mood then happy ending and if sad then sad ending. Let's see what's going to happen?

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