Colors Of Fire

By Parapino

519 35 1

When Taehyung sees a short, blond guy, he kind of forgets to shut up. That's where their friendship begins. Y... More

Note from the author
January 20
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May 15

7 1 0
By Parapino

3:40 pm

"That's not very nice of you, hyung!"Taehyung whined as Yoongi slid into the composition room, and stole his drink.

"I just finished my 4-D project piece. I'm qualified to be not nice." Yoongi said with a smug smile, taking a sip.

"Ugh, I still have so much to do. Now that I didn't get the job at BH, it's extra stressful, and my composition for the finals is still bullshit."Taehyung said with frustration. He sighed as he leaned further back into his chair, and groaned as he rubbed his face in annoyance.

"Don't stress yourself much, Taehyung-ah. You'll do well in the end."

"My brain is so frazzled that I can't even think about any concepts."

"Don't think then," Yoongi commented in as a matter of fact tone. He chuckled at Taehyung's confused expression and patted Taehyung's chest, "Feel from here."


"Yeah, think of something important to you and let it take over."

"So, you're asking me to act on intuition."

"Considering it's you that I'm suggesting this to, there is a higher chance that this could turn into a very bad disaster but," Yoongi nodded and settled comfortably on the couch next to all the instruments," I am asking you to do  precisely that."

He then proceeded to doze off right at the couch, leaving Taehyung wondering.

Soon, Taehyung was completely immersed in composing his finals.

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