Utaite x Reader [IMPROVED VER...

By ZERO-chan125

13.4K 387 196

This is just a book full of utaite x reader stories. It's an improved version of my first uxr book. I won't b... More

"See You Again" Shima x Reader
Senra x Reader
Yo! I just wanted to ask for requests!
Requests are closed!
Request Chapter! Uratanuki x Reader
Request Chapter! Tonari no Sakata x Reader
Request Chapter! Mafumafu x Reader
Request Chapter! Meychan x Reader
Request Chapter! Luz x Reader
Tonari no Sakata x Reader
Smth I need to share..
Idk What To Call Dis
Request Chapter! Soraru x Reader
Request Chapter! Rabbit! Nqrse x Reader
Head Cannon! When They Are Stuck In Quarantine With You
Some Thingy
Senra x Reader
Atr x Reader
Shima x Reader
Requests are open!
Request! Urata X Reader
Request! Urata X Reader

Request! Sakata X Reader

364 16 8
By ZERO-chan125

Requested by, the beloved Gratsu791! I hope you like it! And also, there is a kinda inappropriate word here so if you don't like that then feel free to skip this.

It was another stormy day. It was very boring and gloomy. Plus, the fact that they can't go outside due to the current situation. The two were just staying inside the house. Sakata was in his room, playing video games  while (Y/N) was in the living room.

"(Y/NNNNNN)..." The redhead called. You didn't hear him because you were wearing a headset.

"(Y/NNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!" Sakata shouted. At least, you heard him this time.

"AHH! SAKATA WHAT HAPPENED?!" You looked at him, surprised. "I'm bored!!!!!" Sakata replied. You sighed and looked outside the window.

"It is really boring today, huh..." You were trying to think of something to do with the redhead.




"NO! WW" You laughed so hard. "I was kidding!! Wwwww" Sakata replied.

"Hmm..what can we do.."

"I know!

"What this time, Sakata ww."

"I don't know. Ww" The redhead joked once again. "IF YOU WANT SOMETHING TO DO THEN THINK PROPERLY FOR ONCE WW." You replied.

"Ohh, we can play tag!" Sakata suggested. "Isn't that a bit childish? Ww" You chuckled at his suggestion. "But it's fun!!" The redhead whined.

"Okay okay, we'll play tag ww."


"You're it Sakatan!"

You started running around the house. Trying to get away from him.



"Eh, Sakatan?"


"WHY ARE WE IN SUCH A CLICHE POSITION?!" You exclaimed. The redhead was now on top of you.

"But I caught you, right? I win!!" Sakata cheered. At this point, you were blushing, blushing hard that is.

"YOU'RE BLUSHIIINGG!!" Sakata teased.

"I'm not!"

"Yes you are."


"Yes!" Sakata smiled. He kissed you on the lips and laughed.

"So will you blush harder now that I did that?" The redhead asked with a face similar to OwO.

"Shut up Sakatan.."

Gratsu san, I know this wasn't exactly what you requested but I hope this is good too! Thanks For Reading Everyone!

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